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Anti-Bronies in a Nutshell


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Hey there everybrony, so we know the anti-bronies, those guys. Most of their reasons of hating us is full of crap.
Anyway, I couldn't help but argue against this anti-brony on Youtube, and he seems to easily be the guy to represent what the typical anti-bronies are. Have a few laughs at this crap.


ZACKnirvana: what if i told you
ponies are for little girls..... and not for grown as men


MyLittleChannel8206 (me): What if I told you...
That people can like whatever they want because they are free to.


ZACKnirvana: says the brony.


MyLittleChannel8206: Doesn't mean I'm not correct.


ZACKnirvana: doesn't mean you are either, you're clearly just defending your faggotry.


MyLittleChannel8206: That's cute.
Liking something that you dislike is not faggotry.

I feel really bad for even using that term, as I am not against homosexuals.


ZACKnirvana: being a man and liking a show intended for little girls... let me repeat that LITTLE GIRLS doesn't make you a faggot? no living girl will ever want to fuck you unless she's fat and also a brony, thus rendering you a faggot


Edited by ÷Zero
  • Brohoof 3
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Why in the name of God would you ever argue with someone on Youtube?  Youtube comments are the absolute worst part of the internet, filled with the worst kind of mouth breathing idiocy and brain dead attempts at trolling

  • Brohoof 18
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Apparently having a fat girlfriend makes you a faggot now.

Most anti-bronies think we are just neckbeards who clop to ponies. When in reality that's not what most of us are like. Of course you guys here already know that.

@Soarinblue you have obviously forgotten about le 9gag.

Edited by WarpShot
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And thus decreases my faith in the part of mankind that doesn't love or tolerate.


What a shameful display...


I really wish people weren't so stupid. "Faggotry" isn't even a word.


I should leave before my attitude gets raped by that "Man's" words.

  • Brohoof 4

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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Why in the name of God would you ever argue with someone on Youtube?  Youtube comments are the absolute worst part of the internet, filled with the worst kind of mouth breathing idiocy and brain dead attempts at trolling


Yea, arguing on youtube -- hell, even having a discussion via youtube comments is a moot point.  Out of the 100+ comments i've gone through, made, and posted up, about 1% of them have been pleasent with an individual that had the rare qualities I thought lost on humanity, common sense and a brain to use.  Thank Celestia for 75% of the brony community that actually have a brain and common sense.  The other 10 to 15% of them are annoying but ok, while the rest are just obsessed fans or jerks in the fandom just to get their giggles on to say they "belonged" to something. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah Youtube comments and messages from random people are the worst. This guy is seriously messed in the head. It's weird though because my best friend is an Anti-Brony but we get along just fine...go figure. LOL!

  • Brohoof 1



Signature made by me.

"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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you have obviously forgotten about le 9gag

le 9gag is a different kind of retarded.  They just endlessly meme spam and steal content while slapping a watermark on it to make it look like they made it 

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Why in the name of God would you ever argue with someone on Youtube?  Youtube comments are the absolute worst part of the internet, filled with the worst kind of mouth breathing idiocy and brain dead attempts at trolling


This is true on so many levels. In fact, I couldn't have said it better myself. The Youtube comments section is like the horrible sunken wasteland of the internet. I may have said that before, but I can't stress enough how true it is.sleep.png

Edited by SmartyPants
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IF is best girl.

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I have said this once and I will say it again arguing with these people is a waste of time. I had a discussion the other day with someone on Facebook the other day who was skeptical of the show and while he had some bias he was at least trying to be a bit open minded but the guy you responded to was not.

  • Brohoof 2
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WoW its sad people like this are still in the world now days. Sad that they may even have kids and make them think the same way they do.... I sure hope this person has a son and he becomes and brony and shows this father/mother there is noting wrong with being a brony....not a damn thing.. or being gay...

  • Brohoof 3


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I really don't understand the Youtube comments section, I bet someone could do a really interesting study on how and why it completely turns people into.....not very nice people.....


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Never take anyone serious on YouTube. I used to do it, but I've pretty much given up. All it does is make you look intelligent, yet obsessed. Not sure if that's a good thing, really.

  • Brohoof 2

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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I've seen REAL anti-bronies who have clear and justifiable reasons to hate on us, and not just retort by saying "neckbeard", "autistic", "fag",

Hell, even non-bronies I saw would rather defend bronies rather than to join the hatewagon....


