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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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3 things bother me:


1. Bronies who clop (shipping does a little too. I just don't like seeing a character I like from the show in a not-so-well developed relationship, with little CANONICAL explanation.)

2. Bronies who deliberately convert other people (This is why certain religious people, particularly Christians of 500 years ago and some certain Jehovah's Witnesses bother me.)

3. Bronies that overuse "Love and Tolerate" in a completely hypocritical manner.



Unfortunately, these give trolls "the upper hand" in some arguments about bronies being a disgusting fandom. It kind of is.

  • Brohoof 1


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Things I hate about this fandom... Hmm... I hate...

1. Bronies who have to keep dredging up the ugly stuff about this fandom. Yes I am going to be a complete hypocrite in this but I will explain why, but for now just know that I would rather everyone just calm down.

2. People who get angry about the KINDS of bronies in the fandom. From the lower levels to the most zealotic cloppers, we are all bronies who enjoy a show about talking technicolor equines; What kind of fan you are is irrelevant. Just, like the show, enjoy it with others, & move on.

3. Its less of "hate" & more of "saddened by" in this case, but it is about how a community that acts very hated & pushed away tends to do the same to others... From people who don't like the show (I am talking about non-fans, not people who actively pursue bronies just to assault them) to people who like the show almost too much (zealots who really need to just relax for a minute & watch something else, despite my own infatuation with the show I still watch other stuff quite a lot), so many bronies just push everyone away... Come on, what happened to "Love & Tolerate" everyone? Can't we just say "You don't like what I like??? Ok, that's fine." & walk away? If we all just did that, I think we would have less anger towards cloppers & non-fans & zealots & etc.


Simply put, I just would like to see more relaxing from this community than the "LEAST favorite pony" and "Things you Dislike about the brony fandom" threads, & more discussion on why we like this community, why we are a part of this community. Is that such a hard thing to do?


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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- Bronies that have a flaming hatred towards humans and think that they must be brutally killed by the ponies


- Bronies that completely overreact to Twilight Sparkle becoming an Alicorn, saying that they'll "Leave the fandom" and all that shite (as seen in some of the reaction videos to the Season 3 finale)


- Anti-Cloppers in the fandom (I am a clopper, so it's only natural if they annoy me :P)


- Bronies that get EXTREMELY offended if you say something bad about their favourite pony (I'm looking at you, AJ fanboys!)


- "FLASH SENTRY STOLE MY WAIFU!!!!!!". *sigh* Seriously?


- Bronies that spam MLP material on websites that have nothing to do with MLP


- Bronies that hate anyone that doesn't like MLP, even if that person has nothing against broniesz


- The ponification of other things (movies, games, etc.)


- The whole "Love & Tolerate" thing

Edited by GrauWitz
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- The anti-waifu
The people who heard about the "I'm married to Twilight" guy who wrote a letter to a guy who drew erotic pictures of Twilight, and ran along thinking that everyone with a waifu is like that... Or really just anyone who hates on anyone who has a waifu. 


- The anti-clopper

Boo hoo, someone enjoys something in a way that you don't want them to. Welcome to the real world. Your self-righteous hysteria isn't going to "magic" them into versions of bitter little uppity you ~ o pure one


- The Unnecessarily Over-Analytical Pony Scientists 
"How does it make sense that cutie marks appear out of thin air?!" "How can ponies pick things up with their hooves?!" "Do ponies wear leather? Do they kill animals?!" "How can <such and such> be scientifically explained?!"


Cartoon logic. 

The friggin' creators probably don't know the answers to most of these questions. If prompted, some might struggle to come up with an on-the-spot answer, but do you really think they pre-meditated scientific explanations to questions like this? I very much doubt it. 


Apply children's cartoon logic, there is not scientific depth to be found in every corner of this show. 


- The "That isn't canon" Kill-Joy
I don't care. 


- The "You / Your OC can't be an alicorn unless you're / they've done <such and such>" Kill-Joy
I don't care.


