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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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I've been baptized as a Catholic, but I don't practice and only go to church when I'm visiting my grandparents over Christmas to make them happy. I pretty much made my own non-specific and not disambiguated belief system which doesn't involve being punished for not believing in the right way, but due to my up bringing I tend to describe it in Christian terms (God is the ruler of Heaven where good people are rewarded, while Hell is where bad people are punished) but I don't mean it as "there is definitely only one God, definitely only one Heaven, definitely only one Hell." I'm not dead so I don't know. I don't believe that the Bible is the word of God anymore than any other religious text, but it does contain valuable moral lessons (probably; I've never read it).


I don't mean to interrupt though, I like sharing my views but I don't consider it important to make anyone else agree, and I don't think that any sect of Christianity is less valid than my beliefs. I'm open to well-intentioned discussion if anybody wants, or you can report my post for being too off-topic and I won't press the issue.

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right here! southern baptist raised now nondenominational christian. im really happy to see this topic because in most fandoms there seems to be a stigma that all christian's are dumb for there believes. but i kinda figured that this fandom with its love and tolerance based morals would fall more towards the christian side. its one of the main things that attracted me to it in the first place, there are only so many snappy comebacks and sarnky comments i can take before i get turned off by something. thats why i love it here.

Fallout Equestria: The Wildest Dreams  221K words and counting!
Letting Go 67k and nearly done!


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If you call me christian I'M GOING TO SMASH YOUR HEAD LIKE A WALNUT. But i'm totally fine with calling myself a christian... anyone else feel exclamation points are walls between text? Because I DO... and yes i have been baptized.

Edited by Ponyworld Destroyer
  • Brohoof 1

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Christian here, I'm not hardcore but I do consider myself one. It's nice to see some people who aren't bashing the religion on the internet, it seems wherever I go they judge for religion, I'm glad that the Brony community isn't one of the places. Well just wanted to throw in my fedora and add myself to the conversation :D


Do you have Xbox live and have Halo 4/Mass Effect 3? Do you want to be in a clan that plays those games? Message Cdude1777 to join the Dash Clan. All bronies are welcome!

Rainbow Dash is best pony.

I'm always willing to talk about pretty much anything MLP, or Game related. Go ahead and PM me.

Check out my OC here:


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roman catholic :D that's how i was raised and i like it that way. me and my family go to church regularly, although i wouldn't consider myself hardcore or anythings. but yeah,  greetings my fellow christian bronies <3

  • Brohoof 1


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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  • 3 weeks later...

sup brah, name's randy 24,m,chicago. i am an Orthodox Christian. think of Catholicism with married priests, a little more traditional, and much more happier and loving. 

hXc i ain't like you and i don't wantyour love and i don't need your respect!!!! hXc






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sup brah, name's randy 24,m,chicago. i am an Orthodox Christian. think of Catholicism with married priests, a little more traditional, and much more happier and loving. 


Who says Roman Catholics (I presume you are referring specifically to Roman Catholicism) aren't traditional, happy, and loving? We certainly do not have married priests, though.

  • Brohoof 2


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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By the way, does anyone here belive in the Rapture?


What a wonderful topic! Our family has different views on the rapture from our group of friends. We all believe in it (that's never really been an issue; it's right there in the Bible), but we have different views as to when it will happen. Our view is called "pre-wrath rapture". That would mean that we Christians would be raptured after Satan's wrath, but before God pours out his wrath on the rest of the world. We will also know when we are going to be raptured. The Bible does say, "No man knows the day or the hour", but it also states there will be signs of the Lord's coming, e.g. stars falling, the sun going dark, the moon turning to blood...


Now, many of our IRL friends have a different view, which is "pre-trib rapture" (short for pre-tribulational). This means that Christians could be raptured at any moment, and will not go through any tribulation, meaning we would be raptured before Satan's wrath and God's. I admit this view is the preferable one, as it would mean we would not go through any of the horrible things that go on during the end of the world, but the Bible just doesn't seem to match up with it, or that is my (and my family's) opinion.


