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Say Something Nice About Your Least Favorite Episode(s)

Pony Of The Month

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Games Ponies Play: Potentially good moral for Rainbow Dash, but it was ruined by uneven plot development.


Somepony to Watch Over Me: Chimera scene and Cajun ponies.


Equestria Games: A good moral and plotline for Spike, regardless of whether the falling cloud scene was forced or not.


Filli Vanilli: Good music.


Rainbow Falls: Great new setting and Rainbow Dash key.


Trade Ya: Bringing up Twilight's role as a princess.


Spike at Your Service: Applejack played this one pretty well, also the first use of 3D on the show.


Feeling Pinkie Keen: Pinkie Pie just didn't give a damn and I love it.


Swarm of the Century: It got pretty fun at the end.


Season 4: It had "Rarity Takes Manehattan", "Testing, Testing, 123", "Flight to the Finish", and "Pinkie Pride", while the premiere and finale were entertaining as always.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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Pinkie Apple Pie: The only two things I really liked about this episode is Apples to the Core and Big Macintosh's interactions with the other ponies. -3-

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Rainbow Falls:


No characters died

No gross-out stuff



Oh, I guess I need to say stuff I liked that was actually IN the episode. Uh, well there was Rainbow Dash! And she was aight I guess. 20% less cool since Powell was writing her but....


Uh, Derpy? I guess...eh...meh....nah....


Oh, Fluttershy was in it! Oh, well not really, cuz she was written with the skill of a middle school student. So I can't really say her....


Uh...errr....ahhh...I liked it when the credits came and I knew that I would be able to watch a different episode! :D

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Fili Vanili: Music In The Treetops


Ticket Master: Spike getting a ticket at the end.


Daring Don't: The Aztec Ponies!!! :wub:


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The Cutie Pox: "Mah sister's speakin' in fancy!"

Lol!  I'm stealing that one from you.


I see several people naming "Games Ponies Play..."  I actually really enjoyed that episode; might even be my third fave episode (after "Wonderbolts Academy" and "Sleepless in Ponyville") from season three.  But then, there was plenty of RD (and she had a good deal of dialogue), and this cuteness happened:


Basically anytime a not-so-much-RD fan might go, "Rainbow Dash is getting too much screen time / too many lines in this episode," is when I'm the most delighted lol.


Umm...  I'd say that, in the first season at least, any CMC-centric episode was my least favorite lol. xD  I eventually warmed up to those three fillies, but they annoyed the hay out of me at first.  BUT - in the CMC origin story episode "Call of the Cutie" - I liked the part where Rainbow Dash subjected Apple Bloom to a series of activities (whilst wearing a headband).  And I loved this RD line / moment:

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Mmmmystery on The Friendship Express: "Fine, I'm guilty! I wear false eyelashes!" Those scenes in Pinkie's descriptions were funny.


Somepony To Watch Over Me: The battle with the chimera was actually really cool.


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Swarm of the Century: Fluttershy is still adorable as usual


Lesson Zero: Everything after Celestia appeared was excellent, especially the genius ending where the others could send letters now. Whoever wrote that ending needs an award.


The Cutie Pox: Zecora was in it. Any episode with my favorite Zebra in it can't be all bad.



Mysterious Mare-Do-Well: Okay, I'll begrudgingly admit that the costume itself looked pretty cool.


Daring Don't: Twilight and Dash's geek-out moment was hilarious


Inspiration Manifestation: Despite the fact that she was becoming more crazed by the minute, the dress Rarity forced Rainbow to wear was actually pleasing to look at it. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Spike at your service: Atleast Spike din't die or something. 

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly.

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Boast Busters: The humor was decent.

Magic Duel: The humor was decent.

Somepony to Watch Over Me: The Chimera was pretty cool.

Edited by ShadowPirateX

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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If I hate an episode, I really hate it.  Even though I said the ending temple scene in "Daring Don't" was kind of cool, it comes off as more of an obligatory "in fairness" moment.


But I guess that would be it.

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Sonic Rainboom: At least they didn't fuck Rarity's character up TOO badly when volunteered to subject herself to Twilight's spell, but there's just so much about that episode that gives me these terrible headaches just thinking about it for me to give a shit about what they didn't screw up on. I really hate that pile of garbage.

  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Putting Your Hoof Down :okiedokielokie:: Iron Will was cool I guess (despite being a stereotype)........wait a minute that's not good, what am I doing? THIS EPISODE HAS NOTHING GOOD ABOUT IT AT ALL!  :angry: That's it I'm out everypony......

