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How open are you about ponies?


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Well I can't wear my fluttershy shirt to work obviously... but I do wear it when I go out with my friends sometimes and I get high fives on the street actually. It's pretty awesome!

Edited by MMFAN


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Thanks for asking! Well, I am rather open about my bronyness and will walk around the city sporting a Rainbow Dash 20% cooler t-shirt and wearing Rainbow Dash headphones that I bought at Hot Topic :P I'm proud but not boastful because it is not accepted by everyone. I keep to myself unless asked and keep the conversation as civil as possible unless they are as active and open about it as I am. Then we can just obsess together =] I've watched it with some of my best friends and we cover songs on various instruments. Just a word of advice fellow bronies: Keep calm and brony on. Be proud of who you are and stay strong! \m/>_<\m/

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If i am  @ school i am very open about it so open in fact i taped a pony picture to my locker but ifi am @ home no way in heck that i am going to be open bc my parents would be p...ed off as crap at me 


Avatar by Midnight Scribbler

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Like the other girls, I feel like I've got it so much easier, (and I don't really feel like that's fair -- my heart really goes out to what guys have to go through, especially when embracing sensitivity and kindness and good).


I'm completely open about loving MLP.  I don't worry about wearing my MLP shirts, and thus far any reaction has been positive. 


(At the feed-store, the lady behind the counter said, "Is that 'My Little Pony"?  And we started talking about how they were when we were kids, and shared with her how amazing FiM is for adults.)


So... I dunno... I try to be a little voice for good, hopefully predesposing others to a positive reaction when they see a guy brony.  <3



"Like most worlds, Equestria had danger and drama and sadness and pain.  But more than anything, Equestria was a world made to incubate and protect loving hearts....  ...It asks the hearts for their support to keep Equestria and its ponies safe, and to protect the Magic of friendship and love that their world was founded on."  --  from The Real Story (by Nimaru)

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My family knows, my friends know, I WOULD wear T-shirts and wristbands and stuff, but my dad won't let me get anything (I'm 13 BTW). But my parents are going out of town this weekend so maybe my grandparents will let me :ph34r:?


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I am normally open I guess you could say. I have a shirt of Pinkie Pie and it says party hard on it I have wore on occasions. I have a custom made pinkie pie facebook cover I made for my facebook. I also have a pinkie pie avatar on my skype account. I mean I am not going to go like this: HEY WORLD LOOK AT ME I AM A BRONY! :P 

That is kinda silly don't you think so? Not everyone in the world cares to know if you are a brony or not.



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well i pretty much came out to my friends and such. some of em like to sing the mlp song to try and bust my balls... i get a kick out of it lol. i think i'll sing it with em.

Edited by zombronie

hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc






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I'm fairly open about it. I wear my mlp shirts all the time.  My parents know and so do a decent portion of my friends. Either they don't care because the know I'm huge animation geek already, or they're bronies themselves. I don't bring it up in casual conversation, but I'll tell someone if they ask. I don't really have a reason to hide it.

Edited by lincolnshirepony


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Less open than I wish I was. Some friends at school know I watch it, some are bronies (I even converted one), some are enthustiastic and all that, but I'm still faced with a seemingly-impassable mile-wide brick wall.


Ever since April of last year, almost a whole year now, I've watched MLP by myself, and only by myself (except for a few times with friends), but never exposed in my own home. I'd love to get my parents to know about the show and fandom so I can start buying merchandise, and get some peace of mind; but for now I will have to be cautious about when someone enters the room. I only hope that one day I realize that this status cannot truly last forever.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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My mom knows and is fine with it. She was actually more concerned that I was worried about her reaction than the fact I enjoy the show.


My dad, however, tried to prevent me from watching Avatar the Last Airbended because he thought it was too childish, so I'm not telling him.


My sister watches the show, knows, and was shocked at first, but thinks it's cool that we can talk about it together.


One of my female cousins also watches the show and knows.


Some of my close friends know, and half of my theater troupe found it out when we were exchanging random facts about ourselves.


I'm very uncomfortable about it with people I don't know well, but I am pretty much fine with my close friends knowing.

