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He should AT LEAST be a background character. I need more excuses to fangirl, and Discord is just . . . brilliant, there's no other way to put it.

You can't really make the god of Chaos a background character... he tends to take quite a bit of spotlight from his character alone.


However, I would love to see more of him.  I would guess he's out trolling Celestia and Luna whenever he can, being 'reformed' only making his pranks harmless instead of intentionally making ponies miserable (more of a mischievous feel to him now)

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It's not even that I didn't like his reform. He is just too powerful to do anything on the "good side". Whatever happens, unless he is somehow incapacitated (which on itself is a stretch, unless he is not nearly as powerful as we think), it is going to be unbelievably stupid: there's a big problem that the ponies can't solve (thus "Celestia has uses for his magic"), Discord solves the problem. BAM. All other characters are useless, because anything they can do, he can do better.


Can it still work? I guess so: make him a villain again.


I guess part of the reason we don't know where he is, is because we have no clue about what he IS doing. He just doesn't fit in Equestria as a good character.

He's not unstoppable; we've seen Twilight successfully use a barrier to protect the entire Mane Six from a burst of his magic, not to mention Celestia enchanting the Elements Of Harmony to prevent him from teleporting them away again.


He's an irresistible force, true, but sooner or later, he'll meet an immovable object.



Edited by A.V.
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  • 2 weeks later...

What happened to discord, you ask?

I think he turned himself into a pony (I think he can do that) and then he WAS at the coronation of princess alicorn twilight sparkle but you know he was a pony, but he might have felt afraid to talk to fluttershy because he might felt ashamed since the episode Keep calm and flutter on.

But maybe after everything discord DID visit her home or maybe in season four we will see him again.......... blush.png

  • Brohoof 1
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More than likely trolling Canterlot and Ponyville whenever and wherever he can, Fluttershy permitting wink.png. I'd imagine he'd go out farther if they let him, but he'll likely also have to endure a crap ton of boring lectures and dialogue with Twilight, Celestia and Luna all the while tagging Fluttershy along on his adventures.


Somewhere in some ship or fanfic he's also probably getting Lyra overexcited for her own good though honestly, I'd rather see him upstaging Trixie for her own good. If the residents of Ponyville weren't such sheltered sheep, they actually might appreciate a good show he has to put on. He'd make big bucks if he had his own gig in Las Vegas Pegasus.


Dat 4th wall is coming down! img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

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  • 1 month later...

I was always wondering, what happened to Discord after the episode "Keep Calm and Flutter On"? Is he hiding out in the castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Or is he secretly doing evil things? I was just wondering since I always thought Discord never left and he just disappeared. But I do have many theories on what happened to him...

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That was one of the main complaints in the finale of season 3.


Many theorize that the episode was probably a "what if" episode to bring back discord, but I say he'll be used for something worthwhile down the road along season 4.

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Considering his personal image, I'm sure he has disguised himself has a regular pony when in public places. The episode when it is in Canterlot is a ceremony, we really don't want Discord taking attention away do we. I imagine him dressing himself like this


  • Brohoof 1
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I would assume he is still there....somewhere...It really is strange that we seen none of him is the last two episodes of season 3. For some incredibly odd reason, no questions were asked about Discord at SDCC apparently. Why?! They obviously have future plans with him, so I would at least loved a hint to have been given. Him being reformed has tons of potential so, I am just really curious.


I don't have any major theories of where he was in those two episodes though. He could have been everywhere. Or nowhere. Huh...Watch Discord become the second Derpy in episodes that he is not a focus. He could randomly take the form of an object in the background or something. :P I see a lot of 'Wheres Discord?' moments coming along. Or maybe not. Who knows.

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Remember in Season 2 how Discord removed the wings and horns off of the Mane Six? In Magical Mystery Cure, Celestia had obviously been planning on Alicornifying Twilight for a while, and was waiting for when she proved herself worthy. However, when Celestia finishes her song and Twilight's Alicornication begins, Celestia's horn isn't glowing, implying that Celestia herself isn't doing anything...


...methinks this is what Celestia needed Discord to be reformed for.

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Most likely, there'll be some sort of reference to Discord in Season 4 later on, explaining either that he is out "on duty" or something. Besides, I think this is the last time we'll see Discord anyways on screen.

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I was always wondering, what happened to Discord after the episode "Keep Calm and Flutter On"? Is he hiding out in the castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Or is he secretly doing evil things? I was just wondering since I always thought Discord never left and he just disappeared. But I do have many theories on what happened to him...


Hello! Your topic closely resembled an earlier one, so they've been merged together. In the future, please use the search function before creating a new topic. Thanks! 

  • Brohoof 1
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That's my main problem with him in the first place. With powers like he has, he should never have been defeated in the first place. Why did he not teleport to the other side of Equestria as soon as he was unfrozen? Better still, why not just teleport the mane 6 across Equestria? Heck, why allow yourself to be frozen by the Elements of Harmony when you know they work on you because they did 1000 years ago when Celestia and Luna used them on you?


I just get the feeling Discord's pretty stupid.


Hmm..tis a shame that these ponies do not understand Discord's methods. You see...for you ponies the phrase "There is method to my madness " is what you all prefer to use. However, for the Agents of Chaos, the phrase is "There is madness to my Method."


Discover has no desire in conquest nor does wish to kill or maim or even torture. His sole enjoyment in life is causing as much chaos as possible. He did not teleport the Main Six because he wanted to play with them. Watching them turn against each other was more entertaining than he has had in eons.


If you pay attention, he is actually very fascinated with Twilight. I feel that she is his new favorite toy (much like I assume Celestia was his favorite toy before his original defeat).


Furthermore, what is so threatening about being turned into stone when you are immortal? He will escape eventually and to an immortal, 1000 years is basically a year to us.


Stupid? Not at all. While obviously surprised that Twilight was able to break free from his manipulation, it isn't like he was irritated or even angry about it. If he had been, he would have extracted revenge against them the moment he was released the second time. Furthermore, he used his 2nd release to destroy all knowledge of returning him to stone from the libraries and since he made Fluttershy swear to never use her element against him, he is basically free to do whatever he pleases.


Discord is very clever but he is not some Hannibal Lector. He is an Andy Kaufman. He causes chaos, he stirs emotions, and he trolls ponies for his personal enjoyment. Like Andy Kaufman, sometimes things did not always go according to plan, but he still has his fun as long as he is able.





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  • 11 months later...

In the season 4 opening we see Discord peeking out of Fluttershy's window, implying that he lives with her. However, Three's a Crowd says that he doesn't live with her but they do keep in touch. So where does he live?

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I don't think the opening is canon. That's certainly an easter egg.


Doesn't he live in Canterlot?

Edited by Blobulle
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We saw him opening a door filled with a bright light as he was taking his leave after the conversation with the mane 6 near the tree of harmony in the season finale. If i had to hazard a guess - there.


But to be specific? Since his powers grant him dominion over reality itself, he could just as easily create a lair in the threshold between dimensions and call it "home sweet home".

  • Brohoof 3
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We saw him opening a door filled with a bright light as he was taking his leave after the conversation with the mane 6 near the tree of harmony in the season finale. If i had to hazard a guess - there.


But to be specific? Since his powers grant him dominion over reality itself, he could just as easily create a lair in the threshold between dimensions and call it "home sweet home".

Pocket dimension lair...I love it.


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Maybe he stays in a special room at the Canterlot Castle where he can do whatever chaos he wants because Celestia put a spell on it preventing the chaos from leaking out.

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