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Meta Knight smiled at the others enjoying the party. But then... he noticed something amiss. Nothing in the ship, but... something appeared to be wrong. "Quick... may you please watch the party for about an hour? I have to go to my thing with the princess..."


As he was flying, he felt a lurch in his gut. Something was up. Something was up...


He landed on top of Celestia's tower... and began to examine the city.




He's gone... DMK thought. He leapt into action, taking a satchel full of (not telling) and leaping out of the window. Disguising himself as a party guest, he entered quickly through the window. He then grabbed a cup of punch. He certainly was going to enjoy this...

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Quick Fix watched him go, and sighed, "Somethin's not right with him. Leaves me in charge of a ship I don't know how to fly, in the middle of a party I didn't even start. You, Yellow right? This cake'll take about 20 minutes. Then let it sit for 'bout 10 more. I have at go make sure everything runnin' smoothly." She walked out and saw... A pony that looked kinda like Meta hop into the ship. There were a few differences, like darker clothing. She decided to keep an eye on him, hopefully he was supposed to be here. She continued looking around.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Twilight blushes. “Heh, well, no pony’s perfect.” she says. what do you want to do now?”

(OOC Replies!)

"Sure no pony is perfect, but you sure do come close." Mal replied smiling. "Well, the party is ending soon, so we could either go for a walk outside or head to the library, your choice." He remembered the tickets he had gotten from the apple dunking.

'The movie... Does Twilight even like watching them....' 

Mal looked around the party to see who was still here.

(OOC Who is still here at the party in Sugarcube Corner.? I bet I'm the last one...)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Fillies and gentlecolts, you may begin quivering in fear at your earliest convenience, because I am BACK!




Spike thinks for a moment. “Not off the top of my head, why don’t you ask me something?”




"Ok" Aura replies a little unsure about what to ask not wanting to make it too personal. " So...Where are you from?" She asks Spike "I mean before you came to this place." She adds. "And no offense but you look pretty young for a runaway dragon." She joked slightly

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You sense her become embarrassed. “Well... Thanks...” She puts a hoof on your shoulder. “Well, let’s go, shall we?”


You enter a building and sense loads of people inside, enjoying the party- and some were wondering what exactly this place was...

Vedana gulps, his heart was racing and his tail slightly twitching, "yes..of course. Come let's go." The blind unicorn sense alot of pony's arriving at the place and gulps, "W-W-Wow...who knew that so many ponies would be coming here...I knew the Gala was popular, but not THIS popular."

My Main OC (Vedana Purity): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/vedana-purity-r2096

My second OC (Orange lightning): http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/orange-lightening-r2158


"One must let go of the painful past in order to achieve positive progress." ~ Vedanā Purity quote on life.


"Hey, hey, hey sweet pea. They don't call me 'The most hardcore flyer in Equestria' for nothing you know. Besides, someone has got to deal with the pesky Thunder and Lightning clouds!" ~ Orange Lightning quote to random mare.

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She looked briefly worried, but then smiled, “Well, what do you wanna do?” Her face was a mask that hid the worried look in her eyes. 


For Meta’s Partygoers

Just then, the ground started shaking. The center of balance shifted, and the building seemed to go... up? The hatch closed, and the windows opened, providing a splendid view of the sky.


A voice came on an intercom...


“Good evening, ladies and gentlecolts. My name is Meta Knight, and I am your host for this evening. Please enjoy yourselves, and if there is anything I could do for you, please ask me or one of my friends... they will be wearing sailor’s outfits.”


(Let’s get the party started!)



(Sorry for the inconvenience Sweets, but you will have to wait until next time. We (the team) need to discuss who your replier is going to be.)


"Well," Glitch said, "I was thinking that we should-" He was cut off as the ground began to shake. Glitch peered out the window. "Oh, we must be taking off." The Halberd began to lift off the ground, making way for a lovely view of the sky. "Ooh, pretty," Glitch said. He then turned to Derpy. "Right, as I was saying, since I am the gentlecolt here, would you allow me to get you a drink?"

