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148 users have voted

  1. 1. How did you feel about Season 3?

    • My favorite season!
    • Not my favorite, but I still enjoyed it.
    • My least favorite, but it was good anyway.
    • I didn't like it.
    • I'm neutral towards it.
    • Other

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Yes, i was.

Season 3 has been the best season, without a doubt.


The songs are better and the episodes are better. Most of my favorites comes from S3 actually.

The only bad thing about S3 is the opening and the finale.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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Yes I was satisfied, I'd even go as far as to say that it was my favorite season. Then again I'm pretty easy to satisfy(I even enjoiyed both Spike episodes). 


I will say the only thing I didn't like was how short it was and the lack of Rarity episodes

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Satisfied? Yes. That's a good word. In general, I was satisfied with the third season.


If the question was "did you love the third season?", "was S3 your favorite?" or"did it have the best finale and/or premiere?"...I would have to say no. There are too many things I have mixed feelings on. Season 3 was pretty good, but I'm hoping for better--both in the quality of their ideas and how well they are executed in Season 4.

  • Brohoof 2

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"Satisfied" is a relative term. If you mean it went slightly beyond the realm of adequacy and managed to keep me entertained for a while, I would have to say yes. Was it as spectacular like the previous two seasons were, though? Not at all. There are others who coin it as their favourite season, which is perfectly fine, but I'll step down from that.

  • Brohoof 2
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No, not really. I felt it was weaker than the other two seasons, although it definitely wasn't a bad season. Also, I didn't like how there were only 13 episodes instead of 26. 

  • Brohoof 3



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It was an amazing season, and I am more than just satisfied with it. The ONLY complaint I have is the lack of a Rarity centric episode, because she's one of the Mane Six, and should take priority over Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders who got two episodes a piece. I'm not at all miffed by having two Spike episodes either. Love him or not, he's about as main of a main character you can get after the six ponies, and is still entitled to some spotlight. Besides, one of his episodes was also an Applejack episode, which was desperately needed and much appreciated by this fangirl. I for one loved Spike At Your Service, and while Just For Sidekicks was pretty average, we finally got an episode featuring all of the pony pets, which was definitely interesting and refreshing.


The opener of the season, The Crystal Empire, was top notch, and the finale was spectacular too. There were a lot of episodes this season that really stood out, including Magic Duel, Sleepless in Ponyville, Too Many Pinkie Pies, Wonderbolts Academy, and Apple Family Reunion, all of which rank among my favorites in the series. And although it was a shorter season, I would say the high level of quality in the episodes was just as consistent as the first two seasons.

Edited by Sugar Cube
  • Brohoof 1
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Kind of. It had a few great episodes, most of the others were good, but the last two were absolutely terrible. And in shorter seasons, the bad and mediocre episodes tend to stick out more.

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Yes, I was VERY satisfied with season 3, for me 13 episodes seemed like just the right amount, then there was the songs that were awesome, then the great episodes, all ending in an awesome finale.


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I put no. Too many thing wrong with the season as a whole although I'd still say its a good show and not a bad one. Hopefully this was juts a growing pain. If season 3 was X+Y then i hope season 4 will be Viva la Vida :) 

  • Brohoof 1

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I suppose I was, it wasn't as great as seasons 1 and 2 but it still delivered a lot to like. Although I didn't see anything great about episodes like Too Many Pinkie Pies and Sleepless in Ponyville, there were still episodes I really liked like Apple Family Reunion and Spike at your Service, and episodes I loved like Magic Duel, The Crystal Empire, Keep Calm and Flutter On, and Magical Mystery Cure. Plus, the way they experimented with 2 parralel episodes with Just for Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play was awesome, I hope they do it again. Hm, guess I was a little more satisfied than I thought! :lol:

But yeah, great season but not as great as one or two. :huh:


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Season Three had my top two favorite episodes of the series - "Too Many Pinkie Pies" and "Magical Mystery Cure."  So I would say that I was satisfied with it, for the most part.  Although it was weird to go a whole season without a single Pinkie Pie song.  And I agree that with only 13 episodes, Spike probably shouldn't have been the focus of two of them.  On the other hand, Applejack finally got a song and episode to show that there was still room for growth with her character.  Plus Scootaloo got to be the focus for once. 

Edited by Shawn Parks

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I'll consider all seasons a satisfying season until there's one where I hate at least every other episode. This season I would "rank" as the lowest point for the series, but I won't go ahead and carve it in stone until I watch season four. 

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I liked the third season, even though it was too short. I didn't care much for Spike's episodes but the first 2 seasons had their meh episodes too. I rather enjoyed the finale, the songs were great and even the pacing was nice. I'm still a little nervous about Twilight but I have faith in the staff.

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Meh. It was okay. I understand it got cut down, but they got rid of the wrong episodes. Did we really need two episodes on Spike? I don't think so.


What episodes did they cut out of the season? Is there a Tweet or something where I can see this? I'm curious as to what ideas they threw out. 


As for season three, for the life of me I don't know why, but something about it just rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was because we had not one, but two episodes centered around Spike. Don't get me wrong, he's one of my favorite characters (as is true for a lot of bronies), but I really don't see the point in dedicating two episodes to him. Really, wasn't "Dragon Quest" a good enough episode? And "Spike at Your Service" was just a rehashed plotline that we've seen a dozen times before. I want to see an episode centered around Spike and Rarity, or more interactions with him and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Those bits in "Just for Sidekicks" were cute. Or maybe it was the half-assed "Keep Calm and Flutter On" that was the problem. Or, better yet, it could be just because this season was so short that rubbed me the wrong way. I don't know. If I had to pick a favorite, it would definitely be "Sleepless in Ponyville", and I hope to see more Scootaloo/Rainbow Dash centered episodes in season four. Here's hoping we get an episode where Scootaloo's background is finally given! 


