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Is Rainbow Dash a hated character?


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Well she's definitely polarizing.  To be honest, she is my least favorite character of the mane 6. 


There are certain types of personalities that people either love or hate.  And I think that RD's reputation as an aggressive, overconfident braggart doesn't really lead to a lot of middle ground.  I can see how some people like that, but for me it just rubs me the wrong way. 


Now I'm a big Rarity fan and I see a bit of a similar quality in her too, albeit tweaked a bit.  They're both very centered about/enamored with themselves and sometimes don't see how that's perceived by others.  Rarity's vanity is like a feminine twist on Dash's cockiness.  But the weird thing is, for some reason I don't mind it as much in rarity, while it kinda bugs me in RD.  I'm not quite sure why that is- maybe it's RD's somewhat more abrasive approach towards it?  At any rate, I find that kind of odd and fascinating. 


Personally, I think there really needs to be a Rarity/Rainbow Dash episode.  Maybe seeing the two of them directly interacting will bring more understanding between their two fandoms.

  • Brohoof 3


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I just thought of something... perhaps some people find Dashie's flaws harder to forgive because she's an extroverted, confident athlete with no shortage of self esteem, a love for pranks and (pre-Daring Do) a distaste for intellectual pursuits - traits often seen in the archetypal lunkhead jock bully character, almost always the bad guy in every high school and/or sports movie. Of course we know she's really nothing like that, but she does have her in-universe abrasive moments that seem insensitive.


Personally I think she's awesome. There's nothing wrong with talking a big game if you can back it up.

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But the weird thing is, for some reason I don't mind it as much in rarity, while it kinda bugs me in RD.  I'm not quite sure why that is- maybe it's RD's somewhat more abrasive approach towards it?  At any rate, I find that kind of odd and fascinating.

Rainbow Dash's brash arrogance dosen't bother me as much as Rarity's vanity does and because of that it took me a lot longer to like Rarity albeit not as much as the other mane 6 than Rainbow Dash though I really didn't start loving Rainbow Dash until Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy. The friend that introduced me to ponies dosen't like either of them but really despises Rarity because she reminds him of his mother who he has a very dysfunctional relationship with.



Personally, I think there really needs to be a Rarity/Rainbow Dash episode.  Maybe seeing the two of them directly interacting will bring more understanding between their two fandoms.

One of my favorite episodes in season one was Look Before You Sleep which had Applejack, Rarity and Twilight. I think it would be very interesting to see how Rainbow Dash and Rarity would interact with each other on an episode like that, Rarity can be a prissy sometimes and Rainbow Dash is often reluctant to embrace her feminine side due to her own insecurities about maintaining her rep.

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I just thought of something... perhaps some people find Dashie's flaws harder to forgive because she's an extroverted, confident athlete with no shortage of self esteem, a love for pranks and (pre-Daring Do) a distaste for intellectual pursuits - traits often seen in the archetypal lunkhead jock bully character, almost always the bad guy in every high school and/or sports movie. Of course we know she's really nothing like that, but she does have her in-universe abrasive moments that seem insensitive.


Personally I think she's awesome. There's nothing wrong with talking a big game if you can back it up.


Exactly right, my friend. Dashie's no punk; she talks a big game, and she brings a big game.


The haters? 


*Puts on shades*


They can deal with it, brah.



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I don't think she is hated, i just think that she is ofter portrayed in a negative light because of her more masculine nature. While she can be a bit of a douche and the fans often react negatively the majority of the time, i find that she is one of the more popular characters for positive fan material then negative. Also Rainbow Dash is my favorite of the mane 6

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One of my favorite episodes in season one was Look Before You Sleep which had Applejack, Rarity and Twilight. I think it would be very interesting to see how Rainbow Dash and Rarity would interact with each other on an episode like that, Rarity can be a prissy sometimes and Rainbow Dash is often reluctant to embrace her feminine side due to her own insecurities about maintaining her rep.


Rarity can similarly be worried about not being ladylike, though she has little issue with tossing away her prissiness for the sake of her loved ones. 


It can be an episode where they realize that they're more similar than they think.  Both are goal oriented and driven to be the best in their field, both are rather self absorbed and with huge egos, and yet both of them are, at the very core, Elements about putting others above themselves- generosity and loyalty.


I think that they may be the two best developed characters in the show.  (Just that for me, I'm not a big fan of RD's personality type)

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I was under the impression that Rainbow was one of, if not the, most popular ponies in the show. Every time I see someone saying who their favorite pony is from the Mane 6, generally, the answer is Rainbow Dash. I never got that she was hated at all, though her confidence that borderlines arrogance sometimes could probably be the reason why she's hated if she is. From what I see, Rarity and Apple Jack are the most hated/least popular of the Mane 6, though I have no idea why. 


Shipping-wise, Rainbow seems to be apart of the most popular ships like Flutterdash, so I imagine if people are shipping her they like her. 

