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Brony haters...should we care?

Sugar Pea

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One thing to keep in mind is that a significant number of the so-called haters are secretly fans of MLP:FiM themselves.  I don't get that logic personally.  But I've noticed that with almost every kind of hate or phobia out there, there is always a segment of opponents who are privately into it. 


Most people who don't care about or hate MLP don't waste their time hating on the fandom. 

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For any fandom, or anything cultural in our world that we live in, there will always be the people who find hate in it for some reason. 


I learn to ignore them and continue on.


Keep Calm and Carry On fellow Bronies. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I cant even post a comment on YouTube without getting flack.




This guy is obviously pointing towards my profile picture.

Which is why most of my most liked YouTube comments get flagged for spam because of it.

Seriously, can i get one positive reply on YouTube without a person like this ruining my day?! 


Edit: This guy messaged me talking all kinds of crap upon bronies. So he is a hater.

Edited by KToadstool
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I say ignore the haters. They're wasting thier time and life. What do they expect to accomplish with trolling us? Nothing. We need to ignore them and they need to move on to better things than hating on a certain fandom.

  • Brohoof 2


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Brony haters come in many forms. I have a lot of friends that are brony haters (yea, you read that correctly). Some just don't understand why guys and older people (men and women) can enjoy a show about pony's and love, and some are just plane infuriated. But why is this?

Well, as humans we have the neurological connections in our brains to differentiate things and place things in groups( that's good, that's  bad. That's healthy, that will kill you). But sometimes it is taken too far and discrimination sets in, like people hating others races, sexual orientations etc. Since MLP is a T.V show, it is more likely to have horrifyingly negative opinions then personal discrimination, but the fans themselves, since they are actual people, have to face personal discrimination.

It's just human nature, we are animals, and attack for pleasure

*Don't feed the trolls.

  • Brohoof 2

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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I don't care about haters, i'm proud to be a brony and no matter what anyone says I will not stop being one. If I saw someone say something like ''Bronies are 40 year old closet pedophiles that jack off to ponies all day and are still virgins'' I wouldn't give a shit, why would I? I know that the truth is that not all of us clop. I think if I argued with someone about it, it would make me seem like that what he said was the truth and that i'm just desperately trying to defend the fandom. The worst I would say is ''Not me, I just love the show, fan art and fan music, not the dirty stuff of course but hey if you want to believe that all bronies are the way you said, go right ahead.'' I'm not gonna try to change the way someone thinks, if they want to think of bronies that way they can go right ahead, because i'm not giving a shit. When I do explain bronies to someone who doesn't know what they are I will ask them if they want to know the goods and bads of the fandom if they say they want to know them, then I will tell them. I got nothing to hide.

Edited by Gamer Brony
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I don't care about haters, i'm proud to be a brony and no matter what anyone says I will not stop being one. If I saw someone say something like ''Bronies are 40 year old closet pedophiles that jack off to ponies all day and are still virgins'' I wouldn't give a shit, why would I? I know that the truth is that not all of us clop. I think if I argued with someone about it, it would make me seem like that what he said was the truth and that i'm just desperately trying to defend the fandom. The worst I would say is ''Not me, I just love the show, fan art and fan music, not the dirty stuff of course but hey if you want to believe that all bronies are the way you said, go right ahead.'' I'm not gonna try to change the way someone thinks, if they want to think of bronies that way they can go right ahead, because i'm not giving a shit. When I do explain bronies to someone who doesn't know what they are I will ask them if they want to know the goods and bads of the fandom if they say they want to know them, then I will tell them. I got nothing to hide.

You'r right on there man. Although I believe that those opinions are a fluke of memetic nature and shouldn't exist, I am only saying that because I AM a brony. Personal opinions come in many shapes and sizes, but real bronys know what's good and bad about the fandom.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

Mark Twain derpy_emoticon1.png

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Thanks for this thread, everypony.  It's funny that I always seem to contribute to threads along this line.  But it's not really very surprising, if you know me.


I appreciate what a lot of you are saying about taking trolls with a grain of salt.  That's good advice and it's something that I am only starting to learn myself.  I'm a little older, and the kinds of discourse I find on the internet are often a bit of a shock to me.


But, I'm going to take a different angle to the question--not so much should we control our emotions, but should we CARE.  It's fine to say,  "Enjoy what you enjoy, with other people who enjoy it too," but I don't think we should just ignore the wider cultural context in which we live.  We're very fortunate to have this kind, tolerant brony culture to live in, but the world around us is rife with hatred--sexism, racism, homophobia, religious intolerance and everything else.  I think to a certain degree we SHOULD be upset about this.  


