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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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With my pony avatar on different kinds of social media, I've become the subject of a lot of off-the-bat abuse - people initially start going "You like ponies? You're gay. Bronies are horrible." Then I just talk to them all calm and collected, and it becomes apparent that they've established a consensus to all types of Bronies based on hassle they've had from Bronies in the past. It's those types of Bronies, the ones that are responsible for all the misconceptions and prejudice, that I really dislike.


When you think about it, they're not technically Bronies. A real Brony would apply the lessons from the show, one of them being don't bother someone if they've made it clear that they don't want to hear it. Going around throwing their mouth about how great ponies are, without a care for annoying other people, just shows that they don't take the idea of being a Brony seriously.


Love and tolerance has lost its actual meaning, hasn't it? Shame.

Edited by Flipturn ツ
  • Brohoof 6
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  • I don't approve of clopping.  It's masturbating to animals, for crying out loud.  I find it sick and wrong.

I generally don't like a lot of shippers.  I ship only two pairings - Shining Armor x Princess Cadance, and Big Mac x Cheerilee.  Basically, I like pairings that are canon or could be canon.  I especially despise Lyra x Bon-Bon and Octavia x Vinyl Scratch.  I love those ponies individually, but pairings of them are horrendous and should not exist.

Bronies that insist that certain ponies are lesbians particularly piss me off.  Especially Rainbow Dash and Lyra.  I mean, I can see no basis for it in the show.

Bronies who fight over which pony is "best pony" irritate me.  I mean, I like Applejack best of all, but it doesn't mean that other ponies don't have their appeals.

Bronies who insist on ponifying EVERYTHING and then posting them all over.

  • Brohoof 1




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but I really need to learn to stop myself.

I totally understand that, I felt the same way when I first got into the show I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. And it is for that reason that I posted a youtube video talking about how I got into ponies and one of the reasons I joined this forum, as a way of channeling that side of me without turning into an evangelist brony. I have gotten to a point that while I occasionally get that desire I for the most part don't make a big deal out of the fact that I like ponies, I don't go out of my way to tell anyone but don't go out of my way to hide it either.

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Thank you Suzaku! At least somepony disapproves of clopping! Thank you for not hating on me and using me as an example of 'This is a brony who hates other bronies'!


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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I'm not happy with bronies that can't won't except change. I moved away from the minecraft forums for this very reason, with every new update there were screamers about how they hated all the minecraft developers and blah blah blah...
If you don't like the idea of Twilicorn I'm not going to say you shouldn't make your point, but people have gone way overboard. Same with EqG. Stop.

Thank you for not hating on me and using me as an example of 'This is a brony who hates other bronies'!

But it is an example of a brony who hates other bronies. I don't clop, but I find that all the cloppers I've met have been perfectly normal/nice individuals. Why do you even care what other's do behind closed doors? Is it hurting anyone else in any way?

Edited by Sky Chaser
  • Brohoof 2


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I'm not someone to dislike someone for their personality but I try and push myself away from the people who just show off that they're bronies, I mean it's not that much of a big deal.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here's my list on the kinds of bronies I hate:


1. Bronies that dislike change and will do all sorts of things to express it, like make death threats to the writers. It's okay to not like it, but to make death threats to the writers is taking it to a whole new level.


2. The bronies that hate cloppers just because they clop, and other intolerant bronies.


3. The bronies that think you have to love and tolerate just to be a brony. Seriously, it's not like that. Love and tolerate is a guideline, not a requirement.


4. Bronies that shove it in many face that they are bronies and bug others, trying to make them join the herd. Seriously, I am open about me being a brony, but I don't go and bug people in an attempt to make someone join the herd, or stuff like that.


I could put more.

  • Brohoof 3
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 I can't stand the judgemental, overreactive, or dogmatic types. If you have a thoughtful opinion on EqG or Twilicorn, positive or negative, then I'd love to hear it. But don't turn into a zealot who thinks Twi's wings are an absolute good/bad thing and that everyone who disagrees sucks.

This also applies to people who prejudge grimdark. I might be a little biased due to my obsession LOVE of grimdark art and fanfic, but whenever I see people knocking FOE, Cupcakes, or cyberpunk without giving it a chance, I'm just reminded of people who refuse to watch MLP because it's "a little girls' show." If it's not your cup of tea, fine, but don't rant and rave about how it's "disrupting the show's purity" just because we like to reimagine the show.


Same goes for folks who don't like analysis/critique. People like to dig deep into fiction. It's a ton of fun, if you're at all interested in storytelling. Stop judging people just because they like to put FiM under the microscope.

Edited by DashForever
  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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We already happened to have a topic dedicated to sharing things that we dislike about the MLP fandom, and as both your topic and that one were for the purpose of sharing recurring complaints concerning certain types of behavior and fans who practice them, they have been merged.

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I don't care to much for cloppers, or shippers, or ponfags (people who are so brony that they throw it in everyones face)

I have to agree with you friend. back before i even liked this show my friend darren would just non stop begging me to watch the show. one time he accually gave me a killer migrane so much so that i cussed him out and told him to shut the fuck up and that i'll watch it in due time.
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Things I Dislike About the MLP Fandom:


11) Pony P0ЯИ

22) Communism

33) Totalitarianism

44) You say it

55) "Nothing but the ponies"


Other than those which I encountered outside & inside this place, brawnies share the same warm welcomes as anyone else.


