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  1. 1. Do you support Twilicorn?

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I will admit that I did not support her when I first heard of it before the finale but I was very interested in it and as I looked into it more, I started to find that there were some who supported it and as I read more discussions between those who did and those who didn't, I found that the people who did were making better points and by the time the finale actually aired, I was a full supporter and not surprised to see the episode be a pretty big success after all.

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Don't know why I'm just getting around to posting here, but oh well.


Do I support it. No. Do I absolutely despise it. No.


From the start I haven't liked the idea of Twilight become an alicorn. When I first watched the episode, I thought I hated it. Then I realized how wrong I was. It's not the idea of Twilight become an alicorn that bothers me. So what big deal, she has wings. I realized that it wouldn't change anything about her. It's the idea of her becoming a princess that bothers me. Sure people will say it's not going to change her character, but in my opinion it does. Ponies, in my opinion at least, the show writers could easily stop this, will not be looking at her as a great pony, or one of the most level headed of the mane six. Instead the'll be looking at her like royalty, as there new princess. I might be wrong, but ponies might start reacting to her like Mr. and Mrs. Cake did to Celestia in that one episode. That's my only worry at least.


Of course I might be wrong, none of this might happen, and if it doesn't, fine I was wrong and there's no problem.


So to sum it up, Twilight becoming an alicorn, or Twilacorn, big deal. Let her have wings and fly. But make her a princess, writers you better not ruin her character by making every pony treat her differently.

  • Brohoof 1
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Don't know why I'm just getting around to posting here, but oh well.


Do I support it. No. Do I absolutely despise it. No.


From the start I haven't liked the idea of Twilight become an alicorn. When I first watched the episode, I thought I hated it. Then I realized how wrong I was. It's not the idea of Twilight become an alicorn that bothers me. So what big deal, she has wings. I realized that it wouldn't change anything about her. It's the idea of her becoming a princess that bothers me. Sure people will say it's not going to change her character, but in my opinion it does. Ponies, in my opinion at least, the show writers could easily stop this, will not be looking at her as a great pony, or one of the most level headed of the mane six. Instead the'll be looking at her like royalty, as there new princess. I might be wrong, but ponies might start reacting to her like Mr. and Mrs. Cake did to Celestia in that one episode. That's my only worry at least.


Of course I might be wrong, none of this might happen, and if it doesn't, fine I was wrong and there's no problem.


So to sum it up, Twilight becoming an alicorn, or Twilacorn, big deal. Let her have wings and fly. But make her a princess, writers you better not ruin her character by making every pony treat her differently.

This viewpoint is very understandable. I do love the whole thing, but her being an Alicorn is what I like more. I think other ponies might treat her differently at first, but there is an excellent moral opportunity with that.The other ponies could treat her differently at first, but by the end of the episode, she gets tired of that and tells them all that she is  not a different Twilight. She clearly isn't as evidenced by Equestria Girls, so it would be accurate. It would be an excellent message to send to the bronies who are already convinced that Twilight is now ruined. (Which I think that viewpoint is idiotic)



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I remember when Twilight used to be relatable. I remember when she used to make mistakes. I remember when she depended on her friends. I remember when she struggled to get her word out and when she did, they'd just laugh it off.


But not anymore. Now it's all about how hard it is to adjust to being a princess. That's not relatable at all. Now Twilight solves all the problems on her own without needing her friends. She's essentially just a cute princess that has to go on magical adventures.


What makes it even worse is the she shouldn't be a princess in the first place. She's easily the least capable of the Mane 6 in terms of ruling. Just look at the mess she caused in Lesson Zero.


But everything is going to be fine now, because Twilight will no longer have any of these problems. Now that she became a princess for one of the dumbest reasons ever, she will always be right and will never make any more mistakes. Her friends are now nothing but a bunch of inferior sidekicks that will never have what she has.