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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Page Shrugs. “Well, yeah. It’s not like there’s an excess of Mares on this ship.” Just then, you hear the sounds of Hooves coming down the stairs in a great hurry. and a moment later Briny herself comes down the stairs, followed by the Large form of Jolly Roger. “Get them out of there,” Briny orders. “And see to it that they get their weapons back.” “What’s going on?” Daring asks. “The Navy Didn’t spot us, but somepony even worse did.” Briny explains. “We need all Hooves on deck, and that includes you two.” “What about me?” Page asks. “You stay here and don’t get killed. A sea battle is no place for a bookworm.” Briny says. “I don’t understand!” Daring exclaims. “Who is attacking us?” Briny looks at each of you in turn. “You know how I said that we pirates aren’t as bad as the stories make us sound? well, that’s not strictly true. Some pirates really are that bad, and right now, we are being hunted by the worst of the worst. Captain Pinkbeard.”


That didn't sound good. Steel had not heard of Pinkbeard specifically, but if Briny's reaction was anything to go by he or she was just the kind of pirate Steel was afraid of. Jolly Rodger hastily tossed Steel his swords and Daring her whip. As everypony else scaled the steps, Steel gave his weapons a few test swings and heard the faint but unmistakable sound of cut air.


"At last, familiar territory." He thought to himself with a sigh. He stabbed forth with both swords, tilted the blades and flared out in a cutting motion. He raised his right wing behind him to block a blow from behind and bucked with his hind right leg. He jumped to the wall, pushed off, made a wide strike with his right blade, and landed in a guard stance.


"Hey, Sir Prancetrot! Get up on deck!" Briny called back. Steel rolled his eyes and followed her voice. As he left the room, the candle upon the table fell apart. Cut clean in half.


On top deck, the Captain peered through a looking glass. Any levity he had before was gone.


"See the pirate that gives us our bad reputation?" He handed the scope to Daring. She peered on through and her wings shot up in a sudden emotion. Steel thought it was fear, but that would be ridiculous. Daring had faced far worse.


"Take a look." Daring said to Steel as she gave him the telescope. Steel took his view on their adversary . . . and was made keenly aware of just how screwed they all were. 

  • Brohoof 1
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“... Drinking. I sometimes, maybe touch up on video games. But I don’t really have enough time for anything but music; it is my life.”

 Red nodded, "sounds like you're living the dream there!"  He payed the tab to the tender and looked back to her, "So, what would you like to do next?"  He smiled, "We can go anywhere you want to.  I get no say in it.  Tonight is all about you, Octavia..."  Red stood up and held out a hoof warmly.
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Fillies and gentlecolts, you may begin quivering in fear at your earliest convenience, because I am BACK!


“That sounds Awesome!” Dash exclaims. “I’d love to go Wrestle some monsters! I’ll totally see you then!”

(Look out Jordo, you may have some Competition after all...)


The morning sun rises slowly over the horizon of Ponyville as Sturdy Wing circles over Rainbow Dash's house, before landing solidly on the clouds before her door

"Alright Sturdy... You can do this" He says to himself, a medium sized package strapped around his back and a nervous smile across his face, both excited and shaking to have the opportunity to spend the day with his secret crush, the mare of his dreams


"Now or never" Sturdy sighs before knocking solidly on the door with his hoof, awaiting his new partners presence  

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The morning sun rises slowly over the horizon of Ponyville as Sturdy Wing circles over Rainbow Dash's house, before landing solidly on the clouds before her door

"Alright Sturdy... You can do this" He says to himself, a medium sized package strapped around his back and a nervous smile across his face, both excited and shaking to have the opportunity to spend the day with his secret crush, the mare of his dreams


"Now or never" Sturdy sighs before knocking solidly on the door with his hoof, awaiting his new partners presence  


Ummmm, Sturdy? You may want to wait until Page posts again before you move forward like that. Unless you got permission from Page himself, you may have just messed up his plans. It's probably not a big deal, but you should probably get confirmation from Page before you make assumptions. 


I'll talk to Page and see if he's cool with this. 



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Ummmm, Sturdy? You may want to wait until Page posts again before you move forward like that. Unless you got permission from Page himself, you may have just messed up his plans. It's probably not a big deal, but you should probably get confirmation from Page before you make assumptions. 


I'll talk to Page and see if he's cool with this. 


