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S03:E13 - Magical Mystery Cure



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Nowhere in the show does it say that unicorn are better than other races, and while you may have individual characters act better than others does not mean they are correct. Also Twilight was not forced, nor was she upset with the change. Sure it was unexpected but that doesn't mean it is forced and if the writers wish to go there I am sure Twilight will tell Celestia she doesn't want to be an alicorn if she has a problem with it.

All races of pony are equal, or more that is what they are intended to be, as such instead of complaining about perceived racism Make the Canon of MLP Work! Add and explain that which is needed to show how it is not racist, since you seem to believe there lack in such being shown.

You are trying really hard to explain away the obvious. Even princess Celestia herself says that by creating a all new form of magic she has proven she is ready to become a princess. Becoming an Alicorn=Being a princess. Out of the mouth of Celestia herself. 



Unless of course you are born from an alicorn blood line and happen to have a penis then you just get to be an immortal royal guard. Wouldn't that just be fun? Standing at a door... forever... 


Hehe, this is awesome. I think this animation pretty much sums up how we all feel about this episode: 


Dear, Princess Celestria,


Today I learned... 

Edited by Plowplot
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1. Maybe....but if everypony in town forgot which pony belongs where, than that destroys my theory of the townsfolk being miserable because they missed Pinkie, they were instead miserable because they weren't being amused anymore, which is stupid, I don't buy that they're all miserable simply because of that, or even a large amount of them, unless one wants to argue that the elements being messed up screwed up harmony in ponyville, making folks miserable, I don't know if that could be true. Actually, the theory of everpony not remembering where each pony belong has to be true, or else it makes no sense that AJ's family wouldn't have went to find out where she was and bring her back, unless you want to argue that that's what they were doing while Pinkie was all along at the farm. Then again, your theory of everpony having amnesia is supported by the fact that Fluttershy's animals didn't recognize her at first.







2.) Ya, I still don't know about that.



3.) I'm still struggling to wrap my head around it, but I just thought of something else. Luna was fixed by the elements, perhaps Twilight thought the elements would help fix her friends like they fixed Luna?




Or maybe because he's a dragon........I don't know, that's stretching it. Also, Kyronea brings up another hole: why did the weather team let Rarity ruin the weather? Ugg, thought I had it figured out, than more holes became visible.



1.) they missed her but not in the same way. Imagine if you will that you have a very cheerful and important friend in a classroom. There would be a dynamic, his cheerful demeanor would indeed affect the attitude of the class. Now imagine a magical spell swaps him with ben stien, You don't know why but the energy of the class would lower. Something would be wrong you dont know what but it is. Sure maybe not everyone in the class would be effected but the overall energy would be. This is why I think her scene in a true true friend is very poignant  As she re harmonizes not only does she remember who she is and her true place but so do they joyously crying out her name.  


2.) I didn't get the impression the apple family went to looking for her. If I was really going present an argument for where they where it would be working on other parts of the farm. As we have seen its a freaking huge farm. Heck its multiple times larger than the apple farm near me and that takes dozens of people to run it. In the end though I dont really think it matters where they were. The focus was on pinkies conflict and being misplaced in the world and the visual absence of the Apple family was a distinct visual que to amplify that and the disharmony the situation caused.


Why is it a point is made to show Apple family only when Applejack returns? Youll notice that Applejack starts to glow/re-harmonize when the Apple Family come together in a full shot. I highly Highly doubt this was coincidence, this really seems intentional. This also shows she was regaining her place in the world. It wasn't about just realizing their talents, but more who they were and their places in the world. 


elaborating a bit more (applies to weather team and apple family)

Its not about letting someone ruin something. Imagine your part of a team and someone really crucial all of the sudden just becomes incredibly and dangerously inept at their job. I can tell you from experience that it falls apart very quickly and it sucks. In my team production animation class one of my team members all of the sudden just stopped doing anything, not only that but the stuff she did give was terrible. The project fell apart very fast. We managed to finish it but the product really didn't look good. Only by risking our health due to lack of sleep(4 days for me)   did we pull it off. This is the lesson working together in harmony. It was exaggerated or embellished, trees dont die that fast or regrow that fast. 