I do not see ANY evidence in your post to support your claim. You are basically saying that once somepony becomes a princess, BOOM, they automatically are perfect and does everything perfectly without the help of others. Then.....you say....that she obviously is not a good ruler due to....Lesson Zero....Wut? Why is Twilight achieving her destiny such a bad thing? Would you be this pissed off if Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt? If EqG is anything to go by, Twilight has not changed. She is nervous about the whole thing and even doubts her abilities as a leader. That is the thing, she is not done learning. This just shows that she is capable of being a princess. Celestia herself said that she is not done learning yet, but now they can learn something form her.


Also, so what if they show Twilight trying to adjust to princesshood? That is called ADVANCEMENT. That is called CHANGE. I know many bronies hate that concept, but I personally see it as a great thing. Without change, things will get stagnant. These are great characters and this is a great world that they have created. If there is no advancement, then I feel that the world and its characters cannot be fully realized.


Twilight will still be Twilight. Tara Strong has said this. EqG basically confirmed this. I love the Twilicorn thing obviously. It shows how far she has come as a character. I love seeing that and because of this, I look forward to seeing other characters achieve their destiny down the line, whatever they may be. Your point with Lesson Zero, yeah, she messed up pretty bad there, but she LEARNED from it. That is another thing. What is the point of these characters actually learning these special things if they are not going to mean ANYTHING?


I do not mean to step on anyone's toes with this, I hope I did not. All of this is just my opinion, I am just very passionate about it is all. That is all we can have is an opinion. I do not expect to sway anyone's view on it, I just needed to rant. :P

Just expanding a little on what Kyoshi said. I don't understand how Twilight got her wings "for the dumbest reason". I think this wa Celestia's plan all along. Twilight's learned about the magic of friendship, but she still has a long way to go. Being an Alicorn is just the next step in Twilight's studies. That doesn't seem dumb to me. Edited by Betez
  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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It has to be understood that this will help further develop the story of the series. There is a lot of potential with this idea, and instead of fearing or bashing on this change, you should have faith in the developers and writers. While I personally didn't approve of the way "Twilicorn" was introduced, I'll accept it and move on instead of assuming the worst is going to happen.

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i think it was pretty good how the done was a bit rush but it was suppose to be the end of the show an i am glad the are doing more now  an more possible outcomes for twilight to over come so that my out look on it. :)

i contral water an talk to fish....eeyeah




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My first thought was that it will destroy Mane6 and whole show...

But when I saw EQG and thought about it more, I came to conclusion that we can discover a lot of things about Equestria through Twilight as princess.

Also I wanna see some character development and Twilight alicornisation is all we have...

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I luv twilicorn she is so pretty I mean I wish I was an alicorn.. ='( I am still waiting 2 c if they make a 4 th season!!! But if twilicorn gets 2 have her own show she deserves so yeah. I support her.

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Id have to say that Twilicorn is a huge advantage plot-wise in the MLP FIM series SUPPORT TWILI! SUPPORT! SUPPORT! SSUUPPOORRTT!






  • Brohoof 1

Stay in CONTROL...



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some of us think it great and some of us think it not and some of us is indiff but you can't be 100% sure weather it good or bad till it come on so we have to wait an see

i contral water an talk to fish....eeyeah




created sig and avatar by kyoshi


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I think an episode beginning with Rainbow Dash teaching Twilicorn to fly could be a great way to get into a story about Scootaloo not being able to fly so well.

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I do not see ANY evidence in your post to support your claim. You are basically saying that once somepony becomes a princess, BOOM, they automatically are perfect and does everything perfectly without the help of others. Then.....you say....that she obviously is not a good ruler due to....Lesson Zero....Wut? Why is Twilight achieving her destiny such a bad thing? Would you be this pissed off if Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt? If EqG is anything to go by, Twilight has not changed. She is nervous about the whole thing and even doubts her abilities as a leader. That is the thing, she is not done learning. This just shows that she is capable of being a princess. Celestia herself said that she is not done learning yet, but now they can learn something form her. 


Also, so what if they show Twilight trying to adjust to princesshood? That is called ADVANCEMENT. That is called CHANGE. I know many bronies hate that concept, but I personally see it as a great thing. Without change, things will get stagnant. These are great characters and this is a great world that they have created. If there is no advancement, then I feel that the world and its characters cannot be fully realized. 


