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Sooo... do any of you guys have Pokémon Sun or Moon?


Recently bought Pokémon Moon; just haven't had the time and also trying to dedicate time to Uncharted and, eventually, Dishonored.


If  you were to do your life over again, would you change anything?


Probably work on my self-confidence more, and try to be more assertive.

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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If  you were to do your life over again, would you change anything?

Nope :) Altering the past would change who I am and I like who I am :) I don't want to change who I am ^^

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  • 3 weeks later...



What do you do when you're sad? o_o 

Id probably spend less time working for money as a teenager and more time going on adventures with friends.  

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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  • 3 weeks later...

Definitely night time. Far more calming and better for relaxing with music, drawing, games, or reading! :P


What are the best and worst decisions in your life so far?

This is a tough one, and I can say there are a number of things I would like to call my "best" decisions and very few I would call the "worst".






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Gotta go with the night time. It's just so much more relaxing for me, and just allows me to enjoy my time. The day is beautiful, but the night is enriching.


What are the best and worst decisions in your life so far?



Well, depending on how I feel, that can vary from day to day. :P

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Ok then, well this is interesting. Right on with the questions, ahem from the top!


What will be your guys most favorite horror movies of all time and your horror games?


What is the deepest fear you guys had as a child and if so you overcame it. How do you do overcame it?



  • Brohoof 1

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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  • 2 weeks later...


Ok then, well this is interesting. Right on with the questions, ahem from the top!


What will be your guys most favorite horror movies of all time and your horror games?


What is the deepest fear you guys had as a child and if so you overcame it. How do you do overcame it?


I have not actually seen but so many horror movies, but I do really like Scooby Doo if that counts. :P

In terms of horror games though, I have played a tiny bit of the original Amnesia game, but I cannot bring myself to play it for so long. On top of this, it runs like a potato.

Though they are not "horror games" per-say, I have played a ton of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Like, I've played each through at least 3 times. I've played Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, and even the fan made mashup Call of Chernobyl and the leaked Lost Alpha. I have thoroughly enjoy all of them, and there are also a ton of memes to emerge from it:D

I do not recall many of my childhood fears, though fear of needles was one. Overcoming that was as simple as looking at the needle as they poked me, and sticking out my tongue and going "Pbbbt".

The fact that I stared at it once and did this freaked out a nurse one time. 

  • Brohoof 1






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Horror Movies? I have a fondness for old black & white horror movies, ones that would be considered silly today. Nosferatu and the like.

I don't play horror games much, unfortunately, but I did like the original Silent Hill.

My deepest fear is more a phobia than anything....

Long, long time ago (about forty years ago give or take so I was about... eight?), I went to Disneyworld. It was fun, but I was into Sci-Fi more than anything so I wanted to do Space Mountain which was brand new at the time. Unfortunately the rules for roller-coasters at the time meant that I had to take my glasses off. Meaning that basically for the duration of the ride all I saw was blurry yet bright flashing lights and being thrown about and dropped with no references. Ever since I have had a deathly fear of falling. Not of heights or the *potential* of falling, but the *sensation* of falling. I can't do rollercoasters or other rides like that because I lock up and all my muscles contract. On occasion I used to try to do rollercoasters, usually because a girlfriend wanted it, and when I was in my mid-twenties and was a heavy-eventer (caber toss, hammer throw, that kind of thing) I actually got banned from a fair in Ontario because I bent the safety bar I was holding onto.

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've got an audio drama that needs work and I need to find some people to help create it with me. Yes it's an MLP audio drama I plan on posting on YouTube, but I don't know how to get the word out. Which thread do I post it on, specifically?

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/15/2017 at 3:13 PM, Stormfury said:

Fig bars or wheat wafers?

Actually I prefer oat biscuits, but they're annoying to find in this area.

3 hours ago, Coffee said:

When was the scariest moment in your life? 

That's a hard one, mainly because the more recent ones are clearer in my mind, but the oldest one had the most effect on me.