I was under the impression Page said it was ok in the OOC thread o.o I may be incorrect but I thought that was what he had said, please do check though, I can delete the post if not.

Just wanted to close the gap between yesterday and today, not anything malicious 

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I was under the impression Page said it was ok in the OOC thread o.o I may be incorrect but I thought that was what he had said, please do check though, I can delete the post if not.

Just wanted to close the gap between yesterday and today, not anything malicious 


Yeaaahhh I'm an idiot >.> 


I didn't think to check the OOC thread before laying down some justice. Looks like I'm the one making assumptions. 


You don't have to delete your post, this was my bad. I know you weren't trying to be malicious or anything. 


Just ignore my previous post.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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(OOC: Okay, following the beginning template and feeling like a weird newb 1200 posts later... XD)


"Soarin! I'm so glad I finally found you! I've been flying all over looking for you! I've just been messing around baking, and I think I've created the best pie ever! You're the only stallion I could think of that SHOULD be the first ever taster! What do you say?"


Sweets plays with her scarf, her big, sweet green eyes fluttering in anticipation. Although it helped they made her even cuter than she was with her exuberance and big grin. She waits patiently for an answer from the blue stallion. Her wings flutter, her heart pounding in her chest. Oh, please say yes.

“You have a pie for me?” his eyes widened with excitement, “Where?” He was practically bouncing with excitement. “Shows always make me hungry.” He scratched his head embarrassed, “Sorry, pie makes me forget my manners. Except for when Spitfire played that one trick on me. She offered me a pie, and gave me pi instead. You know, the rotated equal sign with the squiggly mark on top.”

Hmmmm, fighting monsters hey? Sounded like fun actually. Jordo kind of wanted to tag along, but unfortunately he had business to take care of with Cloud Chaser. 


Jordo couldn't even remember the last time he got into a real fight. He had been taking martial arts lessons in his spare time (He figured he wasn't the strongest flyer out there, he might as well be strong on the ground), but it has been a while since he actually had to use that knowledge.


"Sounds like fun. Wish I could tag along with you guys, but I have to talk to Cloud Chaser tomorrow."

Sturdy smiles wide, glad to have found a partner for his morning route and excited to be joined by such a vibrant mare

"Well then I will meet you at this very spot tomorrow morning, at the rise of dawn" He smirks, chuckling to himself


"I know you tend to prefer to sleep in, but we really cant afford to be putting hours off when it comes to something as important as this"


Sturdy Wing brings his wing to his eyes, thinking intently "Alright, I know what you should need, I am quite looking forward to this"

He extends a wing to Dash, grinning from ear to ear "Lets see if a mare such as yourself has what it takes to put these Timberwolves in their place... not that I have any doubts about that"

He turns to Jordo



"Never an issue Jordo, I appreciate the offer but I think two is more than enough, I will have this girl here returned to you before sunset..." Laughing he says to Dash "And in one piece... hopefully"

The Next Day, You arrive to pick Up Rainbow Dash. You knock on her door, And she opens it a moment later. “Hey Sturdy! We ready to go kick some monster flank?”

Coco gets frozen for a second, feeling his hooves. She unfreezes in the moment he start to talk.

"Well, yeah. You're going to hear a lot of silly expressions for me." she says and gives him a little smile.

"Or at least I hope so..."

She looks on him again, starting to be afraid for him. "Please make sure to hold on tight. I don't want you to fall down... and in the case of falling, try to grab my tail or something, just don't let go." she says with a seriously worried expression. Then she sakes her head. "But don't worry. You won't fall. And even if you will.. I will catch you. I promise." she says and boops his nose.

"Okay... ready, set, go.."


She takes off rapidly and in a second, they're above the clouds, flying to the north.

His grip seems to tighten around you, as it does not seem he’s used to this sort of thing. His eyes were tightly closed and his face was buried in your back.

(Yay! Replies, feels like an b-day present for me :) )

"It goes perfect with your lovely dress" the pegasus answers with a wink.

"Let's go to sugarcube corner" he takes his special somepony's hoof and they start trotting towards the town center. Holding her hoof is enough to give Wildcard this warm fuzzy feeling of happiness and he blushes slightly.