Twilight will still be Twilight. Tara Strong has said this. EqG basically confirmed this. I love the Twilicorn thing obviously. It shows how far she has come as a character. I love seeing that and because of this, I look forward to seeing other characters achieve their destiny down the line, whatever they may be. Your point with Lesson Zero, yeah, she messed up pretty bad there, but she LEARNED from it. That is another thing. What is the point of these characters actually learning these special things if they are not going to mean ANYTHING? 


I do not mean to step on anyone's toes with this, I hope I did not. All of this is just my opinion, I am just very passionate about it is all. That is all we can have is an opinion. I do not expect to sway anyone's view on it, I just needed to rant. img-1605902-1-tongue.png

Just expanding a little on what Kyoshi said. I don't understand how Twilight got her wings "for the dumbest reason". I think this wa Celestia's plan all along. Twilight's learned about the magic of friendship, but she still has a long way to go. Being an Alicorn is just the next step in Twilight's studies. That doesn't seem dumb to me.


Here we go again! No, becoming a princess does not automatically make one a Mary-Sue. Disregarding all of a character's problems so that he or she can do no more than smile and sing about how wonderful everything is while being spoiled does. She was so out of character it was painful to watch. She wasn't much better in Equestria Girls. She just did all the work herself with the exception of a few instances where her six goofy sidekicks beat her to it. I called them sidekicks because they're obviously inferior to the utter perfection of pretty pony princess Twilight Sparkle! Especially now that her change has just taken place, we're expecting the writers to [attempt to] give it more depth throughout Season 4. This can only mean one thing: Less screen time for the rest of the cast. I'm going to guess that a good 50% of Season 4 will be about Twilight adjusting to being a princess. The other 50% will be split among Spike, the CMC and the rest of the Mane Six. That's just unfair. They all deserve equal screen time and yet they most likely won't because of this new shift of attention.


She's easily the least deserving of the cast in terms of qualifying for princess. What's wrong with Applejack? Even Rainbow Dash has shown some moments of responsibility here and there. But Twilight? She was the least friendly of the cast, and it's only because of her friends that she became what she is today. If anything, they all deserve it more than her! But now, with Twilight becoming a princess, it feels like her friends were just used by her to get the prize. I don't know about the rest of you, but that sure leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


That alone should tell you that it isn't just one episode I'm getting my argument from, although Lesson Zero is a great example. I'm not just talking about Twilight getting all worked up. I'm more referring to the fact that she cast a spell that sent all of Ponyville's citizens on a rampage. Not even Twilight could fix the problem and had Celestia not intervened, things probably would have gotten even worse. But that's just one example. There's the pilot episode, but I've mostly covered that in the previous paragraph. There's also A Bird in the Hoof where Twilight encourages Fluttershy to hide Philomena and even force feed her (and we all know how that episode ended). You could say Winter Wrap Up is arguably the best evidence for Twilight being a capable leader. However it still took her the entire episode just to compose herself. But even then she couldn't just do everything herself. It was all of Ponyville cooperating that ultimately did the job. Twilight still relied on others, and it showed not only in Winter Wrap Up, but also in The Stare Master when she was saved from a cockatrice by Fluttershy or even as far back as the flashback in Cutie Mark Chronicles when she only showed her full potential after seeing a sign from a future friend (Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom).


It's not that I'm "Pissed off" or "Butthurt" because I don't like change in general. It's more that I'm upset at how they've ruined Twilight's character. Believe it of not, I'd be more than happy to see some new stories coming from character development such as Rainbow Dash becoming more familiar with the Wonderbolts throughout the show. I've always enjoyed seeing the story pick up from where the last one left off (such as Spitfire mentioning Rainbow Dash's heroism at the Best Young Flyer competition when they met at the Grand Galloping Gala). It helps strengthen continuity and makes the story more developed. But suddenly giving a character a pointless pair of wings and the title of princess for almost no reason is not proper character development. It just feels forced and unnatural, especially when there's no buildup at all (let's face it, the whole alicorn ascension thing totally came out of left field. They had just tied all the loose ends when suddenly Twilight gets zapped and before we can get a grip on what's going on, they're already having an alicorn princess coronation).