To be honest though putting aside the visual exaggeration symbolism etc. Is it really that hard to believe ponyville would fall apart if its key players all of the sudden without warning became crazy bad at what they did? Think back to Winter wrap, how good was the town at what it did? Not very. Heck how often do we even see the other members of the weather team? Not very often to my memory and more than one of those times was Derpy so....yeah .Heck even planed storms cause damage(green isnt your color). One could ask where the heck the weather team was during Return of harmony, to my recollection they were never shown. In the end it also comes down to time constraints. Do we show the weather team or focus on Rarity? 


3. I think your starting to get it. This is a great thing to bring up as yes this episode ties directly back to that one(and others). It was simply a logical puzzle that Twilight solved with her previous knowledge. The freeing of Luna, reconnecting her friends and defeating discord, and the the understanding of the very connection that allowed her to do those things to begin with. 


Its one of the reasons that got me loving the show. The elements of harmony though muggfins are very very meaningful ones. As you have seen walls of text can be written on the ways they are connected to each other, to the ponies, and to friendship. All of which work in harmony hence the elements of harmony. Its actually a complex and clever relationship I think largely shown through visual ques through the show. Esspecialy in this episode they go by very fast its an easy miss. 


4. Perhaps...though it is stretching. Maybe it will be elaborated upon later though for now I think it remains a problem. Dragons are still largly a mystery.


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AAGH!!! I don't have the Hub on TV so had to wait until they uploaded it on Youtube!! But I finally managed to watch it!!! I must say I nearly fell off my chair when Twilight became an alicorn!! Here I was, thinking YES!! She completed the spell, now she can be congratulated and all will be right with the world... but then BAM! It came! I loved the song they sang while their destinies where reshapen to what it should be, I sang the whole day, and quoted Twilight's words: " From one to another, another to one, a mark of one's destiny is singled out, alone fulfilled" I can't wait until season 4!!! hhhe :lol:


You could have just watched the premier on a livestream you know.  Sure, it has low definition, but if you wanted to watch it that badly...

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I'd rather not. I don't feel like it should be the responsibility of the fandom to make canon work. Canon should work on its own without requiring us to invent fanon around it to justify it.


I mean I do like figuring things out with fanon, but I'd also rather not because I'm reasonably sure some of my beliefs on how Equestria works would... not be welcome. (For example, I believe that everypony doesn't even really have a sexual orientation in the sense that we think of it... they like the ponies they like. Functionally this ends up being the same as if everyone was either pansexual or asexual, but that's not how they think of it.)

Well I can understand that, but honestly we both know that Hasbo would never allow the writers to go back and fix errors in past episodes nor would the writers likely would if they could... for a number of reasons, much of which having to do with money and spending. Also all that matters in thsi group is that you don't go against canon and the intent of the show or change the ending, I already have a art and fanfiction I will be asking authors and artists if they can be showcased within the group.


I actually agree with you to a large extent on sexual oriantation, which is why I dislike how some fans insist that Rainbow Dash is lesbian. I am fine with writers pairing her up with a mare but I do not like them labeling her and saying she can't be with a stallion, the characters would like who they will like despite the gender (or race) of the one they like.


Twilicorn sprinkle. It's twilacorn sprinkle. Does being a princess mean anything? Is there a queen sombra????? Queen celestia? Idk

Sighs... her name is Twilight Sparkle not Twilicorn Sprinkle, as such there is no need for a name change though she has gained wings.

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You are trying really hard to explain away the obvious. Even princess Celestia herself says that by creating a all new form of magic she has proven she is ready to become a princess. Becoming an Alicorn=Being a princess. Out of the mouth of Celestia herself. 

Dear, Princess Celestria,


Today I learned... 


I always just figured that alicorns embody all three types of ponies: Unicorn, Earth, and Pegasus.  And, in their world, to be a leader (princess), you have to have the inner understanding of all three which can only come from being all three.  Hence: Alicorn.


I'm stepping away from the whole immortal debate.  All we have ever heard are that Celestria and Luna are long-lived.  Nothing else, and no one else.


Dear Priincess Celestria,


Today I learned not to worry so much about a show wjhen the object is just to have fun.


