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Hello and welcome to the "Your Favorite..." game!.. It's not really a game, but still, it's quite a fun method to get to know each other and maybe even discuss about our interests!.. Yay, so exciting!..

Anyhow, you basically have to fill the gaps (not necessarily all of them) with your favorite things (check the example below). Also, you can rate the above poster's (or anyone's) chart while you are at it! NOTE: it is advised to pick your second favorite cartoon if MLP:FiM is your favorite (that means that you should not add MLP:FiM into the "cartoon" field... unless you REALLY want to).

Here is the template you have to use:

Here is an example (my favorites (yes, I edited it... the first one was "meh")):


Alright, let's get this party started! (I can see this easily dying out in a day, or being deleted/moved by a mod)

EDIT: If you are lazy you can always do a text version of this, like Red Diamond (of course, I'd be nice if you posted an image.)

Edited by Anonymous~
  • Brohoof 2

shiet got srs guise

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I really don't want to edit the image, but I'll do it by text:


Video Game(Vidya): Knuckles Chaotix (32X)

Movie: Total Recall

Band: N/A

Anime: SAO

TV: House

Pokemon: Vulpix

Book: N/A

Weapon: The NES Zapper

Pony: Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle

Drink: Red Diamond Tea

Superhero: Mintberry Crunch

Cartoon: South Park

Vehicle: Ford F150

Celebrity: Johnny Depp

Food: Pizza, obviously.

Edited by Red Diamond
  • Brohoof 2



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I tried to edited it, i hope it's good XD


photo-thumb-4801.jpg?_r=0Aye Sir~`!


independent living is...

being invited to dinner and thinking:


Free Food...


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I'm lazy as hell, so I'll just go with text



Vidya: Dota 2

Movie: Lord of the Rings (all of them share the first spot)

Band: Soundgarden, Converge

Anime: Yuru Yuri

TV: I don't watch TV, only anime :V

Pokemon: -

Weapon: M16 (Counter Strike :P)

Pony: Chiaki Fluttershy

Drink: Powerking

Superhero: -

Cartoon: Probably MLP

Vehicle: -

Celebrity: Morgan Freeman

Food: Pizza?

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Not lazy, but unskilled as hell


Vidya: too difficult to pick just one

Movie: Forrest Gump

Band: The Rolling Stones

Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion

TV: can't I pick MLP?  

Pokemon: Zoroark

Weapon: S&W Model 29 (because of that one movie...)

Pony: everypony

Drink: Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea

Superhero: Batman

Cartoon: buck your rule, i'll type in MLP

Vehicle: Pontiac Firebird (FIRST generation)

Celebrity: too difficult as well

Food: Steak, beef, filet, medium

"If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences."

- W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas



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Vidya: dishonoured


Band: daft punk

Anime: none

TV: dr who

Pokemon: mew

book: metro 2033

Weapon: dessert egal

Pony: pinkie

Drink: root bear

Superhero: spiderman

Cartoon: (except mlp) adventure time

Vehicle: tank

Celebrity: someone

food: bacon
Edited by zee captein

what do you mean my old signature was rubbish?

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Vidya: (what the fuck is a vidya???)

Movie: Lord of the Rings

Band: Rush

Anime: (I don't watch anime)

TV: Lost

Pokemon: Ninetales

Book: Harry Potter

Weapon: (idk)

Pony: Rainbow Dash <3

Drink: Root Beer

Superhero: Spiderman

Cartoon: MLP:FIM

Vehicle: (idk)

Celebrity: Jack Black

Food: Pizza



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Vidya: I do not have clues of what this is

Movie: Lion King, LOTR, Game of thrones, more stuff

Band: -

Anime: One piece (Only anime I watch lol)

TV: Don't watch that much tv

Pokemon: Charmander

Book: -

Weapon: Sword, any kind

Pony: Fluttershy / Pinkie Pie

Drink: Beer

Superhero: Ironman 

Cartoon: mlp / adventure time

Vehicle: uhmm.. Bike?

Celebrity: Celebrities are for the weak

Food: Bacon. And you already guessed pancakes.

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Video Game: Probably COD4. One of the best online experiences in my life, and while I enjoyed FF1 and LoZ1 and LoZTP, COD4 had that replay value that really made it #1 for me.


Movie: My tastes change too often for me to nail one down. Maybe Swordfish? Blitz? Face/Off?


Band/Artist: Hard to say. For groups, Fall Out Boy probably gets this accolade. I mainly listen to EDM though, and each new track just sounds so much more awesome than the last, so... no clear winner.


Anime: Tie between Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu and Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.


TV: Psych is good, and isn't anime covered by this?


Pokemon: Protip: Not everybody likes Pokemon, but I do. As a GenWunner, Vaporeon is easily one of the best. Super high HP and def with good speed and movelist made him a serious threat. Not to mention looking badass was one of the only ways to play the game.


Book: The Legend of Drizzt. Series by R.A. Salvatore.


