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mega thread What book are you reading?


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I am currently reading the book The Long Walk by  Slavomir Rawicz. It. Is. AMAZING! It's a powerful story of the author's time in a Soviet gulag and his escape attempt.



Without ruining the story here's a brief summary: During the German invasion of Poland, Rawicz, a Polish cavalry officer, is arrested by the Soviets under suspicion of being a spy. He is imprisoned and interrogated for months before he finally signs confession documents, albeit while he was drugged and delirious. He is then found guilty of espionage and sentenced to 25 years hard labor. He is then sent, along with hundreds if not thousands of other Poles, to Siberia to work. After a few chapters of him working, he finally escapes along with 5 other prisoners. After many weeks of travel, they come across a Ukrainian girl who has escaped a women's camp. This is where shit gets real. Together they travel through Siberia, Mongolia, the Gobi Desert, Tibet, and India. I'll stop here so I don't ruin anything.



Just be warned, people WILL die and when the first one does, you will probably shed a tear at the death.

Have no fear, El Presidente is here! - El Presidente

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I am definately not an avid reader of literature... But i do constantly read Encyclopedias and similar books to them. The last Piece of literature that i've read was Count Monte Cristo.


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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I'm always in the middle of several books... right now those are A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin (the sequel to A Game of Thrones), a book on particle physics and Foundation by Isaac Asimov. They're all irrefutably interesting.



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I am currently reading "It takes a village" by determamfidd, which is a story about spike dealing with a certain problem, and it 147,000 words in total, and im on chapter 3 at the moment. After that im planning to read "Never Mind" by RushingAutumnLeaves, which is a romance story between Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, 19,000 words.

>Implying that i have signature

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I recently finished reading A Separate Peace, which I absolutely loved. Next I will begin reading The Scarlet Pimpernel. Both of these books are required reading for my Advanced English 10 class. After this we have a choice between reading A Brave New World and another book I don't remember, and then Lord of the Flies. In first semester we read Julius Caesar and To Kill a Mockingbird.


I haven't done much reading for several years, but reading these books for school that I really like inspires me to read more books on my own. 

Edited by SCS



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  • 2 weeks later...

Silverwisp is in your forum, ressurecting your threads.

Finished "Shadow of the Hegemon" (awsome), currently waiting for "Shadow Puppets" to arrive. In the meantime reading "Black Company" and rereading "Battleangle Alita" (favourite manga).

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
  • Brohoof 1



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Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

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Currently I am reading an university textbook (even though I am in grade 10...) for sociology called Introduction to Sociology. Since it's exams I'm not really reading any books, but once exam season ends I plan on reading Rules of Life.by Richard Templar, I also want to read Rules of Love which I'm gonna buy at work :3

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I actually just started getting into The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Very well written and highly entertaining from what I've read so far.


"Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT)


"Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play)

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I actually just started getting into The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Very well written and highly entertaining from what I've read so far.


I plan on grabbing the first one sometime soon.  Glad to hear that they are as good as my uncle told me.  I'm excited now.  I love fantasy.

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Currently I am reading an university textbook (even though I am in grade 10...) for sociology called Introduction to Sociology. Since it's exams I'm not really reading any books, but once exam season ends I plan on reading Rules of Life.by Richard Templar, I also want to read Rules of Love which I'm gonna buy at work :3

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I'm about to start His Majesty's Dragons. (At least, I think that's the title.)

I finished Ender's Game not too long ago, then First Meetings in Ender's Universe most recently.

In my opinion, His Majesty's was terrible. It starts out irresistably interesting, and that's why you buy it, but within a few chapters it just gets to Temeraire training and all of william's thoughts(I think that's his name). I don't reccomend it, but maybe you have a longer attention span than I do ^_^


And noting that it's a month in the future you probably have finished it by now.


Weeeellll, I just finished the "Ratha's Creature" Series by Clare Bell about prehistoric cats... don't judge me, it's not a repeat of the kitty book Warriors. In fact, Erin Hunter probably plagarized her because it came first.


I'm at loss at what to read... Any recommendations for a fantasy and Sci Fi lover?

your daily dose of unoriginality.

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In my opinion, His Majesty's was terrible. It starts out irresistably interesting, and that's why you buy it, but within a few chapters it just gets to Temeraire training and all of william's thoughts(I think that's his name). I don't reccomend it, but maybe you have a longer attention span than I do ^_^


And noting that it's a month in the future you probably have finished it by now.


