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Top Three Favorite Foods?!

Blizzard Gale

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Hey there everypony! Doing another one, Yup... Already. Now then, This topic's subject is your favorite three foods to eat and why! Don't forget, you have to EXPLAIN Why you like the foods you list! Alright then, lets get this topic on the way. Don't forget to show a bro-hoof if you like this thread, I really hope to see what dishes will pop up in this one! :3

1. Chili dogs: The main reason I love these is because well... Lets be honest. They taste great and it's easy to make fast. I enjoyed Chili dogs a lot when I was a kid. Adding Mexican shredded cheese with some chopped onions onto the chili is just yum. Plus it's really cheap as well and really easy to ration out to others of your household!


2. Grilled Chicken w/ Sauteed mushrooms: I really enjoy this dish. I normally have it when I can afford it. I love to marinate my chicken breasts for almost a whole day, then cook them on the stove top. The smell and the taste is just irresistible! I love to Saute mushrooms with fresh cut bell-peppers, onions, and sometimes a little bit of garlic flavored vegetable oil. I like to eat this combinations just as is most times. If I want a faster meal I go with steamed veggies instead! ^_^

3. Pizza: I absolutely love pizza, there's so many different styles and flavors! I even made my own at home and it was amazing! I love cheese and the sauce is always so rich... I try not to eat too much because I don't wanna get fat. ;~; Anyway! I made a special pizza yesterday and it was my first time attempting a stuffed crust recipe. I made a shrimp & fish pizza... It was really great! [if you want my recipe ask for it in a PM :P]

There's a large world out there with tons of different types of foods! So tell me, what are your three? I can't wait to see your favorites! (\^ 3^/) My stomach is even growling from making this thread! Happy posting everypony!


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Pizza- its just so tasty and fun to make too, tho i only like plain and pepperoni and some times i'll fold one into a calzone 


Yorkshire Puddings- home made.... none of that pre-frozen crap that tastes like cardboard, and the best thin is if you change you mind you can make pancakes instead. i love yorkshires on a sunday, or even add some sausage for toad in the hole and gravy too :L


a grilled cheese burger- :L *drools for 5 minutes*

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Pizza, pizza and more pizza no but all joking aside Pizza is definitely one of my favorites.


1. Pizza: Everything about it is awesome it is like the ultimate food, it has cheese good sauce and you can put almost anything you can imagine on it as a topping as Michaelangelo will show you.




2. Tacos: Almost everything that is good about Pizza also applies to taco's except for some obvious differences.


3. Anything with chocolate in it: chocolate is seriously my crack, I am surprised I haven't taken a sippy straw and started snorting that stuff yet.

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1. Chili dogs

Holy god THAT'S MY FAVORITE FOOD TOO I absolutely loved them when I was a kid because I loved hotdogs and I also loved chili so when the two were finally combined into a heavenly concoction in front of my naive and undeveloped child eyes I was instantaneously in love.



2.Tacos: Now, I'm not talking about any average Tacos, though. When I used to live in Arizona there was this place called Nicos Taco Shop and while I don't remember the people there speaking very good English I was able to order some food by saying the numbers in Spanish. Anyhoo, about the food itself it was just godlike. I have never tried a taco so well done in my entire life. Plus, I'm now all the way out east next to Baltimore and every Mexican place around here just doesn't taste like Mexican food.


3. Senoran Hotdogs: Kind of the same thing with Chili Dogs, except instead of Chili have the whole hotdog wrapped up in bacon and then topped off with mountains of sour cream and some extremely spicy pepper. Everyone I've talked to around here thinks that such an idea is disgusting (which honestly makes no sense at all because they put Old Bay on just about freaking everything) but screw them. These things are so goood!

Edited by Lord Bababa
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1) Give me any kind of pasta with a decent sauce and it'll go down quicker than Pinkie Pie swallowing a tasty cake in one go.


2) Chocolate. Seriously, if I see any chocolate I'll have a hard time resisting the urge to put it in my mouth and just let it melt to prolong the goodness. Especially if it's dark chocolate - I'll chow down quicker than Pinkie Pie nomming on anything with a 90% sugar content.


3) Despite the fact that half the time I can't finish the things, pizzas are a vice that I only let myself have rarely. But when I do (ahem), it's with lots and lots of cheese and lots and lots of chicken and bacon as extra toppings. They'll be eaten more quickly than Pinkie Pie devouring...er...


Alright, I can't think of a good third analogy with Pinkie, so instead here's a video of her that sums up my experience of eating these three foods.







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1. Chili Bacon Burgers

- Yes, such a thing exists. And it is absolutely heaven. Think a bacon cheeseburger. Then put chili on it. It becomes so good...