Contrary to popular belief, Twilight's alicorn ascension was not planned from the beginning. Throughout the series, Twilight's greatest strength was attributed to her friends. Without them she would be weak and powerless. The Element of Magic was a combination of all the other Elements. And only with the other Elements could the sixth Element be powered (Equestria Girls' lazy writing contradicts this, but I'd take MLP:FiM canon over EQG any day). You could say that every time Twilight has succeeded, it's been because she's been "standing on the shoulders of giants" so to speak. Her destiny was obviously working magic through friendship, whether it be by spellwriting like Starswirl the Bearded or by saving Equestria with the Elements. There was not a single bit of evidence that she would leave this path in the dust for the sake royalty. Even Lauren Faust has said this many times. They had already done enough explanation of this throughout the series to satisfy any good listener. Unfortunately, most fans didn't listen very well, as they had their own ideas for Twilight's destiny such as becoming a princess, which may have been the final push for the marketing department to force Twilicorn into the canon. Such a pity, really. We were finally getting settled in and everything was sorted out, only to have it ruined!


But now as a princess, Twilight will spend the majority of her time doing her royal duties or simply adjusting to being a princess (we've already seen plenty of these overly cutesy time wasters in MMC and EQG alone). Never mind that her friends are supposed to be in this with her, we will see mostly Twilight doing cheesy gags with her wings. Oh, wait a second, did I tell you that Rainbow Dash just got accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy? Oh well, who cares! We wanna see Twilie learn to fly! What's that? Rarity met a nice stallion who could help her get recognized in the fashion industry? Oh please! Gimme a break! We'd all rather see Twilight flirting with Flash Sentry! What now? Applejack and her family are trying to get enough water to keep their stock alive through a drought? Psht! Puh-leeze! I think I speak for everypony when I say that I'd rather see Twilight attend boring banquets and drink tea! Oh, by the way, Pinkie Pie is entering a cupcake making contest but there's been rumors of food poisoning going on recently. So What? Twilight signing a pile of certified documents is way more intriguing! Hey, is that Fluttershy? Is she being burdened with the task of taking care of some dangerous animals? Aw no bother! Twilight looks so cute in her dress and she's obviously way more interesting than those lame sideki-err I mean her friends!


"But wait!", you say. Twilight won't be leaving her friends! She'll be staying in Ponyville with the rest of them! Okay, fair enough. But that only raises even more concerns. If she continues to be the "same adorkable pony", staying in her library, then her coronation was all for naught. After all, what's the point of having a princess when she does nothing but what a normal citizen would do? Isn't that kinda missing the point? If she's a princess, then she is burdened with the task of being a leader. And she can't exactly do that if she sits around in the Golden Oaks Library all day. Equestria wants to see a leader, not an antisocial unicorn librarian with a pointless pair of over-sized wings on her back. This is surely going to leave the show in a rut, as the story moves back and forth between Twilight's duties like a rat in a maze with no exit.


I could go on and on, to be honest. but I'll stop here so I can take some responses from some of you (that is, if you're not too busy bowing down to the gods of Hasbro's marketing department).

Edited by Dolphanatic
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Here we go again! No, becoming a princess does not automatically make one a Mary-Sue. Disregarding all of a character's problems so that he or she can do no more than smile and sing about how wonderful everything is while being spoiled does. She was so out of character it was painful to watch. She wasn't much better in Equestria Girls. She just did all the work herself with the exception of a few instances where her six goofy sidekicks beat her to it. I called them sidekicks because they're obviously inferior to the utter perfection of pretty pony princess Twilight Sparkle! Especially now that her change has just taken place, we're expecting the writers to [attempt to] give it more depth throughout Season 4. This can only mean one thing: Less screen time for the rest of the cast. I'm going to guess that a good 50% of Season 4 will be about Twilight adjusting to being a princess. The other 50% will be split among Spike, the CMC and the rest of the Mane Six. That's just unfair. They all deserve equal screen time and yet they most likely won't because of this new shift of attention.


