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How Advanced is Equestrian Technology? Is There an Equivalent Time Period?


Tech level  

94 users have voted

  1. 1. What tech level is right for Equestria?

    • Renaissance
    • Industrial Revolution
    • Victorian Era
    • More recent
  2. 2. Needs more Steampunk?

    • Yes
    • No

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I'd say they're in the late 70s/early 80s tech wise. Even in our human world there are some communities that go without modern amenities, and maybe Ponyville is one of them in their world. Some houses (e.g Rarity's boutique) have electricity, others (Twi's treehouse) don't. Canterlot similarly, probably uses power to illuminate streets and buildings, but little else apart from Vinyl's gear.


Another thing, their art is probably the most modern thing about the show, they have pop songs that sound very 2000s (apart from the pseudo-80s crusader song). So they must have been advanced enough for synthesizers and sophisticated studio equipment.

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I don't think there is a time period we can really attach to Equestria because of the fundamental problems with such comparisons.


  1. Different Resources: Ponies in Equestria definitely have different resources available to them than humans in the real world, especially magic. Therefore, there are different problems which pony engineers will have due to this different access to resources. Engineering is all about using available resources to find the most efficient way to solve problems. Therefore, there would be a difference, and maybe even a mix, of technological advances compared to humans due to a completely different prospect of mechanical problems to solve.
  2. Different Beliefs: This might be somewhat of a theoretical analysis, but beliefs have a huge role in the advancement of technology. Much of human technologies are inspired to improve efficiency of killing the enemy(computers developed for cracking codes, more efficient cars for war, etc.) Obviously, ponies are less exposed to war in their society and are a more community-type society. Therefore, the reliance of technology has become less than humans. "A man's will to survive ultimately inspires their ability to be creative and innovative."
  3. Different Culture: A difference in culture can ultimately affect priority in problems. Culture also affects what is most important as a value. Human values definitely differ to pony values. Ponies have values of friendship and connection rather than the human value of progression. Therefore, there will be less priority of technological advancement. This means there will be slower technological advancement.
  4. Different Government: Government has a definite impact on scientific progression. Government types have been a major influence on the development of technologies(Soviet Union and the development of the rocket, NAZI Germany with the development of code systems and tanks, America and the development of other technologies). Equestria is, from observation, under the control of a Monarchy/Democracy. Since I don't know the full aspects of the government, there is still some research to do here.

There are simply some of the reasons why there can't be a comparison. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, they show signs of making use of steam-powered machinery. The ponies make full use of the printing press, so there's that. If you take into account some of Twilight's odd machinery (Feeling Pinkie Keen shown us some primitive computers), you could argue it's around 1930's or 1940's - but those are the only instances (that i can remember) seeing devices of that nature in the show.

Edited by Terminus
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They have motion pictures with sound. It's a safe bet that they'd also have tape recorders too.


Yes, I would figure that they do have them, but I also figure they do not have cassette or even 8 track because if they did then records would probably be on their way out and they are not.  They have the old reel to reel thick tape things for tape recording.  The semi-portable models, lovingly placed in a wooden box made expressly for the purpose of carrying said. 


In essence it is not the kind of thing most ponies would have -- only high end reporters doing interviews and maybe vinyl scratch.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I don't think there is a time period we can really attach to Equestria because of the fundamental problems with such comparisons.


  1. Different Resources: Ponies in Equestria definitely have different resources available to them than humans in the real world, especially magic. Therefore, there are different problems which pony engineers will have due to this different access to resources. Engineering is all about using available resources to find the most efficient way to solve problems. Therefore, there would be a difference, and maybe even a mix, of technological advances compared to humans due to a completely different prospect of mechanical problems to solve.
  2. Different Beliefs: This might be somewhat of a theoretical analysis, but beliefs have a huge role in the advancement of technology. Much of human technologies are inspired to improve efficiency of killing the enemy(computers developed for cracking codes, more efficient cars for war, etc.) Obviously, ponies are less exposed to war in their society and are a more community-type society. Therefore, the reliance of technology has become less than humans. "A man's will to survive ultimately inspires their ability to be creative and innovative."
  3. Different Culture: A difference in culture can ultimately affect priority in problems. Culture also affects what is most important as a value. Human values definitely differ to pony values. Ponies have values of friendship and connection rather than the human value of progression. Therefore, there will be less priority of technological advancement. This means there will be slower technological advancement.
  4. Different Government: Government has a definite impact on scientific progression. Government types have been a major influence on the development of technologies(Soviet Union and the development of the rocket, NAZI Germany with the development of code systems and tanks, America and the development of other technologies). Equestria is, from observation, under the control of a Monarchy/Democracy. Since I don't know the full aspects of the government, there is still some research to do here.

