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How Advanced is Equestrian Technology? Is There an Equivalent Time Period?


Tech level  

94 users have voted

  1. 1. What tech level is right for Equestria?

    • Renaissance
    • Industrial Revolution
    • Victorian Era
    • More recent
  2. 2. Needs more Steampunk?

    • Yes
    • No

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Well, it seems Equestria is an industrializing civilization due to the fact that the Steam Engine exists (the steam train running through parts of Equestria.) We've seen a portable camera with color photography, black and white film reel, flying machines (Pinkie Pie's flying machine), lights powered by some form of electricity (Cutie Mark Crusaders stage performance). Though we haven't seen refrigerators (unless I've missed it). My argument is that since Equestria has relied heavily on magic to go about daily tasks, there has not been much research and time spent into innovating technology. That is why there are no mobile vehicles run without magic and televisions. Though there are projectors? Now, I am guessing Equestria is set in 1900-1910 United States of America. A time in which technological advancement into the using industrialized products was finally coming about into the post-1910 era. We've seen Appaloosa represent the West, Canterlot represent the East and Ponyville represent the rural midlands/south. Griffon and Dragon territory is most likely North. Now I am comparing these areas to areas within the United States. What is everyone else's input? And about the lack of refrigerators? What exactly is preserving the food? How is Sugarcube Corner staying afloat as a prosperous business? Is it an "order a cake then eat it immediately" type of deal? I need to understand! I know there is something called "Pony Logic", but I feel there could be an explanation!




Well, if you can recall the Pegasi can control the weather to a certain degree, so is it any real surprise to think they can control lightning to a degree for any use like to amplify a device like a projection? It's either that or it is controlled through coal/steam/magic.


Why would they have a greater need for mobile vehicles other than carts? A 1/3 of ponies can fly and the rest have extremely fast speeds that are more than three times the speed of an average human.


We use refrigerators for storage of food that will spoil quickly but a lot of their food is baked products or plant food like fruits and veggies. Fluids are really the only thing they'd need it for and I don't find it surprising if they can find a small storage unit for those, or if there is a store specifically tailored to selling it and ponies just buy it every day from there.

Edited by Hazardus_Havard

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Though I'm not sure what time period they'd be in specifically, it wouldn't be too farfetched to think they have a faster rate of progress than us ol' humans. MLP's ponies are human level in intelligence but they also have extra powers, like magic, that humans don't.

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You all think im crazy! but just wait... when we get into a nuclear conflict with some other nation and blow the world to bits and after atleast 18 milenia youll see! PONIES WILL ARISE!!!!... so to answer the question again, I believe Equestria is in post appocalyptic america some where within range of manhatten and philidelphia.


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This is a very interesting theory. The Apple family cultivates their farm with archaic technology, such as Big Macintosh pulling an iron plow, yet Twilight owns a machine that can somehow analyze Pinkie Pie's twitches.


And at the same time, this kind of setting also leaves it open for the characters to discover advanced technology somewhere. After all, so far we've only really gotten to know Equestria itself. But now the world is slowly expanding beyond the scope of that area with the introduction of the Changelings and the prospect of the Crystal Ponies. So it really isn't that out of line to think they might end up running into advanced technology, or even an advanced civilization at some point. It could even bring a whole new series of morals into the show. Someone could write an entire series based on the possibilities of this kind of thing and not even scratch the surface (I don't recommend it, but it could be done).

Edited by SBaby

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Though there are major errors and problems in my belief, I believe that based on most of the technology and the lifestyles were right around the turn of the century and ponies do have something similar to the Gregorian Calendar System (The It's About Time Episode is the most obvious example of a 7 day week). There are some slight variations in the technology: the Ponyville Hospital is too advanced for the early 1900s, early arcade games (like the Nickelodeon, pinball, and fortune telling machines) existed but real arcade games didn't come until later. Electricity existed but its too wishy-washy to see if ponies have it, (then again I haven't paid that much attention to it). As for political, monarchies were still existent in the early 1900s but were dwindling or changing (possible spoiler? :lol: ) In any case, it doesn't matter all that much but it helps make MLP more relatable to our world.

