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Your worst injury


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Getting stitches in my chin twice, both because I tripped on the stairs. And they were only around a year and a half apart.

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I was walking on some docks a few years ago and there were people fishing there. The whole place was dark at night time and I'm suprised people still did fishing even at the night. As a walked on the docks I got a fish hook stuck in my toe, and my brother had to carry me back to the rental home.


If this thread was about illness then I would've talked about a fever that had nearly got me killed.

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My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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My worst injury... was a paper cut... EEEEEYUP.

No i actually don't rememer but it wasn't anything major. I get hurt all the time. But i can usually walk it off. The worst would probably be... either when i got that huge cut on my leg or when i got that bloody nose from a baseball flying right into my face. I never went to the hospital for any injury. Only for an illness. (idk if its counts as in injury but i once got hit in the place... that should never be hit for boys... by a soccer ball... yeah it hurt like hell.)


Well I wouldn't say mine are all injury but here a list:

1. I had a heart attack at the age of 10 do to stress

2. shot my self at age 13 in the lag.(ya I know...)

3.Was in a car reck at 14 poped my shoulder out and broke some ribs

4.was 16 and had another heart attack to stress

5.16 and bansaw blade explodes and cuts in to my kidny

6.lastly a week ago got in a reck again and this time I have a metal bar in my shoulder

that it for this moose


HEART ATTACKS!? i can get pretty stressed out but a heart attack? honestly if ur getting heart attacks at that age u should really go see ur doctor... like soon. U might have heart problems and its could be deadly if u don't already know about them...

Edited by AnonBrony
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My worst injury wasn't very bad. I stepped on a rusty nail while helping some people clean up an old lady's yard of debris. I went to the doctor several hours later for a tetanus shot after my foot had swollen to the point that I couldn't wear a shoe on it.



There was also a time where I almost got injured, and it was worse than the actual injury mentioned above. A cousin of mine was driving his four-wheeler through their family's gigantic field. We thought it would be cool to hook up an old, dilapidated, metal wagon to the back of it and I would ride in it. Imagine something like this:


Posted Image


Except big enough to hold an adolescent with each side being made of thin steel plates instead of that mesh, and sturdy steel axles on which the wheels were mounted. This thing was meant for some serious yard work, not lugging around grocery bags or something.


He's going as fast as that thing would go when he suddenly hits a hole in the yard. Rather, he straddles it, but one of the wagon wheels hits it. The wagon's tongue breaks, allowing him to drive off without slowing as the wagon comes to an abrupt stop. I slide forward, slamming chest first into the front of the wagon, putting a massive dent in that steel plate. I'm ejected from the wagon about ten feet and land vertically - upside down, that is - with my head cocked over, bringing all of my weight down upon my neck. He sees what happened and rushes over. I get to my feet and stagger about for a few steps before collapsing; I couldn't breath for what felt to be about 15 seconds. Nothing was broken and I didn't tell my parents until years later, but I had a hellish headache for the rest of the day.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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broke my butt......

not joking! It was a flash flood, I was running into the garage tried to stop, but my feet kept going, I land full force on my rear. couple days later, it's still hurting so we go see the doctor, doctor tells me that I broke my tailbone.......THE END

  • Brohoof 1
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broke my butt......

not joking! It was a flash flood, I was running into the garage tried to stop, but my feet kept going, I land full force on my rear. couple days later, it's still hurting so we go see the doctor, doctor tells me that I broke my tailbone.......THE END


this is the backup story when someone ask you why your butt hurts. the other is "it got sore climbing broke back mountain."






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this is the backup story when someone ask you why your butt hurts. the other is "it got sore climbing broke back mountain."


  • Brohoof 1
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I broke the two big bones in my left forearm in 6th grade. My siblings and I were swinging on the swings, then jumping off the back when we reached the highest point. One time when I did this, I jumped incorrectly and ended up parallel to the ground instead of perpendicular (i.e. landing on my feet). I instinctly stuck my arm out to break the fall and landed right on it.