I still can't believe this is happening. Me spending time with the most wonderful pony in all of Equestria. I absolutely adore her, but I have to be patient. I have to wait for a really beautiful moment to tell her this 3 words

She laughed, “Oh, you are too kind Darling.” She tucked her chin in, blushing at your praise as you come up on Sugar Cube Corner.

(OCC: It's good to see you again, Pagey!)

After realizing he was holding on to her a little too tightly, DJ Shy-3 released Fluttershy from his grasp.

"Sorry, Flutters. I just got a little scared when the building rose."


"Oh, my," he exclaimed, "The sky looks beautiful tonight."

*reaches for Fluttershy's hoof*

"Although, nothing could be as beautiful as you."

*kisses her hoof; lets go of Fluttershy's hoof*

"I'm going to go get some drinks. Is there anything you desire, my dear?"

“Umm... May I please have some punch?”


Sand blushed a little bit and look at his food thoughtfully. "I sleep where I always have, somewhere high enough off the ground to keep my away from predators but not so high that I will hurt myself badly if I fall. If there are no spots like that... well then I usually keep travelling until there is one. The wilderness is not exactly kind to those willing to give it any slack." A nervous fidget on his left forehoof drew attention to a long series of gashes, far scarred over by now, located on his upper leg. "If I set up in a place with any intent to stay long I tend to find a small cave of some sort, not too deep but enough to keep out the rain. If not that then I build a hovel out of what comes to hoof."

Zecora Stops her hoof firmly. “I cannot stand by and let this be! My Dear, I invite you to stay here with me.”


He eyed the bottle of wine like it was a half-triggered handgrenade. Carefully he took it and put it away in a cuboard. "Yes I think I shall enjoy that, but at a later date. Tell me Miss. What is your name? I'm a little new to the region and making a few friends such as yourself would be helpful." A faint hum of magic opened a nearby door leading to a guest bedroom. "I really would suggest you lie down. If you can't walk it will certainly be hard to go for a drink later, like I intended to ask you." Carrot applied, subtle stick waiting in the background.


"...Seems so hehehe Shall we have a little fun, my dear Gilda? Or is a 50 mile high party not your style?" his confidence grew with every  passing moment he spent with her. Why in mere minutes he might be tempted to kiss her on the cheek. "So may I have this dance?"

She grinned, grabbed your hand, and leapt inside.

There was a lot of other ponies inside. You recognize a few of them. There is music playing, punch, and a female unicorn watching out over the proceedings. Gilda, smirking, grabbed your front claws and began to dance with you.

After walking into the Apple family's living room, Red Talon sat down and let out a sigh.

"Applejack," Red said, "All these damned paparazzi are driving me off the wall. Hopefully everything should die down in a few days. I can't really stay at my house in Ponyville until everyone calms down. I'll do all I can to try to calm down the rowdy fans, like an autograph session or something just to get most of the paparazzi off my back. So, if it's not too much trouble, is it okay if I stay here until everything goes back to normal? If all goes as planned, I shouldn't have to

stay here for more than three days."

“You can stay here as long as ya like, Red.” Applejack replies with a smile.


“Yes, Apple Bloom?”

“What is... that?”

She walked over to the window and squinted out of it. “What’s what?”

“There was a giant ship! Flying! In midair!” squeaks Apple Bloom.

“Maybe it’s just time that you made your way up to bed.”

“Yeah... I am tired.”

Bob smiles."I will do as you say my queen". Bob begins to take morning star back to the hive, he gives off a wicked laugh.

Morning star feels himself coming to but everything looks so blurry with him he beings to panic and worry, what if these ponies wish to do Celestia harm?

You arrive back at the hive and are greeted by one of the Changeling guards. “Well, well, If it isn’t the queen’s Pet!” The changeling scoffs. “I take it your little game of fetch was a success?”  

"Of course I do, I just didn't know you liked to sing," I tell her excitedly as I go up to the stage and grab my guitar. I then sit down and grab my gutar, putting on the strap and sitting much like Lyra I put the song on and look into her eyes as I play along with the music on my guitar.

“~Don’t go breakin’ my heart.~” You sing.