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Though there are major errors and problems in my belief, I believe that based on most of the technology and the lifestyles were right around the turn of the century and ponies do have something similar to the Gregorian Calendar System (The It's About Time Episode is the most obvious example of a 7 day week). There are some slight variations in the technology: the Ponyville Hospital is too advanced for the early 1900s, early arcade games (like the Nickelodeon, pinball, and fortune telling machines) existed but real arcade games didn't come until later. Electricity existed but its too wishy-washy to see if ponies have it, (then again I haven't paid that much attention to it). As for political, monarchies were still existent in the early 1900s but were dwindling or changing (possible spoiler? :lol: ) In any case, it doesn't matter all that much but it helps make MLP more relatable to our world.


Though there are major errors and problems in my belief, I believe that based on most of the technology and the lifestyles were right around the turn of the century and ponies do have something similar to the Gregorian Calendar System (The It's About Time Episode is the most obvious example of a 7 day week). There are some slight variations in the technology: the Ponyville Hospital is too advanced for the early 1900s, early arcade games (like the Nickelodeon, pinball, and fortune telling machines) existed but real arcade games didn't come until later. Electricity existed but its too wishy-washy to see if ponies have it, (then again I haven't paid that much attention to it). As for political, monarchies were still existent in the early 1900s but were dwindling or changing (possible spoiler? :lol: ) In any case, it doesn't matter all that much but it helps make MLP more relatable to our world.


The Ponyville Hospital really is a huge indicator that Equestria has brought about innovations in medical technology. There is also the case that if there is a hospital, then there must be illness. If there is illness such as disease, then there must be some type vaccinations produced to prevent these illnesses. And most likely these vaccinations were created through advance technology.


And at the same time, this kind of setting also leaves it open for the characters to discover advanced technology somewhere. After all, so far we've only really gotten to know Equestria itself. But now the world is slowly expanding beyond the scope of that area with the introduction of the Changelings and the prospect of the Crystal Ponies. So it really isn't that out of line to think they might end up running into advanced technology, or even an advanced civilization at some point. It could even bring a whole new series of morals into the show. Someone could write an entire series based on the possibilities of this kind of thing and not even scratch the surface (I don't recommend it, but it could be done).


What is the argument for the changeling ponies? Are the changelings an entire different species alone?

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It's very hard to say because we usually judge time periods by technology, and technology is all about convenience. The ponies might not need as much technology because they already can do what we humans can't regarding whatever the technology is solving.


For example. It is hard for humans to lift very heavy objects. Solution: Invent forklift.

The reason you don't see ponies using forklifts is simple--they can simply hire a unicorn to lift whatever it is with magic.


This doesn't make them in an earlier technological era, it just makes them not need the technology as much.


What I'm trying to say is we can't really use technology to figure out the answer to this question because we can't truly relate their technology to ours.



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Personally, if you have read My Little Dashie, you know where this is going.


I believe it is similar to that. It is not a logical timeline that can not really be compared to the timeline of the Gregorian calendar.


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There is no correlation between Equestria and Earth. They're different planets, quite possibly in different universes. Man may have died out millions of years ago, or may come into being sometime in the distant future. There is no set in stone rule as to what gets invented first. The Agrarian society of Equestria has no real need for many of the inventions of man. Their population is small enough that mass production may never have occurred to them. Equines would have no real use for automobiles in their rather small cities and villages. Wagons and carts serve them nicely to bring foodstuffs and produce to the market place. Take clothing. Rarity does a nice business in specialty garments, but ponies don't really need clothing to protect them from the elements like we hairless bipeds do. Communication is another factor. Do you think Twilight is the only one able to send messages via Spike? I'm sure other unicorns have different means of sending and receiving instantaneous letters that are just as effective. They have a low level of electric and electronic development, but there is no great need for more. Magic is very useful, and I suspect many of the electric items we have seen are also somewhat supported by unicorn magic. Think of Vinyl's sound board, and the projector with no cord that Spike plays the public service Water Tornado film with.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Remember that they also have arcade machines, flat screen TVs and touchscreen phones. And the Internet.


So yeah, I think it takes place in a pretty modern time, most likely same as ours.

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Remember that they also have arcade machines, flat screen TVs and touchscreen phones. And the Internet.