She's easily the least deserving of the cast in terms of qualifying for princess. What's wrong with Applejack? Even Rainbow Dash has shown some moments of responsibility here and there. But Twilight? She was the least friendly of the cast, and it's only because of her friends that she became what she is today. If anything, they all deserve it more than her! But now, with Twilight becoming a princess, it feels like her friends were just used by her to get the prize. I don't know about the rest of you, but that sure leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


That alone should tell you that it isn't just one episode I'm getting my argument from. Although Lesson Zero is a great example. I'm not just talking about Twilight getting all worked up. I'm more referring to the fact that she cast a spell that sent all of Ponyville's citizens on a rampage. Not even Twilight could fix the problem and had Celestia not intervened, things probably would have gotten even worse. But that's just one example. There's the pilot episode, but I've mostly covered that in the previous paragraph. There's also A Bird in the Hoof where Twilight encourages Fluttershy to hide Philomena and even force feed her (and we all know how that episode ended). You could say Winter Wrap Up is arguably the best evidence for Twilight being a capable leader. However it still took her the entire episode just to compose herself. But even then she couldn't just do everything herself. It was all of Ponyville cooperating that ultimately did the job. Twilight still relied on others, and it showed not only in Winter Wrap Up, but also in The Stare Master when she was saved from a cockatrice by Fluttershy or even as far back as the flashback in Cutie Mark Chronicles when she only showed her full potential after seeing a sign from a future friend (Rainbow Dash's first sonic rainboom).


It's not that I'm "Pissed off" or "Butthurt" because I don't like change in general. It's more that I'm upset at how they've ruined Twilight's character. Believe it of not, I'd be more than happy to see some new stories coming from character development such as Rainbow Dash becoming more familiar with the Wonderbolts throughout the show. I've always enjoyed seeing the story pick up from where the last one left off (such as Spitfire mentioning Rainbow Dash's heroism at the Best Young Flyer competition when they met at the Grand Galloping Gala). It helps strengthen continuity and makes the story more developed. But suddenly giving a character a pointless pair of wings and the title of princess for almost no reason is not proper character development. It just feels forced and unnatural, especially when there's no buildup at all (let's face it, the whole alicorn ascension thing totally came out of left field. They had just tied all the loose ends when suddenly Twilight gets zapped and before we can get a grip on what's going on, they're already having an alicorn princess coronation).


Contrary to popular belief, Twilight's alicorn ascension was not planned from the beginning. Throughout the series, Twilight's greatest strength was attributed to her friends. Without them she would be weak and powerless. The Element of Magic was a combination of all the other Elements. And only with the other Elements could the sixth Element be powered (Equestria Girls' lazy writing contradicts this, but I'd take MLP:FiM canon over EQG any day). You could say that every time Twilight has succeeded, it's been because she's been "standing on the shoulders of giants" so to speak. Her destiny was obviously working magic through friendship, whether it be by spellwriting like Starswirl the Bearded or by saving Equestria with the Elements. There was not a single bit of evidence that she would leave this path in the dust for the sake royalty. Even Lauren Faust has said this many times. They had already done enough explanation of this throughout the series to satisfy any good listener. Unfortunately, most fans didn't listen very well, as they had their own ideas for Twilight's destiny such as becoming a princess, which may have been the final push for the marketing department to force Twilicorn into the canon. Such a pity, really. We were finally getting settled in and everything was sorted out, only to have it ruined!