There are simply some of the reasons why there can't be a comparison. 



Well said. Pony & human society are just too difficult to compare. Just imagine if there was no equestria and the tribes were still separated. How would earth ponies advance without unicorn magic?

  • Brohoof 1

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Equestria is, from observation, under the control of a Monarchy/Democracy. Since I don't know the full aspects of the government, there is still some research to do here.

Equestria is, from all appearances, a Diarchy. At least when Celestia and Luna are ruling together, and of note is the fact that Diarchies are one of the oldest forms of government, Also, there doesn't seem to be any system in place for the princesses to be voted out of office or for some other pony to be put in their place so it cannot be a Democracy.


Though a House of Lords and House of Commons forming a counsel of sorts would not be out of place I feel.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Equestria is, from all appearances, a Diarchy. At least when Celestia and Luna are ruling together, and of note is the fact that Diarchies are one of the oldest forms of government, Also, there doesn't seem to be any system in place for the princesses to be voted out of office or for some other pony to be put in their place so it cannot be a Democracy.


Though a House of Lords and House of Commons forming a counsel of sorts would not be out of place I feel.

By a Democracy, I meant it is not limited in freedoms as a democracy would entail, of course.

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By a Democracy, I meant it is not limited in freedoms as a democracy would entail, of course

A well-ruled monarchy runs often more smoothly than a democrazy, and people can have freedom there as well. Monarchy doesn´t mean in any may "limited freedom". Especially in times of prosperity and peace, people lose interest in politics. In fact, a monarch who ruled over a prolonged time and know that they serve the people, and not the other way round, are often better than elected politicians. It was the inexperienced and ignorant leaders who made the monarchy look so bad. 

But with an immortal ruler who has the right set of mind, you definitely have the perfect choice: Fast and immediate actions in times of crisis, and a good ruling in peacetime. The problem is getting someone like this. Equestria is really fortunate here.


But back to topic: 

A prolonged time of peace and prosperity makes the technology and so on stand still. One example: Ancient Egypt. It existed over a time of three-thousand time with nearly no change, because they didn´t need changes and development, the nile gave them everything they needed.

The Ancient Greek on the contrary changed in about 500 years from, basically, murderous vikings to the most advanced and sophisticated civilisation of their time, with democracy, machines, and philosophy. Thats a sixth of the time Ancient Egypt existed!


Therefore I think Equestria didn´t change much in the last (at least) 1000 years: They had peace and prosperity. Why change anything? 

I think most of the advancement was because of crises that interupted this. Maybe some civil wars, plagues, or similar catstrophes happened, and during those the advancemet took place.


Another thing is that there is magic. Magic dampens the advancement as well, because why would you need technology when you have magic? 

I think most of the technologyhas either something to do with magic (run by magic instead of electricity, steered by magic) or developed in a time when the unicorns refused to help with their magic.

  • Brohoof 2
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Yes, I would figure that they do have them, but I also figure they do not have cassette or even 8 track because if they did then records would probably be on their way out and they are not.  They have the old reel to reel thick tape things for tape recording.  The semi-portable models, lovingly placed in a wooden box made expressly for the purpose of carrying said. 


In essence it is not the kind of thing most ponies would have -- only high end reporters doing interviews and maybe vinyl scratch.

I actually picture their tape recorders to be optical in nature, the way sound was originally placed onto film stock. The reel of tape must be kept in darkness until recorded on. Then you process it, and it's light stable for playback. For some reason, I expect magnetic recording media to be susceptible to erasure due to the high background magic levels in Equestria . 