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If i am  @ school i am very open about it so open in fact i taped a pony picture to my locker but ifi am @ home no way in heck that i am going to be open bc my rents would be p...ed off as crap at me 


Does anypony else find it sad that a lot of younger people's parents would be so opposed to them liking MLP?


I find it upsetting that they would misunderstand it for something bad, ground them from it, etc...

It's like our society teaches that being different or liking something that is unorthodox is automatically weird or bad.

I know this feeling, since I grew up with closed-minded fundamentalist christian (no offense to anyone, I am still religious, but in my own way.) parents who forced me to be exactly who they wanted and told me I was weird or "on the devil's side" if I didn't go along with it. Even going as far to say that my Asperger's wasn't real and was just a distraction from satan....  -.-

Because of this I hid almost everything from them during my childhood and kept me distant from them. (I'm 20 now)


I just wish people could understand differences and accept the many types of people in the world. We should all remember to spread open-mindedness and understanding (love and tolerate!!!) and make the world a better place for all people. 

  • Brohoof 1


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There are some bronies at my school. Today I wore a Pinkie Pie Portal shirt and here are the results :

2nd Period - None

3rd - A brohoof and a girl saying that she liked my shirt

4th - "WTF is that guy wearing?" from the back

5th - Another girl said she liked it


I see people wear brony shirts at my school. One was a changeling shirt, another was some sort of Rainbow Dash silhouette, and one was like iPhone with the ponies faces instead of the apps. I'm sure I'll see morebiggrin.png

  • Brohoof 1
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  I have an MLP background on my phone and laptop, but besides that, I'm not very open about it.  I haven't brought up my love for ponies either, I'm just waiting for the right moment, meaning if I hear someone discuss it, I'll join in.  I don't have any problem in admitting I like the show, but I'm also not going to walk up to someone and say "hey, I like ponies" without something leading up to it first.  So far this hasn't happened though.  People have seen my cell phone's wallpaper, but no one comments on it.  My sister did say that a Rainbow Dash picture I had was cute though, then when I told her the name of the character she laughed happy.png .

  I did see a girl wearing an awesome Rainbow Dash hat once, maybe getting one of those would be a good conversation starter and get others to admit to liking the show too.  

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There's no way I could be open about being a brony. My friends, family, and co- workers are hella judgemental. If I told my co-workers, a stigma would follow me to every department in the region. That being said, my best friend knows. When I introduced him to the show, he was receptive to the show but not quite a fan. But I'll keep trying!

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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If someone asks me if I'm a brony, then I'll say that I am and gladly start talking about the show if they want me to.


Other than that, I usualyy keep it to myself. There are barely any students in my school who are bronies, so I don't want to force MLP on the ones who aren't.



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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I'm actually starting to open up. When I'm around one of my friends from college, I'll talk openly about ponies with him. And going on here actually revealed that there is a girl in my college chem class who is also a brony.


I might eventually, later, get some kind of subtle thing, or maybe a shirt... that means I'm becoming 180 out from what I was when I first joined the herd.

(But around friends who say that they don't like the show, I don't talk much, if at all, about ponies.)

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I've told my bff.  He's neutral to the show itself but likes the funny fan videos and such.  I also made a MLP:FiM thread on Unikgamer (my favorite website), and found several other fans there to talk about it with.  I think my parents know because I live with them and am on pony sites all the time, but I don't talk about it with them.

I love you.

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Most of my friends know that I love the show and so does some of my family. They all don't mind very much, although there is light teasing from time to time. I usually just think of that teasing as revenge though since I tease all my friends about stuff they like all the time; seems only fair to me.


I'm not the type to just start talking about the show with someone though, unless they express an interest in talking about it themselves. I don't talk about it at all around my friends, because they just don't know anything about the show and I don't care to make them talk about something they don't really like.


Only people close to me who don't know are my parents. They both know what Bronies are since they both enjoy browsing the Internet a lot, and I actually discussed Bronies with both of them before I even became one myself, but I'm not sure how they'd take it.



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I have told absolutely no-one. I might end up telling my best friend because he'd be extremely understanding, but as for everyone else in my life I think they'd either rip on me constantly or look down on me like a piece of sh**. My step dad in particular would probably give me a 'talking to' about wasting my life or whatever.

Applejack and Luna are best ponies!


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