I was introduced to these where I live now. And I'm addicted. If I can, I get one. And if I can't, I see if I can get a Pineapple Bacon Burger. Same thing, but instead of chili, it has a grilled pineapple ring on it. My mouth is watering...


2. Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

- The best kind of oatmeal available. Honestly. I love apples, and I like oatmeal.

Who doesn't remember having this at some point in time? I mean, come on!


3. Flank Steak

- No, I don't like it because it has the word "flank" in it. <_< It's just so good.

The thinner, the better. The more flavor, the better. Salt and pepper it, and I'm set.

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I'm quite a fan of Italian and Chinese Cousines. So i guess my top 3 would be.


Note: These are in no particular order...


1) Pizza and Pasta. - Italian

2) Loads of Chinese dishes - I have no idea what they're called in english, but to describe them, one is roasted pork with rice and sauce. The second would be Rice + Meat + Sauce + Vegetables. There are plenty more :P

3) Vegetables + Fruits - They may not actually have a cuisine on their own, they are still one of my favourite snacks. I love carrots, they really give loads of vitamins that help my eyes. I love Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Watermelons... etc

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Definitely pizza. But I mean pizza, the real ingredients and especially cheese that is supposed to go on pizza. It's simply good.


Sushi. It looks fabulous and has rather unique taste that you either love or hate.


Any pasta / noodles. Simple to do and generally pretty good no matter what you mix it with.

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1. Pepperoni Pizza, because it's just delicious in my opinion

2. Macaroni and Cheese, because cheese with noodles is a delicious combination

3. Ravioli, because beef in noodles covered in sauce is delicious


Yeah, I'm not very good at providing reasons.

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1. Pizza - and specific pizza...for thin crust it is all about Giordanno's...but for thick crust (Chicago style) Lou Malnatti's is incredible...their butter crust deep dish is unreal

2. Nigiri - Specifically salmon nigiri or seared tuna nigiri

3. Mashed potatos and gravy - because yum

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hmm. lets see,



1. Japanese and indian chicken curry.

Best thing ever, I just have a distinct taste for this stuff, Rice and this is the BEAST MODE. I love to make it myself, cooking is fun


2. Chicken Alfredo pasta.

almost the best thing ever, Favorite food to get in restaurants. Mouth watering awesome sauce pasta. Pasta's awesome.


3. Tied between taco's and spring rolls.

taco's are awesome but on the other hand, there are springrolls, especially ones that I can make myself.  Both are easy to make and pretty awesome


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1. Irish Tacos

A 40 year old recipe created by my grandfather, I was born and raised on these things.  A special spiced blend of beef, shredded potatoes, tomatoes, and jalapenos for the meat sauce, stewed for a whole day, on a freshly fried soft shell, LOADED with cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, cilantro, red onion, sour cream, salsa verde, lime, and the best part, avocado.  One of the best dang foods I've ever had.  Healthy too.  Gramps was even persuaded to make a business out of them and we sell them at our local college basketball and football games.  Best part of the whole thing is getting a couple of them to have on a lunch break.


2. Lo Main (Chinese Spaghetti)

I judge every chinese restaurant by the quality of their Lo Main.  Being partly chinese myself, I have a real good affinity for their cuisine, both the savory fried goodness of the American version and the more subtle, boiled and steamed traditional version.  Lo Main is something that I truly love the most out of all of the choices.  (I actually prefer the American style Lo Main, even though it's more unhealthy.  It just feels so satisfying to my belly after a good helping)


3. Ramen

When I can't go to a restaurant and pleasure myself to some authentic asian noodles, I of course fall back to instant noodles, which are by the way, VERY versatile as a base for several dishes.  I cannot tell you how many times I've experimented with the stuff, trying to find new flavor combinations and which spices match.  (Not to mention, it's cheap so you can do so for as much as you like)  So far the best flavors I've had involved a firey Habanero and Thai Pepper mix in a with a potent creamy-meaty broth, with sauteed spinach, whipped egg drop, portabella mushrooms, garlic, and onion. *gargles in pleasure*



Honorable Mention: Purgatory Wings (Wing Nutz Challenge)

I've only had this dish ONCE.  On my 18th birthday, I attempted this challenge which was to attempt to eat 10 of these Ghost Chili laced drumsticks of death in under two minutes to walk off with a free meal and a t-shirt.  Unfortunately, the wings weren't as fresh as I thought they would be so I got the time of 2:15, but despite the burning in my belly I want to go back and just have some JUST TO EAT because few foods I have had have matched it's flavor.  (Note, Ghost Chilies are freaking delicious past the fire wall, absolutely no joke about it)  It didn't get third because I only had them one time.

