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What do you think of "Closet Bronies"?

Zach TheDane

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@EarthBendingProdigy: Amen to that brother! But really, I can understand if some pony wouldn't want to just go around parading about the show when they are most likely a grown-up who just tends to like the show. What I don't understand is why society deems it necessary to label us with stereotypes and have others make radical assumptions like "Look, what a faggot!" Or "Why do you grown men watch a show about ponies that is meant for little girls? What are you a pedophile? Were you neglected as a child?" You should be proud of who you are and embrace it. As long as you're not hurting any pony there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it. No need to hide it away, besides its been proven that the vast majority of bronies who have been tested have been diagnosed as "Psychologically and Developmentally normal." Don't believe me? Just check Wikipedia's page on the brony documentary and fandom. I will leave you with your pleasant thoughts now. Peace and love every pony! <3

Edited by APonyToRemember
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Truthfully I don't have any issues with Bronies who prefer not to tell people they are Bronies.


That being said , I like ot help them along the way to telling people. We have nothing to be scared of so long as you show people that you truly don't care what the ysay. The only opinion that matters is your own, nuff said.


Plus it's not like you don't have any support, you have an entire community out there for you ^_^

A great,funny,fun loving community :D


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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  • 5 months later...

It has been an awfully long time since I've been active on this site, but something I can't sleep and I need to talk about something. I'm going to say what I need to say whether anybody cares or not. Fun fact, I'm writing this at 2 in the morning.


I was on YouTube earlier today and I was watching some Hello My Name Is Generic videos, if you haven't seen them look them up on YouTube, and I came across one video titled closet brony. It was rather funny, I'll let people watch it themselves. It also got me to think a little. We as bronies tend to over dramatize our attachment to this show. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with being passionate about the show and our wonderful community. I just think that sometimes we don't seem to understand that being secret about MLP is nothing like secret about our sexuality. Most of us don't face the threat of being kicked from our homes because of our secret pass time. I am not in any way saying that people who call themselves "closet" bronies are wrong or disrespectful. I personally do not care for the term because I think it's an unfair comparison.


Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you understand what I'm saying or am I just full of it? Let me know your opinions and as always keep it respectful. Cheers.

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I kinda get at what you are saying here. I think it is more, if you are one, you know exactly what it actually means, and if you aren't, you go by preconcieved notions started by another saying.


Ps: It is 2:28 AM where I am at right now.


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People always put more relevance on small things than they probably do the big things. Sometimes it seems like some sort of mental filter to help them cope with the REAL problems more by making it seem like little problems are the ones to worry about while all the big problems are just "normal" which helps alleviate the stress.

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I do not believe they should be separated, nor do I thinks badly about them. My reason is because I am a closet brony, because I don't like to openly admit that I enjoy the show unless I am around someone who I know likes the show also.

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I am a "closet brony". i keep all my pony stuff on my computer and i don't really talk about ponies much unless i'm with my girlfriend, with her family or if i found something really dark and creepy and i show my brother >:^)



Thanks weirdokitterz c:

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I reckon Open Bronies and Closet bronies are the same. The only difference is about how open they are about it. Being an closet brony myself, I fear the public eye and rejection. After all, Who would like to be rejected by people you hold dear?


I know it sounds a bit silly, and some may say that "true frieds will accept you no matter what you like", but that only applies to people who have the courage to break through that barrier :P

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If someone wants to be a closet bronylet them, it's their choice if they wanna tell people or not. It's not up to is to tell people what they should and should not do. So I'm jyst fine with people being closet brony's, I dont tell anyone unless they ask I'm not open but I wont hide it

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't see the point of being a closet Brony. I just roll with it, I haven't told my parents but I don't hide my mlp stuff from them. It's a thing I like, I don't need to go running up to them and say "Emmm, Mum Dad can I talk about something?"


When I started liking trucks (And still do), I didn't need to run up and say "I LOVE TRUCKS" To them do I? Same with mlp for me. Plus I'm stupidly open about ponies. I drew pictures to entertain kids who I don't even know their names. And when you draw and someone asks what I'm drawing I don't look up to see if its my friend so I can tell him/her my super secret.... I'm slowly gliding off topic here :P In the end we are all Bronies. Some are Open, some are Closet. That's the way the cookie crumbles.


ANYWAY Lecture over (I want to get 600 Caracters Now)


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As much as I hate to admit it I am like it was said a "closet brony". I mean, I know, true friend would not care about what do I watch, but I've already lost some friends when they realized that I watch MLP and just don't want to lose anyone else and be left alone with friends that I know only in the internet. The other problem is that my family runs local business and my name is quite popular in my town and I'm just afraid that if I'd admit that I'm brony it will also have an impact on my parent's business (besides my dad wouldn't appreciate me being a brony for sure as well, he is too "conservative in many things). I'd really like to change it, but right now I think I don't have much choice. 


