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Alicorn Twilight, Removed Derpy & More Hasbro Control Rumors

Mister Jack

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While I agree with many posters that this seems rumor-ish, and not a true member of the staff (otherwise they would most likely be fired by now anyways for breach of NDA), I don't see what's so terrible about alicorn Twilight. Sure the Derpy situation sucks, but even the "where's waldo" style was only a minor consolation for having her banned from ever participating in the story already. So... just one more nail in the coffin there.


Alicorn Twilight is something I've wanted for a long time, and does seem quite likely. But only if it doesn't happen at the series finale... because any major change at the last minute like that just freaks out half the fanbase, and leaves the half that wanted it disappointed that they never get to see how the story progresses with the new change.


Alicorn Twilight does trade one disaster for another, however... Twilight will outlive all her friends. But now Spike won't have to watch her die within the next 80 years or so, while he still has thousands more years to live. Celestia and Luna, too. The four of them together in the distant future (with Spike being full grown) is a pretty awesome image :)


And just because Twilight sprouts wings doesn't mean she has to leave her friends right now. She seems rather inexperienced to take on ruling power anyway. And unless she's changed a lot since Boast Busters, her worst fear will be the others leaving her out of jealousy for her powers.


My personal hope is that she doesn't have a whole lot of choice in the matter... that she really was destined to be an alicorn from the beginning, or at least from the time she got her cutie mark. That would give a lot more credence to her remaining with the others for the foreseeable future, and dealing with it as more of a challenge than a choice.


But if they do have Twilight move to Canterlot alone and continue the series without her playing a central role.. then yes, that would be terrible. But Rarity wants to live in Canterlot anyway, and it would enable Rainbow to join the Wonderbolts without leaving her friends, and Fluttershy could maintain the castle garden, and Pinkie could teach all those snooty ponies how to relax, and Applejack... I'm not sure what to do with her. Not really enough room in a city hanging off the side of a mountain to start up a new orchard. But Rainbow especially will be a sad case if they don't move. And they don't have to move right away. One season of alicorn Twilight in Ponyville would be a lot of fun.

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The whole "What I'm about to say could get me fired" and "overwhelming response from the fanbase" ruins the trolling attempt.


This is too obvious.

I'll wait and see what happens.


And to me, alicorn Twilight for one episode isn't the worst idea ever. This could turns out nice.

Edited by Akihiro
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The whole "What I'm about to say could get me fired" and "overwhelming response from the fanbase" ruins the trolling attempt.


This is too obvious.

I'll wait and see what happens.


And to me, alicorn Twilight for one episode isn't the worst idea ever. This could turns out nice.


That's the other thing.  The whole Alicorn Twilight thing could be something that simply lasts for one episode.  I know that at one point, Lauren Faust was entertaining an idea where Celestia and Luna had to leave Equestria to deal with a situation in another country and they had Twilight temporarily put in charge in their absence.


Granted, she never mentioned anything about Alicorn Twilight in this, but how else would she raise the Sun and Moon?


Anyway as I said, from a marketing perspective, it seems kind of dumb to only change one character's design if you're trying to sell a line of toys.  It would make more sense to change all six ponies.


If you still don't believe me on this, let me put it into perspective.  In Pokemon when Ash goes to a new Region, he doesn't just catch one new Pokemon.  He catches five, because they're trying to sell fans on the new Gen.  What does he do with his old Pokemon?  He Oaks them or releases them.  Why?  Because they're not trying to sell the old Pokemon anymore.  They're trying to sell the new ones. 


If Hasbro wanted to push a new line of toys based on FiM, then they would most likely change the designs of the whole cast, instead of just one character.


Second, if they were trying to push a new line of toys, then even if they made Twilight into an Alicorn, she wouldn't leave for Canterlot or anything.  She would likely still remain in Ponyville, as she would now have to get adjusted to all these new powers and abilities.  


Not to mention, showing off a toy one time and then never using it again isn't exactly the smartest way to sell said toy, is it?  I don't think Hasbro's THAT stupid.  Now don't get me wrong, they've made some stupid decisions in the past.  But they wouldn't do something this dumb when it comes to selling toys.



Finally, something I forgot in my last post.  Season 3 is pretty good so far, so I don't know WHY anyone would mention anything about a decrease in quality.  I mean yes, the villain in the premiere wasn't the greatest, but the episodes so far have been pretty good.  Honestly, I don't think there's really been a bad episode this season yet.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 2

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There's a lot of conflicting information here so I guess I'll just wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions and freaking out over anything.