“~I couldn’t if I tried.~” Surprise sings back.

“~Oh Honey, If I get restless...~”

“~Baby you’re not that kind.~”

As the two of you continue to sing to each other, a hush falls over the crowd. Everypony gathers around to listen.

(finally, the long awaited return of king Page! all hail his mighty glory! XD)

Dox smiled at Snare. "Thanks!" He then turned to Vinyl. "Hey, you wanna go do something? Like, get a bite to eat or something? Maybe a few drinks? Or we could always just hang here and you could hear the band play!"

D chord steps between you. “Haha, NO. You aren’t going anywhere until Practice is over.” He looks over at Vinyl. “Of course you're Girlfriend is welcome to stay and watch.”

“Alright.” Vinyl says, going and taking a seat on the couch next to Stylus. “So, What do you play?”

“Umm.” Stylus replies “Zelda... Tetris... That’s kind of a big question.. .”

“Stylus Is my roommate, He’s not actually part of the band.” D chord informs her.

Meta Knight smiled at the others enjoying the party. But then... he noticed something amiss. Nothing in the ship, but... something appeared to be wrong. "Quick... may you please watch the party for about an hour? I have to go to my thing with the princess..."


As he was flying, he felt a lurch in his gut. Something was up. Something was up...


He landed on top of Celestia's tower... and began to examine the city.




He's gone... DMK thought. He leapt into action, taking a satchel full of (not telling) and leaping out of the window. Disguising himself as a party guest, he entered quickly through the window. He then grabbed a cup of punch. He certainly was going to enjoy this...

Quick Fix watched him go, and sighed, "Somethin's not right with him. Leaves me in charge of a ship I don't know how to fly, in the middle of a party I didn't even start. You, Yellow right? This cake'll take about 20 minutes. Then let it sit for 'bout 10 more. I have at go make sure everything runnin' smoothly." She walked out and saw... A pony that looked kinda like Meta hop into the ship. There were a few differences, like darker clothing. She decided to keep an eye on him, hopefully he was supposed to be here. She continued looking around.

(Lazy Meta. Tut, tut.)

(OOC Replies!)

"Sure no pony is perfect, but you sure do come close." Mal replied smiling. "Well, the party is ending soon, so we could either go for a walk outside or head to the library, your choice." He remembered the tickets he had gotten from the apple dunking.

'The movie... Does Twilight even like watching them....'

Mal looked around the party to see who was still here.

(OOC Who is still here at the party in Sugarcube Corner.? I bet I'm the last one...)

Looking around you see that most of the other ponies have left. Half Note and  Surprize are singing a duet, and the only ponies who aren’t watching them are yourselves, and Pinkie Pie, Who Is trying (with mixed results) to carry the prone form of Winter Chill up the stairs.

"Ok" Aura replies a little unsure about what to ask not wanting to make it too personal. " So...Where are you from?" She asks Spike "I mean before you came to this place." She adds. "And no offense but you look pretty young for a runaway dragon." She joked slightly

“Umm... I don’t know... Twilight and I were never able to find out. You see, Twilight hatched me from an egg...” he falls silent.

Vedana gulps, his heart was racing and his tail slightly twitching, "yes..of course. Come let's go." The blind unicorn sense alot of pony's arriving at the place and gulps, "W-W-Wow...who knew that so many ponies would be coming here...I knew the Gala was popular, but not THIS popular."

(Next Time)

"Well," Glitch said, "I was thinking that we should-" He was cut off as the ground began to shake. Glitch peered out the window. "Oh, we must be taking off." The Halberd began to lift off the ground, making way for a lovely view of the sky. "Ooh, pretty," Glitch said. He then turned to Derpy. "Right, as I was saying, since I am the gentlecolt here, would you allow me to get you a drink?"

“Uh, sure! Do you want me to come with you?” (You want a pony who breaks everything she touches... Drunk.)

That didn't sound good. Steel had not heard of Pinkbeard specifically, but if Briny's reaction was anything to go by he or she was just the kind of pirate Steel was afraid of. Jolly Rodger hastily tossed Steel his swords and Daring her whip. As everypony else scaled the steps, Steel gave his weapons a few test swings and heard the faint but unmistakable sound of cut air.


