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Is there anything that made you REALLY angry?

Rain Dance

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Hello everypony! Is there anything in your life that has made you so angry that you just wanted to break everything around you? I'd really like to know cause i felt like this a lot in my life cause i was bullied. I would really like someone to post that moment and if how you fixed it. (if you did) :)

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Well, when my dad kicked me out he didn't anticipate the fact my mom lived only 20 miles away. So I walked there. Afterwards, he discovered I lived with my mom and he got all butthurt and decided not to give me any of my clothes or possessions at his house. Most of which I bought myself. I was constructing an outfit for cosplay at the time, and I put about 200 work hours and $250 into it and he refused to send it over. I was pretty pissed.

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Well, when my dad kicked me out he didn't anticipate the fact my mom lived only 20 miles away. So I walked there. Afterwards, he discovered I lived with my mom and he got all butthurt and decided not to give me any of my clothes or possessions at his house. Most of which I bought myself. I was constructing an outfit for cosplay at the time, and I put about 200 work hours and $250 into it and he refused to send it over. I was pretty pissed.


That must have been horrible. I would have gone there broken into the house and taken everything and take it home. Seriously.
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Check out my latest blog entry (can be accessed from my profile) for all the info you need. But seriously, I've gotten really angry a lot of times, usually due to other people's incompetence or unreliability. I expect a lot out of them, I guess, but I always manage to show compassion and kindness nonetheless. I swear, I feel like I'm bi-polar sometimes.

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Numerous times, I have anger problems so it is not too difficult. Combine that with anxiety problems and you have a ticking time bomb, sometimes anyway.


The last thing has to be my family. Mostly worthless, idiotic, and completely oblivious.

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I got really angry the last week of high school because I was never bullied and since I was going to college I was even less likely to be have some attempt to bully me. To fix the problem I got in a fight which I figured was good enough. *shrug*

Edited by Bohtty
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Well, it happened on one day of school. A girl in my class was being VERY annoying. She was going around saying things like 'Ooh, that top is so gay.' and she didn't mean happy 'gay'. So, whenever she said things like that, I'd say 'Gay iIsn't an insult.'. So one day, at lunch time, we did the routine of gay isn't an insult blahdy blah. But after that, she snapped at me

"CHLOE JUST PISS OFF, YOU'RE SUCH A BITCH." to which I responded, "Well, at least I'm not a bitch who coats her face in goo." and she called me a blind spaz (I wear glasses.).

I was so close to slapping her. It's all sorted now, but I don't talk to her any more.

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I've made a thread in Life Advice as a rant about my mother, because she's the only thing that has ever gotten me legitimately angry.


Every user that has ever joined this site is about 7 billion times smarter than her. Her stupidity levels are just beyond the charts.


Other than that, I'm ALWAYS happy. cx

Edited by Kawaii
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My parents continued manipulation of me for money and financial support. Even though they know I don't have a lot of money, what money I have in savings is for a down payment on a replacement car.


Just grrrrrr

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I had a friend who used to talk at length about loyalty and honesty. I found out he was selling out the secrets of my circle of friends behind our backs to get in good with girls he liked, as well as stretching the truth to the point where it was misrepresentative but not quite a lie to make himself out to be a victim when it came to the way people treated him. I brought it to light and wrecked a healthy portion of his reputation as a "good guy," but I'm still pretty spiteful about it.

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I hate it when people interrupt me when I'm doing something. They are all always calling my name or coming into my room. I really just like to be left alone. Yet my little brother is always constantly coming into my room demanding I do stuff with him. Or he calls my name and forces me to go to him, and refuses to tell what he wants until I get to him. I really wish he'd do stuff for himself and stop making me do tasks for him. It gets very annoying. I've had to yell at him on numerous occasions.

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My english honors teacher has made me furious at times... It's just her outlook on life, then she tries putting that on us. I won't have it, but of course no one listens to me... I also get angry when people are arguing. I just can't stand it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't get me wrong, I am Captain Chillz most of the time. I don't get easily offended and I rarely ever get really angry. I'll complain or say something really pissy but it's uncommon for me to get upset. When I am, I am not a good person to try to calm down. I have made people cry before <__< >__>


What makes me this way, though, is only really when people try to shove their beliefs on me. I have a lot of Christian friends and half the time they're trying to get me into that kind of stuff, or judging me for not following it. And it really, really makes me want to just punch them in the face. I've said a lot of things I've regretted during these kinds of squabbles, and I'm not proud of what I've done, but it just...GRR.


