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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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There's still a chance that this could turn out to be either temporary, or something that actually manages to take the show in a new and interesting direction. Not saying I'm entirely happy about this (I've actually been dreading this outcome considering the fandom has driven this plot into the ground and then lit it on fire) but I'm gonna see this through to the actual episode before I make any judgement calls.


Basically, this is the literary equivalent of walking through a mine field. While it's possible to get through without nary a scratch if the right choices are made, one false move...and....BOOM!

Edited by PoisonClaw

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Well, I'm going to be entirely honest, I really don't like this idea. Yes, Alicorn Twilight looks amazing, but to me this seems to symbolize a shift from The Mane Six to Twilight and Her Five Slightly Less Special Friends. I'm doing my best to hold off on judging this yet, for all I know it's temporary and that would be kind of cool, but this is an idea that seems like it has loads of potential to go wrong to me. I have faith in the writers and everything and I would still keep watching the show even if they did the whole Permanent Alicorn Princess thing, but I'm not going to deny that I'm very apprehensive about this.


I suppose I'll have to wait and see.

  • Brohoof 3
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Oh my gosh. I totally knew this would happen. I kinda had a dream involving something like this but, yeah I did not expect this at all.


M.A. Larson has read my mind. >.<


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I'm pretty sure that this isn't permanent anyway, since, like said, it switched their 'destinies & Cutie Marks' so it's pretty much a one hundred procent that Twilight will turn back in an unicorn (:D W!N). Also, even if she would turn into an Alicorn permanently I wouldn't be bothered as much, since her model isn't changed to Celestia's style, instead it seems they just added some bigger than average wings. I really wouldn't care extremly much if she keeps her old model with wings added in. 




But I'm pretty sure that's going to happen anyway.  ;)





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I don't know what to make of this...I like Twilight as she is now, that intelligent yet quirky pony, one of the Mane 6. I don't know what it would be like to see her as a princess, somepony the other ponies would bow to like Celestia, the rest of the 6 included. If Twilight didn't want to lose what she has with her friends, and forsake becoming an alicorn permanently, that would be a grand slam on the part of the writers IMO. If Twi becomes an alicorn permanently, we have to accept that, but I honestly like her as she is.


Two interesting plot twists: Twilight becomes the new Princess, Celestia is demoted to a regular pony and joins the Mane 6.

Twlight become a princess and Spike takes her place in the Mane 6. I'm not saying either is likely, but it's interesting to speculate.


I also think the CMCs visiting the Crystal Empire in JFS is foreshadowing. The next episodes could be big for them as well.

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Welp, there we go, Twilicorn is 100% official. BUT, I am absolutely 100% sure this will NOT be permanent- think about the synopsis of the season finale- Twilight will apparently cast a spell that changes cutie marks/destinies, and chances are she'll probably switch with Celestia, and I'm sure she'll have to fix it somehow, so there's no reason for anyone to flip out over it, it'll be all right! :)

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 5


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I'm not going to say this can't work, but I'm more than a little apprehensive about the whole thing. Alicorns are the pinnacle of ponykind, and are better than the other three pony races at, well...everything. So if they turn Twilight into an Alicorn on par with Celestia/Luna, then Hasbro just ruined everything. What's the point of future episodes when Twilight can do anything better than the rest of the Mane six? It would completely destroy the group dynamic, and I can see droves of older fans leaving if this happens. 


But if Twilight simply gets a "normal" pair of wings and a fancy title, then that'd be okay. It'd be hilarious to have Rainbow Dash try to teach Twilight how to fly. It also opens up a crap ton of world building possibilities and new stories than could be told. Which would be awesome. 


Change is good, as no show can stay the same forever and not fizzle out (except NCIS) but as unsure as I am about this major change, I shall refrain from passing judgement until I actually see the episode. 

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 Apart from this eternal life thing thats associated with the royalties (We can not assume that that is a general characteristic for an alicorn) all Twilight would get would be wings. And if this "upgrade" were to simply underline this achievement, all the show would be gaining is showing how physically disadvantaged unicorns and earth ponies are...

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I don't care how many fans of the show dislike the idea, I am so happy for this possibly/ or actually happening omg :D :3 <3 Sure it will change things, but that's OK. We all new twilight was special guys, right?

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However...if it's OP, as I said before....or permanent, but not OP, like her wings are just there and she can hover a bit, but her magic isn't increased, I approve.

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't mind her being an alicorn, but I would like to see how different she looks next to normal ponies (As in size etc). She'll look out of place is she's massive. 


Oh well, we still don't know the context of this change yet, and it may not be as bad as a lot of people have been freaking out about.

  • Brohoof 1

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Here's what we do:

We stop worrying. There are rumors, rumors, that Twilight may become an alicorn. Please, give the writers SOME credit! I'm sure they aren't that ridiculous. If it's the finally of the show, fine. If it's temporary, fine. It most likely IS one of those things. If it isn't, we wouldn't know. You guys are all looking at worst case scenario.

My point is to just relax! If it DOES happen, and it IS permanent, then you all can react how you want. The thing is though, we DON'T KNOW!

  • Brohoof 1

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Whereas I don't like the look of alicorn Twilight I am positive that the writers will do a good job in the release of such an episode.  Though it seems this may or may not be another huge fandom shitstorm the likes of which have never been seen.


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Dear Bronies:



CALM THE BUCK DOWN. Yes, Twilight is going to be a Princess. No, This isn't the end of the world. Or the fandom. Or the Show.

I am typing this out to express my disappointment to all of you who have spent the last few hours flooding the message boards and image boards with Doom and Gloom. Have you really that little faith in the show that has brought us all together in the first place? Are you seriously convinced that the fandom is hanging by such a thin chord?