"At last, familiar territory." He thought to himself with a sigh. He stabbed forth with both swords, tilted the blades and flared out in a cutting motion. He raised his right wing behind him to block a blow from behind and bucked with his hind right leg. He jumped to the wall, pushed off, made a wide strike with his right blade, and landed in a guard stance.


"Hey, Sir Pranceatrot! Get up on deck!" Briny called back. Steel rolled his eyes and followed her voice. As he left the room, the candle upon the table fell apart. Cut clean in half.


On top deck, the Captain peered through a looking glass. Any levity he had before was gone.


"See the pirate that gives us our bad reputation?" He handed the scope to Daring. She peered on through and her wings shot up in a sudden emotion. Steel thought it was fear, but that would be ridiculous. Daring had faced far worse.


"Take a look." Daring said to Steel as she gave him the telescope. Steel took his view on their adversary . . . and was made keenly aware of just how screwed they all were.

You can see the large black Ship coming after you, on it’s decks stand a rowdy mismatched collection of Pirates, all armed to the teeth. It’s not difficult to pick out Captain Pinkbeard. He stands at the front of his ship looking at yours through a spyglass of his own. you have to resist the urge to laugh out loud  when you see him. He has to be the Pinkest Stallion you have ever seen.

Briny catches you chuckling. “Eye, he looks quite silly don’t he? but don’t let him catch you laughin’ at him, he has even less mercy for those who make fun of him. which is saying something, seeing that he don’t have any mercy to begin with.”

Red nodded, "sounds like you're living the dream there!"  He paid the tab to the tender and looked back to her, "So, what would you like to do next?"  He smiled, "We can go anywhere you want to.  I get no say in it.  Tonight is all about you, Octavia..."  Red stood up and held out a hoof warmly.

She took it and smoothly got to her hooves. “How about we go where you too. I’m a little hungry myself... How about a restaurant. Pick your favorite.”

  • Brohoof 3

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Red blushed, "I don't really eat out much......I usually just cook my self something at home......"

He thought for a moment, this could actually go well if he played his cards right.

"I could make you something if you want?"  He felt himself blushing as he said those words; if the suggestion was accepted, Red was going to have Octavia in his own home!

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The Next Day, You arrive to pick Up Rainbow Dash. You knock on her door, And she opens it a moment later. “Hey Sturdy! We ready to go kick some monster flank?”


Sturdy smiles warmly at the mare as her excitement is tangible "Well... We are almost ready, you still need something though- Sturdy reaches into his pack and pulls out a delicately stitched helmet forged of cloudsteel and leather, a foot long diamond blade sprouts from the top, a small faux mane of rainbow colored cloth attached to the back, smiling softly he presents the helmet to Rainbow Dash "For you, I know you are not reckless enough to go into combat unarmed, so I made this for you, try it on Dash, and then we can head out"

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“Umm... May I please have some punch?”


"Your wish is my command, my love." Said DJ Shy-3


He went to get him and Fluttershy some punch when he saw that Gilda dancing with some pony.


"Must resist urge to beat up Gilda. Especially when I'm at a party with Fluttershy"


So, after giving Gilda the stink eye for about ten seconds witch included shaking his head, he went to the drink table to get him and his date some punch.

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“You can stay here as long as ya like, Red.” Applejack replies with a smile.


“Yes, Apple Bloom?”

“What is... that?”

She walked over to the window and squinted out of it. “What’s what?”

“There was a giant ship! Flying! In midair!” squeaks Apple Bloom.

“Maybe it’s just time that you made your way up to bed.”

“Yeah... I am tired.”

"Looks like it's coming closer," Red Talon said, staring at the aircraft, "holy... that thing is huge!" Certainly, Red Talon had fought the PONY-1112 Neighgiaon airborne aircraft carrier in Neighce Combat 6: Foals of Liberation, but that was a video game. He had never before had ever seen anything nearly of this magnitude in real life. "Applejack, what the hell is that thing? Some type of superweapon or something? Back at Neightona Denny Haymlin told me a story about how he was abducted by a large airship, but I thought he was making stuff up. I really don't like the look of that thing..."