Your humble subject,




Pearls of Wisdom - "I've never heard the words 'only' and 'candy' in the same sentence before." - Eric Cartman (South Park: A Ladder to Heaven)


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There was a lot of stuff that didn't work; the pacing, tying in cutie marks with jobs insteads of talents and letting that be swapped, saying that Twi became a princess and an alicorn ONLY because she learned a piece of new magic and NOT because she completed her destiny. I mean it's been clear all ALONG that Twi IS the main character as she is the leader and often narrator of this show. This show began with her and S3 ends with her. She was the only one to come through against Discord, she was the one to figure out Chrysalis, she went head to head against Sombra and has been the apprentice to Celestia all along. This whole hangup on equality and alicorns is still forgetting that she's naturally stronger than Trixie. Instead of getting all upset about Twi's charcter changing (something we've been aware of happening for weeks thanks to the leak) I don't see why we can't focus on that her destiny is complete and that her role and how this show works is changing. If that leads to more adventures and different stories i have to think that's better than the status quo as there really is no heading back now. What's done is done.


To me how the bronyverse sees the epsiode is a lot like this song


I have to find a way
To make this all okay
I can't believe this small mistake
Could've caused so much heartache

Oh why, oh why
Losing promise
I don't know what to do
Seeking answers
I fear I won't get through to you
Oh why, oh why


It's like the happy ending didn't exist and everyone is devastated by the changes.  Like they've lost Twi thanks to this epsiode. It's almost like she is singing this directy to US.


Again her role in the show may be changing but the show will go on. II'll admit that they could have ended the show with her becoming an alicorn and a princess but in the end we need to accept that this IS a new chapter and not just a big mistake. We can wallow in our sadness and see this as the end or we can hopefully look at season 4 as a whole new chapter to this show.


I know a few people I've talked to have said they're done with the show but I just can't feel that it's beyond repair or that hopefully s3 won't be the lull before they got it back on track in s4. Hopefully this was their growing pains and they'll realize its that important to get it right next season and really plan out what they want to do with this show continuing.

Edited by Freewave
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I am quite honestly excited for the fact that twilight has become an Alicorn. I do not understand how people are not excited for this this is awsome and I think it was just the twist the show needed.post-13015-0-04879500-1361418261_thumb.jpg

Edited by Pro-Twilicorn
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 She was the only one to come through against Discord


Woah pony.  In fact, it was Fluttershy who didn't fall for Discord's tricks.  Discord had to deliberately zap her.  Twilight actualy got frustrated and gave up on her friends.  It was Celestria who reminded Twilight of her friendships.  If it wasn't for that, Twilight would have remained grey.


Still, Celestria summed it up best.  Each of the Mane 6 exemplified an element, but Twilight had them all.


Pearls of Wisdom - I am a bomb technician.  If you see me running, try to catch up!


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Who else is pissed/ kinda feeling down that twilight became an alicorn and now we have to waot months and it kills us to know what will happen to her and her friends? I'm impatient to find out ;~;


*Wait and well ima kinda like outraged but i want to know what will come up in the new episodes i hope you guys are impatient as ne

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Throwing a muffin in your direction to make you happy! No need to be all bent out of shape because Twilight is an alicorn now either. As for the wait for the next season! Gotta have a little patience   ;) it will take you a long way.

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
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Well, seeing as I've seen so many people post this, and we now even have an entire board for it, I present you, with the panic button.



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Well I'll admit I'm quite excited to see what happens, and it is technically a cliffe hanger because according to a tweet the premier of S4's 1st two episodes deal with the S3 finale, so I'm very impatient to figure out, but I guess we all have to wait.


If it helps we're all in the wait together. Plus theres always pony videos to watch, and music to listen to, and fanfic to read, and rewatching episodes, and Going outside Nahhh.. :P.


I'm sure we'll live, hopefully the episodes will live up to the anticipation :).

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I was more upset immediately after the finale went off. I got up and i yelled "IMPOSSIBRU" (its funny because im actually japanese). HASBRO: Y U LEAVE CLIFFHANGER. I was more upset because i sat up all night waiting for it. In the mean time ill enjoy seasons 1&2 on Netflix and my favorite Season 3 Episodes (Magic Duel, Wonderbolt academy) on the internet. Unless there is an MLP DVD box set out here I'm not aware of  :ph34r: .

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Well... Honesty, once their done making Twilight's friends alicorns, I am actually worried about a season 5. Unless they can make only a few of Twilight's friends Alicorns in season 4, and save the rest for season 5, I don't think there will be a season 5. Growth and development is what makes a tv/movie good. So, if growth makes a good show, and all of Twi's friends are Alicorns... Well, this show displays princesses as almost perfect, while everypony makes mistakes, there will be very little room for growth in Twilight (and her friends) future. Thus we will have infinite CMC episodes or a new host of characters will show up. Or most probably it will end. FOREVER! ;( (Unless... G5?)

