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What program do you use most and what do you want to learn?

Bucky McGillyCuddy

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Uh, Skype, foobar2000, and Paint.net sometimes... Although, I was using Notepad++ a lot for awhile because of HTML class... I don't think I'm taking Javascript next semester though, so I dunno if I'm gonna be using it much anymore (unless I ever get around to teaching myself C++, which probably won't ever happen).


I'm trying to learn how to FL studio, as well. It's a pretty slow process, but I enjoy fiddling with it.


I'm trying to teach myself how to use FL, i dont really have the time to commit to it though between University and YouTube :s


I would recommend starting off with teaching yourself C#, either visual or command line, i found that to be far simpler to learn than C++

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My most commonly used program is either Matlab or Mathmatica. I prettymuch use either one or the other for every single homework problem I have, for every single class.


The program that I would most like to learn how to use is Comsol. I know a couple other CAD packages fairly well, however Comsol is much more powerful and much more complicated (to use well).

And to all things comes an end. We are no more than pages in a book.

Turn the page, and thousands die. And for what? For the greed of two powerful leaders. 
Turn the page and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes are destroying the world.

It is a time for acts of despair and of bravery as well.

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I'm trying to teach myself how to use FL, i dont really have the time to commit to it though between University and YouTube :s


I would recommend starting off with teaching yourself C#, either visual or command line, i found that to be far simpler to learn than C++


That's understandable. I probably wouldn't have much time myself if it wasn't Christmas break...


And I was thinking about that, actually. I might look into it, if those are simpler to learn than C++.



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Aside from Chrome and Steam, the program I have open the most often is Anime Studio.


Important thing to note: despite its name, Anime Studio is a terrible program for hand-drawn animation.  It's for vector-based 2D keyframe animation, with an emphasis on bone rigging.


I guess the thing I'd most like to learn is how to use GIMP to make handwriting on my computer look anywhere close to what it's like on paper.

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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That's understandable. I probably wouldn't have much time myself if it wasn't Christmas break...


And I was thinking about that, actually. I might look into it, if those are simpler to learn than C++.



^ Thats the IDE that i use, its down to personal preference really but that supports just about any language you could think really. ^^


Theres even an XNA plugin, if you ever decide you want to write Xbox games :P

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

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Other than web browsers and other boring things, at the moment, Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 12. I've been working (not constantly) for weeks on my 2nd pony video, and it's almost done. All I have to do now is add some effects, unless I notice anything else I need to fix. 


After that is Audacity, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want the sound in my videos to be exactly right and on time. Stuff like sounds coming from the proper directions in the video, voices being muffled if something is obstructing them...


I also use Photoshop Elements 7 a lot, being a big fan of design and photography. 


I would love to learn vector drawing in Inkscape! I've done simplistic art for designs, but nothing of note. Once I get good at drawing, I'd love to try my hand at animation.

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Apart from chrome, I use FL Studio the most, I really like playing around with it and it's so far the best DAW I've used, besides Reason, but It was a bit confusing and the huge CPU usage did'nt let me go so far, but I'm fond with it's granular synthesisers.

I want to learn how to use art softwares, I can draw but I just can't get used to the tablet I got on Christmas, and photoshop :P

I use FL the most also :P


Back on topic >>> I use FL Studio the most. Only because playing a piano keyboard (midi keyboard) connected to a computer is fun and addicting.


And what id like to learn is DSP so I can make vst plugins

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I use PaintTool SAI.

I usually have it open.


I would really love to learn some musical stuff and get into a bit of music, but I've never really caught onto it.


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Lets see in 100 characters I have to say the program I use the most. I give you a hit its has eight letters long. every body dose it.


Utorrent, Got to download them all!

Itunes, have to hear it all (after you .torrent it first)
Boxee box, have to see it all (after you .torrent it first)

Adobe Creative Suite master Collection cs 6 Extended, have to edit it all (after site ripping it first)


Steam, Have to play it all
Skype , Have to tell it all
IE 10, Have To find it all, (see utorrent and start cycle again)

Edited by MadDoggyca

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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Alrighty then, well, Firefox is obviously my most used program. For graphics, I use Paint.net. I use PowerPoint 2003 when I have to animate something to see how well it works, then sometimes I'll just screengrab it, and other times I'll re-animate it by hand. Of course, that means I use office 2003. I use Audacity for anything related to sound (You should also get the LAME MP3 file, it'll let you export to MP3 format, a must have). Otherwise, just Oracle Virtual Box for Virtualizationing things (That's no a word..)

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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So what's the piece of software that you use most and is there a certain one you'd like to learn? Can we exclude web browsers and game clients. Otherwise i think every second response would be Google Chrome or Steam haha :)


For me i use Autodesk 3D Studio Max. Only because i want to be a Visual Effects Artist and it's, arguably, the best thing for the job. Something i want to learn is Zbrush. It's a modelling package and pretty much the best in it's class. Chances are a lot of the CGI characters you have see in movies are made with it. Learning FL Studio would be pretty handy as well. 




I'd highly recommend learning Autodesk Maya if you're interested in VFX, or any kind of 3D animation. It's pretty much the primary tool in the industry, but it's also a lot more complicated. Most companies I know seem to use it. I also recommend Mudbox, it's kind of like Zbrush, but a lot of 3D people I know seem to use it more then latter for whatever reason.





As for me, I guess the main programs I use are Flash, After Effects, and Photoshop, mostly for my uni course, but also quite a bit for personal stuff. I use other programs like Fireworks and Illustrator sometimes, but I'm not too knowledgeable with Illustrator.

