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general Do you smoke ?


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I know its a strong thing to ask on people but I want to find out the average badassness of a brony
Smoking is one of the most badass things you can do it so badass you even risk your life if you do it !
Since haters say bronies are not badass I want to proof that wrong by calculating the average badassness of a brony .smoking is a part of my experiment because smoking is very badass I want to know that you smoke or not (I do not support smoking I'm only doing a expiriment )


I've never seen this topic before...


But this is now one of my favorite posts I've ever seen ever for so many reasons that it'd be hard to explain.


But uh...




Yeah I smoke, but I smoke some things more regularly than others. I only smoke cigarettes if someone offers me, which is not very often, as I don't hang out with a lot of smokers. I'm sorry, but I just can't bring myself to spend my own money on cigarettes when they're not all that great and are so unhealthy for you.


A good cigar every once in a while, though, I'm definitely not against. I used to smoke at a couple of hookah bars not too long ago, but I sort of stopped because I just don't have the time for that anymore.


So yeah, I'm a Brony who smokes and such. But come on, my friend, we all know the real badasses sit on their porches sipping from a forty.

  • Brohoof 4



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Smoking is a stupid and selfish habit. Stupid because you are poisoning your body...deliberately. and selfish because everyone around you has to deal with the secondhand smoke,the awful smell and eventually watch a loved one slowly die a wasting death from cancer...I was born in the late 60's. My parents smoked everywhere. So I grew up with the addiction..I use a E-cig to help me quit smoking, maybe I'll live long enough to see my grandkids.


save money, save your life..Don't smoke...please?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Jewel of Rarity


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Smoke? When I'm set on fire I tend to smoke quite a bit. Ba dum tish~


Seriously though, very rarely do I smoke. Usually when I do it's more of a social thing with my hookah. Some of the flavors of shisha they make are just heavenly.

Edited by Aniki


~Signature by my awesome sibling @Armchair Adventurer "Som"~

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Funny story actually... People who say smoking is bad, and why do people smoke, they'll never understand till they finish their 2nd pack. I use to think smoking was terrible(well it still is). I pledged to never touch a cigarette. I had a few people in my life who has been extremely effected by cigarettes before(Mostly family). My grandfather, from my mother's side, died from cigarettes. It changed her life forever. The tragic experience caused her to move to an island, meet a Filipino man... And well made me. My father to started to see effect from to much smoking after 30 years of it. He dodged a bullet when he decided to quite. Told me it was the most terrible experience in his life. Cravings, cold sweat, couching, and low blood pressure. 


But that's not the point. My smoking habit was caused from stress. It was a winter afternoon, and I use to work as a shelf-er at Korea as a part timer. I was so stressed from work and studies. I've never knew how the real world could be so hard. During my 20 minute break, a new intern had been employed. We talked about things till he took out a cigarette. He offered me one. I was disgusted at first. He told me something about it might be bad, but it feels really good. "Guilty pressure" if I translate it correctly. 


So I gave it a shoot. The first few puffs were terrible. It tasted like bitter coffee that's been under the shining sun for 2 days(sarcastically). But half into the cigarette I started to feel light headed. Every smoker should know this experience. The light headed feeling from the cigarettes hooked me. It relaxed me so well I thought I was melting. And for some odd reason it made me feel warm.


From that point on I started asking him everyday for 1 stick. After the first month I decided to buy my own packs. I even remember buying Marlboro Reds as my first brand. Finished 1 pack under a month, then 2 packs a month, then 3 packs a month. I've been smoking for almost 3 years(Yes underage smoking). Now-a-days I'm able to finish half a pack a day by myself. I'm technically not a heavy smoker. More of just a mild smoker. Heavy smokers can finish up to 2 packs a day.



Just a picture of what I smoke :\

Edited by Fragilistic
  • Brohoof 1

"It must really be a lonelier journey than anyone could imagine. Cutting through absolute darkness, encountering nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. Flying blindly into the abyss, believing therein lie the answers to the mysteries of the universe."

~Takaki Toona~ 5CM Per Second


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Just because I'm a brony I have never even thought of doing it myself. what's cool about possibly getting lung cancer and suffocating to death >_>

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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I'm happy to say that I've stopped smoking cigarettes completely. I usually smoked on or two after a hectic online match to calm my nerves down. But I kicked that habit 2 weeks ago. Sold and gave away all of my cigs to others.