As much as I dislike the idea of alicorn Twilight (Princess Twilight? ughhh), I have faith that the writers are talented enough overcome whatever hoops Hasbro throws at them. As for Derpy, she was always more of an awesome added bonus for me instead of being the sole reason why I enjoy the show. Whatever happens to her, she will always live on and be celebrated in fan created material.

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There's a lot of conflicting information here so I guess I'll just wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions and freaking out over anything.

As much as I dislike the idea of alicorn Twilight (Princess Twilight? ughhh), I have faith that the writers are talented enough overcome whatever hoops Hasbro throws at them. As for Derpy, she was always more of an awesome added bonus for me instead of being the sole reason why I enjoy the show. Whatever happens to her, she will always live on and be celebrated in fan created material.


If these were any other writers, I would be more worried about it.  But the fact is, I am completely confident that if Alicorn Twilight turns out to be genuine, they will find a creative and exciting way to make it happen.


That said, I'm still waiting for official confirmation from EQD before assuming anything.

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 saw this on /mlp/ too.

Wouldn't take it too serious. Haven't been able to find a source, and some text written somewhere is no evidence what-so-ever

Sorry for the thing that has been in my sig for like a lot of time, I ragequit because I got a warning and then never bothered to get back to the forums and change my sig xd

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As much as I hate it... I can handle Derpy leaving the show but Twilight an Alicorn ? That is going to BUTCHER the Whole God Damn thing... I am REALLY Pissed off right now.


Ok... What if everyone were to send some letter's to Hasbro telling them that this is a Terrible idea and they will loose money... We could start a petition or something.

Something something something something


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I'm afraid this is true. I came to the same conclusion while watching the first two episodes of season 3. I couldn't explain where these "Crystal ponies" came out of all of a sudden until I discovered how Hasbro was prepping to sale "crystal pony toylines" while Season 3 was in progress. I also noticed the little hint in the background of the conversation between Celestia\Twilight\Luna during episode 1, suggesting Twilight will take a place between sun and moon in the future.


Gentelmen, I'm afraid we're in for a big ol' storm of corporate shit.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ugh god Twilight as an alicorn? That's just awful. Don't get me wrong I am happy that we are getting a fourth season, but if Hasbro is that much more focused on selling their toys, we may be in for a crappy time. Also I'm not THAT surprised that Derpy is gone, I'm not happy about it, but I was starting to get a feeling that she wasn't going to be around that much longer.

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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Saw it on Reddit?  Link NOW.  You can't just post an image and expect me to believe it's real.  This has been done a million times from Rainbow Dash getting a boyfriend to the fabled Twilight becoming an Alicorn. It's too easy to fake these images.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, Alicorn Twilight doesn't sound that bad as long as it's only for one or two episodes. Derpy getting canned doesn't bother me that much to be honest.


I'm not sure that I trust this person's information though, so I'll just wait and see.


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If this is true (which it mostly likely isn't):


Yay, a season 4.


I'm not that sad about Derpy... She's a background character that I barely ever noticed except in the most obvious times.


And Alicorn Twilight... I'm okay with this if it's done right.




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Well, Alicorn Twilight doesn't sound that bad as long as it's only for one or two episodes. Derpy getting canned doesn't bother me that much to be honest.


I'm not sure that I trust this person's information though, so I'll just wait and see.



Derpy getting the shaft is kind of to be expected after the backlash over that episode.  So I can't really say I would be entirely surprised if that part did turn out to be true.  Remember what I said during Season 2 after that episode was changed.  I said, 'Don't take Derpy's appearances during the latter half of Season 2 to necessarily mean they're keeping her'.  Believe me, I hate being right, but I see this kind of stuff all the time in cartoons and kids' shows.  Remember the wedding in Power Rangers (though if you ask me, it was an improvement to that series)?




I'm afraid this is true. I came to the same conclusion while watching the first two episodes of season 3. I couldn't explain where these "Crystal ponies" came out of all of a sudden until I discovered how Hasbro was prepping to sale "crystal pony toylines" while Season 3 was in progress. I also noticed the little hint in the background of the conversation between Celestia\Twilight\Luna during episode 1, suggesting Twilight will take a place between sun and moon in the future.


Gentelmen, I'm afraid we're in for a big ol' storm of corporate shit.

I'd like to know exactly where in the episode they specifically say this.  Because all I remember them saying is that Twilight will be 'that much closer to being ready' for something.


Don't get me wrong.  I'm not taking sides on this yet, but I honestly don't remember either of them saying that.

Edited by SBaby
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...It is very  likely our dear Twilight is a allcorn. The book, the test. I am  sorry to say that book cover might be her new Cutie Mark. Its all signs. The starting of this was a poster that said Season 3 at a con....with twilight flying. 

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I was looking forward to Alicorn Twilight but not until the end of the series, if they're putting her in season 3 and there's still season 4, it will just be a big marketing shitstorm and she may be excluded from the Mane 6...