So yeah, I think it takes place in a pretty modern time, most likely same as ours.


Where did you see the Flat Screen Televisions and Touch Screen Devices? And if Equestria such a capitalistic society, would there be the huge gap between the upper and lower class? It seems Diamond Tiara's father is a business owner representing the upper 1%.

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Where did you see the Flat Screen Televisions and Touch Screen Devices? And if Equestria such a capitalistic society, would there be the huge gap between the upper and lower class? It seems Diamond Tiara's father is a business owner representing the upper 1%.


Flat screen TV: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7URogxWx_aE


Touchscreen phone: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p50-oWY1pFE


And I never said anything about a capitalistic society.

Edited by Discord: Master of Chaos
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Flat screen TV: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7URogxWx_aE


Touchscreen phone: www.youtube.com/watch?v=p50-oWY1pFE


And I never said anything about a capitalistic society.


These promotions are seriously awesome. Thank you for sharing. Also, I am implying that Equestria runs by a capitalistic society.

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I like to believe that Equestria is the Earth's very distant future once humans have been wiped out. And nature just does what it does. There are discoveries of brightly colored animals almost every month now; humans managed to develop speech, why not another species years and years in the future? Inevitably speech, and colorful animals will mix; and huzzah! Talking Technicolor Ponies everywhere! Along with lesser developed colorful birds and such that cannot speak yet (because speech defines intelligence apparently....stupid science.) Look guys, you can say "Humans are the pinnacle of evolution" all you want; but I'm still waiting for my tail and photosynthetic scales.


As for magic, I've always just imagined magic as the technology from the life before. Just as ponies will be the life after ours, their was a life before ours as well, and probably one before that as well. Because this is an endless loop, and I do not want to think of a "beginning:" somewhere along the line 'magic' was discovered by the dominant species of one life cycle. And when they all disappeared, their blueprints of it's application did too. It's only fitting that magic gets discovered/invented every few life-cycles; I think we're pretty close (especially thinking of how so many things "just do" and science "has no answer at this time") but we may not make it in time before we get wiped out by something or other. Unicorns adapted to using the magic by their own volition; a natural occurrence, but they've figured out how to use it to their advantage with new body features: like plants and sunlight, or air pressure and smaller wings.

But what do I know? I'm just a stupid kid.

҉ .Eternal ¸.•'´¯Chaos¯´'•.¸Comes¸.•'´¯With¯´'•.¸Chocolate¸.•'´¯Rain ҉


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  • 5 weeks later...

So fare we know that Equestria has trains, cameras, blimps, and they even have arcade games. So what other kinds of technology do you think is in Equestria?


I do wonder if they have ultrasound machines. Like for Mr. and Mrs. Cake, to know that they were going to have twins.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


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So far what I have seen from MLP is that they do not have much in the ways of "technology", but more rely on their powers of magic and bending of the weather in order to make their external world function. But, if I were to say that their technology pertains to any particular genre, it would be the steampunk genre - I don't know exactly why but it would just seem like Equestria has tapered off from our modern technology and used more simplistic forms of energy use and innovation.


/)( Moshi >:3


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I know they have simple computers systems, like the old school arcade machines... They might not have a ultrasound machine... maybe have magic to figure that out.


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They seem to have two forms of technology:


1) Standard technology -- here they seem to be around 70 years out of date with the steam engines, old style records, and such.


2) Magi-Tech -- more modern technology like spotlights tend to be a function of a unicorn's talent. IE a number of them seem to be able to duplicate more advanced tech than they have otherwise.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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They also have radios, microphones, and other gadgets like toys, power tools, and headphones, I know that they also occasionally use electric lighting. And lets not go into all of those strange things Twilight keeps in her basement

Edited by thesteampunkninja
  • Brohoof 2


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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Don't forget Pinkie Pie's flying mechanism in the gryphon episode when she was trying to keep up with Dash. Seems they have had a pony Wright Brothers already.

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They've got a sewing machine..That's just about the only real technology I've seen.That and Pinkie's cannons,Flight machines and all her other gadgets



"Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!

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I'm actually not so sure myself because one minute they have all these technological doodads while the next your seeing a train getting pulled by ponies so I don't know


I'd have to say they're mixed really


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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