But now as a princess, Twilight will spend the majority of her time doing her royal duties or simply adjusting to being a princess (we've already seen plenty of these overly cutesy time wasters in MMC and EQG alone). Never mind that her friends are supposed to be in this with her, we will see mostly Twilight doing cheesy gags with her wings. Oh, wait a second, did I tell you that Rainbow Dash just got accepted into the Wonderbolt Academy? Oh well, who cares! We wanna see Twilie learn to fly! What's that? Rarity met a nice stallion who could help her get recognized in the fashion industry? Oh please! Gimme a break! We'd all rather see Twilight flirting with Flash Sentry! What now? Applejack and her family are trying to get enough water to keep their stock alive through a drought? Psht! Puh-leeze! I think I speak for everypony when I say that I'd rather see Twilight attend boring banquets and drink tea! Oh, by the way, Pinkie Pie is entering a cupcake making contest but there's been rumors of food poisoning going on recently. So What? Twilight signing a pile of certified documents way more intriguing! Hey, is that Fluttershy? Is she being burdened with the task of taking care of some dangerous animals? Aw no bother! Twilight looks so cute in her dress and she's obviously way more interesting than those lame sideki-err I mean her friends!


"But wait!", you say. Twilight won't be leaving her friends! She'll be staying in Ponyville with the rest of them! Okay, fair enough. But that only raises even more concerns. If she continues to be the "same adorkable pony", staying in her library, then her coronation was all for naught. After all, what's the point of having a princess when she does nothing but what a normal citizen would do? Isn't that kinda missing the point? If she's a princess, then she is burdened with he task of being a leader. And she can't exactly do that if she sits around in the Golden Oaks Library all day. Equestria wants to see a leader, not an antisocial unicorn librarian with a pointless pair of over-sized wings on her back. This is surely going to leave the show in a rut, as the story moves back and forth between Twilight's duties like a rat in a maze with no exit.


I could go on and on, to be honest. but I'll stop here so I can take some responses from some of you (that is, if you're not too busy bowing down to the gods of Hasbro's marketing department).

Oh my gosh.... You're right..... They can't have an antisocial princess.... The mane 6 are going to become her sidekicks... But FYI, Lauren Faust originally wanted twilight to assume celestias role.

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I have now voted yes. I used to be very much against it, but after seeing Equestria Girls in the theaters, I really saw that things weren't so different, just a little more spiced up now that Twily is a princess. She's still super adorkable and ready to learn new things. Her transformation has opened doors for her and it makes me very excited for season 4.


I have hope!

  • Brohoof 2
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I've gotta say, I was a little bit skeptical.  But after what I heard about Equestria Girls (still have yet to see it, but hopefully that will change in the days to come), it sounds like they might be able to handle this alright.  At the very least, they aren't backing out of it now that it's done (or at least, it doesn't look like they're going to).


That said, let's get to quoting.  Now this'll take awhile.




She's easily the least deserving of the cast in terms of qualifying for princess. What's wrong with Applejack? Even Rainbow Dash has shown some moments of responsibility here and there. But Twilight? She was the least friendly of the cast, and it's only because of her friends that she became what she is today. If anything, they all deserve it more than her! But now, with Twilight becoming a princess, it feels like her friends were just used by her to get the prize. I don't know about the rest of you, but that sure leaves a bad taste in my mouth.



You clearly haven't watched that many episodes if you honestly can't see where Twilight qualifies as a Princess.  Not only has she proven herself a true friend, and one who's willing to help others, even foresaking her own personal gain in the process, but she's proven herself a born leader in every situation where the stakes were high and they desperately NEEDED a leader.


Not to mention, they practically TOLD us this was going to happen.  First of all, and the most obvious, is that her Element is in the shape of a crown.  She even CALLS it a crown in Season 2.  Second, she was put in the role of 'leader' many times throughout the series, even before this change.  So it's like they were preparing her for this role.  Speaking of preparation, Celestia and Luna practically stated this was going to happen right at the beginning of Season 3.


So I have no idea how you can say she's the least deserving.