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If alicorn Twi was one episode only I could deal with that, but for the rest of the show? Oh god no. And Twi is even my favorite pony.


I don't think it's wise to immediately dismiss this as just a troll. If its a troll then he's done a LOT of research to make his statements plausible. I'm not saying believe it 100% either...just prepare yourself for the worst.

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This saddens me ..But lack of Derpy is understandable but when they make Twiglight an alicorn just  makes me :angry: wanna rage out at Hasbro. Sorry bronies/pegasisters but I might just stop watching the show if Hasbro continues to make changes.

Edited by Saint. Red

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I personally don't like the idea of getting rid of Derpy, though it wouldn't affect the overall qualitty of the show. I'm trying to figure out WHY they would kick her out of the show, though. That'll just make the fanbase mad, and nobody is benefiting from her leaving. About Alicorn Twilight, I think that it would be a good idea, if it was just for one episode, and if it's done right. Otherwise... Just no.


However, if she DOES become an Alicorn, I don't think they'll make her royalty or anything. She said in one episode, when Rarity made her the plain dress for her birthday, that she loved it, because it was simple, like her. After that, I doubt Hasbro will turn her into a princess helping take charge of an entire country.

Edited by Rainbow-Pie
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Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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not sure if I believe a word of it. and even then... they could never kill derpy. she's our pride and joy. she would simply live on our hearts (as corny as that sounds) they can't stop US from making content about her.

as for twilight, if she gets wings and thats it, then i wouldn't care. or if its just temporary (technically, rarity was a "winged unicorn" short while, so why not twilight?)  but i don't want to see her become a princess ruler magical thingie and be drastically different.

Edited by crazitaco


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Although I don't completely hate the idea of Twilight Sparkle becoming an alicorn, I don't see why they would do that in this season's finale. It seems like something that would happen in a series finale, a "last episode" of sorts, to end the show on a high note. Since we're pretty much definitely getting at least a fourth season, this kind of thing wouldn't make sense at the moment. If they ARE going to go through with this for this season (which I highly doubt), it'll probably be a temporary thing, like how Discord temporarily removed the mane 6's horns and wings. Not sure how that would work out story-wise, though, if it were to happen. Which it probably won't.


Anyways, as far as the whole Derpy thing goes... that's probably at least partially true. After the whole fiasco in season two, I don't think they're going to be able to bring her back in such a prominent role. Hopefully she'll be able to stick around as a background character, but who knows, people like to get offended by anything these days.


tl;dr This is probably a hoax.

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this...is...the WORST THING I EVER SEEN :( best pony becoming an alicorn and Derpy gone?! I might just stop watching the show if she becomes an alicorn forever (I know I might be overreacting but since she's my favourite pony...you know how it goes) :( Although I know this might not be true but still...it's possible :( :( :( 

  • Brohoof 1




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I'm starting to have doubts as to whether this is going to happen or not.  I didn't see anything on the Trademark Office's website to indicate that this is happening.  If this news had just been discovered, Hasbro would likely have a trademark for it by now.  So unless we get official confirmation, or a trademark shows up there, I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Edited by SBaby

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Guys- Don't buy everything you read on Reddit.


Fourth Season- Probably true, since Daniel Ingram once said something to the effect of "Season Three is short to make way for longer seasons" or something.


Alicorn Twilight- Probably true, in a way.  I'm honestly shocked that people are shocked by this.  In my opinion, it's possible to deduce that Twilight is destined to rule the country just from carefully watching the pilot episode.  This is just going to happen.  But it need not be bad.  I personally think that, at the end of Season Three, Twilight will only find out that she will become an Alicorn.  The apotheosis (becoming a god) will occur in Season Four, if not later.  I also hope that it's in the show's last episode, as the show can't really go on for very long with Twilight as an Alicorn.


Derpy's Removal- Unknown.  Bronies are pretty short-sighted.  Hasbro had Derpy toys (this was Hasbro's doing, not DHX's) at ComicCon 2012.  Derpy appeared prominently in the ComicCon poster.  It's true that Derpy has been relatively absent so far in this season, but remember that she's still in the opening sequence (on the train).  So there's really no reason to think that she has been removed for good.


So guys, stop panicking already...

  • Brohoof 6



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Reddit is just a whole bunch of bullcrap tied with other bullcrap. I refuse to read anything from that site. Though, this does pique an interest of mine.


I don't want to see Twilight being an alicorn. Just no. That would cause WAY too much damn controversy in the brony community, as it is already.


And I sort of expected the Derpy getting canned thing since her speaking role. Sad that it couldn't have bosted it longer than they intended.

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