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music What songs do you hold close to your heart?


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What do I mean by this? I'm talking about songs that always put you in a good mood, songs that you can always turn to.




Ermagersh, THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING I JFTJYTQEU^%62i675!@$%&*^%$


It's just so uplifting! Just read the chorus!


I see it, I see it

And now it's all within my reach

Endless possibility

I see it, I see it now

It's always been inside of me

And now I feel so free

Endless possibility


:wub: Just by listening to this makes me pumped up and ready to take on the world. Just. Awesome.

Edited by Supernova
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I don't know if "close to my heart" is the best way to describe it, but since I'm often very tense and nervous, and this music is one of the very few things that can calm me down, I guess it could be post here.



Hearing this allowed me to, let say "stop thinking" and to relax, It might seems weird or psychotic but it works, and I assume being a weirdo.

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Hmmm. I hold a lot more sad songs close to my heart.


This one isn't too bad. Strangely, It cheers me up. It reminds me of the times me and my friends saw them live and we all sang it together. Great memories. (':


Also, this cheers me up, simply because it gets me pumped and it's such a fun song. <3



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I dont really hold many songs close to me, but the song I listen to that never fails to put me in a good mood has to be



I dont really listen to much music outside of MLP anymore, but Breaking Benjamin have a song for every occasion, and Disturbed always put me in a rampaging mood, in a good way.

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Sorry I can't give an explanation, but somehow this beautiful, instrumental piece seems to embody my outlook on life itself and the course mine has followed.





It's also very soothing and gives me feels of all kinds.


Jazz and swing are also genres that I love, and anything from those always lifts my spirits. Check this out:




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I'm not going to post a video to this song because in reality I only hold it close to my heart when sung by my mother. I'll just post the lyrics. This song is very dear to me as she used to hold me in her lap and smoothly sing it too me, and it was so peaceful. Those were the best moments of my childhood. This song never fails to calm me down or soothe me.



Listen, children, to a story

That was written long ago,

'Bout a kingdom on a mountain

And the valley-folk below.


On the mountain was a treasure

Buried deep beneath the stone,

And the valley-people swore

They'd have it for their very own.


Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after....

One tin soldier rides away.


So the people of the valley

Sent a message up the hill,

Asking for the buried treasure,

Tons of gold for which they'd kill.


Came an answer from the kingdom,

"With our brothers we will share

All the secrets of our mountain,

All the riches buried there."


Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after....

One tin soldier rides away.


Now the valley cried with anger,

"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"

And they killed the mountain-people,

So they won their just reward.


Now they stood beside the treasure,

On the mountain, dark and red.

Turned the stone and looked beneath it...

"Peace on Earth" was all it said.


Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after....

One tin soldier rides away.


Go ahead and hate your neighbor,

Go ahead and cheat a friend.

Do it in the name of Heaven,

You can justify it in the end.

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgement day,

On the bloody morning after....

One tin soldier rides away.



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Pinkie Pie's smile song instantly comes to mind, but let's think outside the box. *literally steps outside a cardboard box*


Lugia's song comes from Pokemon 2000. I just love this song to bits and it brings shivers to my spine every time I listen to it. I still have my VHS tape of the movie and enjoy watching the imagery along with it.


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Yes yes, I know I've posted this song many times before, only because I believe that the message in this song is so powerful, it almost has a sort of psychological effect. Why? Well, it's obvious that this songs message is, that no matter how bad things get, nothing, nothing, is so bad that you can't pick yourself up, and that there's always another chance, another day, because the sun will always rise in the morning. Not only that, whenever something bad happens and you can't help it, hey, that's life, no use fretting about it.



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There are many songs that do that to me for many different reasons, but this more than any other seems to really have an effect on me both because of the theme of redemption it represents (I have screwed up more times than I can count) and because it reminds me of my Grandmother who died unexpectedly at the age of 64.


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Songs I keep close to me is most songs from Rocky,but this is the one I like the most.It's more motivating,and reminds me to give all I got,and kick butt.

And this one too BTW.

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There's loads, so I'll just post two...for now XD

These are ones that calm me down and make me feel very tranquil. I have different songs for everything, but these two are particularly helpful for me.


I've always been a hug Ghibli fan and this song is absolutely gorgeous, from the voice to the instrumental.

And that's simply...waaaat. So beautiful.


In fact, I can safely say that all the music that are in Hayao Miyazaki's films and the Zelda games are dear to me XD

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These songs remind me of my best friend that passed away earlier this year.


I watched this movie the just before I found out about her car accident.



When I first watched this video and listened to the song it brought me to tears because of how much it reminded me of her. Anyone who claims that this fandom can't cause emotional connections and help with depression be damned.

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Okay lets see if I do this right in linking the videos


1) Tourniquet by Marylin Manson, something about this song really resonates in me, I connect to it so much for some reason and if I am in a melancholy mood I can count on this song to soothe it a little.





2) Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magentic Zeros, my favorite song EVER. This song reduces me to a pile of gushy lovebirdness at just the starting note. It's mine and my boyfriend's song and it makes me realize home is never a place but with the people I love.




3) Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz, this song was playing on my first date with my boyfriend,





4) Bonobo by Kiara, not the offical music video, but this video of someone hooping to it is AMAZING. It is my favorite song to hoop to by far, so much energy and allows for great transitions.




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There's one song That I think just might be the anthem of the brony community.  lol  This one is entitled "Great to be Different"   It's written by  a brony musician named forest rain who was inspired by a letter  he recieved which read "It's great to be different - love derpy"  
This part touches me the most:
"I Just wanted to tell you that the hardest thing I faced
Wasn't the teasing or the pain
IT was convincing myself I wasn't stupid, strange or lame
and helping others do the same."

Song in the spoiler tag below!







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Songs from Nirvana, Andrew W.K., The Offspring and Queen usually puts me in a good mood.


It's so awesome I can't stop smiling when I listen to it. I just love it. No reason.



Okay, this song doesn't put me in a good mood, but in a... Better. I shouldn't really listen to this when I'm angry. It ends up with me throwing chairs at the wall or something. I get angry and happy at the same time.

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