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request shop ~Lugi~'s Signature and Wallpaper Request Thread ~Re-Opened~


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Hey Lugia <3


Size ~ 600x 200

Theme ~ Limbo  ( As in the indie game Limbo, look it up)



Im leaving the rest up to you, just make it beautiful :P


Limbo meant nothing after that lil'...discussion...we had :3

(you already knew this was coming)


Here is the signature that will start the revolution of the epic and random dog-disguised robot ^_^




Decided to keep only one part of your to make it feel simple.


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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Could you do a wallpaper for me? I'd like a standard sized pic with my stuff on it. I'd Like this on one side...


and this on the other side


and put a darkish theme in it. 

And could you put my username in the middle somewhere, with whatever font you want. I'll let you handle the rest.



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Hey Lugia!


You have some amazing quality sigs, I would like to request one of you don't mind. ^^


Size: 600x200


Image: I would like a picture of Flitter! I will let you choose the one, I know you have good judgement on how things will look. :)


Background: Also up to you, I like giving total creative freedom. 


Text: I'd like it to simply say   Chaos.  :)



Hope that's okay, I would be very grateful. :D  Just let me know if you need anymore information.




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Plz make me a wallpaper same way you made my signature but the text at the top left corner and me in the same pose in the lower right corner (If you still have that picture) at 1366x768 thx. my signature should be enough but ill still post da pics.


Edited by Cloud_Flash


(Insert Signature Text Here)

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Hey Lugia,


I have a request for a wallpaper, but it's kind of over the top with a lot of detail. If it's too much, just let me know.


Size: 1366 x 768


Design: Basically, it is Twilight's softball team, which was a joke in the MLP fan series 'Friendship Is Witchcraft'

-Twilight's team would be on a baseball field, wearing uniforms with Twilight's cutie mark on them.

-They would be playing against a team run by Rainbow Dash

-Rainbow's team uniforms can have her cutie mark on them.

-Twilight's team: Twilight(Obviously), Lyra(Heartstrings), Bon-Bon, Colgate, anyone else you think fits

-Rainbow's Team: Rainbow(Obviously), Derpy, the muscular Pegasus that yells 'YEEEAH' seen in 'Hurricane Fluttershy', anyone else you think fits

-Spike is sitting on bleachers to the left of the field

-Few other ponies are watching the game with Spike

-Twilight is up for bat while Rainbow is ready to pitch

-Derpy is the umpire


Like I said, this is a very detailed and probably difficult image to make, so I'd understand if it may be too complicated to do.




Welp, what can I put here? Well I'm a YouTuber. My channel, Diddle Box, is over here



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Hey, Bud, I see you're a bit Busy here, But I thought I may request something, don't want to rush you to do this or anything, so take your time, and I don't mind when this is completed, but I'd love a wallpaper.


Size: 1920x1080

Text: "Act as what you do makes a difference. It does."

Vector: Red From Pokemon if Possible. If Not, a Luxray.

Theme/Design: Whatever you feel is right, a dark background would do well I'd think.


That's all I ask for, Good luck to you, and I'll be awaiting the amazing result from you. 

Cheers. <3


✧ Made by Azura, Much Appreciated 

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Hi Lugia i would like to request a signature from you. It looks like you have a lot of requests so please dont hesitate to start mine right away, i could wait. 


Signature style: Text signature

Size: Regular - 600x100

Text: Night Sky

Font: Something cool like the one you have on your signature. And if you could make it have a glow effect that would be awesome

Theme and design: I would leave this one to you but something dark would be cool




Thank you


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Hey there, you may or may not remember me but you commented on my welcoming plaza post. And I was wondering around trying to find some where to get a signature, and I found out that you have a request forum. So I guess I fill request one if that is okay with you. 


Size: 600 x 100

Text: The Handmaid

Vector: I would really like something of Queen Chrysalis please.

Background: Anything that you think would look really good I guess. Maybe something with a green and black color scheme. 


Thank you so much, I hope my request is not too picky or anything, but thank you again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Size - 1366 x 768


Image(s) - Rarity, and some Crystal formations (don't care about appearance. Just make it look cool. I've got faith in ya!)