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How long is the wait going to be? I heard a year, but Im not sure.....


Man, if you said to me last year I would be waiting for the next My Little Pony season, I would have thought you were insane.... Lol...

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(I whited out the spoilers at the end)

It's official, best episode of Season 3. I loved it so much, especially the fact that the format made it very much like a musical. It had great songs and a great plot. I squeed like the Celestia fan I am at her great amount of screen time.

 I Agree this is the best episode of season 3

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Season 4 episode 1+2 synopsis 1:

Twilight screws something up with the spell she "fixed" and must find a spell to let her travel back in time to stop her from ever casting it in the first place and completely getting rid of her existence as an alicorn and thus nintendo never releases twilight princess 2. Wait, wasn't there already a time travel episode??.........


Synopsis 2:

Twilight screws something up as princess, thus getting her princess-hood taken away and falling into a deep depression. the rest of the mane 6 help her realize that suicide is not the answer and they all live happily ever after until somepony else screws something up.

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Season 4 episode 1+2 synopsis 1:

Twilight screws something up with the spell she "fixed" and must find a spell to let her travel back in time to stop her from ever casting it in the first place and completely getting rid of her existence as an alicorn and thus nintendo never releases twilight princess 2. Wait, wasn't there already a time travel episode??.........


Synopsis 2:

Twilight screws something up as princess, thus getting her princess-hood taken away and falling into a deep depression. the rest of the mane 6 help her realize that suicide is not the answer and they all live happily ever after until somepony else screws something up.

Synopsis 3 - She stays an alicorn and a princess, has many great adventures with her friends, and bronies stop whining about how things have changed.

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(In short, "Magical Mystery Cure" is missed opportunity, and a massive disappointment)

Now a look at why "Magical Mystery Cure" has disappointed me.


After finally watching the episode I must say I am massively disappointment with this episode. It needed to be at least 2 parts long and the writers didn't emphasis the whole "Switched Cutie Marks" concept, as much as I would of liked. It felt rushed and almost out of place. I was hoping that Ponyville would over time get run down, like the early screenshots for the episode seemed to imply [see bottom of post]. Don't get me wrong, Apple Jacks farm did get run down in the final episode, as with Rarity's Boutique, but it seemed they got rundown quite literally overnight, and is only briefly shown. Once Twilight found a cure shortly after she first discovered her mistake all was good again. There was no big test like in "The Return of Harmony" that strained the ponies friendship, and in general it was a very underwhelming finale. This is very sad compared to the quality of Season 2's ending. The episode had its moments, like some good songs and when Twilight becomes a Princess, but the episode is so rushed that those moments didn't deliver the punch they should of. Dark Qiviut sums all this up perfectly.


But if there was one thing that really hurt the episode's overall
quality, it was akin to Keep Calm and Flutter On: The pace was WAY too
fast! Each moment leapt from one moment to another and had no
time to calm down and relax. It started extremely fast and just
increased in speed. Magical Mystery Cure is like a pot of water, except
it boiled immediately and kept boiling faster and faster, hotter and
hotter, and the water never evaporated. This finale would've been even
better if it was a two-parter, as that transformation would've had more
plot development and time to slow down the pace and foreshadow the
moment even better. Here, her transformation had no in-canon momentum,
not in this episode and not for the entire season following Crystal
Empire, Part II. For a change this radical, you need to hint these moments more in order to build it up, and it didn't.


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Well, Dark Quivit seems to have missed the hints that were being dropped this season.


Five minutes into "Wonderbolt Academy" has this: Applejack to Pinkie Pie "Why don't we go see what Twilight is up to? I hear Princess Celestia's got her working on some new spells."

Cold open to "Spike at your Service":  Spike: "How are you supposed to read twelve books in one weekend?" Twilight: "Princess Celestia obviously thinks I can, or she would never have assigned them to me."


"Magic Duel" - Princess Celestia asks Twilight to demonstrate a magic spell in front of the delegates from Saddle Arabia, bringing them to Ponyville rather than to Canterlot, which would make more sense from a diplomacy point of view. Why bring important VIPs from another country to a backwater town like Ponyville? It makes sense if you reason that she is bringing attention to Twilight to help prepare her for a position of authority. 


I came up with these three off the top of my head, and I'll bet there are more to find if one looks for them. To say there were no hints is quite untrue.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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