I liked the third season, even though it was too short. I didn't care much for Spike's episodes but the first 2 seasons had their meh episodes too. I rather enjoyed the finale, the songs were great and even the pacing was nice. I'm still a little nervous about Twilight but I have faith in the staff.


As should everyone. Most people have completely left the fandom over the fact that Twilight has become a princess. According to the staff, season four is a season we won't want to miss. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I was satisfied with season 3. My only complaints are the same as most everyone else. It didn't need 2 Spike episodes and the season being 13 episodes rather than 26.  


I remember hearing they were supposed to have a Rarity-centered episode, but they didn't like the way it portrayed her character, so they put in another Spike episode instead.  I can't remember if it was a tweet or a video from a panel that I heard this, but here's hoping we've got a Rarity episode in the new season! :D


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Actually, surprisingly, yes. 

It was a lot better than I expected it would be, and although it wasn't perfect (every season has its faults) it left me looking forward to seeing the next season.

There were many good episodes, good, but not great, although a few were excellently paced and planned.

They could have handled Sombra a quite a lot better, though.


But the season finale actaully wasn't as bad as it was hyped up to be, and I'm grateful for that, and the only way we'll know what happens next, is when S4 premieres in winter. So much time for fanworks to take over!

Edited by ~Chaotic Fireball~

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   Wasn't bad, I just didn't like it. I liked Sleepless in Ponyville, Wonderbolt Academy, and a bit of The Crystal Empire - Parts 1 and 2. Everything else I just didn't enjoy watching. I didn't get the same sense I got when watching the third season as when I watched seasons one and two. It just didn't feel right.

Edited by III Prong III

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A lot of really big changes happened in Season 3 (Discord becomes good, the obvious, Scoots and RD are sisters[ish] now, Babs Seed joins the CMC), and all of them are handled well. Season three may not be as good as season two, but by no means is it bad. It seems like it's a setup season for some real heavy stuff to drop in season four in ELEVEN FREAKING MONTHS.


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I have a terrible memory, so I'm gonna go ahead and tally up a list...



S3E1/2: Crystal Empire

Eh, these were good. Enough.

S3E3: Too Many Pinkie Pies

Glorious episode. 11 out of 10.

S3E4: One Bad Apple

Good enough episode with a great song.

S3E5: Magic Duel

Glorious tier.

S3E6: Sleepless in Ponyville

Finally a Scoots episode!

S3E7: Wonderbolts Academy

Enjoyable look at how Rainbow has changed, with Lightning Dust representing pastdash.

S3E8: Just for Sidekicks

One of the few Spike episodes I like. And Angel is a fun antagonist for Spike.

S3E9: Apple Family Reunion

Eeeh, I didn't much care for this one. Applejack episodes aren't ussually too interesting.

S3E10: Spike at your Service

Can't get past the Spike being bad at chores despite that being his life with Twilight.

S3E11: Keep Calm and Flutter On

Generic positive reaction.

S3E12: Games Ponies Play

Generic "eeeh good enough i gueeeess' reaction.

S3E13: Magical Mystery Cure

Loved it. I loved that it was a musical, I love that it was fast paced, I hope that Twilight being an alicorn becomes a good thing.



5 'good enough's, 3 'good's, 2 'didn't like it's, 3 'glorious'ses.


That gets an overall 84.61538461538462% approval rating from me! So yes, I was satisfied with this season. It's still my least favorite, but just in comparison. Season 1 started the legacy so it will always have a place in my heart, and season 2 had so many amazing episodes and showed me the light of Pinkie. In the holy words of Digibrony,

Having half as many episodes necessarily means that it isn't as good (as the other seasons)

I'm confident that season 4 will continue to provide animated horses for us to enjoy. And if it doesn't, season 3 will probably go down in brony-history as "The Beginning of the End" and Applejack will make a fortune selling torches and pickforks.

  • Brohoof 1


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The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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Yes. Yes, I was satisfied with Season 3. It had character development, to say the least, and who can argue with character development. For example...


Pinkie learned that she can't take part in every single bit of fun in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash has an adopted sister, Fluttershy has become even cuter, Rarity became a background pony (JUST KIDDING!!! Seriously, just kidding), Applejack doesn't like having slaves, Rainbow Dash has an unfinished novel, Discord has decided to be good, 'Most of the time', Sombra is dead and shall remain dead, Spike can clean well only around Twilight, Angel got what was coming to him, and Twilight has become an alicorn and is suddenly EVERYPONY'S teacher. That's a lot of character development if I do say so myself!


So yeah. I was satisfied with Season 3. I can't wait for Season 4!!!


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Oh heck yeah, I loved Season 3!!!  Went into plenty of detail as to why in all the Season 3 episode threads, but overall, yes, Season 3 was pretty much everything I wanted and more, and Studio B did a commendable job putting together what is, in my humble opinion, such a well-rounded season all around in half the number of episodes as they'd had in previous seasons.  Well done, Studio B, well done! smile.png

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


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