What are y'alls' beliefs about the rapture? :)


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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I'll probably one of the sources of unpopular opinions around these parts.


As someone who dabbles in Biblical studies, I am always hesitant to readily connect the writings of the New Testament as unequivocal bookends to one another. Are they all inspired texts? Yes. Do they all contain what is necessary for your salvation? Yes. But they are also historical texts; in other words, they are written by specific authors to specific audiences. Differences and inconsistencies exist. That's just the nature of the texts. The inconsistencies do not, however, minimize their stature as truly inspired and the bedrock of apostolic teaching. I find that once words such as "historic, "inconsistent", or "symbolic" enter the discussion, most everyone presumes those terms are meant to describe the Biblical writings as uninspired or fabrications. I chalk it up to the richness and depth of the writers, all of whom are inspired by the Holy Spirit to guide their audiences. If you likewise deny their historicity, you jeopardize the events of the Incarnation and Resurrection as ones which unfold in and above human history.


That having been said, I avoid mixing Paul's reference in 1 Thes 4:16-18 to Christians meeting Jesus "in the air" and being caught up in the clouds with Revelation's apocalypses regarding the end of time and the final judgment. Interloping them liberally robs either author of their distinct message, and such an approach risks pretending the first three centuries of Christianity are also interchangeable. But back to the point at hand, the central thrust of Paul's message in that passage is to reassure Christians that the dead have not been abandoned by God. At some point in time---even Paul admits to not knowing when exactly it will occur (1 Thes 5:1-11)---God's full presence will be revealed in Christ's Second Coming, and both the living and the dead will be utterly transformed in their new life in the risen Jesus. The whole world, too, will undergo a radical transformation. Christians are therefore to keep the faith and remain on watch for the Second Coming of Christ.


So if you were to ask me if I believe in the Rapture, I would say "yes"---but it would be a qualified affirmation. I don't believe it will necessarily be literally flying through the clouds with Jesus; however, I do believe a transformative event will occur with Christ's return. And if God foils my expectations to any degree, then I will gladly accept having been confounded. Such is the way of the Word of God.

  • Brohoof 8


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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 I belive in the pre-trib rapture, my guide to the Bible says that Revelation 4:1 might be reffering to all tru Christians, not just St.John. I've also read Left Behind: The Kids, which is a pretty good book series featuring four kids who come to salvation during the Tribulation. Favorite Christian book not counting The Chronicles of Narnia (:

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I'm a nondenominational Christian. It's nice to know there are other Christian bronies, because people tell me that loving mlp displays a love for homosexuals? Idk where they get the idea (not saying I dislike homosexuals. I know people who are and are friends with them). Oh well..

Anyways.. Yeah. I'm a Christian, been one all my life. Although recently I've strayed off the path I Christ... I'm working to get back. Just been angry with God lately but that's unnecessary here lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Time to resurrect this thread! Hi, I'm Derpity Derp, a Reformed-Presbyterian Christian in Ancaster, Ontario. I got to a Christian university with a biology major, a chemistry minor, and a music minor! I hope to get to know you all!

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At least your friends call you a "thinking Christian."  All of my atheist friends make fun of me for going to mass and denounce my beliefs stating that "science is the answer to all" while none of them are even actually majoring in anything that has to do with science...

Amen. I hate the people who say that Evolution and the Big Bamg Theory is a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THEORY. (Probably shouldn't have put that in all caps, makes me look like an atheist...) Anyways, that's an oxymoron, first of all. Second, how the heck could they be proven wothout a time machine. Heck, it's really easy to disprove bot, anyways. We don't se gorillas changing into humans, and no matter how long I stare at my empty hand, no matter how much air I set on fire, the universe will not appear.


Sorry. I ranted. But yeah, I hate how atheists call Chirstains arrogant and stupid and then just make up theories and believe them just to disprove us, and shooting us down everytime we say the word "God" or "Jesus."


But we are making a comeback in the world....Duck Dynasty and the Bible are two of the highest ranking shows on cable! (For those of you who don't know, the Robertson family from Duck Dynasty are members of the Church Of Christ, like me, I might add.)