My forearm was bent the wrong way, and it hurt like hell. I ended up having to wear a cast over my entire forearm, including my elbow, for a few months.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I broke the two big bones in my left forearm in 6th grade. My siblings and I were swinging on the swings, then jumping off the back when we reached the highest point. One time when I did this, I jumped incorrectly and ended up parallel to the ground instead of perpendicular (i.e. landing on my feet). I instinctly stuck my arm out to break the fall and landed right on it.


My forearm was bent the wrong way, and it hurt like hell. I ended up having to wear a cast over my entire forearm, including my elbow, for a few months.


Sounds painful. Yeah wearing a cast sucks, my cast, like yours, covered from my left hand all the way up my left arm and i had to wear it from the start of the summer holidays until the last day of the summer holidays. It ruined the holidays for me :'(

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My worst was a silly little prank someone thought was great. Knocking on doors all night apparently, he got to mine. I was living in dorms so you know, apartment buildings. I thought it was someone important I was waiting for and quickly got to the door, but slipped before getting to it.


I slammed my entire weight head first onto the doors hinge, temple was the injured area. Opening the door the guy looked back to smile. Good god I had never seen anyone pale so quickly in my life and I didn't know why. Closing the door I heard frantic running back down the stairs. My injury didn't really hurt but still, needed to see what bruise was coming in the morning


Going over to a mirror to assess the damage I was, strange enough, passive about the damaged area where it was gushing out huge streams of blood. I think I laughed a little, looked like a horror flick and a zombie just bit into my head; halloween wouldv'e been awesome right then to have this thing.


Someone was knocking on my door and opening it I see the pranker along with two others. They sent me to the hospital and had to glue my injury together, said staples wasn't enough. The whole time I just went with it, go with the flow and all. Saw a lot of green for a while afterwads though, strange.






Before that it was someone spraying acidid chemicals into my eyes, coincidentally enough as a prank once more.

Edited by Hazardus_Havard

Practice makes perfect; but if nobody's perfect, why practice?








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When I was around 20 I think, I was trying to get a ball for my dog that had rolled under a table. I did not want to move much so I just tried to reach for it while I was laying on a legging 4 a chair. I rolled off it and landed hard on my left arm. It was the worst pain I had ever felt. At first I thought I was fine and it would go away, but it did not. My parents were out of town, so I had to call my cousin to take me to a hospital. I did break it and I could not use my left had for 3 months. Also I missed a lot of work.


Another time when I was young. We were having a water day at the daycare and I was trying to go down the slid. The watcher or what ever you call them, was spraying water at me, so I could not go down. Then I felt someone push me hard and I went down in an odd way. Then I landed face down on the wood chips. Did not brake anything, but my face was messed up. It was not bleeding, but it was blood on my face.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I got a part of my finger almost chopped off in a door vent. Don't ask, I was really young and did something extremely stupid. They had to stich it up to keep it from falling off. Good times.

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Well when I was 3, my arm basically came off, tore my muscle in it and broke the bone.


Ran into a wall a busted the side of my face open :/


my worst injury was probably a sprained wrist.


When I was in middle school, I broke my left ankle. I was in a cast for a good while.


Well I, uh.. I got a nasty paper cut last week. Has to hurt. :(


yeah I'm jking. Never had any major injuries. XD

  • Brohoof 2


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I've never really been sick enough to go to the hospital...but around three years ago I had a really nasty injury from my aggressive inline skating days.


So I was going to jump a ramp (or a hip gap for all of you skaters out there), and I basiclly overshot it and ended up landing on my right foot sideways from about ten feet in the air (so I completely missed the landing ramp) and keep in mind that I have skates on. All of a sudden I heard a giant snap, and basiclly went into a state of shock. I ended up having a compound fracture on my right fibula (yes the bone did go through my skin) and I also broke off a chunk of my tibia near my ankle. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. I almost immediately had surgery right after I arrived at the hospital, where I got three screws in my tibia and a plate with eight screws on my fibula.