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I actually picture their tape recorders to be optical in nature, the way sound was originally placed onto film stock. The reel of tape must be kept in darkness until recorded on. Then you process it, and it's light stable for playback. For some reason, I expect magnetic recording media to be susceptible to erasure due to the high background magic levels in Equestria . 


Well Celestia could always cause a solar flare and mess up all electronic equipment that wasn't in a faraday cage or the equivalent at will...  Of course such things wouldn't happen by accident in equestria like they could here, but on a bad day....

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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well Equestria is mixed in with a lot of different time frames their strongest non magical weapon is a spear the guards resemble Spartans while their rulers are Princesses but they also have Steam Power because of trains so I would like to say a mixture between 1600s and 1800s  but then the city of Manehatten just threw that idea out the window since Manehatten is modernized but does not look completely modernized but if you look at Ponyville the house models resemble kind of a model used by the colonies when they sent settlers over from Great Britain so I would now say between 1600s and 1950s that sounds about right 


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I think it's slightly steampunk. It's in the late eighteenth century, but they already have helicopters and cameras. It's not really surprising since they have magic and seemingly a lesser population than the human world, technology could develop faster. 

~ If you're feeling cold, I'll tax the heat. ~

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I'm surprised nobody mentions this device, even though we only saw it in one episode.

That's just the ultimate evolution of Pinkie Pie's flying machine from season one episode five, "Griffon the Brush off". I bet Pinkie made quite a lot of Bits once she perfected it!




                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Seems there in somewhere between the civil rights era and the era of disco/ rock n roll whichever is better. Cuz they have x rays, thingamajigger in twi's basement, and buildings in places such as manehatten, las pegases, philydelphia, and mexicolt ( arrrrrriiiiba!) They even have an air force ( wonderbolts ) police force ( mpd) and a party cannon ( made in 3000 ) so yea it's pretty modern if u ask me. And magic => technology. and stuff I forgot about tech; cameras with color pics, taxis, 50's-80's style songs vynil and egq songs excluded, dubstep, balloons, partys, windmills, lazrs, pinkie, laboratory, clocks, zapp apples ( pretty advanced if you tell me), pretty organized gov/monarchy, large telescopes, trains, rocks, rocks more rocks :), beds, ovens, stoves, taffy ( as seen in show stoppers) playgrounds, rainbow factory :eww: , swag. Disclaimer: sum of this stuff isn't meant to be taken seriously, unless you want to :muffins:


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  • 4 weeks later...

well i would like to add in the whole equestria girls time line into this, since celestia and luna are aware of the mirror, and could most likely go through it as well, they could be reverse engineering the the tech from the other world. i mean if sunset shimmer and twilight could freely move back and forth, who is to say other can't as well. since the other world does have phones and the internet, but celestia and luna haven't figure out how to reverse engineer the tech, so they introduced it into equestria. well that is my take on the subject.

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  • 2 months later...

I have given some thought to this. There seems to be modern automobiles of a sort when we see Manehaten. They are just horse drawn. I would like to note that Vinyl's DJ equipment seems to be very modern and state of the art

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I'd say around late 1900s tech. Their computers still use dot matrix paper printouts (and we have only ever seen one of them) and they still use pony drawn carragies and steam/magic powered locomotives. So with magic involved, I'd put them at a cottage industry level economy, with them using magic to cover the issues that humanity built new technologies to solve. However with the desparity we see between some of their tech, and their photoluminsecent insect powered lamps, it would almost seem like Equestria's technological level is very similar to something we would see in a post apocalypitic society, were they have leftover advanced technology but largely lack the industry to reproduce it.

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Equestria is a mix if technology but they most advanced thing I've seen (at least from the top of my head) is Vinyls DJ booth which is actually from the 60's. So with elements from medieval times to the sixties it's rather difficult to put my hoof on it.











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I posted a thread on this a while back (but it got no replies). There are clearly some areas of technology further advanced than others, and I think it boils down to whether or not there's a need for any particular technology; a lot of tech may not ever advance if no need for it is expressed. For instance, the fact that everypony seems strong enough to pull wagons and carriages, no need for automobiles has arisen. Likewise, the presence of magic renders innumerable techs obsolete.

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