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gaming Playing as the opposite gender


Just a few questions...  

200 users have voted

  1. 1. How often, if at all, do you play as the opposite gender (when given the choice)?

    • Always
    • Often
    • Every now and then
    • Rarely
    • Never
  2. 2. Does it bother you when someone plays as the opposite gender?

    • Yep (their not being the correct gender bothers me)
    • Kind of (it depends)
    • Nope
  3. 3. If others playing as the opposite gender bothers you, which of these statements holds true?

    • Males playing as females bother me more
    • Females playing as males bother me more
    • Both bother me around the same amount
    • N/A

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It's not strange to me, I used to play WOW and i was a Male Blood elf and in all the elder scrolls from morrowind to oblivion i played a dark elf Warrior (i know thats not a mmo) But when Skyrim first came out i played a Female Nord Warrior just to switch it up a bit. But generally i play males, skyrim was the first time i ever played as a female. I dont play alot of MMO's the only one i did play was WOW and that was years ago. A little off topic but i stand by Skyrim is the greatest game of all time but that's just me. I have never had more fun playing a game in my life!

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Well I really don't play any mmo's much anymore.


I really have only ever played like SWTOR and runescape.


Both I was a guy in.


Of course I made a female charactor once in SWTOR, but eh.


Really it's just because I want to see if things are any different and stuff. Or I just feel like being a girl.


It's pretty rare though, especially since I don't feel as immersed playing games as someone who's nothing like me in looks.


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That awkward moment when filling a sign up you see in the gender section "other" WTF!


but when i play WoW i have 4 characters 2 male and 2 female, females always OP's the males.... 

  • Brohoof 1

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I generally play as a male character.  I used to play WoW as a female character since Vanilla but I got tired of being hit on rudely or people talking down to me.  I haven't played since a bit after Cataclysm was released though...  When I was a male character people simply thought I was a guy and left me alone.  I normally don't stare at my character while I play a game though, unless I was trying to put armour on them so I never felt awkward when playing an opposite gender in my games.  I play a male character in Skyrim and a female one in Oblivion but I play in first-person view so there is no requirement for me to stare at my character.  For games that only come in third-person view, there is so much more in the game besides staring at your character's rump and you never know where some loot could be so why stare at your character the whole time?


Also, I find the female armour can sometimes be....  Distasteful...  So there's that too... 

Edited by Anishna
  • Brohoof 1
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At first I play as a guy for the general gameplay and enjoyment of the game.


If I feel like another go or want to try something else, I play as a girl to see what cute or sexy looks and stuff do they get. X)


But of course I do state I'm a dude if they ask.

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I remember trying to play those sports golf and tennis games as women because it was just a lotta fun dressing them up in cute shirts and short skirts. You can even do upskirt shots in the golf games if you change the camera just right... :yay:  I've never felt the need to do that for an MMORPG because the only one I played had gender-less characters (robots). 

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Nope. I mean aldright if you do and all it's just...

Beards are more sexy than women.


There is never a time where that isn't true. Ever.

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I like to mix it up from time to time. It all really hinges on how I feel at the moment of character creation. I've seen a lot of macho, male characters, so it's nice to change it up a bit and play a female character once in a while.



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My level 90s in WoW are

90 Draenei female mage

90 Dwarf male hunter

90 Pandaren female priest

90 Goblin male shaman

90 Blood Elf female warrior


So I play both genders depending on how I feel it suits the character I'm going for.

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I feel like this thread was done before here. Oh well.


Honestly, it is only weird to play the opposite gender, if you feel it is weird. It's not like you ARE that character, it really has no bearing on the reality of you. Some, a great many actually, will roll up a character in an MMO and give them a story. Some are male, some female. Playing a female character as a male is really no different from writing for a female character in a book, as a writer and a gamer I can say this with pretty conclusive proof! You control them, shape their personality, and give them a story.


On a side note, I must pick the right MMOs because I have never seen the "female characters get free stuff" mentality. Seriously, what games are you guys playing?!

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Well personally, I like to use male characters because I like for my character to represent me whenever I make a character in a video game. I always try to make him look like me. It's more fun for me that way. I have a friend who likes using girl characters though lol



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I roleplay in MMOs, and I'll play either gender, depending on what I'm in the mood for. In gender-locked games, I usually end up female because I like playing mages, and most gender locked mages are female.


I also tend towards female characters for the aforementioned ass reason; If I'm going to being seeing the same ass for hours on end, I prefer it be female ass.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rule 29-on the internet, all girls are men and all kids are secret undercover FBI agents.