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I don't know anything else about Rainbow Dash outside of the show (fanfictions) aside from artworks. I like all the Mane 6 characters. But personally RD is my least liked character. I don't hate her, just don't like her as much as the others. They all have their own good AND bad qualities. I guess its that her attitude (whenever they show) don't rub off very well on me. She can be boastful, narcissistic, obnoxious, basically be an overall jerk. These are qualities that I don't like even in real life. So I guess distaste for it just reflects on her as well whenever she does embody them in the show.

Though In fairness she has improved overtime, specially in season 3 and her good qualities always outweigh her bad ones overall.

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Look at all the fun threads that people make while I'm out of town.


While her popularity is obvious, Rainbow Dash also has a very sizable and fairly vocal hatedom. This is clear from situations, such as Megas mentioned earlier, where people have chosen to nitpick negatives and outright ignore her positive actions. She was criticized for telling ghost stories in Sleepless in Ponyville, and the heartwarming caring and compassion was outright glossed over. A similar thing happened after Wonderbolt Academy, her character development and willingness to sacrifice her lifelong dream for her principles weren't picked up on, and these people chose to blast her for "Ruining Lightning Dust's life", nevermind that it was actually Spitfire who gave her the boot, and for good reason. And these are some of her best moments. I've seen her criticized for most everything during my time as a part of this fandom, and it's been pretty fascinating at times. Thankfully, after her softer and kinder side was elaborated on during Season 3, some have seen the more positive aspects of her character. 


All in all, I think polarizing is a better word. She has armies of fans and a sizable contingent of enemies.

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Look at all the fun threads that people make while I'm out of town.


While her popularity is obvious, Rainbow Dash also has a very sizable and fairly vocal hatedom. This is clear from situations, such as Megas mentioned earlier, where people have chosen to nitpick negatives and outright ignore her positive actions. She was criticized for telling ghost stories in Sleepless in Ponyville, and the heartwarming caring and compassion was outright glossed over. A similar thing happened after Wonderbolt Academy, her character development and willingness to sacrifice her lifelong dream for her principles weren't picked up on, and these people chose to blast her for "Ruining Lightning Dust's life", nevermind that it was actually Spitfire who gave her the boot, and for good reason. And these are some of her best moments. I've seen her criticized for most everything during my time as a part of this fandom, and it's been pretty fascinating at times. Thankfully, after her softer and kinder side was elaborated on during Season 3, some have seen the more positive aspects of her character. 


All in all, I think polarizing is a better word. She has armies of fans and a sizable contingent of enemies.


I never really got the whole ruining Lightning Dust's life thing when in the episode itself Lightning Dust made light of the fact that Rainbow Dash's friends were almost killed, not to mention she acted like a jerk to all the other ponies the whole episode.


Yep, Rainbow Dash is such a jerk for ruining Lightning Dust's life...


Regardless, I also see a lot of Rainbow Dash fans harp on her "positive" aspects in an attempt to combat the haters, but a lot of what the haters cite is why she is best pony, as I said before.

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I like Rainbow Dash. I also think she's the epitome of a pegasus, if that Hearth's Warming Eve play had any merit to it.


She's brave, strong, practices and works on her dreams, she's a leader, she was willing to give up her dream when the costs were too high, challenges herself (vs Applejack), and she's very honest. I really liked her when she woke Fluttershy for cider, when she could've just left Fluttershy and had more cider to herself.


She needs to think quickly, being a speedy daredevil. Unfortunately, this probably is what makes her judgements sometimes a bit rash. 'Are you a spy?!'


I'm happy she's reading. I hope the future episodes will develop her more.


Finally, a thing that really irks me: I don't understand why it was Cadance that needed to save Spike and the Crystal Heart. Rainbow Dash saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts in Sonic Rainboom, had Fluttershy help her save Spike in Secret of My Excess, and again with Fluttershy caught Twilight in the series pilot. What was wrong with the fastest pegasus alive?

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The points in the OP are off the mark to the point of absurdity. "Tomboy" is not a negative term, the fandom gives Rarity a LOT more flak for her weaknesses than they've ever given Dash, she's the most shipped pony because she's the most FUN pony to ship, MLD is seen as decent but overrated and Cupcakes is terrible because of its subject matter, not Dash. Finally, I have never seen anyone try to make us hate her because of Cutie Mark Chronicles, and if they ever tried they would fail miserably.


Far from being hated, Rainbow Dash is one of the most popular 4th-generation characters and for good reason. There are a few bronies who can't stand her, I'll give you that, and generally it's for one of two reasons. One, Bieber/Tebow/Gaga Syndrome: "I must trash this character because she is popular." Two, they can't draw a line between proud, competitive athletes and bullies/jerks/narcissists for whatever reason. (Even though Wonderbolts Academy certainly did. tongue.png)

  • Brohoof 3

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How is she not a tomboy and hows that not flattering? I dont like rainbowdash as much as the rest of the manesix but tomboy is just a term.... like id call pinkie crazy which is less flattering than tomboy but Pinkies my favorite I think most fans can think of her as the tomboy of the group.... but no I do not like Rainbowdash but mostly because she comes off as two agroant for my choices and even less loyal than rarity is less generous.