I think past experience proves this isn't the case. Just look at how far we've come. We rose from the Fires of 4chan. we survived Criticism Fox News, Jerry Springer, Tosh.0 and many others. We Rejoiced at the inclusion of Derpy, and we grieved at her removal. But through it all, one thing stands out to me. WE ARE STILL HERE. If something like this were enough to destroy us. then we would already be forgotten.

Now, Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this will be the blow that we won't be able to recover from, But if so. I think that it deserves the benefit of the doubt. After all, the last thing we want is a repeat of Derpygate.


Sincerely, Page Turner.

  • Brohoof 8

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Cooler said it best, and likely speaks for quite a few of the people that supported the theory that Twilight would go Alicorn: 


But seriously though, I don't mind at all.  In fact, I think Twilight looks awesome and rather adorable as an Alicorn.  Although I might be a bit biased since well, you know, I am an avid believer that Twilight Sparkle is best pony.  


I am looking forward to seeing how this occurs in the final episode.  I doubt the writers will disappoint, those guys are amazing at what they do.   

  • Brohoof 1
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This is what I've seen in many places:


> Change doesn't happen. People want change.

> Change occurs. People rage and want them to stay the same.


She is only Celestia's personal protegé after all, so I could care less what direction the show takes.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bunker eager to watch the remaining episodes, eating popcorn.

  • Brohoof 2

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Well I, for one, feel betrayed by the writing staff.  Ever since season three started and the fact Lauren Faust left the show, I knew it was all downhill from here.  Twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess ruins the show entirely.  She's going to stay in Canterlot and will ditch her friends for her new royal duty.  Hasbro will sell toys and...and...okay, I'm not being serious.  I know this is a Hasbro decision, but I have faith in the writing staff.  In fact, I like the fact Twilight is becoming an Alicorn, it will shed some light into how Alicorns came into being in Equestria, and I'm all for explanations.  Hopefully they don't explain everything though, just bits and pieces.

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Ok all, after letting my jimmies settle, here's my line of thinking.  We have seen several mentions that Celestia is not in the pictures/screenshots that were released.  *If someone can post a link to the FB page with it that would be great*


Meghan McCarthy points towards expanding the mythos around a Princess.  Well, there is a time when a princess must step down.  Agent K said to Agent J in Men In Black 1, he wasn't training a partner, but a replacement.  Perhaps that is what this is all about with Twilight.  Princess Celestia is stepping down as ruler of Equestria.  Princess Luna, being the younger sister, will remain on as a mentor for Twilight. 


The studious unicorn finds herself scared at the prospect of ruling an entire nation, and, as a result, fumbles up a spell that causes everyone's destinies to switch.  Things are resolved in the end, but Celestia still abdicates her throne, letting Twilight take over. 


I don't like the idea of Twilight becoming an alicorn because they symbolize power and look down on their subjects, even though they are friendly beings.  However, I will accept the idea of Twilight taking over Princess Celestia's place as ruler of Equestria if things happen in this manner.  We've seen alicorns as immortal beings, so what if there's a flaw in that idea?


With all of that said however, i'm still hopeful for a temporary alicorn thing.  One thing that has me curious is why Celestia is teaching Twilight advanced magical skills.  There is more to it than simple ascension. 

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It's not that I've lost faith in the writers, they've been pretty consistent throughout the show. It's that I've lost faith in the leadership that's directing them. It seemed like Lauren was the only one who was capable of standing up to Hasbro about changes they wanted to make. As soon as she left, Hasbro could dictate to the producers/directors whatever they wanted. It happened with Cadence, and now it's happening with Twilight. 

  • Brohoof 3
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My big blog post about why that would be the stupidest thing I've ever seen done in any media franchise, ever. It's such a dumb idea, it ruins the show, Twilight as a character, and all o the other characters as well.


It's not just "But the only difference is that she can fly now."

  • Brohoof 5



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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DAT NECK... Not to risk offtopic or anything, but Twilight got her giraffe moment. When they show ponies from the front at just that angle, it makes their neck area seem longer and more fluidly connected to the body. Remember Applegiraffe and Pinkie?


On a more serious note: EYUP, canon twilicorn.


Well, they'd better pull it off well. Let's see.


If they don't, I really hope G5 will be able to top whatever messups occur with crowning moments of awesome.




Yeah, start pinning your hopes on a G5 or a G4.5 with roughly the same universe executed so that it's a good plot.

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After mulling it over for a bit, I think I've reversed by previous position of "wait and see how it turns out." 

A quote from another forum got me thinking about it some more, and you know what? They're right on the money. Twilight becoming an Alicorn is anything BUT good. Twilight is now a demi-god, which puts her several leagues above the rest of the Mane Six. The other five are now "the other guys" who exist only as second-tier characters. Twilight is now better than the rest of the group combined. So the group dynamic (AKA: the thing that made the show great) is gone forever with the addition of Super-Twilight. I can't see this ending in anything but disaster. 


However, if it turns out that I'm wrong was and over-thinking this, please feel free to point and laugh at me for jumping the gun  :lol:

  • Brohoof 3
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Less overthinking, more actually waiting and seeing.


Seriously, too much overthinking is what's going to kill it even faster because you'll have this idea in the back of your minds that it can't possibly be different from what you believe.

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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Jesus Christ, people are way too overly dramatic for their own good. She literally even has the body and neck style of an alicorn. I'm still not doubting that this is more likely temporary than it isn't. The last episode is all about changing cutie marks and destines. Inb4 Twilight gets' Celestia's destiny. Which maybe aids in her attempt to write magic in order to reverse the effects for everyone.

  • Brohoof 3


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