I then had a cast for 8 weeks, followed by a walking boot for another 12 weeks after that.


Kids...don't break your legs, it sucks.

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The worst for me so far... Is probbably "acsdently" being pushed into a high current river while fishing when I was 7... By my dad...

Notes the ""


I ended up with near drowned, bumps and shit... And some hydrophobia...


What ever


Second worst is... Umm... A broken tow? Idk...



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Worst injury huh. I used to take Taekwondo classes when I was 13. When I was 15, I fell on my side and hurt my right arm. It's been injured ever since despite several treatments. I believed it's called winged scapula. Damn uncomfortable to lay on hard surfaces and movement of my right arm is limited. The strength of my right arm has been decreased too and my left is stronger even though I'm right-handed. Yeah, pretty messed up but I lived with it. At least the mobility of my right arm is better now.

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Running around at night at my cousin's house when i was like 8-9 or something. In the backyard they have these rose bushes next to a fence. Ran right along the wall playing tag and got cut up all over. Huge cuts all over. It sucked.


Written in Hemingway style to emphasize dumb.

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Ive been through so many injuries its a miracle im still alive today.

2 car accidents, a bus that rolled over in a turn, a 5 kilo brick fell on top of my head from several meters, i was hit by a bounced pellet from an air rifle, fell from a bike when i was young and tore a ligament in the left knee, almost got crused by a trailer which detached from a tractor on top of a hill....


The worst one would have to be about 3 years back. I was trying to break my own personal speed record on rollerblades (which i did btw, 47 kmh). I was going downhill, and there was a transition between asphalt and concrete tiles (it was in the middle of the city center), and between the two was a storm drain across the entire road. I only noticed that when i got close, so the only thing i could do was jump over it. As i landed, my right rollerblade started swirling and shaking. In a few seconds, i totally lost control and dived head first into concrete.

Woke up a few minutes later, all bloody (no fractures miraculosly), and was taken to the hospital for stiching. Left a big scar over my left eyebrow.



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my worst injury?


i dont know but i can make a list but i think i have had non bad becouse i am a rock lol get it well onto the list

1. fell from our wooden 18-19 steps staircase when i was 2 landed on the head nothing really bad just cried alot

2. i got a screw or spike through my left or right foot no idea which when i was 3 or 4 bloody and i went right through my bone :(

3. i got my finger pretty badly damaged when i was 3 by getting the wooden door right on it

4. should be the one where i was on football training and fell from the floor and landed in a weird way so now i cant run that fast without hurting my whole leg

5. the time i tried to use my bicycle to get through the training faster and fell on the ice and got the whole bicycle on my left leg ow

6. that time i got a ball in my stomach and face a hard ball its like an arrow to the knee but its a FOOTBALL TO THE FAAAACE

7. hmmmmm probally the time when i was in school and hurt my nerv system in my knees 1 year ago

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A couple of years ago my friends and I were playing baseball in my backyard. To put things simply, none of us were wearing any appropriate gear while playing, so I had this coming. One of my friend's little brother was up to bat and he's not the brightest. I was the umpire at the moment, soooo yeah. Anyway, he hits the ball and pretty much throws the bat as hard as he can. Bat comes right at me and hits the top of my forehead, leaving a nice gash. Had stitches in for what seemed like the longest time. I've never broken a bone in my life and now I'm actually paranoid about someday breaking one.


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  • 1 year later...

So I've had a fair amount of injuries in my life.


My worst was probably my motorbike accident when I jumped a ramp when I was a bit younger. I flew over the handles midair, landed on my back, only to have the bike land on my chest. I cracked a few ribs and couldn't breathe for about five minutes.


The other injury I had was when I was riding my bike about 25mph down a hill, flew off, once again over the handlebars, and skid down the pavement on my chin and chest for about 5 seconds. It literally destroyed my face.

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