But then that means all men are girls though....hmmmm i think thats a contradiction right there if I am not mistaken and if I do say so myself the rules of the internet are really dumb in my opinion


okay on topic I do that also when I beat or get to the max level as a male character

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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I'm a dude. I have made a female character whenever there was an option exactly once, and that was when I made my female pandaren in WoW. Here is how the decision was made for me at the time:


- I wanted to be a monk.

- I wanted to be Horde.

- I wanted to be a pandaren.

- It was to be named Vinylscratch.


Now, that narrows it down to whether I wished to look at the animations of a portly panda man or a slightly less portly (think "curvy") panda woman. Combine this with the fact that I copied my friend's fempanda's image using a special item on my DK and seeing how sick the animations were for pandas, and the fact that DJ-P0n3 is female, and my decision was made. Also, if you choose a red/orange color palette as a female, you get an adorable tail like a red panda in real life. All males and black/grey females get little nubbins for tails.


Every other character I have ever made ever has been male. Though, if I could, I would instantly race change my orc male DK to a female pandaren, simply because their two handed attack animations are sick as shit. They like flip around and do spins and shit, whereas Orcs just sort of raise their two handers really high and then bring it back down again. Polearm and staff animations are especially BAMF.


Also, since pandaren are the most recent race to be added to WoW, their polygon count and textures are the best. You don't need to be a genius to see that the orc model is very, VERY old. I don't even blink correctly, for christ's sake! (Not that I do, being a DK and all that) Since I play exclusively Horde, I find pretty much every female version of the races available to be...icky.


Mass Effect Shepards have always been male. Elder Scrolls characters have always been male. Pokemon characters have always been male.


If there is no difference between the male and female gender in a game where it is completely up to you, I opt for the male character. Why? Because it's easier to imagine myself as being that character if it's a human or something. I also have a thing for yelling whenever my Skyrim character yells. It doesn't matter to me if my friends see me playing a female, because my friends actually know the rules of the internet, and because I'm not playing a female just to see dat a$$ all the time...only part of the time. :P


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It's been some time since I played MMO (last time I played The Old Republic, but got bored quickly with it) but I always play as a male. I just feel a bit "strange" when I play with character that has different gender than me. The only game where I played as a female was KOTOR 2, but it's not MMO, so doesn't count.


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Yes, I do. There is a few reasons for this:

1: because I'm dumb

2: I like dressing up as a girl anyway

3: I identify more with girls (because I'm dumb)

I mostly play as the female character, given the chance. Like in Pokémon or Monster Hunter, where the change is purely cosmetic.

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If given the chance, I always play as a female avatar, even though I'm known as a male. I just feel more comfortable that way; perhaps it's a way to separate myself from the experience a bit more, perhaps it's aesthetic, perhaps it's easier to identify with females, but either way, it's hard for me to play as a male character and I only do it when necessary/convenient. 


As far as MMOs go, I usually have one male and one female character on par with each other for different builds. I haven't played a real MMO in quite a while though.

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I tend to use female characters whenever I have the opportunity in games. Partly because I generally prefer the aesthetics of sleek body types, and also because I'm biologically male yet don't identify as either male or femal in real life. Choosing female characters is a way of balancing my body with my gender identity.

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In most games, I play as a woman. Mostly because I will make her as a character whom looks really sexy yet tough. However, in certain games, I will choose a male if I really want a bada$$ look. Saints Row 3 and 4  I choose male while most other games are female.

I'm a girl, but I'd rather stare at a hot chick with nice boobs, then some beefy guy. Just sayin. Girls are hotter in games then guys.


This is something I can agree too. Plus women characters tend to have interesting armor. I don't mean the chain bikinis, but just an overall design their armor can sometimes be more creative.


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I actually had never used a female character in an MMO for years until I decided to Beta Neverwinter. The female options in there were definitely more appealing than the male characters. So I felt it appropriate to make my avatar a female.



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Hey guys,

I was wondering if you use a girl often or sometimes in MMOs. I was actually one of them

I like using them sometimes, due to the fact that their costumes are cute or sexy and their body

Customizations are wicked


If you are one of them, tell me why

If you are not, why do you think it's strange to use a girl if you are a boy in real life?

Hey! Since your thread was similar to an existing one, I took the liberty of merging them. In the future, please use the search function before creating a new topic. Thanks!
  • Brohoof 1
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