  • Brohoof 2

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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Hey guys! I am very encouraged to see so many believers on the forum, and such a diverse assortment of them too. I won't introduce myself with a denomination because I don't really have one; I believe the Gospel, that the entire Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, and that salvation lies in Christ alone.


God's done some utterly amazing work that God has done in my life and in my heart. I'm currently attending a Bible college called Calvary Chapel School of Ministry, and it's seriously an AWESOME blessing. Despite being shy and reserved (something God has been helping me work on; I know that He can help me to change that over time) I have made some VERY close friendships there and, oh yes, I have introduced several of my friends there to MLP. Two of them, Luke and Ben, are outward Bronies. 


I love getting to know other Christian MLP fans, so please do message me if you want to talk! Fellowship is great.


I also believe that the ministry I'm called to (for now) is ministering to people through my Brony music. I've met so many believers through it and I've become very close with several. It's such an enjoyable way of sharing about Jesus and encouraging those who already believe.


Well, that's all for now, I'm not supposed to be online anymore. I look forward to talking with you guys!

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I'm specifically a Catholic (and to be really specific, a Roman Catholic) and I believe that Catholicism is a type of Christianity, so I'm Christian.

  • Brohoof 2



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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What are you guys' thoughts on the Left Behind series that was wildly popular in the 90's?


Amen. I hate the people who say that Evolution and the Big Bamg Theory is a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THEORY....We don't se gorillas changing into humans


For what it's worth, nobody believes that gorillas changed into humans.  How ridiculous would that be?



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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Christian pegasister, reporting for duty!


You guys took me by surprise - I belong to a Christian PM'ing group @ created, and we were just discussing how frivolous it would be to create a thread like this, because we may get some flack from the other atheist members of the forum boards.




I'm so happy right now I could burst. <3

  • Brohoof 6
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Oh I love all of those signatures with scripture in them that was really nice of you to make :3.


Yes I am a Christian but by saying that I mean I have a personal relationship with Christ. You can label "christian" over a lot of things but it is what is in your heart that counts. Was saved back in 2007 before my Freshman year of High School and that without a doubt was one of the best days in my life. My denomination is "baptist" however if I had the end option I will not label myself under any denomination because in the end being a Christian is having a personal one on one relationship with Christ. I mean think about it when we are in heaven we are not going to be split amongst our made up "denominations" here on this earth.


One thing that makes me sad is when other churches or denominations but other ones down. I mean we are all supposed to be unified together in Christ you know? But yeah there is a little bit on my testimony as well. It is heart warming to know there are other fellow Christians on this site as well.   

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
  • Brohoof 3



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Oh I love all of those signatures with scripture in them that was really nice of you to make :3.


Yes I am a Christian but by saying that I mean I have a personal relationship with Christ. You can label "christian" over a lot of things but it is what is in your heart that counts. Was saved back in 2007 before my Freshman year of High School and that without a doubt was one of the best days in my life. My denomination is "baptist" however if I had the end option I will not label myself under any denomination because in the end being a Christian is having a personal one on one relationship with Christ. I mean think about it when we are in heaven we are not going to be split amongst our made up "denominations" here on this earth.


One thing that makes me sad is when other churches or denominations but other ones down. I mean we are all supposed to be unified together in Christ you know? But yeah there is a little bit on my testimony as well. It is heart warming to know there are other fellow Christians on this site as well.   


That's exactly what I mean when I say "Christian", too. I got saved (in my heart) five years ago at an FCA sports camp. I'd grown up in a Christian household, and could probably recite all the verses I can now, but now they mean something. Sure, I still rage and scream and demand why God's doing these things to me, but now at least I try to take the time to listen. :)


And that's right. We actually have a friendly softball church team, and we go around competing against other churches, but you'd be amazed how many conflicts arise out of those matches. Not just athletically, but spiritually.