Weapon: What kind of question is this? No comment.


Pony: Princess Luna


Drink: Cherry Dr. Pepper


Superhero: Batman don't need no fancy superpowers.


Cartoon: Isn't this covered by TV? Maybe American Dad or Regular Show.


Vehicle: I want a moped. 


Celebrity: John Travolta


Food: Shrimp. But try sausages wrapped in pancakes that's wrapped up in bacon, then cover it in syrup. Really good.

Edited by Sovereign




On 6/7/2013 at 6:22 PM, Keiichi said:
Kawaii-desu outta pineapple.


Signature made by Jokuc, thank you. OC made my Folarin Hooves of Canterlot.com.

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Video Game: Fire Emblem


Movie: The Dark Knight


Artist: Bob Dylan


Manga: One Piece


TV: Chuck


Pokemon: Swellow


Book: Catch-22


Weapon: Sakabatou


Pony: Rainbow Dash 


Drink: Lemonade


Superhero: Batman and Iron Man


Cartoon: Avatar: The Last Airbender


Vehicle: None


Celebrity: Roger Federer


Food: Dunno

Edited by DashForever
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Vidya: Pokemon Ruby*

Movie: Red Dawn*

Band: Skillet

Anime: N/A

TV: Revolution*

Pokemon: Flareon

Weapon: AK-47

Pony: Luna

Drink: Sweet Tea

Superhero: Captain America*

Cartoon: MLP or Pokemon

Vehicle: Ferrari 458 Italia

Celebrity: Morgan Freeman*

Food: Subs*




*Tied with other things, just the first thing that popped in my mind.


Avatar by Zhortac

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Lol I'm lazy so list


Vidya: portal 2

Movie: There's no possible way I could decide

Band: Radiohead

Anime: I don't watch enough to be able to decide on one

TV: Orphan Black

Pokemon: Pigey :3

Book: I can't remember

Weapon: shotgun

Pony: Twilight Sparkel

Drink: Root Beer

Superhero: Batman

Cartoon: Chowder

Vehicle: McLaren MP4-12C

Celeberty: Don't really care

Food: ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out my youtube channel


and my soundcloud too! https://soundcloud.com/sonic_force

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Vidya: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

Movie: Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Anime: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt

Pokemon: Garchomp

Weapon: Scythe

Pony: Chrysalis

Drink: Strawberry banana smoothie

Superhero: Batman

Cartoon: Samurai Jack

Vehicle: Speeder Bike from Star Wars

Food: Special K Red Berries




IF is best girl.

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I'm a lazy duck...


Vidya: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Movie: The Lord of The Rings Trilogy.

Band: Steam Powered Giraffe.

Anime: Naruto (Minus the crappy fillers)

TV: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. (I guess.I don't watch TVall that much...)

Pokemon: Sudowoodo.

Book: Katawa Shoujo. (...Do Visual Novels count?)

Weapon: Tolerance.

Pony: Fluttershy.

Drink: Mountain Dew. (I should really stop drinking this stuff. It gives me horrible tummy aches...)

Super Hero: Super Mario.

Cartoon: Avatar: The Last Airbender.

Vehicle: My feet.

Celebrity: Leo DiCaprio.

Food: ...Don't make me choose favorites... I really like shrimp Lo mein.


And that's all the things that I like! (Not really)


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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VIDYA: Haha...what?

MOVIE: Harry Potter and the all of the Harry Potter movies

BAND: Fall Out Boy *squee* and Paramore

ANIME: Sailor Moon

TV: Doctor Who

POKEMON: Haunter

BOOK: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or The Deathly Hallows

WEAPON: Fluttershy

PONY: Sweetie Belle

DRINK: Orange Juice


CARTOON: Gravity Falls

VEHICLE: Red Volkswagen Beetles.

CELEBRITY: Oliver Phelps



Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Oh hell I'm gonna do it the lazy way too.

Video Game(Vidya): Star Ocean: Till the end of time

Movie: Fight Club, Se7en, Fast and Furious series

Band: Too many to list

Anime: Detective Conan

TV: House and Seinfeld

Pokemon: Mewtwo

Book: Most anything by Neil Gaiman

Weapon: Improvised ones

Pony: AJ and Luna

Drink: Fanta or Sweet Tea

Superhero: Iron Man

Cartoon: South Park

Vehicle: Ford Mustang

Celebrity: Not sure

Food: Fried pork tenderloin

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  • 1 month later...

Video Game: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Movie: Turnabout Storm

Band: N/A

Anime: N/A

TV: Any documentary (LOL)

Pokemon: Any or All

Book: N/A

Weapon: My finger filled with righteous justice!

Pony: Rainbow Dash & Twilight Sparkle

Drink: Cola

Superhero: Spiderman

Cartoon: Totally not MLP:FIM

Vehicle: The most expensive one out there so I can resell it for a "Lotta" cash!

Celebrity: Nope

Food: Knowledge


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