- The "You wouldn't want to live in Equestria irl - TERRIBLE things happen in MLP:FIM, never wish to go there / Scientifically Impossible to live / survive in Equestria, lol at you"

Yeah, when I say "I'd love to live in Equestria", I mean I'd love to live as some happy little alicorn (lol yes, an ALICORN) floating about on a cloud maybe, making magic happen. No, I wouldn't die in Equestria. No, I wouldn't be miserable there. I'd go there, make it even more perfect, and everyone would live together in harmony. Why? Because it's a fictional show and I, as a fictional character, can fiction about it in as much as I want. 

  • Brohoof 2

~ But it's what my cutie mark is telling me... 


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-Harrowingly violent grimdark.

-The fact that people just INSIST on spamming ponies in places where they just don't belong. Stop that, please.

-People who try to religiousy "convert" other people into becoming fans of MLP.

Yes to all of this! Especially on the grimdark...I personally hate it.
  • Brohoof 1
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Fans who are will burn you

at the steak for dissing their fav

ponies .


Shipping Wars: So some fans

like to pair up ponies that might

not ever happen in the show!   Yet

when you say might ship Big Mac with

a older Spike.   Some fans just

flip the hell out!   Take a chill pill!


Ponies in Panties/Stockings:  Ok im

sorry but that kinda just grosses me

out in the plain sense of any thing.....


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Sincerely, i hate creepy pasta,grimdark,gore and p*rn related matter in fandom especially in bronydom. Those make my spirit rot and decay. Usually, i ended myself lying on the floor and asking myself why after i saw those things on the internet :-( ( take note: i don't hate people who like those stuff, just hate those things and i love you all ;-) ) (i'm sorry)

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 1 month later...

Now I'm sorry

  1. Fluffle Puff (I don't get it)
  2. Smile HD
  3. People who cannot accept that there will be others who dislike the show and defend it to no end with ardent fervour. Though I must say I enjoy seeing anti-bronies and trolls get torn to pieces by a well written comment or tripe
  4. The strange SFM dubs using male voices
  • Brohoof 1
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Now I'm sorry

  1. Fluffle Puff (I don't get it)
  2. Smile HD
  3. People who cannot accept that there will be others who dislike the show and defend it to no end with ardent fervour. Though I must say I enjoy seeing anti-bronies and trolls get torn to pieces by a well written comment or tripe
  4. The strange SFM dubs using male voices



Agree with you 75%. The 25% was your no.1. Though, like you, I don't understand Fluffle but somehow I still like it.




There's some bronies I don't like:

- The exhibition cloppers (I dont mind the cloppers but don't show it to everypony that does not. It's just plain weird.

- The 'I'm always right' brony (You can be wrong! Don't deny it!)

- The 'I always win' brony (Backed up with illegitimate or legit facts. Still! You won the argument, okay!? Stop it!)

- The other pony hater brony (We get your favourite pony is cool. Thats no reason to hate others)

  • Brohoof 1
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  • Anti cloppers: I'm not a clopper, and while I have neutral feelings for cloppers themselves, I don't see the point of hating a group of people based on one quirky interest. Most of the cloppers I've come across are actually pretty nice people.
  • Bronies who don't like change and leave the fandom: I like to view change as a sign of progression than anything. Yeah, Alicorn Twilight may be the cheapest money-grubbing tactic that Hasbro has pulled off, but I still keep on watching to see what would happen to Twilight.


...and that's about it. To be honest, I don't hate all that much in this fandom. I usually find more good in it than bad.

  • Brohoof 4
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Agree with you 75%. The 25% was your no.1. Though, like you, I don't understand Fluffle but somehow I still like it.




There's some bronies I don't like:

- The exhibition cloppers (I dont mind the cloppers but don't show it to everypony that does not. It's just plain weird.

- The 'I'm always right' brony (You can be wrong! Don't deny it!)

- The 'I always win' brony (Backed up with illegitimate or legit facts. Still! You won the argument, okay!? Stop it!)

- The other pony hater brony (We get your favourite pony is cool. Thats no reason to hate others)


I don't dislike Fluffle Puff, I just don't understand how any video involving her and Chrysalis always place highly in the Top Pony Videos but I appreciate creative effort. To me, she's a less appealing form of Derpy.