Frankly, I see churches as a book club. We're all studying the 'perfect book', and sometimes we can get fussy about how other people interpret the characters. :)

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm an LCMS Christian; it's good to see so many other believers on this site! Also, I definitely agree with Earl Grey on this matter:


Yes I am a Christian but by saying that I mean I have a personal relationship with Christ. You can label "christian" over a lot of things but it is what is in your heart that counts.

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What are you guys' thoughts on the Left Behind series that was wildly popular in the 90's?


It's an interesting series (I've only seen the movies). Pretty fun to watch, but not necessarily accurate to my beliefs about the end times.


It's based on a pre-tribulational view, while I believe in a pre-wrath view. I believe I wrote a post in here about it... tongue.png


Ah, here it is! biggrin.png


Our family has different views on the rapture from our group of friends. We all believe in it (that's never really been an issue; it's right there in the Bible), but we have different views as to when it will happen. Our view is called "pre-wrath rapture". That would mean that we Christians would be raptured after Satan's wrath, but before God pours out his wrath on the rest of the world. We will also know when we are going to be raptured. The Bible does say, "No man knows the day or the hour", but it also states there will be signs of the Lord's coming, e.g. stars falling, the sun going dark, the moon turning to blood...


Now, many of our IRL friends have a different view, which is "pre-trib rapture" (short for pre-tribulational). This means that Christians could be raptured at any moment, and will not go through any tribulation, meaning we would be raptured before Satan's wrath and God's. I admit this view is the preferable one, as it would mean we would not go through any of the horrible things that go on during the end of the world, but the Bible just doesn't seem to match up with it, or that is my (and my family's) opinion.

Edited by MatrixChicken


Deviantart: MatrixChicken | Youtube: ThunderFilmStudios Twitter: @JohnAlBerge

Twitch.tv: ThunderFilms Soundcloud: ScootriX


Scootaloo vector by robzombiefan2121

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Dude. I was going to make a post exactly like this. I got the idea this morning in the car. And then this showed up. You just saved me a whole lot of time for making a new topic. And for this I brohoof you.

Yes, I am another Christian brony, Catholic actually. So naturally it amkes me very, very happy to see so many Christians out here ;D


And you guys should also totally check out this thread. This guy was making biblical siggies, in case you guys would like one:


  • Brohoof 3

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
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                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
                                                         Join the navel revolution!

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What are you guys' thoughts on the Left Behind series that was wildly popular in the 90's?

I actually read them all a short while back, so I think I could say something.


For a good part of the series, I reckon it does have its basic theology right. I actually enjoyed that about it, seeing as I came in expecting a whole bunch of crazy stuff, but it does at least have most its basic theology right. eg. About man's relationship with God and vice versa. There were several characters I felt displayed very realistic reactions to the gospel and I applaud the series for that.


However, I have to say the series is wrong on its main premise: not that there isn't an end of the world or that people will be judged by God whether through catastrophe or not, but rather that the Bible can and should be taken literally. There are some points that I facepalmed quite literally at simply what were the craziest lapses of logic. eg. At some point, one of the series' main guys with the spiritual know-how states how yes, the Bible shouldn't be taken literally at some points where it would seem completely crazy and where it seems clearly symbolic, eg. with the Lamb having seven horns and eyes. However later on, there appear the locusts with precisely the same sort of symbolic characteristics except lacking the symbolic numbers.


In reference to its basic theology, the series takes a lot of stuff to not be literal - and there are some points where it clearly couldn't be taken literally and make such a point as the series is making - but there never is made any rhyme or sense about it. For me it seems much of this literal approach could have been avoided by actually reading good chunks of the Old Testament which the book of Revelation takes a lot of its material from. In reading the Old Testament, it is clear simply by the placing of some events and others that 1. they shouldn't be taken directly in sequence as has been done in the series, 2. they should not at all be taken completely literally the way they have been, and 3. the story that comes out actually makes more sense than any of the story of Left Behind.


Sorry for ranting on about it, but that's just some of my thoughts about the series. tongue.png

  • Brohoof 2


Great sig thanks to Ms Earl Grey!

ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς

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