Design - Rarity is in a cave, where she is excavating glowing crystals from their formations along the dark rock walls


Text / Personalization - Just put 'Made for: Neon Corona' in the corner or something, nothing too terribly fancy.


Other - With the crystals, please make at least one group purple (amethyst) and one group orange (citrine)


Thank you so so so so much if you decide to do this for me, and thanks for looking it over if you decide not to. If you have any questions, lemme know~


Signature made by: 'a jewel of rarity'

Go check out his stuff ASAP!


Go there if''n you want an awesome signature like mine!!

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Size - Regular (600x100)

Sig Shape - Squared

Background Colour/Theme - Anything that suits the picture

Image:Maybe some Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash acting adorable

Text - "TwiliciousAlkoi"


Can you PM me when you finish it please? Thanks



Credit to Kyoshi for making this Sig!

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  • 2 months later...

Being that I am hoping to improve activity here on the forum, why not wipe the slate clean and re open this thread up :D


As stated in the title, I am willing to do both forum signatures and wallpapers. Though I'm fine with the examples of the signatures on the front page, you can find more examples of my wallpapers on my DeviantArt page, just click here!


Hope to see if anyone would like some art done for them~!


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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Size - Regular (600x100)


Image(s) - 


Background - 
Something that fits with the character.

Text - 


Other - 
Ya can do something like a snow? 
And something like this, in her eyes:


Totally not a support main.



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Snippy Snip


Your request is finished, though the vectors were a bit difficult (and the fact that I haven't worked on such a small canvas in quite a while ^^; ) , I hope you like the results nonetheless. Of course, if you want any changes (or a complete do-over~), feel free to ask away~





*who let me go crazy with the scissors :I*


Your signature request is also done. I think this one actually came out quite well, though, your opinion matters more. 'Twas also my first time using a sort of "neon light" in one of my works. Hopefully the snow effect I tried replicating is to your liking, if not, the same applies like the above; if you have any requests for changes/additions/alterations feel free to ask away and I'll see what can be done to make sure you like the piece.




Thank you both for requesting and, again, hope you both enjoy!


^~Signature by Me~^

~^Click on the Image above for already made signatures/graphics^~

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Size - Regular (600x100)


Images - Beatnik Rarity | Twilight Reading


Background - Some combination of blue and white, sort of icy-like. Whatever you think works.


Text - Frostgage


Other - If possible, from the left to right, I'd like it to go Rarity - Twilight - Frostgage. If the Rarity image is too tall, you can leave out the bottom of her legs.




Thank you so much. Sorry for being so picky. Let me know if anything needs to be changed. :D

Edited by JPBrony773

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Hey there. I was wondering if you would be able to make me a new signature.


Size: Regular (600x100)

Images : http://mlpforums.com/uploads/post_images/img-2309871-2-8hsruWL.png

Background: Whatever you feel, though maybe something sort of sunset like.

Text: My username, Charcoal Embers

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  • 1 month later...

text: about regular (600 x 100) with my username underneath the two ponies


Wallpaper- size: 1920x1080 image: http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2014/058/4/9/bbg_by_theponyconquererd789mjf.png


                  design: I would mostly like a basic background, maybe have both of the ponies resting on both sides of a tree in a pasture, with a clear sunset on the mare's side and a rainstorm on the other side of the tree.

Edited by ThePonyConquerer
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Size - Regular (600x100)

Image(s) - I will let you choose from below



Background - something that goes along my OC's colors so basically I'm leaving it up to you xD

Text - Just my OC's name "Spacer" would suffice

Other - uumm....I will leave that up to you as well but since Spacer is a sort of DJ a club atmosphere might work. I will leave it up to you though because you are very creative from what I see  :)


Thanks in advance if you get around to my request!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Your stuff is so gorgeous! I'd love it if you made me a sig using these vectors(Warning; huge):






Go wild with the theme and stuff! The only thing I ask is that it has 'Foxx' on it. Thanks!!

                                   Aim high kid, but don't aim for the impossible - Rainbow Dash




                                                   ^Amazing Signature by the great and powerful Lunia!^                                                         

>My Request Shop<         MLP Forum's self-proclaimed evil enchantress.    > My Deviantart<

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