  • Brohoof 1

Ultimate Jelly Otter / PB&J Otter fan since 2003

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I only thing I mind about being a Brony is that people think it's weird, but being a Brony is not weird. My friend isn't a Brony, but he still hangs out with me.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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I'm gonna get a lotta hate for this but:


1. excessive bias and obsessiveness over certain (background) characters, which often comes at the expense of neglecting other equally good characters. You know who you are.

2. Overused ship fics and how there's a ridiculous assumption that if 2 same sex characters are seen together or paired together (mares 99% of the time) they're automatically shipped and put into lesbo relationships. Seriously I'm all for equality but there's quite a few decent male characters to ship as well.

3. Certain parts of the fanbase being a bit in your face at times and obnoxious.

4. Excessive clopping.

Edited by Cwanky
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Things I dislike about this fandom, huh?

Fine. Here goes:

  • The general intolerance towards cloppers
  • Grimdark artists who copy certain other artists. *cough*, PigFish, *cough*
  • The music scene. Yeah, I know, I know, but I'm sorry, I just can't get invested. There's too much electronica and remixes floatin' around.
  • Bronies who insist on cramming the show down people's throats​. Holy FUCKBALLS, do I hate you guys! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!
  • People who act like this show is god's eternal gift for mankind, or something to that effect.
  • ​Bronies who post YouTube videos, consisting of unbelievable amounts of spaghetti, such as "coming out of the stable" to their parents.

    I guess that's about it for now.​
  • Brohoof 2
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1. I hate the whining.

2. If you don't like a "certain" pony then you get hate on you

3. I hate the hate huh.png  on cloppers. I am not a clopper but I have clopped before out of curiosity so I can kinda put myself in a clopper's shoes. (Damn you To Kill a Mockingbird!)

4. The dislike of Equestria Girls. I'll make an opinion of that movie after I see it.

5. The overly obsessed fans who hate on non-bronies and try to convert everyone. If someone doesn't like the show, just let them be.

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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For me my number 1 is Clopping/R34 crap.....despite liking shipping.  Shipping in most cases is just "cute". For what I've seen in the MLP fandom It's no different from other fandoms.....


The other is dubstep remixes....SOME of it is "ok" but most of it iall the same, and you can't hear the original songs in the mat all....they just sound like another dubstep song. I like my heavy metal rocking my bass...not dubstep.


Another are bronies that are elitists about MLP.


another hting I hate about the MLP fandom......the lack of merchandise in my area angry.png

  • Brohoof 3

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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I dislike it when people are overly hateful of Twilicorn and/or EQG. To dislike them a bit is fair enough, but to rage about them, sometimes going to the extent of saying you're leaving the fandom, is taking things a little far in my opinion. Both have massive amounts of potential to be amazing, and they haven't even been given that chance yet. We know little about what Twilight becoming an alicorn will entail, and we know even less about EQG. I say it's time to have some optimism ^-^


I also dislike the fact that I can't hug every brony :(

  • Brohoof 3



Together since October 19th, 2011


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I hate:

Rule34: Pointless.

Stupid fanfictions that f**k with my mind everytime I happen to read/see one (Cupcakes etc.): Bad addon to the community.

Some shippings: Not my thing.



I don't really care about clopping, let them clop to whatever they want.


[ Signature by me, made in GIMP | DeviantArt | Personal Website ]

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This isn't going to win me any friends, but I despise a good 99.9999% of the brony music out there. Even if you ignore all the dubstep/eurobeat/remix bull, a vast majority of tracks seem to exist solely to cover a topic, and not to express any sort of inspiration.


Yes, there are very good, very inspired tracks in the fandom. But these are few and far between, and hardly ever come from any of the well-known brony musicians. It isn't that MandoPony and the Aviators are devoid of talent, it's that they try to write too many songs with too little effort. It comes off as lazy and mass-produced.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I would have to  say mine are, using everypony/ etc terms irl when normal convo versus everyone. The rare and few artitst that think they are the gift to the community and choose to insult other artists work just to get a rise out of them, or to try to dis credit them. Like any fandom the heavy extremists (IE shove it down your throats type) along with also the Angrily in Denial type, that fight tooth and nail thinking its the "cool" thing to do to another person in the same fandom. Its just counterproductive. I am not really against "tastefull" anthro art of them, if done right and not Pedo >.< but sometimes the r34 stuff I have been shown makes me go ooookayyyyy. However, if that is what they like to draw or enjoy shrug more power to them. Just not my thing to do personaly.

Purple Dragon Studios is here to bring you Custom Pony art and Custom pony toys!



<3A big Thank you to Ciderbarrel for my banner<3


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I really hate how obsessive some bronies can be, though I suppose all fandoms come with people like that. Even so, the amount Bronies that will just not shut up about MLP is astounding. I get that it's good but it's not always a relevant topic.

Edited by Solar-Karma


"What's that guy's problem?"

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I really hate MLP Rule 34. I mean if they look at R34 they can quit the MLP fandom right away. Even clopfics too. They should put a "I agree I am 18 or older" Button.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't like the R34, cloppers, and shippers. It just disgusts me and it doesn't seem right. That's pretty much all. :l

Boy do I agree with you on that. I found out what they were by looking up pictures of rainbow dash.  Now I use safe search on google when I am doing that.  Those people are mentally disturbed.

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