I would like to see a more active kind of brony culture that takes on the evils of the world around us and NOT tolerate them.  We have a good thing started here.  We have made a small dent in the prevailing social attitudes around us.  But I don't think we should just stop and be complacent.  I think we should take what we have learned from ponies and change the world.


It's kinda like with King Sombra and the Crystal Empire, I think.  When you know there are people out there spreading hatred and destroying innocent people with it, do you just stand back and let it happen?  Or do you battle?


*Rainbow Dash Battle Face*


If you stick up for yourself because of Anti-Bronies doing what i mentioned above, then I brohoof you x5! /)* /)* /)* /)* /)*   I really hope alot of you agree with me here today, cause i'm well sick of Anti-Bronies doing the most unecessary bullshit.


I was thinking about you when I wrote my post above...  thanks... /)


I hear you...  And it's not just about us defending ourselves either.  It's also about defending people WHO DON'T HAVE A COMMUNITY LIKE OURS TO SUPPORT THEM.


There are people out there being bullied by the same people with the same tactics that they use on us.  When we battle the bullies--you know, call them on their prejudices--it's not just bronies and brony culture we are defending, it is defending the freedoms that we represent.


The haters don't hate us because we watch a television show and buy toys.  They hate us because we are making it acceptable for people to like what they want, regardless of societal age- and gender-lines. We represent a form of social liberation.  That's what the haters are attacking, and they're doing it because they want to perpetuate the oppression that we have fortunately escaped (for now anyway).


There are innocent victims of hatred out there.  Like you and me, they want to hear a message like ponies, and be told it's okay to be who you are. Brony haters attack us, because they want to stop ponies from getting to those out there that still need them most.

Edited by Constant Clover
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Thanks for this thread, everypony.  It's funny that I always seem to contribute to threads along this line.  But it's not really very surprising, if you know me.


I appreciate what a lot of you are saying about taking trolls with a grain of salt.  That's good advice and it's something that I am only starting to learn myself.  I'm a little older and the kinds of discourse I find on the internet is often a bit of a shock to me.


But, I'm going to take a different angle to the question--not so much should we control our emotions, but should we CARE.  It's fine to say,  "Enjoy what you enjoy, with other people who enjoy it too," but I don't think we should just ignore the wider cultural context in which we live.  We're very fortunate to have this kind, tolerant brony culture to live in, but the world around us is rife with hatred--sexism, racism, homophobia, religious intolerance and everything else.  I think to a certain degree we SHOULD be upset about this.  


I would like to see a more active kind of brony culture that takes on the evils of the world around us and NOT tolerate them.  We have a good thing started here.  We have made a small dent in the prevailing social attitudes around us.  But I don't think we should just stop and be complacent.  I think we should take what we have learned from ponies and change the world.


It's kinda like with King Sombra and the Crystal Empire, I think.  When you know there are people out there spreading hatred and destroying innocent people with it, do you just stand back and let it happen?  Or do you battle?


*Rainbow Dash Battle Face*




I was thinking about you when I wrote my post above...  thanks... /)


I hear you...  And it's not just about us defending ourselves either.  It's also about defending people WHO DON'T HAVE A COMMUNITY LIKE OURS TO SUPPORT THEM.


There are people out there being bullied by the same people with the same tactics that they use on us.  When we battle the bullies--you know, call them on their prejudices--it's not just bronies and brony culture we are defending, it is defending the freedoms that we represent.


The haters don't hate us because we watch a television show and buy toys.  They hate us because we are making it acceptable for people to like what they want, regardless of societal age- and gender-lines. We represent a form of social liberation.  That's what the haters are attacking, and they're doing it because they want to perpetuate the oppression that we have fortunately escaped (for now anyway).


There are innocent victims of hatred out there.  Like you and me, they want to hear a message like ponies, and be told it's okay to be who you are. Brony haters attack us, because they want to stop ponies from getting to those out there that still need them most.



The Anti-Bronies are just the kind of people that want to tell us that we don't have any right to like certain things like MLP or even talk about it. What they do not realize is that we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!! We have EVERY right to talk about MLP freely as we all wish. 


The Brony haters are those type of people that likes to troll and get people down and make them feel wrong and basically have them commit suicide, or even worse. Here's advice for you, If you are a brony(Clearly everyone is here) stick up for yourself! Tell them what is on your mind, make the Anti's feel stupid. If your friends are bronies, and they are being bullied.. defend them! cause that's the right thing to do.


Bronies are one of the biggest groups in the world. I believe the Anti's are jealous of us because we have friends and all the awesomeness that they do not, that could be one of the answers on why they do what they do. They hate on videos and talk abunch of shit for their own entertainment. When i see that garbage, i tend to protect the brony name by telling them off, because i care for this community and other bronies in the world, no matter who you are.