I still smoke hookah though. Not because I'm addicted or anything, I could literally destroy my hookah with a hammer if someone asked me to prove I wasn't addicted, it would make me very sad though because it would be a waste..


I just like the taste and the whole activity around it. Choosing the flavours, cleaning my hookah, preparing the shisha and finally, smoking the tobacco and relaxing. Eventually when my income increases, I'm going to switch to natural coals and steam stones, reducing the already mild hazards to an extreme minimum. While others can buy those freely, I have to import them from other countries, making the cost fairly high.


Smoking still isn't cool. If you do it for that sole reason, just don't. Smoking is done for other reasons. Its relaxing effect mostly. That's not the need or addiction that's being surpressed, it's the nicotine that makes you calm down. People who dare to say that smokers only relax because they are addicted, need to get their facts straight. Yes nicotine is addicting, but don't forget it also has psychoactive effects. It seems that the majority only seems to think of nicotine as an addicting substance without any major effects, which isn't true at all.


So yea, I do smoke, but no cigarettes. I'm now living a cigarette-free life, not buying any packs nor accepting a cig from anyone. I do smoke shisha, but not because I'm addicted.

  • Brohoof 3
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I currently don't smoke, but I was smoking cigarettes a few months ago. I was well aware of the adverse health effects, but I was still pretty curious on what it was like to enjoy them. So, I went in with an open mind and decided to buy a pack and try them out. At first, I wasn't really enjoying them too much, but as I kept it up I started to learn how to properly smoke them as well as learn how to enjoy them. Not gonna lie, they were pretty nice and I found myself liking them a lot. The nicotine high was nice, but it was also nice watching the paper burn as you inhaled as well as observing the details of the smoke. I started to notice that I was falling down the path of a smoker though, and I realized that I didn't want to keep it up since it's not really worth the health risks as well as the money you spend on them. I decided to stop after smoking the last of my remaining cigarettes, and I haven't smoked any since. It was pretty interesting to try, and I don't regret it at all.

If you like the visual aspects of smoking (watching the paper burn, watching the smoke plumes) but don't want the health risks, might I suggest sweet grass or some other non-narcotic herb? You don't even have to smoke them, you can just wrap them in a smoking paper and burn it. Blow on it every now and then to keep it going. Sage is a good one, it smells nice. It can still be kind of a health risk as any smoke you breathe in is going to affect your lungs in some small way, but it's nothing like the tar and crap that goes into cigarettes.


Growing your own tobacco is also healthier than buying factory cigarettes. Or buy it from an organic farm.

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I plan on NEVER smoking ANYTHING - or consuming ANY drugs. I will refuse to has a cigarette.


If I can handle people knowing I'm a brony, I can easily handle not being dragged into smoking through high-school.


I will NEVER smoke.

Besides, I'm only 13.

Edited by mitchfizz05
  • Brohoof 1


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At the age of 15 like I am now, I would never smoke, and I would never smoke constantly at any time in the future either :P


I dunno, maybe I'd try it when I'm older, I'm sure I'll get convinced to somehow. Yes, I know it kills you and I know it's terrible for you, and the people that smoke marijuana obviously don't know what it's doing to their lungs because they've been taught that it doesn't hurt them, but it does. I would never make smoking a habit, and if I ever smoked normally it would probably be through a hooka, not a cigarette. Hookas are apparently much better for your lungs.

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its badass because you need courage to do that everyone who smokes dies

If you smoke it means that you are not scared of death not much people want to die for only looking cool

Smoking itself is no badass THE courage is badass I do smoke but I dont look really cool but retarded and crazy with it

I smoke a bong mostly when I'm alone I won't really get damage when I smoke because I dont use tabbacco

And smoke a bong instead of cigarettes the only damage I get is my troath being sucked apart from the inhaling

You're confusing courage and bravery. Courage is having fear but ignoring it, bravery is the absence of fear. You have bravery(foolish bravery IMO) but no courage if you smoke

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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If you like the visual aspects of smoking (watching the paper burn, watching the smoke plumes) but don't want the health risks, might I suggest sweet grass or some other non-narcotic herb? You don't even have to smoke them, you can just wrap them in a smoking paper and burn it. Blow on it every now and then to keep it going. Sage is a good one, it smells nice. It can still be kind of a health risk as any smoke you breathe in is going to affect your lungs in some small way, but it's nothing like the tar and crap that goes into cigarettes.


Growing your own tobacco is also healthier than buying factory cigarettes. Or buy it from an organic farm.