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Yea, arguing on youtube -- hell, even having a discussion via youtube comments is a moot point.  Out of the 100+ comments i've gone through, made, and posted up, about 1% of them have been pleasent with an individual that had the rare qualities I thought lost on humanity, common sense and a brain to use.  Thank Celestia for 75% of the brony community that actually have a brain and common sense.  The other 10 to 15% of them are annoying but ok, while the rest are just obsessed fans or jerks in the fandom just to get their giggles on to say they "belonged" to something. 


The irony here is that while you say 75% of bronies have a brain and common sense, and the other 10-15% are annoying...there's a 10% unaccounted for. Would that not put you in the 25% without common sense for not checking your post before you posted? 

I kid, it's an easy enough mistake to make and i'm often guilty of it myself, I just couldn't help but get my own laughs from that. (Also putting me in the 25% I guess, whoo! Minority!) 


As for the thread, fuck YouTube's community. Generally on there I go by the rule, "if you say anything, someone will try to start shit" so I generally just keep quiet and watch videos, only really leaving positive comments about the actual video if I feel I need to. If someone replies to me and starts an argument though, I can't not have a go back, it's against my nature. Thankfully I leave the window of opportunity for people like that rather slim, just to save the hassle. 

  • Brohoof 2

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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lol even if you leave positive comments about the video, people still find reasons to bitch you out. I happened to watch a video by Erock where he did a Skrillex medley, and I commented saying that the mixing was a little rough at one point because of a massive difference in volume between his guitar and the pre-recorded music. Someone felt the need to say "I don't think he needs to take advice from a wannabe guitar player." My only response was lolwut. I never claimed to be a guitar player. 


Basically, apply that to every video you watch on YouTube, and you'll be fine.


Speaking of YT, is anyone else annoyed by that stupid Cleateater guy who feels the need to have some sort of pony porn as his avatar?

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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I've seen this sort of thing directed at bronies a lot, but why just bronies?  If someone is a fan of Bugs Bunny, does that mean (in the "mind" of this sort of bottom-feeder) that they want to have sex with rabbits?  Considering how many times Buggs would defeat his foes by cross-dressing as a woman and seducing them, I can only imagine what sort of R34 and yaoi fics there must be about him (shipping with Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, etc., natch) out there.


My current working hypothesis is misogyny.  FiM is "for little girls."  Which means you might get those icky, icky girl-cooties from watching it, and if da boyz let you in the treehouse after that, they might get infested too.  Because, anything that's "for little girls" must be horrible, because little girls are horrible.  And big girls too, for that matter.  Except when they're being used for sex.  Unless they're fat, which means they're so horrible that they might want to have sex with a brony.  And of course "faggotry" is the ultimate horror, because it involves a man being in some sense "like a woman," which is, like, totally worse than being a zombie because, girl-cooties.


Ew.  I really shouldn't try to get in the headspace of a trog like that without a hazmat suit.


Attempting a more charitable explanation that might work in some cases, though not for this guy, because he can explode a misogyny detector at a range of a hundred miles:


I tried to watch an episode of an earlier-generation MLP.  It was a Holiday episode, "The Twinklestar Adventure" or something like that.  It was really, really horrible saccharine glurge.  "Pinkie Pie" and "Rainbow Dash" were in it, along with some other ponies I've never heard of, but they had no real character differentiation that I could see, and I doubt I could have told them apart or identified which was which with my eyes closed.  Super-treacly, Speaker-to-Toddlers voices, pulling out every stop to insult the intelligence of anyone old enough to read...  It really made me appreciate how much better FiM is than its predecessors.  It wasn't very long before I was going, "AHHHH!  I can't take any more!  Click away!  Click awaaaayyyyyyy!"


So, if somebody thinks that FiM is like that, I can understand if they think that any adult of any gender or sexual orientation would have to be bugnutty to like it, much less be part of an enthusiastic fandom.  It also makes me appreciate how much better FiM treats its core audience of "little girls," by giving them characters and stories worth watching.  When I was a little boy, I hated "kids shows" that talked down to me with sing-song voices and all that, so I can only imagine the white-hot incandescent disgust I would have had for pre-FiM MLP shows if I had ever been a member of their target demographic.  It makes me a little angry now, as I think about it.  "Cartoons for kids in general (i.e., if there's boys in the audience) have to be fairly good, like Loony Toons, or at least on Hanna Barbara's level.  But we're making a show about ponies for little girls, so as long as it's brightly-colored, frilly, and drowning in saccharine, they'll gobble up whatever we shovel at them.  Amirite, gentlemen of the Board?"


Thank you, Lauren Faust, for creating FiM to not be like that, for treating "little girls" as an audience worthy of respect, great writing, and multidimensional characterization.



