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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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S3E13 "magical mystery cure" cause it contained 2 of my favorite songs from the whole show:

"Find a way"

"A true true friend"

But, the Twilight alicorn thing, yeah... Dident like that to be honest :/ But that episode was just amazing otherwise :)


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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My favorite episode is without a doubt keep calm and Flutter on! I just love that they attempted to turn Discord. It really is just a great episode. Fluttershy is my favorite and she really has an amazing role in this scene. Hope more episodes featuring Fluttershy like this will come out in the future. 

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Kind of depends on my mood.  Right now, Return of Harmony.  The best Discord episode & only one w a villain w a 3 digit IQ.

For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils (although it has a VERY unfavorable take on SB's character)

Cutie Mark Chronicles More background than all the other episodes put together.

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Mine is The Cutie Mark Chronicles, both because of the über d'awws, and the sheer power

of those stories. This was the ninth episode I saw, and it is the one that made me a Brony.


But seriously, all of the episodes are just too good.

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Mines (just to name a few) are Lesson Zero, A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and 2, and The Crystal Empire Part 1 and 2. 


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There are just so many episodes that I like, but I think, maybe Twilight's Kingdom (parts 1 and 2) are my top favorite episodes so far.

I just love the effort they put in those, specially in the battle, but also I like the drama and the good amount of characters that appeared.

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I think it would have to be Magical Mystery Cure or Twilight's Kingdom (both parts).


MMC because the songs are just spot on and the images capture the emotions perfectly, not to mention Twilight's finished spell giving me goose bumps every time I hear it.


Kingdom because of the betrayal and the epic battle between Tirek and Twilight. I also love how broken Discord gets when he is betrayed. I don't think he'd ever felt like that if Fluttershy hadn't shown him friendship.

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My favorite episode is Season 1, Episode 23, Cutie Mark Chronicles, because it is that episode that made up my mind of becoming a Brony. My second favorite episode is Season 4, Episode 14, Filli Vanilli, because it was just awesome to see Fluttershy so happy. For example: 





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I would have to say Feeling Pinkie Keen or Lesson Zero or Dragonshy. I just thought they were pretty darn hilarious or just Fluttershytastic!!!!!


I also really liked Return of Harmony parts 1 and 2.

Edited by #1FluttershyFan

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm thinking that Magical Mystery Cure and Twilight's Kingdom (in both parts) are one of my best episodes in the show, some of them were good.

In Magical Mystery Cure, Twilight Sparkle has turned into a princess containing wings. And in Twilight's Kingdom, the new castle was fantastic and believe it was the latest. :D

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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My favorite episode how could I choose just one but Hurricane Fluttershy and Filli Vanilli are two of my favorite Fluttershy episodes her song at the end of Filli Vanilli was awesome.  and A Canterlot Wedding is up there as a favorite for two parters. Rarity Takes Manehattan I liked very much I thought Kazumi Evans did a wonderful job singing, with that said there aren't any episodes I hate I like them all. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Twilight's Kingdom (parts 1&2) was definitely my favorite! Awesome story, excellent music, and an epic fight scene all together to finish off probably the best of the four seasons currently out, IMHO.

Edited by Onyxbolt


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  • 3 weeks later...

It's nearly impossible for me to pick a favorite, even to just five but I'll try that.


5. Bridle Gossip

4. The Return of Harmony

3.Pinkie Apple Pie


1. Twilight's Kingdom


This is in no particular order. I also have to mention that I don't believe there are any episodes I dislike in all honesty. I like some more than others but not by much  :D


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