Edited by pinkieshyrose
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To be honest, Pinkieshyrose, I'm not really sure about the whole tomboy thing either.


Most of the time, a girl character being a tomboy actually makes people like them more, so I'm not seeing how that could make people hate Rainbow Dash.

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A lot of the fanbase seems to miss the point that all ponies are hated ponies in some way. All of the mane six have their worshipers and their haters. Whether they are hated in a majority is up to specific calculation. 

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Come now, Pryme, I'm sure everypony here is aware of that, but they simply want to gain an understanding of why certain people hate characters. It's part of the whole being human thing; we want to understand why others feel a certain way.


*Takes a puff on pipe*


Plus, discussing people hating Rainbow Dash gives me ample opportunities to say how awesome she is, so I'm not complaining.


Did I mention that Rainbow Dash is awesome?



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Rainbow Dash is an epic kick butt pony. Rainbow Dash is my favorite pony. I have no idea in the name of Celestia why would Rainbow Dash would be hated? but I do have to admit, she does seem to be a bit tomboyish. :)

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2. She is often called a tomboy, which isn't a very flattering term, and she is not one at all.


Hmm... This is interesting. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but personally I think RainbowDash does have a sort of "tomboyish" nature. She does appeal more to the male audiences who are looking for a "less-girly" pony who is 20% cooler. (I can't back this up however being that I am female tongue.png )


Why do you say this? Does she act girly in some episodes? Just curious wink.png 

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Hmm... This is interesting. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but personally I think RainbowDash does have a sort of "tomboyish" nature. She does appeal more to the male audiences who are looking for a "less-girly" pony who is 20% cooler. (I can't back this up however being that I am female img-1315892-1-tongue.png )


Why do you say this? Does she act girly in some episodes? Just curious img-1315892-2-wink.png

She usually has a tomboyish nature, but she has her moments. She does wear a dress from time to time and she has a soft spot for tank. (She nuzzled him in that one episode). 

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Most of the time, a girl character being a tomboy actually makes people like them more, so I'm not seeing how that could make people hate Rainbow Dash.

True, it is one of the many things that actually caused Applejack to be my favorite pony since the beginning she may not be as much of a tomboy as Rainbow Dash but she clearly is one too. I think it is not so much Rainbow Dash being a tomboy that gets her hate it is her brash arrogant nature which comes off as a bit jarring and abrasive to some people. While I did overlook Rainbow Dash at first in large part because she was EVERYWHERE which I know is probably not the best reason her arrogant side never really bothered me that much while Rarity's vain side can often annoy me a bit. I think it is because I tend to like characters that are comfortable in their own skin even the ones that are occasionally a bit cocky like Rainbow Dash but she has gotten a little less so as her character has really grown and matured.

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A lot of the fanbase seems to miss the point that all ponies are hated ponies in some way. All of the mane six have their worshipers and their haters. Whether they are hated in a majority is up to specific calculation. 

I think the issue is that some mane 6 are a lot more hated than others, and sometimes it can be undeserved. I mean, I've seen a lot more fans hate on Rainbow Dash and Rarity than say, AJ or Fluttershy, and a lot of the reasonings behind the hate can get pretty stupid

Edited by Megas75
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I would like to thank everyone for their replies to this topic. It's nice to see that my second favorite pony isn't as hated as I thought she was.  I will reply to individual comments when I can, and appologise for taking so long.  I will also explain the "tomboy" thing as well as a lot of you seem confused by my reservations about the term.

What do you get if you take the adventurous element, and good vs. evil storylines of Generation 1, reintroduce some abandoned storylines, that only happened with the toys, add the lessons of life elements from My Little Pony Tales, and the adorableness, and fantasy element from Generation 3, use the type of personalities of ponies used in all generations, and put them together using a true fan's perspective?



My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Thinking about it now, I don't think that she is most hated, nor most loved. Instead, she seems to have the more variance in how she is viewed of any of the characters. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Ok number 4...really who does that? The main scene involving her in that episode serves to only more firmly establish her connection with her element. Many seem to overlook a key point in how Rainbow Dash received her cutiemark. Yes she found a yearning for speed and an extreme talent for flight, but look at what put her in the situation to do so. She was defending Fluttershy's honor, the whole race was to take her detractors down a notch or put them in their place. In essence the whole sequence was one of loyalty and self discovery. How in the world do you use that to justify hating a character without reaching? Though many of the arguments for demonstrating Rainbow as a bad person rely on reaching. "Oh she was scaring the fillies by telling scary stories around a camp fire" yep she sure is mean not like its a tradition or anything. "Oh did you see how she volunteered Fluttershy like that" yep demonstrating confidence in her friend which the others did as well, yep evil. 

Yes Rainbow can be a bit aggressive at times and gets lost in her own view of "awesome" but I think some have a tendancy to forget or simply overlook her good moments and qualities.

Edited by Anadu Kune
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