  • Brohoof 1
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Why in the name of God would you ever argue with someone on Youtube?  Youtube comments are the absolute worst part of the internet, filled with the worst kind of mouth breathing idiocy and brain dead attempts at trolling

thank you for saving me from writing out a response myself


I mean if he was on a pony video he clearly just wants attention, so good job, you gave the hater exactly what he wanted

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I see thi type of bigotry EVERYWHERE. I hate arguing for them, but I must for my honor as a brony. I actually had this argument with a TF2 anti-brony once. (Note, this is slightly modified so that it doesnt DIRECTLY offend anyone, but indirectly offends a lot of us, even myself)


The other guy- Ponies are for 5 year old girls or the mentally diseased.

Me- I can choose to like whatever I want

The other guy- yeah, but My Little Pony?

Me- Uh... yeah? That's included in everything???

*I kill the other guy with a no-scope and he ragequits*

  • Brohoof 2


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I am so glad now that I cannot see comments on the youtube app for ps3 and x box. All the bs in the comments just make you want to kill something.

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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I can see the Anti-Bronies' standpoint- since I was one recently.


They just don't like the fandom, since a lot of it is comprised of Cloppers. I mean, I know every fandom has its...stuff, but I personally think the Cloppers go way overboard with it.


Now I am a Brony, so don't get me wrong, I'm not against y'all in any way! I'm just saying that I can see the Anti-Bronies' standpoint, but they aren't right in any way, any way at all. They should just leave our fandom alone.


Thanks to Dopey Hooves!

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I've seen this sort of thing directed at bronies a lot, but why just bronies?  If somepony is a fan of Bugs Bunny, does that mean (in the "mind" of this sort of bottom-feeder) that they want to have sex with rabbits?  Considering how many times Buggs would defeat his foes by cross-dressing as a mare and seducing them, I can only imagine what sort of R34 and yaoi fics there must be about him (shipping with Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, Wile E. Coyote, etc., natch) out there.


My current working hypothesis is misogyny.  FiM is "for little fillies."  Which means you might get those icky, icky filly-cooties from watching it, and if da boyz let you in the treehouse after that, they might get infested too.  Because, anything that's "for little fillies" must be horrible, because little fillies are horrible.  And big fillies too, for that matter.  Except when they're being used for sex.  Unless they're fat, which means they're so horrible that they might want to have sex with a brony.  And of course "faggotry" is the ultimate horror, because it involves a stallion being in some sense "like a mare," which is, like, totally worse than being a zombie because, filly-cooties.


Ew.  I really shouldn't try to get in the headspace of a trog like that without a hazmat suit.


Attempting a more charitable explanation that might work in some cases, though not for this guy, because he can explode a misogyny detector at a range of a hundred miles:


I tried to watch an episode of an earlier-generation MLP.  It was a Holiday episode, "The Twinklestar Adventure" or something like that.  It was really, really horrible saccharine glurge.  "Pinkie Pie" and "Rainbow Dash" were in it, along with some other ponies I've never heard of, but they had no real character differentiation that I could see, and I doubt I could have told them apart or identified which was which with my eyes closed.  Super-treacly, Speaker-to-Toddlers voices, pulling out every stop to insult the intelligence of anypony old enough to read...  It really made me appreciate how much better FiM is than its predecessors.  It wasn't very long before I was going, "AHHHH!  I can't take any more!  Click away!  Click awaaaayyyyyyy!"


So, if somepony thinks that FiM is like that, I can understand if they think that any adult of any gender or sexual orientation would have to be bugnutty to like it, much less be part of an enthusiastic fandom.  It also makes me appreciate how much better FiM treats its core audience of "little fillies," by giving them characters and stories worth watching.  When I was a little colt, I hated "kids shows" that talked down to me with sing-song voices and all that, so I can only imagine the white-hot incandescent disgust I would have had for pre-FiM MLP shows if I had ever been a member of their target demographic.  It makes me a little angry now, as I think about it.  "Cartoons for kids in general (i.e., if there's colts in the audience) have to be fairly good, like Loony Toons, or at least on Hanna Barbara's level.  But we're making a show about ponies for little fillies, so as long as it's brightly-colored, frilly, and drowning in saccharine, they'll gobble up whatever we shovel at them.  Amirite, gentlecolts of the Board?"


Thank you, Lauren Faust, for creating FiM to not be like that, for treating "little fillies" as an audience worthy of respect, great writing, and multidimensional characterization.



Excellent post. Anti-bronies are as much victims as they are aggressors. They are victims of the gender mentality that oppresses much of humanity. Masculinity and feminism are both propaganda meant to keep ponies (primarily females) in their place.

:wub: Silver Letter!!! :kirin:
Silver Letter's MLP collection
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