Contrary to popular belief, Twilight's alicorn ascension was not planned from the beginning. Throughout the series, Twilight's greatest strength was attributed to her friends. Without them she would be weak and powerless. The Element of Magic was a combination of all the other Elements. And only with the other Elements could the sixth Element be powered (Equestria Girls' lazy writing contradicts this, but I'd take MLP:FiM canon over EQG any day). You could say that every time Twilight has succeeded, it's been because she's been "standing on the shoulders of giants" so to speak. Her destiny was obviously working magic through friendship, whether it be by spellwriting like Starswirl the Bearded or by saving Equestria with the Elements. There was not a single bit of evidence that she would leave this path in the dust for the sake royalty. Even Lauren Faust has said this many times. They had already done enough explanation of this throughout the series to satisfy any good listener. Unfortunately, most fans didn't listen very well, as they had their own ideas for Twilight's destiny such as becoming a princess, which may have been the final push for the marketing department to force Twilicorn into the canon. Such a pity, really. We were finally getting settled in and everything was sorted out, only to have it ruined!



Actually, it was.  Lauren Faust HERSELF had planned for Twilight to eventually become a Princess and take Celestia and Luna's places as the ruler of Equestria.  She even had a storyline planned for explaining how the Sun and Moon would work without the two sisters once they retired, as well as an explanation for why it had to happen.  Obviously, some of this was scrapped when Faust left the production team, but the overall result seems to be relatively the same.


The only part of the change that WASN'T originally planned was Twilight becoming an Alicorn.  That was likely done to sell toys or something.  But she was indeed meant to be a Princess pretty much from square one.  This I know for a fact.



But now as a princess, Twilight will spend the majority of her time doing her royal duties or simply adjusting to being a princess (we've already seen plenty of these overly cutesy time wasters in MMC and EQG alone).



Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that...  Sometimes, things happen.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 1

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I've gotta say, I was a little bit skeptical (who wasn't?).  


I wasn't skeptical at all.  When I first heard that Twilight was going to become an alicorn princess, I thought it was awesome.  wub.png

  • Brohoof 1

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Oh my gosh.... You're right..... They can't have an antisocial princess.... The mane 6 are going to become her sidekicks... But FYI, Lauren Faust originally wanted twilight to assume celestias role.


I've gotta say, I was a little bit skeptical.  But after what I heard about Equestria Girls (still have yet to see it, but hopefully that will change in the days to come), it sounds like they might be able to handle this alright.  At the very least, they aren't backing out of it now that it's done (or at least, it doesn't look like they're going to).


That said, let's get to quoting.  Now this'll take awhile.






You clearly haven't watched that many episodes if you honestly can't see where Twilight qualifies as a Princess.  Not only has she proven herself a true friend, and one who's willing to help others, even foresaking her own personal gain in the process, but she's proven herself a born leader in every situation where the stakes were high and they desperately NEEDED a leader.


Not to mention, they practically TOLD us this was going to happen.  First of all, and the most obvious, is that her Element is in the shape of a crown.  She even CALLS it a crown in Season 2.  Second, she was put in the role of 'leader' many times throughout the series, even before this change.  So it's like they were preparing her for this role.  Speaking of preparation, Celestia and Luna practically stated this was going to happen right at the beginning of Season 3.


So I have no idea how you can say she's the least deserving.





Actually, it was.  Lauren Faust HERSELF had planned for Twilight to eventually become a Princess and take Celestia and Luna's places as the ruler of Equestria.  She even had a storyline planned for explaining how the Sun and Moon would work without the two sisters once they retired, as well as an explanation for why it had to happen.  Obviously, some of this was scrapped when Faust left the production team, but the overall result seems to be relatively the same.


The only part of the change that WASN'T originally planned was Twilight becoming an Alicorn.  That was likely done to sell toys or something.  But she was indeed meant to be a Princess pretty much from square one.  This I know for a fact.





Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that...  Sometimes, things happen.

Uggh! Do you people even read my posts or do you just pick a random sentence and nitpick it?


Have you watched Equestria Girls (or even Season 3)? It totally supports my argument. As of recently, Twilight has been doing almost everything on her own while her friends act like total goofballs making borderline pandering gags.


And by the way, successor ≠ princess. Twilight was probably supposed to lead equestria in a totally new direction. But alas, the corporate overlords wanted to sell more toys.