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I think theyre ashamed and they think people will mark them and ruin their reputation.I mean, of course youre ashamed of wearing pony shirt in public, but people should not be ashamed of their own interests.

Dont listen to them.They dont know anything, or maybe theyre just jelaous of you being a brony.Just ignore them.Be yourself.Be cool(like Rainbow Dash:))

PS.Friendship is Magic

You know, You're making good point, but for example in my situation it's not that easy. I can't really say that I'm ashamed of being a brony or watching MLP, the problem is that I already have much less friends here and don't want to lose any more of them (yes, I know, true friend would never judge anyone by a TV show, but it hurts anyway). Also as I've mentioned above my family is pretty "famous" in my town and most people will start spreading some stupid rumours once they realize that I'm brony (and those rumours may impact my family's buisness, sadly this is how things work in my hometown ;/ ).


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A closet brony , an open brony. There really is no difference. Yes closet bronys don't share it with others and open bronys do but if you get down to it we are all just fans of the same show.



  • Brohoof 1


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I think they just want not to lose respect from other people, and get bashed like many have on the internet (anti-bronies, buckin' haters.) I couldn't say I was one myself, but yeah I know the experience. (When I had realized I was bi, it took me two years to start coming out of the closet)


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Being a semi-closet brony, I'm actually fine with closet bronies. They'd probably have some personal reasons as to why they won't want others to know about it. And they're still fans of the show, so there's not really much reason to consider them outside the brony fandom. 


And it's alright if someone finds out I'm a brony. I just won't go around telling everyone publicly that I'm one, that's all.  :derp:

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Technically, weren't we all one at one point?  How many of us, upon first liking the show, started immediately telling their friends about it? 


We all hit that point where we had to tell someone for the first time.  Just because some of us take longer than others doesn't mean we should judge them for it. 


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i see the term "Closet Brony" comes from the act of hiding in a closet when one does not wish to be seen or noticed. so, in my eyes the term fits, but I do believe that there should be a better phrase for this.


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Well if you have a bff who is close to you just hang out with him and after some time tell him that you like mlp.If you think that some of your friends is a brony talk to him and be friends.If you become good friends, tell them that you like mlp too.I think he or she will be happy.If any of this does not help just make some new friend here at forums that lives near your place.Everything will be fine.


I doubt any of my friends are bronies. I'd rather avoid telling that I like MLP if someone is not asking, it just may sound like I'm confessing something weird or something that should not have happened (I think, You know, what I mean). I'd really like to know some bronies personally but I live in small town that is far away from any big city (closest one is 50 km away) and so far I didn't find any brony near place where I live. 


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I don't have much of an opinion on them. It sucks that they can't be more open about it.

I'm more or less an extremely open brony about it. It's not that big of a deal to me.


It's just a cartoon, everyone watches cartoons...it's not that embarrassing. 

Edited by WheatleyCore


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I'm a closet brony. Because believe me, if my friends find out I'm a brony, I'm fucked. I would lose all dignity. I would be the laughing stock of the school AND I'll get beaten up every fucking day. So yah, its perfectly clear why I dont want people to find out

  • Brohoof 1
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I find this thread highly offensive, or at least suggesting that it's inferior being a closet brony. I myself only told mom about it, and even that happened because...well one time I got pretty freaked out by something and I needed support.

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I was a closet brony for probably the first 4 months I started watching the show. I hid my stuff (drawings and such) and even deleted my internet history after I looked at pony stuff... Well that failed pretty badly because one time I forgot and then my dad saw my history... I think it went something like this


"Hey son, What's a brony?"


"Ummm... why are you asking that?"


"I was just looking at your internet history... now tell me what it is..."


"Ummm... it's a guy who watches... ummmm... My Little Pony?"


Stares at me




Runs upstairs


After that I thought "Screw this bruh! I'm not hiding it anymore!"


I put some of my fanart on my wall and never tried to hide it again...


Anyway there is nothing wrong with being a closet brony because I COMPLETELY understand. I didn't want people to judge me or anything, I didn't want people to think of me differently. There is nothing wrong with doing that. But now that I'm not a closet brony I find myself enjoying the fandom a lot more. I buy merch and have even gone to a meetup! You can stay in that closet if you want but trust me, it's a lot better out of it :D

Edited by NocturnalRainbow


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