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I don't like the people who complained about Twilight becoming a princess and thinking that the show was jumping the shark, especially when they begin to maunder about how supposedly great Season 1 is, even though it's deeply flawed.


I also sort of dislike those that bring up MLP for no reason and/or when it's not necessary, or try to evoke any negative brony stereotypes.

Edited by Gernia


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Hymenoptera is the most superior order of insects. | I'm the best Street Fighter player ever... in my hometown.

Rosalina's #1 fanboy.

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Anything made that goes against what makes MLP great to begin with.


- Cloppers / clop art. I know that this will probably not go away, I've seen this sort of thing in other fandoms. I just wish people would keep it to themselves, and or out of the mainstream (aka not rubbing it in people's faces.) MLP  is one of the few pure things we have, why do people insist on exploiting and perving it up as well? Not to mention that this embraces the negative stereotypes about us bronies.


- Gory, violent, mean spirited MLP stuff. This includes Cupcakes, Smile HD, Rainbow Factory, and any morbid/gory MLP fanart. Things that involve, intense, violence or mutilation of the ponies. There has been an influx of this kind of stuff since Halloween is coming up. Again, mean spiritedness and hurtfulness goes against what MLP is about big time.


Again, I love the brony community, these are just a few things that always get under my skin.

Edited by whitetiger187
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I'm reiterating what's been said a thousand times before but.....

I guess the zealotry and in your face attitude some people may have. Just because you enjoy something that isn't generally accepted doesn't justify you to shove it in others faces.

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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Humans in EQ

Humans turned to ponies

Clopping with Humans

Ponies made to look sexy in panties

Ponies made to look sexy in socks

Over thinking moments in the show...

Flamers when it comes to some of fan's first creations...


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Well, there's the entire fandom, for starters. I'll drop some specifics:


Intolerance - Oh, how intolerant this fandom is. Reminds me of Texas, really. You've got the anti-cloppers who seem intent on starting a fandom civil war with their constant harassment of people who mind their own business, then there's the fact Rarity and AJ fans are treated as second-class citizens on most boards. Just things like that to re-assert my feelings on this fandom.


Spammy nature - Bronies will go to videos and things that have nothing to do with Ponies whatsoever and start spamming ponies and try to get people to watch the show. It makes me embarrassed to be a fan of the show, seeing how some Bronies behave when dealing with matters outside of the community.


There's a catch-all and a more specific example. There's more to it, but I would rather not exert the energy posting it from mobile.

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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White Knight (anti cloppers/gore/grimdark) and the fact that Bronies are too damn defensive. "I don't like mlp..." "GUH SO MANY HATERS ZOMG LIKE WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!"

  • Brohoof 2


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Things I dislike about this fandom are things I dislike about any fandom, though the ones I'll list are particularly dominant among bronies 


Rampant homophobia: I'm not just talking about anti shipping, I'm talking about this need to say "LOOK AT US WE ARE STRAIGHT and NORMAL, we aren't GAY!" All that is doing is feeding the troll and singling out the actual gay bronies cause they "aren't normal" apparently. 


Walking Troll bait: I cannot go to a popular brony youtube video without a hate comment getting spammed with dozens if not hundreds of messages. Again people, you are feeding the trolls, trolls get more interested in trolling, they troll more, you respond more, and the vicious cycle continues. 


Anti shipper: Chill the buck out and let people have their fun. 

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The degree to which people seem to just go on and on about the stupid grimdark stuff.


"Oh my god, I just read this fanfic story where Pinkie Pie kills Rainbow Dash and makes her into cupcakes. I'm never going to be able to look at Pinkie Pie the same way ever again!"



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At the end of the season four finale.....




Several months later,


Bronies: "We're cool with this"


There is just too much drama over the small things sometimes.

Edited by Princess-Sunbutt
  • Brohoof 4











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At the end of the season four finale.....




Several months later,


Bronies: "We're cool with this"


There is just too much drama over the small things sometimes.

Oh trust me, they freak out whenever there's something that even suggests the status quo might change and deem the show ruined.



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