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Did Friendship is Magic teach you any life lessons?


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Friendship is Magic has taught me that a franchise I never thought I would be interested could end up being one of my favorites. It has also made me realize how important my friends and family are to me. Also, taught me that I should always expect the best from my friends and never the worst ,a very important lesson I lost sight of a long time ago.


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    I come back on for the day and see that my thread from almost a year ago got bumped back up. I read the replies and love each and every one of them. Glad to see that everybody is learning a good lesson from the show. Also, @@Dawn Stripes, I must say you're right. Thank you for the compliment about my thread idea, good sir or madam.

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The show has definitely changed me, and it's taught me some interesting things as well. It's taught me a few life lessons, such as never judge a book by its cover (MLP itself and Read It and Weep), alway be there for your friends, and have a positive outlook on life. Actually, I already knew these things, but MLP definitely strengthened these life lessons.


It's funny, aside from the life lessons the show has taught me (or reminded me of), it's also taught me some information as well. Due to MLP:FIM's sophistication, it's taught me some sophisticated words and phrases, such as the word nonpareil (The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000), and the expression creme de la creme (Sweet and Elite). MLP has also taught me random things that are good to know, such as the difference between the sexual dimorphism of male and female Mallard ducks (Griffon the Brush Off). When I used to see Mallard ducks, I never knew which ones were the girls and which ones were the boys beforehand.  :lol: But yeah, it's taught me both life lessons as well as actual things. Who would've thunk that MLP was capable of teaching you so much :P

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mlp taught me alot about myself. One of the things was on how to be a better person, and how to improve myself. one of the more recent ones was its okay to celebrate your accomplishments as long as you don't rub them in everypony's face.

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Its taught me to be friendlier towards others especially haters. It has also taught me to not be so shy and to be more outgoing. Before I started watching MLP and being open about it, I would never talk to anyone I didn't know really well and I never tried new things.

  • Brohoof 1


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If MLP has taught me anything, it's that I ought to be more accepting to others and myself...although it wasn't directly from the show. After joining the fandom about 5 or 6 months ago I've been made fun of by people both in real life and on the Internet. It made me realise what it was like being at the other end of the hate (I used to be one of those people on YouTube who'd dish out rubbish without thinking about the other person) and I realised how important it is to accept other people's opinions and views of things. It also helped inspire me to go after what I love doing, which is music. Without MLP I probably would've given up on that talent a while ago and focused on something dull I wouldn't want to do in real life. Also the whole fan interpretation of Derpy made me realise I should be proud of what makes me stand out. :P

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  • 4 months later...

For me it taught me to accept myself for who i am and be pround of that! that true friendship wont give up on you and that to never give up because you matter no matter what any other person tells you.


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  • 1 month later...

I think that MLP FiM Changed my life alot and i learned anything about Friendship and to overcome depression and bad past that i was suffering for my life.But also that happy that i become Brony and it changed my emotion from depression and sadness into joy and happiness also i met alot new friends and lots more so Yep it teach me many lessons and i'm very happy about and Brohoof for everyone  :lol:  :squee:  :catface:  /)*


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The show itself has a lot of hidden life lessons, which I have fortunately taken under advisement.  Even to a point, if im somewhat down, I sit through an episode, b/c you never know if a positive message will pop up.  That said, most of them would take a person's frown and flip it upside down, :D

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I don't know that the show itself taught me anything- but I have found it wonderfully encouraging and uplifting.


I think discovering the fandom taught me a few things. It made me have more faith in people, seeing how creative and passionate they could be, realizing that it was possible for an open and welcoming community like that to exist. And seeing the bad things and the dark times, when people freak out, get upset, and go wild over drama of one kind or another helped me realize how complex people's feelings and motivations can be. And more, dealing with how seeing the effects of that drama made me felt made me realize just how important the ideals of friendship, community, openness, acceptance, positivity, etc., really are to me. And going through that made me realize I don't have to let what other people do or say shape the way I feel, what I experience.