Edited by Dolphanatic
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Uggh! Do you people even read my posts or do you just pick a random sentence and nitpick it?


Have you watched Equestria Girls (or even Season 3)? It totally supports my argument. As of recently, Twilight has been doing almost everything on her own while her friends act like total goofballs making borderline pandering gags.


And by the way, successor ≠ princess. Twilight was probably supposed to lead equestria in a totally new direction. But alas, the corporate overlords wanted to sell more toys.


Don't know how Equestria Girls supports your argument, since:


1 - Equestria Girls is non-canon to FiM.  Multiple writers and VAs have confirmed this.


2 - Equestria Girls doesn't really address Princess Twilicorn that much, since a majority of the film takes place in the alternate world/human-like high school setting, instead of Equestria.


3 - Multiple VAs and writers have said that MMC is best thought of as part 1 of a 3-part episode.


So in other words, calm down and wait until Season 4 comes out before flying off the handle.

Edited by SBaby

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Don't know how Equestria Girls supports your argument, since:


1 - Equestria Girls is non-canon to FiM.  Multiple writers and VAs have confirmed this.


2 - Equestria Girls doesn't really address Princess Twilicorn that much, since a majority of the film takes place in the alternate world/human-like high school setting, instead of Equestria.


3 - Multiple VAs and writers have said that MMC is best thought of as part 1 of a 3-part episode.


So in other words, calm down and wait until Season 4 comes out before flying off the handle.

But that's almost a year from now !sad.png And honestly, Magical Mystery Cure didn't exactly scream "cliffhanger" to me (though that doesn't necessarily mean it can't still be true). If I'm not mistaken MMC was supposed to give us a first impression of Twilicorn so yeah, I do have at least some right to judge for myself.

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I originally posted as "Indifferent" but then changed it to "Yes". Twilight is STILL Twilight, however, she has a pair of wings. Seeing episodes where she puts her flight skills will be hilarious and cool at the same time.

  • Brohoof 1
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But that's almost a year from now !img-1606965-1-sad.png And honestly, Magical Mystery Cure didn't exactly scream "cliffhanger" to me (though that doesn't necessarily mean it can't still be true). If I'm not mistaken MMC was supposed to give us a first impression of Twilicorn so yeah, I do have at least some right to judge for myself.


That's true.  But there is a difference between a first impression and judging.  If I was basing my decision strictly on the end of MMC, it would be a tougher call to make.  But based on both the show's track record and a couple things I know, I can pretty safely say that it's a better idea to wait and see what Season 4 has to offer.  Or at least watch a couple episodes before coming to a conclusion.

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*comes out of red curtain out on stage*


*Looks at Twilicorn*

*Looks at the community here*

*Looks back at Twilicorn*

*Looks back at the community*


*Starts to raise head as if to give approval*

*Projectile vomits over the crowd, spewing gusts of salivated chunks all over those who have waited to see me approve of Twilicorn*


Nope.  Will never approve of Twilicorn already in just the third season, especially with the way she was abruptly coronated.  The show is no longer balanced.  Hope she realizes that the royal life isn't for her and switches back.


Its not that I don't approve of any longterm FUTURE Twilicorn, its that it happened too quickly.  There could have been many more adventures.  And I don't want any of that "the writers we're running out of ideas" BS.  They're are almost endless possibilities with story writing given that you have a team of creative and dedicated writers who are passionate about their line of work.



I even wrote this broken Iambic short poem about it in 3 minutes.


Twilicorn will just never work this soon

The CEO of Greedsbro is a goon.


Greeds-bro just wanted to sell all their toy

so they used it as a marketing ploy.

Edited by John
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I myself don't really enjoy seeing Twilight become Alicorn. I just get this nagging feeling in my head that Twilight will be different in S4, and not in a good way. What I originally though was that she was gonna be a princess, and therefore, will be working all the time and/or have royal duties. Not to mention "Magical Mystery Cure" felt rushed in some ways.


But I suppose the real answer will be revealed when S4 arrives, but for now, my answer is no, I do not support it.

  • Brohoof 2

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