Other things that don't get me as mad-when girls act in extremely promiscuous manners to attract the attention of boys. When they cake on makeup and wear short skirts and talk like they have no education and just sucked in several balloons of helium. Usually I just roll my eyes at them, but they can be really irritating at times.


When people think it's okay to pick on or hate other because of appearance, race, wealth, beliefs, etc.


Unreliable people. OH, THIS MAKES ME PISSED. If I try to make plans with someone and they just never respond, then I honestly will eventually chew them out for it. It's the worst. I'm very busy and I constantly find myself waiting on people because they refuse to commit or they don't care.


Anyways. Yeah. That's about it.


Oh, and when people take my food XD


Edit: Oh, final thing. Backstabbing friends. I find it very hard to trust anyone since I am aware most of my "friends" are talking about me as soon as I turn around or spreading lies and rumors. I'm always made out to be the bad guy if I am having a problem with another friend.

Edited by Arya Stark (PDS)
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When I play RuneScape and someone on F2P Ko's me in PvP with a 300+, then they are all gasming and I lost 300k. :(

Also pisses me off when they always run and won't dm. And if you Pk in mems then you practically need veng, ovl (combat beta will allow those I think) and other high gear like Dh. So there's no point going there, and no point in f2p since everyone just runs. (bind helps so much) Now since most of you had no clue about what I just said I'll clarify. In a game I play the Player versus player system is crap.

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The fact that on DayZ, I usually get shot within 2 hours of starting else. I have NEVER killed anyone else in that game. People are bastards...


Don't get me wrong, I am Captain Chillz most of the time. I don't get easily offended and I rarely ever get really angry. I'll complain or say something really pissy but it's uncommon for me to get upset. When I am, I am not a good person to try to calm down. I have made people cry before <__< >__>


What makes me this way, though, is only really when people try to shove their beliefs on me. I have a lot of Christian friends and half the time they're trying to get me into that kind of stuff, or judging me for not following it. And it really, really makes me want to just punch them in the face. I've said a lot of things I've regretted during these kinds of squabbles, and I'm not proud of what I've done, but it just...GRR.


Other things that don't get me as mad-when girls act in extremely promiscuous manners to attract the attention of boys. When they cake on makeup and wear short skirts and talk like they have no education and just sucked in several balloons of helium. Usually I just roll my eyes at them, but they can be really irritating at times.


When people think it's okay to pick on or hate other because of appearance, race, wealth, beliefs, etc.


Unreliable people. OH, THIS MAKES ME PISSED. If I try to make plans with someone and they just never respond, then I honestly will eventually chew them out for it. It's the worst. I'm very busy and I constantly find myself waiting on people because they refuse to commit or they don't care.


Anyways. Yeah. That's about it.


Oh, and when people take my food XD


Edit: Oh, final thing. Backstabbing friends. I find it very hard to trust anyone since I am aware most of my "friends" are talking about me as soon as I turn around or spreading lies and rumors. I'm always made out to be the bad guy if I am having a problem with another friend.



I also don't like it when some guy who I will not say the name of decides I'm his only friend and gets really clingy. Gives me the jeebies.

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My Autistic, homophobic, single minded, republican, anti-Semitic, racist, white supremacist, brony hating brother ticks me off. I'm sure you guys would love to meet him.

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I get really pissed off when someone doesn't have any evidence or reason for their beliefs. One example of this is the "Tea Party," for some reason they believe that the Democrats will raise their taxes, and therefore they vote Republican; this is in spite of Republicans' history of only giving tax cuts to the rich.

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  • 7 years later...

People playing stupid, crimes offense against kids, and people messing with my family,  is all I have to say.

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Let's see, the Po$ that relentlessly bullied me for months in high school, toxic people pretty much everywhere I've been online, and then there's the hateful bigots of the world. Seriously, who would have thought that homophobia is so alive and well now, even on a place like this one? Certainly not me.


Also, my dad simultaneously makes me really angry and really worried when he tries to talk to me about politics. Seriously, he pretty much advocates for genocide in the Middle East, and the infliction of pain and suffering on people just trying to immigrate to the US and actually make a living (by trying to pretend it isn't happening, when it is). :worry: He's become a far right lunatic that lacks any degree of reason or common sense, and that transformation pretty much happened recently. It's almost like he's lost his mind.

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People who are so involved in politics and whether they're on the left or right that they fail to see what it's making them and this country. Also, another thing that makes me incredibly angry, are child rapists. 

I'm not going to go into detail on neither of these topics because I'll just get fired up.

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