Weeeellll, I just finished the "Ratha's Creature" Series by Clare Bell about prehistoric cats... don't judge me, it's not a repeat of the kitty book Warriors. In fact, Erin Hunter probably plagarized her because it came first.


I'm at loss at what to read... Any recommendations for a fantasy and Sci Fi lover?


Read Ender's Game, if you haven't. Really good book.

And yes, I finished it and the second book, Throne of Jade. I'm in the third, Black Powder War, right now.

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I'm at loss at what to read... Any recommendations for a fantasy and Sci Fi lover?


Ooh, you should totally read Ender's Ga-




Read Ender's Game, if you haven't. Really good book.


Ninja'd by a full day and a half. Oh well. Read Ender's Game, it is absolutely fantastic, as are all of the sequels/sidequels.

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I actually just started getting into The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Very well written and highly entertaining from what I've read so far.

Well get ready for the story to grind to a snail's pace in book two :lol:


I'm at loss at what to read... Any recommendations for a fantasy and Sci Fi lover?

Hmm, you might want to try "The Call of the Wild" (dogs, not cats, but an excellent read)

As for fantasy: If you want something fun, there's nothing better than Terry Pratchett ("Guards!Guards!" is a great book to start)

Grim: George R.R. Martin or Glen Cook

For something fresh:

"Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures" (anthropomorphic dog goes around being badass)

"The Alchemaster's Apprentice" (a talking cat gets taken in by an alchemist/necromancer)

"A Wild Ride through the Night" (Think "Little Nemo", but badass)


Grim Sci-Fi (with some action to it): "Horus Rising", "A Thousand Sons"


Ninja'd by a full day and a half. Oh well. Read Ender's Game, it is absolutely fantastic, as are all of the sequels/sidequels.

*cough* sentient piglets *cough* *cough* stupid space magic cop-out *cough*

But yeah I agree that for the most part its an excellent series of books.

Also, you might want to consider getting the things from ebay/a used book store considering the author's views



My Art Thread, updated (almost) daily

Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

No one will ever know our names

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Well get ready for the story to grind to a snail's pace in book two :lol:

That's a little harsh, it doesn't grind to a snail's pace until book 4... ;)

Which incidentally is half again as thick as books 1-3. Personally, I think he intended to write a trilogy, and then extended it when it started selling well. I find his writing style a little over-descriptive. There was one page where a character said something, then there was a long essay about what was happening around them, then two pages later came the reply to the first statement. Jordan's world building is top-notch, but his narrative is lacking.


And the sentence "she crossed her arms underneath her breasts" appears way too often. Seriously, take a drink every time you read that sentence. You'll be way under the table by the time you reach the end of a book.


Oh, and Nynaeve is a complete and utter... I can't even say it on this forum. 

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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I just today started reading John Wyndham Parkes Lucas Beynon Harris'a "The Day of the Triffids" Yes, that's his full complete name. Most people just know him as John Wyndham though. I had recently watched the movie from 1962 (Good, but not great) and the excellent 2009 BBC two part mini-series. I had read the book years ago, and just recently tracked down a copy as an EPUB file. I'm going to try and find the sequel book I had never heard of. "The Night of the Triffids" was written by Simon Clark in 2001, and takes place twenty five years after teh events of the first book.                      


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I'm currently reading this thread. Jokes aside I am actually reading Grapes of Wrath. You have to appreciate the classics. I suggest you read Anthony Adverse or Les Miserables they are long wordy books but the overall story is fantastic. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Read Ender's Game, if you haven't. Really good book.

And yes, I finished it and the second book, Throne of Jade. I'm in the third, Black Powder War, right now.

Ah, guess you do have a longer attention span XD


Ooh, you should totally read Ender's Ga-





Ninja'd by a full day and a half. Oh well. Read Ender's Game, it is absolutely fantastic, as are all of the sequels/sidequels.

Read it :P That book... I finished it in about three days. it sucks you in like a wormhole O.o

  • Brohoof 2

your daily dose of unoriginality.

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Ah, guess you do have a longer attention span XD


Read it :P That book... I finished it in about three days. it sucks you in like a wormhole O.o


It does. It's such a good book, and I can't wait for it's movie. :D


And I guess I do. I've put the next four in the Temeraire series on hold at the local library. :):D;)

DRAGONS :D;):lol:

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