When I get a break from work and get a chance to play about with music (usually during the summer breaks), I use Audacity for recording and FL Studio for electronic stuff. If I ever get to a stage where I have enough free time to take my music more seriously, whilst still primarily focusing on my art and animation, I would be incredibly happy.


I really want to learn Toon Boom Animate Pro, I've had the software sitting on my desktop for months now, but haven't had the chance to play about with it much.      

Edited by Hansel

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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from what i can see, foobar2000, Firefox, and Skype are the programs i seem to use the most during any leisure time i have on the computer.


productively, i mostly dabble around in Photoshop on some picture i've taken, or in FL Studio, to learn how to music. i have other programs too, though; i used Audacity quite a bit way back then when i made a bunch of DJ mixes in it (around 10+ or so), as well as mash-ups in it. ahh, good times, working with an ancient copy of Audacity (i never realized there was a newer version of it until i downloaded it onto my school laptop :blink: ). i also used a bit of Virtual DJ, too, when i wanted to learn live mixing. never really got that far into it, though.


as for other programs... i've used Reason in school on audio engineering classes, because that's what they bought to us, so i'm sort-of used to it. i also have dabbled in 3DS Max in school for my digital arts class, and we're prolly going to learn Adobe Illustrator later on, because we're gonna learn vectoring as well as 3D modeling there. lastly, either Adobe Premiere or Adobe After Effects i'm going to learn for my video class, both of which i haven't learned how to use yet.


LASTLY, i've also done a very little part of mapping in Doom Builder 2. i might do more of it some other time.


whew. guess i'm really a tool of all trades, huh? :P

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom




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Outside of browsers and videogames, I use Sony Vegas the most. I make stupid YouTube videos all the time, so yeah


I would love to learn after effects because it is Sooo much better than Vegas.

Edited by Lord Bababa

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I use Paint.net very often, as I can't exactly afford Adobe Photoshop. I have some various video editing software, but I REALLY wanna make a decent and funny YTP, but my current software probably can't do that. :( If only decent video editing software wasn't so damn expensive.

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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I'd highly recommend learning Autodesk Maya


Yeah I have used Maya in the past, it was the package used for one of my university courses. I only ever learnt basic NURBS and poly modeling and i ended up becoming pretty familiar with it. But the transition from Max to Maya's UI was not an easy one haha, so i stuck with Max. Like you said, A lot of the big 3D production companies use Maya because it's a little more 'complete' but i'm mostly into dynamics, simulations and effects and I find that Max is a little easier to work with those kinds of things. Plus there's a LOT of the awesome plug-ins work exclusively with max that make like so much easier.


Mudbox probably would be a good idea to use just because i'd imagine crossing over things between it and max would be a lot easier to do than with Zbrush. 


I would love to learn after effects because it is Sooo much better than Vegas.


I use after effects a lot to comp my 3D work and other stuff with and it is definitely a very handy tool but i wouldn't throw vegas under the carriage so quickly haha. I've heard you can get a lot of stuff done really quickly in Vegas. After effects can be a little tricky  some times.

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Discluding chrome and steam I don't really use many programs, but I suppose if I had to pick one it would be paint shop pro 10, its good for photoshopping but not as expensive as actual photoshop. One program I want to learn is blender, I tried it once and utterly failed, but I know that when i learn it I can borrow one of my friends' or the nearby university's 3d printer to make really cool stuff



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Other then web browsers and steam+games, my most used software would probably have to be the Bash Shell, i just enjoy typing commands :P, i want to learn how to use the C programming language better(maybe even python) and maybe even some graphics software like GIMP and Blender.

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My browser of choice is Firefox (no connection to my name) and I don't use steam much at all.  I guess my most used program besides those would be either Virtualbox, or Paintshop Photo Pro x3, and I almost always have Folding@home running in the background.  The software I would like to learn would be, without a doubt, Flash (mainly, so I could make MLP videos).


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Yeah I have used Maya in the past, it was the package used for one of my university courses. I only ever learnt basic NURBS and poly modeling and i ended up becoming pretty familiar with it. But the transition from Max to Maya's UI was not an easy one haha, so i stuck with Max. Like you said, A lot of the big 3D production companies use Maya because it's a little more 'complete' but i'm mostly into dynamics, simulations and effects and I find that Max is a little easier to work with those kinds of things. Plus there's a LOT of the awesome plug-ins work exclusively with max that make like so much easier.


Mudbox probably would be a good idea to use just because i'd imagine crossing over things between it and max would be a lot easier to do than with Zbrush. 


I study 2D animation, but I had a few modules in my first year of uni involving 3D modeling/animation and we primarily used Maya for everything. Pretty much everyone on the 3D course I was working with said the exact same thing you're saying, they all learnt Max and all seemed to prefer it to Maya. I had never touched 3D software before this point, but when I opened up Maya for the first time... I was terrified.

So many options... so many... 2c0gc.png

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Mostly just the web browsers and Steam. Although my third most used program is Visual Studio Express. I'm trying to learn C#. Does anyone have any good links to a self-learning C# thing?


Oh and occasionally I'll write something in Ywriter5.

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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Ok here we go.


My most used programs include Paint Tool SAI, Skype, Firefox, Adobe Photoshop CS3, and Audacity. I also have Pinnacle Studio 12, but I've never gotten around to learning how to use it correctly.


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