As Constant Lover said, they hate us because of how socially connected we are.. The Anti's don't have ANY RIGHT to change that.. they have to learn to leave us alone, just because we have tons of friends in this world, don't mean you should be attacking cause of your jealousy. It's really simple, if you want friends, talk to people that you rarely know. Their social skills must be very low cause the Anti's normally don't have any friends to begin with.


There are ways to transform Anti-Bronies into Bronies. That's a difficult task.


We are the world, We are the Bronies!


The bullying is the most saddest thing I've ever seen, and bullying just because someone is a brony doesn't give them a excuse to bully them. PERIOD! Stick up for yourself, stick up for your friends and give the Anti's the middle finger of bronydom. That's what I would do, then i'd tell them off and explain what they are doing wrong, I can sit there for hours explaining. But if they try to punch me, kick me, or anything, they will be on the ground before they even get near me. There are bronies that the brony haters should not fuck around with. That's all there is to it.


Hopefully you guys can agree to what I've said here today.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks MiniKirby! It's soooooo awesome! wub.png

"Enough Chitchat time is candy!".- Pinkie Pie.

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Most haters are just over the internet to complain about simple things they dislike without any justifiable reasons for it. They wouldn't have the confidence to even say that in real life and if they did you could probably scare them off anyway just by looking like your gonna do somthing not nice. Nah shouldn't care that much and just leave the Simple Jacks to what they do best with their meaningless lives. tongue.png

Edited by Toastie
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i belive that most of the straight bronies are dieing out will you please help this cause straight as in drug wise i am sorry if this offends you but all my brony friends are weed addicts

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Am I the only one who enjoys haters? Seriously, whenever I feel down or depressed, and then I see one of their stupid, half legible arguments on Youtube, it really lightens my spirits, knowing that no matter what I do in life, I'll never sink to such a pathetic level of idiocy. It also makes me feel much cleverer than I actually am when I engage in an argument with them. I know I know, don't feed the trolls, but I just can't help myself sometimes.


Brony haters: Can't live without 'em!

Edited by Spess
  • Brohoof 2

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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I think the ridicule/hatred of bronies/pegasisters is only the collective of a few close minded people who can't grasp the fact that we're " IN." we're hotter than the surface of the sun, relevant, whatever you wanna call it.  Instead of caring what people think about us as fans we should be reflecting it right back at them by not saying a thing and continuing with being fans.  We've taken hits from Howard Stern, Jerry Springer, Daniel Tosh, FOX Media and when they did they failed MISERABLEY! The only went after the ones who'd look or sound like they'd give us a bad name. Cyanide and Happiness was more or less poking at the irony of how bullying is now becoming a punishable offesive (which it should)   point is they tried to hurt us and we're still here..and everyday we're gaining in numbers/getting stronger by the second.  So if a little piss ant comes along and decides he or she is gonna throw insults around and try and rattle the cage of a few of us. Just laugh and let them stew in their own stupor.  Also the voice actresses who do the show and the shows creator love us..that's should be what truly matters.

Edited by ~ChaoticDerpy~
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Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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No, not at all.  At first, I was shocked by the hate.  Not so much anymore.  Nowadays, I just don't care.  


Peace and love dude, peace and love. 



#1 Asuka fanboy.  

Signature created by Thunder Bolt.


Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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Well, half of us Otakus like Hentai.

Not to sound like a pervert here, but I used to have an addiction to hentai a while back ago. I didn't do anything to it or anything, I just watched it. I guess it was intriqueing.

A little TMI, but i'm really not afraid to admit.

I didn't know that, considering that I never was really into anime.

Thanks for enlightening me.

But still, generalizing a minority of a certain group, let's say, that all Bronies are cloppers, because some of them are cloppers is stupid.


This is basically my reaction to:

-Anyone that thinks I'm gay for watching this show

-Trolls who think they can succesfully troll bronies by saying that they're autistic, gay, virgins and perverts.

  • Brohoof 1


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Am I the only one who enjoys haters? Seriously, whenever I feel down or depressed, and then I see one of their stupid, half legible arguments on Youtube, it really lightens my spirits, knowing that no matter what I do in life, I'll never sink to such a pathetic level of idiocy. It also makes me feel much cleverer than I actually am when I engage in an argument with them. I know I know, don't feed the trolls, but I just can't help myself sometimes.


Brony haters: Can't live without 'em!


Man, that's an awesome way to look at it. I never really get infuriated by hater's comments because they're usually very uncreative and usually accuse Bronies of some pretty generic stuff, like Autism, being pedophiles, or being permavirgins...


But now I might actually have to start laughing at them, because you're right, it's pretty pathetic to actually dedicate your time and energy to hating something. And I know a lot about that since I used to do that sometimes.


Thanks for the change of perspective, Spess.