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why do you force me to choose only 3? you are so cruel



3. Apple strudel (the dessert, not the apple family member)


2. anything made "au gratin" - meaning put in seasoned creamy sauce and covered by a nice layyer of melted cheese


1. Crispy duck from the chinese, accompanied by seasoned vegetables, rice and hot sauce...or the chess piece of the Gose, meat savoury and the skin crispy, with dumplings and red cabbage

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1. Pizza. I'll eat it cold or hot, it is just that good  :wub:

2. Beans and Franks. It is a dish with baked beans and hot dogs chopped up together with a cornbread layer on top.


3. Mac N Cheese. Because, cheese.

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I'll eat pretty much any kind of pasta, but Spaghetti ranks on my favorites list. Especially covered loads of sauce and cheese...Mmmmm.



Only with the soft Tortilla wraps though. It just doesn't taste the same with the hard shells, though the fact that I have difficulty eating a taco shell without meat, cheese and sauce spilling out the sides could also be a factor.



You know, that Canadian dish consisting of fresh french fries covered in cheese and coated in a thick layer of gravy? It's delicious, especially when the hot gravy melts the cheese on contact and perfectly blends everything together into one gooey mess. Mouthwatering to say the least.  

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  • 10 months later...

Gumbo. I loooove seafood, I loooove rice, and I loooove spice. So gumbo is pretty much perfection.


Pasta with seafood.  Preferably with a creamy sauce, not tomato-y, and with mushrooms and spinach. So delish.


Chinese food. Okay, so I know American Chinese food isn't the greatest, all salty and greasy and everything, but it's still a weakness of mine! 


And as an added bonus I love anything with curry in it. It's the Indian in me, I guess.

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1. Soup

I love soup. So much. Ugh. Matzo Ball, Broccoli Cheddar, Winter Squash, Minestrone, Tomato, Potato. I love soup. Nothing is more satisfying to me on a cold day than a hot cup of tea and hot bowl of soup. I could eat soup every day and be happy :)


2. Thai Panang Curry with Tofu

OMG. I've never made it myself (yet), but every time I go to a Thai restaurant I need this in my life. I just can't get enough of it. So so good. 


3. Rice and Beans

This is kind of a staple for me. Being a vegetarian at college is hard because not many things on campus are edible for me. Thankfully, I have my own kitchen and am able to make rice and beans a lot. I love them and eat them at least two or three times a week. nom nom nom

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1) Noodles: I sure do hope you know what that is...

2) Pizza: An exotic food, only found in the far corners of every food court on the planet

3) Molokhia: A traditional Egyptian dish that my dad makes. Looks like slime, tastes like heaven :)

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Sushi, I've always been a big fan of Japan, so when I first tried sushi I was like "*tries to yell 'oh my God' with mouth full*"

Fried chicken, it's in my blood, nuff said

Hamburgers, especially at 'in-n-out' and 'Slaters: Fifty-fifty' so good, no words.

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*goes and brohoofs every taco related reply*


Fruits: My god i love fresh fruit and i have such a sweet tooth for it. My favorites are especially strawberries, watermelon, pineapple, pomegranate, lime, lychee, mangos, bananas, etc. I have a fridge full of it right now, lol.


Tacos (and other mexican/texmex foods): Its extremely common around here and is what i grew up on, and boy do i love it! Tacos are delicious, and i'm not just talking about the typical hard-shelled beefy cheesy tacos (although those are also quite delicious) I love all kinds of tacos, such as breakfast taquitos, barbacoa, fajita tacos, taco salad. Primarily, i love anything with a shit-ton of avacado or quacamole. Lots and lots of tomato or cilantro too.


Any sort of asian noodle dish (mainly Vietnamese and Tai) : I love me some Pho or Udon soups. Also love Bun dish, which is kinda like a rice noodle salad. I can't really explain what it is about these sorts of soups that i love, i just do. My favorite is probably the pho, because it usually has some sort of meat in it, and has a ton of delicious herbs in it. like fresh cilantro, basil, ginger, onion, and a dash of lime. *mouth waters*


Special mention for sushi and especially for spring rolls. and sesame chicken. and any sort of italian pasta dish like spaghetti or alfredo, and any of the above with shrimp in it. i just love italian and asian food in general.

PS: i'm starting to realize that i love herrrrrbbbsssssssss. they contribute to most of the flavor in my favorite dishes.


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1, Broccoli.

There is not a single day that goes by with me eating no broccoli. There's so many versatile ways to prepare it, and it's got a lot of nutrition. I could also say this of beets, carrots, or turnips/parsnips. XD Broccoli just happens to be the best of them.


2. Sour cream.

I'm a terrible person for this, I know, but sometimes I'm tempted to eat it right out of the container.


It's not like anyone else in my house likes it :c


3. Pickles.

Oh my god the really crunchy sour ones are literally my life aaaah.

And if you mix them with sour cream hnng



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