The old one... well, back when I was really little (about 7 or 8) we went to Disney World in Florida. I was really into sci-fi at the time, avid Doctor Who and Star Trek fan, Starlost, the Six Million Dollar Man, Space 1999, that kind of thing. It was the 70's, Star Wars hadn't happened yet. Anycase, it was the first year for Space Mountain, the indoors rollercoaster, and I *had* to go on it and I was technically tall enough. But they made me take off my glasses so they wouldn't fly off during the ride. So I basically went through the ride half-blind, only able to see blurry flashing lights and randomly being thrown about only barely staying in the car by holding on to the safety bar for dear life. Ever since I have problems with falling. Not heights or vertigo or anything like that, just the *sensation* of falling any significant distance. My body completely locks up, and given that later, in my 20's I was a heavy eventer (caber toss, hammer throw, farmer's walk, and so on) I was... capable of damaging the equipment at carnival rides. I was banned from several places when I tried to take on my phobia head on.

The newest one is a bit sillier. A little less than 10 years ago I was a performer, doing stage combat for plays, student films, and events like ren faires. Boxing, wrestling, swordfighting, etc. Not real fighting, but the choreographed stuff. I was doing a Shakespeare festival where the troupe I was in was doing a parody play as if I, as Shakespeare, was writing something live with audience participation with lots of fighting and murder and nonsense as you would expect. We weren't on stage, but on a field because we actually had horses for the knights to do 'realistic' battle scenes. The end of the 'play' was pre-written unlike the rest of it, where I (Shakespeare) would get so frustrated at the whole thing because the 'actors' were messing up constantly that I would grab a spear myself, run out onto the field and 'kill' everyone. Because that's the way a Shakespeare play *ends* dammit! ;) Except when I did, my foot went down a rabbit hole we hadn't noticed before. I fell forward and followed my stage combat training to twist around so I landed safely on my back. Except my leg, caught in the hole, didn't turn with me. Instead it folded the wrong way and the ligaments in my knee snapped. Didn't feel it so I tried to stand up, and fell over again. My leg was bent in a completely unnatural way and it terrified me because *I couldn't feel it*. I had to have surgery to be able to walk again, and had to give up performing for the most part. I still tried to do a few shows after the surgery, but it's hard to do stage combat if you can't jog or do hard turns.

  • Brohoof 2


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1 hour ago, Coffee said:

^ How are you so good at telling stories?!  X3 


What kind of foods do you like? 

 It's one of the side effects of rapidly approaching my first half-century. Wait until I get near my third or fourth, *then* the stories will get interesting. :orly: Mainly because I'll be just as surprised as you are.

I like a wide variety of foods. I like meat pies, but not the ones you regularly get in the US as those tend to be more gravy than pie. I prefer the dry ones like tourtiere, Melton Mowbray, steak and kidney pie, bridies and pasties, so on and so forth. :) Stuff I can pack so I can spend the day out in the fields or in the woods doing whatever rather than stuff you have to make a production out of.

  • Brohoof 1


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Y'know I never tried meat pies... They just don't serve'em around here... It's all just fruit pies... 


What would you say is an average day in your life? 


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52 minutes ago, Coffee said:

Y'know I never tried meat pies... They just don't serve'em around here... It's all just fruit pies... 


What would you say is an average day in your life? 

Let's see: 

4:30 am, start the process of waking up.

5:00 am: Go outside to move the sheep and horses to their correct pasture for that day. Feed and water those who are on stall rest for whatever reason, and give morning grain and medication to the retired Belgian with arthritis.

6:00 am:  Have a shower, and eat breakfast. Feed the dog and cat.

6:30 am: Log on to work (Microsoft) and check what blew up overnight. Or on certain days, drive into the office (2 hours one way).

7:00 am - 5:00 pm: have pointless meetings preventing me from actually getting any work done.

5:00 pm: On certain days, drive back home (2 hours), otherwise clean livestock stalls (shovel manure, add sawdust if necessary). Feed and water the whole barn, including evening medication for the retired Belgian. 

7:00 pm: Feed the dog and cat again. Have dinner with wife, and watch some TV.

9:00 pm: Work on hobby things. Woodworking, drawing, writing, etc. Check forums and various Poniverse social media to see if anything needs my attention specifically.

11:00 pm: Pretend to log off and go to sleep.

1:00 am: Actually go to sleep.

58 minutes ago, Jeric said:

Can you guys help a father out and ban my kid so she will go to bed. :P


Nah, we like her better. ;)

  • Brohoof 2


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