Can I just say one thing? If something happens in this show or anything else that you don't understand or don't agree with- please don't be that person who gets mad and pitches a fit or freaks out. It's okay to disagree with something in a show you like or to disagree with someone else. But be careful what you say and how you say it- know that that sense of community, openness, and acceptance can easily be destroyed by angry or cynical words. If you'd like to think of your fellow fans as friends in your shared enjoyment of this show, try to be considerate of how you affect them.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 months later...

This very show,was by far the most valuable life lesson I have ever learned.Here's my story,I'm just a average fourteen year old,I had in little friends at school nor outside and even the few friends I have aren't that close at all, everyday I just go home and play my phone wasting away those hours of my life.Then, a certain classmate of mine became a brony,I was not sure of what mlp was then so I referred him as girly and childish but I had little information on what mlp was so I went online later that evening to watch the very first episode of my little pony.i had doubts about the show but went on anyway.Seeing twilight not having much interest in friendship kind of reminded me of myself,which definitely got my hooked I continued watching and onto the next episode then seeing the mane 6's strong bond of friendship and having the elements in them defeat nightmare moon,I pictured on my mind of how together with your friends you can overcome hard times and face the challenges of life together.Friendship is truly magic.

  • Brohoof 1
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I can say that I have learned more from the brony community than I have the show. However I can say that the show game me something that I praise it for still after all these years. It is the fact that it helped melt my cynicism.

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I was already aware of most if the lessons and morals that the show teaches. It's pretty standard positive messages for kids type stuff. But I was only aware of those lessons as static, lifeless teachings. The ways in which they were handed down to me when I was a child were very dry or oversimplified. MLP reintroduced me to such age old moral teachings as "be true to yourself" and "sharing is good for everyone", in a way that really brought meaning to the teaching. Before MLP I was nice to people because that's what "good" people do. Now I understand more deeply the logic behind being friendly.

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It taught me to stop hating those who hurt me and realized that the best way to stop them was to become a friend to them, and keep being a nice person no matter what. Eventually they lose all their power because they realize you are not a threat, because it's often born of insecurity and fear.

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My Little Pony taught me to love again. :wub:

I think it's also helped me to come out of my shell - if only just a bit.  Here I am, after a hiatus of many years, willingly posting on a forum and interacting with people I don't know in real life.  And, generally speaking, LIKING it.  To be fair, Miiverse helped me some with that before I joined these forums or started watching MLP:FIM.  But now I just spout all kinds of weirdness on pony-related forums...  And, to reiterate, I'm LIKING it.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it's taught me many things. It has taught me to be the best that I can be, and to never give up hope in life. I also know that friendship IS truly magic now - I used to be a lot like Twilight (still am), but I'm starting to try to reach out and make more friends now... not just because of the show, but that IS a big part of it. Pinkie has taught me to always smile and to get the best out of life... and to always try to make your friends happy. Flutters has taught me to try to be more kind (which I tend to have trouble with... mostly with my little sis), and to be kind to myself. Rarity has inspired me to try to get more into fashion and such (I'm not much of a girly-girl myself), and Applejack has taught me the true way to use honesty. Rainbow Dash has taught me to stick up for myself when need be.


Now, this may all sound really cheesy, but it's true! Some of the lessons have really come home for me as well. Such as Equestria Games, where Spike is letting himself down for no reason. I can really relate to that! And especially Fluttershy in Filli Vanilli. I used to be the EXACT same way with singing and playing piano years ago. I wish I that I could have watched that episode when I was a kid, as it would have probably really helped me with my serious problem.


But probably the most important thing it has taught me is to - again - never give up on life. It inspires me to be the best I can be, and for these past few years (and few months as an official Pegasister) it has made me happy, especially while I'm going through this rough patch in life. Thank you My Little Pony, thank you. :)


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It taught me to actually value friends,because i honestly din't care to beforehand.  :blush:


Friendship wasn't something i cared for long ago,i just figured 'lol who needs friends' and treated everyone like crap...well i was pretty wrong to think in such a way and as i look back on some things i truly wish i valued some friends more than i did abit sooner... :(


Its silly but thanks to FIM,i won't take friendship for granted ever again.  :) 

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Most of the things the teaches is something you normally should already know....as an adult.

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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