  • Brohoof 2



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I've always found that haters and trolls leave a sour taste in my mouth. Whenever i see a hate comment it always makes me feel bad especially when i find videos made for the soul purpose of demonizing bronies as perverts and promoting hatred of someone for something as trivial as what they like.

Edited by StevenTTD
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That's what I would do, then i'd tell them off and explain what they are doing wrong, I can sit there for hours explaining.


Just like Bilbo did to the trolls!  Just keep them talking until the dawn breaks and turns them into stone.  happy.png


I'm glad to see that most of us aren't very worried about verbal attacks on us and are also ready to defend others who maybe aren't as secure as we are ourselves. 


wub.png Bronies!


Keep up the good work, everypony!

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Well, i have to slightly disagree with some points in this thread. See, it is true that we should defend ourselves against such hate attacks, but let me explain in detail what hater and bad media logic is.


First things first, things become 'bad' as they do not relate to the norms in society. This is either due to some horrible event that affects many, or just simply because it steps out of society's "Moral Boundaries". This is where bad lights get shown on such a thing.


How the logic works is people first over-represent a bad minority in the group. Now. People will accept this to be true, as it is not technically incorrect. It is the truth, but it is not all of it. However, as many things are nowadays, people will not be interested to look into a situation further, and will take things at face value. So the presumption starts. "Bronies are cloppers." Completely inaccurate, but it is not a lie. A few bronies follow R34. Note that arguing that they are lying will not help, as they omit the word "all". Hence their statement will ring true with most people. 


This then leads to people who add in the words to these statements, and therefore leads to the statement becoming "All bronies are cloppers." Now it may seem dumb that people will fall for such a misconception, but here's a sad fact. The extended lie has been based of the truth. Psychological studies show that when people are introduced to new things, they form an anchor on that baseline, and compare everything else related to the topic to that standard. Hence, they know that the original statement is the truth. But the anchor effect leads them to compare this new phrase to the old one, and they think, "Why am I not surprised? This clopping thing has really grown on their whole community." This is the fact, why our arguments don't work. The new statement they have is more in line with their anchor statement than any of our arguments. As they know for certain their anchor statement is the truth, all of a sudden the new lie becomes the truth.


Not taking such response lightly, any community would then respond in a torrent. But this is what will actually go through people's heads. People are automatically programmed to respond to over-reaction as an attempt to hide something. It is a sense which has been evolved over generations, as people learned that lies are often kept hidden by burying it in something else. The act of deceit. Our fandom's instant and overwhelming response to such a matter further reinforces their argument."Hey, these people are blowing up over a statement. It must have struck home. They really are cloppers." This sentiment then spreads all over, and this becomes the preconception for anyone else who finds out about the show.


My recommended action? I really don't know yet. But i'll post when i do.


Really sorry for writing half a thesis here, and i hope you guys can forgive me, but i really feel this is the only way to stop the misinformation on our side of the wall. That is how i believe problems are solved, when one side looks at it in a neutral, logical ground.


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Haters? I don't give a damn about them. 


It's basically their opinion and I would rather not get in their way. I love ponies to death, and if these people are going to try to change the way I think about them, I may not let that happen, but in any way possible it's not going to happen. :P I ignore them, tell them "oh cool story bro" and move on with my life. That is all. 

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I rarely try to defend bronies or members of other fandoms who get picked on because, quite frankly, intelligent rebuttals are downright wasted on them. OP is completely right in that most haters (at least online) are mere trolls who just want a cheap laugh out of pissing off a group of people who they'll never meet in real life. The most I do, if anything at all, is acknowledge them as a troll with comments like "Trollin' hard or hardly trollin'?" or "Try harder, bro."


But as a whole, I feel it's best to completely ignore their posts altogether, considering it makes them look like colossal idiots the more they reiterate themselves, as if to say "HEY, LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M MAKING FUN OF YOU, DAMMIT!"


Haters that you meet in real life tend to be a different story, though. Mostly they're just genuine imbeciles who fear and hate what they don't understand, so the approach to dealing with them is a bit more complicated than with internet fiends. Still, I'd like to see someone come up to a rather burly guy such as myself and call me a [insert homophobic epithet here]. I'm not above spending a couple days in a county jail / getting a misdemeanor for standing up for my principles. smile.png

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Everyone has haters. Haters hate because they're either scared of or bewildered about the thing that they are hating. To tell the truth, until 6 months ago, I thought Bronies were (CENSORED FOR OFFENCE AGAINST THE PEOPLE READING THIS POST) and just overall (CENSORED FOR SAME REASONS). But now, I can still relate to the logic of the haters. I'm sorry if you now hate me for saying that I was a hater, but their logic is unserstandable. Anyway, if you went back in time to tell that you will become a brony to your past self, you'd get that memory in you about what haters think, and they would become a lot more understandable to you.



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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