(OOC: now that I think of it, I think it'd be pretty sweet to pull off a Metal Gear Solid, infiltrate the ship, sneak around undetected, and fight evil. Lol.)

  • Brohoof 1

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Bob smiles."Of course , pretty soon you'll have your brothers back, i mean it's real eay to fool the guards at that place. A foal could of pulled that one off". He gives the guard a cold stare and hands him Morning star."Take care of this for me i have a little job to run".  He goes off to see what the queen is up to.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Dox shrugged and smiled. "Hey, at least you get to hear the band." He trotted happily over to his bass, picking it up again and standing upright. He looks at Chord. "Hey, why don't we practice the song for the battle next? You know, Garbage Truck?" He got his pick out and stuck it to his hoof.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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She grinned, grabbed your hand, and leapt inside.

There was a lot of other ponies inside. You recognize a few of them. There is music playing, punch, and a female unicorn watching out over the proceedings. Gilda, smirking, grabbed your front claws and began to dance with you.


Animae felt a little shocked as they moved slowly over the dance foor, smiling. His thoughts pretty much melted, not taking in the surroundings. How had this escalated so quickly? Gilda, dancing with him. Not something he'd expected. Hell not something he'd even dreamed

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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His grip seems to tighten around you, as it does not seem he’s used to this sort of thing. His eyes were tightly closed and his face was buried in your back.


Coco didn't seem to perceive anything - she often finds herself in some kind of trance during the flight. She didn't know about her speed, about the distance. It was just her, her wings, her mane flowing back with the strong wind... and for now, hooves around her waist and a face buried in her back.

She looked over her shoulder, putting her mane out of her face: "Are you okay? Do you want me to slow down?"

She smiled a little, seeing him "hugging" her back, like a scared child.


She looked ahead again, and saw a blurry, but well-known picture in a distance.

"We'll be above Ponyville in a minute, maybe few seconds... Do you want to have a break, some rest?"

Edited by Suntouched Coco

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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Looking around you see that most of the other ponies have left. Half Note and  Surprize are singing a duet, and the only ponies who aren’t watching them are

yourselves, and Pinkie Pie, Who Is trying (with mixed results) to carry the prone form of Winter Chill up the stairs.

"So, do you want to go back to the library? Maybe we could read a book or two before it gets too late." Mal suggested taking a sip from a glass of punch. He saw Pinkie carrying a colt up the stairs. 'Wasn't that the pony who was bouncing about with Pinkie earlier? I wonder what happened to him.'

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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“Uh, sure! Do you want me to come with you?” (You want a pony who breaks everything she touches... Drunk.)

"Uh, follow me," Glitch said, beginning to walk to the bar. 'This was a baaaaad idea', he thought to himself. 'Well, I'm in too far now. Gotta follow through with this.' He trotted up to the bar. "One whiskey, on the rocks, please," he said to the bartender. Within a moment, the bartender brought out a bottle of whiskey and a lowball glass with a few ice cubes in it. He poured the whiskey in the glass and handed it to Glitch. Glitch thanked the bartender and took a sip. Nice and smooth, just the way he liked it. He looked over at Derpy. "What'll you have?" he asked, silently regretting the fact that he did.

Edited by Glitch

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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//How's this for an entry?\\

Ignise trotted through the country, waving to the Apples as she passed them. Her saddle pack was heavy today and the walk home would be a long one. She trotted further, her hooves getting sorer by the step. She heard a noise like thunder that made her flinch
not a storm, not now she thought, looking up in time to see him land. She blushed a little. Thunderlayne. Oh boy how much was she crushing on him, and now here he was, a few painful steps in away from her, brushing down his gorgeous windswept feathers. She trotted into his earshot. "Um...... hay there"

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She laughed, “Oh, you are too kind Darling.” She tucked her chin in, blushing at your praise as you come up on Sugar Cube Corner.

Wildcard opens the door and they trott inside. The pegasus then takes a look around but doesn't see anypony familiar at first glance.

"Sure looks like it will be a nice evening. Can I bring you something to drink, do you want to check the buffet, or do you have something completely different in mind, Miss...err...honey"

the colt blushes at the last words and gently puts his wing over Rarity

  • Brohoof 1


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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