Edited by DoubleRainbow_Dash
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Hm, that's pretty easy, since I don't really hate my least favorite episodes, I just don't go out of my way to see them again. :P

It's About Time- solid Twilight is just too cool(despite coming off as brony fanservice in a way), and the disaster proofing montage is oddly enjoyable. Also, madam Pinkie, cute.

Hearts and Hooves Day- nice song, plus Big Mac's strength is just awe inspiring in this one.

Too Many Pinkie Pies- the first half is pretty good, with Rarity's awesome dress and some funny Fluttershy lines. Plus it was written by Dave Polsky, who writes mostly awesome episodes, this one just happens to kind of fall apart in the second half imo.

Mikasa and Rarity... Never thought I'd see those two together.


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Season 1:

  1. Owl's Well That Ends Well: At least the "spiked" joke was funny and somewhat cute.
  2. Bridle Gossip: The karmic humor each of the Mane Six suffered was actually pretty deserving. Quite possibly the only episode in the whole series where this type of humor worked.
  3. Feeling Pinkie Keen: Derpy's first intentional appearance! :D
  4. A Dog and Pony Show: Rarity was in character, and the moral itself was great. A damn shame that the plot device (the Diamond Dogs' stupidity) severely undercut the whole plot.

Season 2:

  1. The Mysterious Mare Do Well: As terrible as it is, at least the costume was cool.
  2. Hearts and Hooves Day: "OH, COME ON!" XD
  3. Sweet and Elite: "Becoming Popular." Plus, the Canterlot scenery is great.
  4. May the Best Pet Win!: Tank is a really great character. A shame he had to be introduced in easily one of the worst episodes in the whole show.

Season 3:

  1. Just for Sidekicks: The Cutie Mark Crusaders were very in character, and (despite retreading continuity from Dragon Quest and Secret of My Excess) Spike actually learned his lesson.
  2. Spike at Your Service: You got some very funny lines and actions from Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Dash's quip about AJ's autobiography was hilarious.
  3. One Bad Apple: "Babs Seed." The song, not the character.

Season 4:

  1. Rainbow Falls: Despite being the most broken episode in the whole show, Derpy, Rainbow Falls (the scenery), and the griffons are really cool.
  2. Equestria Games: Whatever games were shown, they stay true to the lore of the canon. Also, Polsky doesn't ignore Rainbow Falls's broken continuity.
  3. Somepony to Watch Over Me: "No time for a song!" Can't lie; that was a really good joke. Plus, the introduction of the chimera was incredibly spooky and fear-inducing.
  4. Flight to the Finish: As dumb as how one-dimensional Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were (trivializing the whole plot), the following approaches to Scootaloo's physical limitations is very sad and then sweet at the end. Dash was very in character throughout, too. Of the episodes I talked about here, this one isn't that bad. In fact, it's quite decent.
Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 3

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Sonic Rainboom: At least they didn't fuck Rarity's character up TOO badly when volunteered to subject herself to Twilight's spell, but there's just so much about that episode that gives me these terrible headaches just thinking about it for me to give a shit about what they didn't screw up on. I really hate that pile of garbage.

This sure is something nice! :)
  • Brohoof 1
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Spike at Your Service: The timber wolves were some of the best designed creatures I had ever seen in MLP. There design was cool and they way they can break apart and reform themselves was awesome. Why are these things afraid of pots and pans?


Daring Don't: I liked the part where Rainbow Dash and Twilight had the nerd moment about Daring Do

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Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh Omygosh

Sonic Rainboom: At least they didn't fuck Rarity's character up TOO badly when volunteered to subject herself to Twilight's spell, but there's just so much about that episode that gives me these terrible headaches just thinking about it for me to give a shit about what they didn't screw up on. I really hate that pile of garbage.

If not for Rarity nudging Twilight and RD's reaction to winning (and the Rainboom itself) this episode would have been a train wreck. It was actually the last episode I saw in 2011 in my attempt to figure out why the show was popular. Any wonder why I didn't continue?


Also ... RARITY! You don't need lipstick! Just no!

  • Brohoof 1



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I like most episodes, and there is only one I can't stand. "Somepony to watch over me." I HATE it. 


But, the Crusaders' interaction with one another was great, as well as that one line from Scootaloo: "No time for a song!"

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