Oh wow, thanks for the suggestion. Hmm maybe. I was thinking of getting a vape pen actually haha, but I'm pretty broke atm and I want to get a really good one.

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Cigarettes. Push them away and keep them the fuck away.
I'm being kind of hypocritical here, because I'm a chain smoker myself. It's one of my few vices.

Trust me when I say you're better off not picking up the habit in the first place. It's actually way harder to get over a nicotine addiction than it is to get over an opiate addiction. Proven fact.




Edited by Bron-Yr-Aur
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Unless you're living in the 50s, smoking is in no way badass. For me, it's a method of relieving stress without resorting to something much more destructive like weed and such. It also stimulates my imagination. Being a creative mind, it's quite useful. However, caffeine is a much healthier alternative to smoking and, at least for me, yields the same psychological effects.



Cigarettes. Push them away and keep them the fuck away.
I'm being kind of hypocritical here, because I'm a chain smoker myself. It's one of my few vices.

Trust me when I say you're better off not picking up the habit in the first place. It's actually way harder to get over a nicotine addiction than it is to get over an opiate addiction. Proven fact.

I back this up 110%. I'm a chain smoker myself, though I've managed to reduce myself to smoking a quarter of a pack a day instead of a half a pack. Baby steps.


I plan on NEVER smoking ANYTHING - or consuming ANY drugs. I will refuse to has a cigarette.

Tobacco isn't a drug.

  • Brohoof 2


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Weed. I used to smoke hookah socially on extremely rare occasions, but don't even touch tobacco nowadays. It doesn't do anything for me, so I don't really see a point. Weed on the other hand, lol yes, all the time. I'll use a vaporizer instead if there's one available (got a Volcano at home), but sometimes I just feel like a bowl/bong.


Can't stand the 'holier than thou' attitude some anti-smokers have, or even smokers who thinks it makes them too kool for skool. Can't people do what they want to do to their bodies in peace?


For me, it's a method of relieving stress without resorting to something much more destructive like weed and such. It also stimulates my imagination.


Excuse me one sec *goes around the corner* - HAHAHAHAHAAHA - *comes back* Sorry about that! I've heard plenty of people claim weed is bad for you, but I've never heard it's worse than tobacco until now. Utter rubbish, completely baseless.


Ironic though, you stated two of the many reasons why I smoke weed in the first place. You truly do discredit yourself. Even further with this gem -



Tobacco isn't a drug.


Yes it is. It has psychoactive properties, in particular, nicotine. Really dude? I ponder what other wonders you know.



I plan on NEVER smoking ANYTHING - or consuming ANY drugs.


You might want to lay off the caffeine there, harr harr harr. (The joke; caffeine is a drug.)



The ignorance in this thread is facepalm worthy. Seriously, inform yourselves. Or go back to D.A.R.E. spoon feeding you asinine propaganda. Thank zombie Jesus people face to face aren't this clueless. If only they knew what people like Andrew Francis did all night at Everfree Northwest, or in places like Amsterdam, I wonder how they'd react.

Edited by K.K. Slider
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Thing is, smoking WAS badass, once upon a time, when we weren't as smart as we are now.


Therefore, my rule is that smoking can only be badass if you are an otherwise badass person older than 50. For example, David Bowie, Sean Connery or your uncle Steve.


I am a smoker. I smoke because I'm addicted. I don't particularly enjoy it anymore. Addiction saps your will to quit. I'll say it again: addiction saps your will to quit. That is why it is so hard.

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I plan on NEVER smoking ANYTHING - or consuming ANY drugs. I will refuse to has a cigarette.


I use to convince my self to never smoke like how you are doing. Hell I thought I'd never touch a cigarette in my life. But hey, Look at me now. It really depends on the event.

Edited by Fragilistic

"It must really be a lonelier journey than anyone could imagine. Cutting through absolute darkness, encountering nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. Flying blindly into the abyss, believing therein lie the answers to the mysteries of the universe."

~Takaki Toona~ 5CM Per Second


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I use to convince my self to never smoke like how you are doing. Hell I thought I'd never touch a cigarette in my life. But hey, Look at me now. It really depends on the event.

I will force myself to not touch a cigarette.

No matter the event.

I don't want to smoke - so I won't smoke.


I really, really don't want to smoke.

  • Brohoof 2


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My personal website: Mitchfizz05.net.

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  • 2 months later...

Believe it or not, we're at the 50th anniversary of the surgeon general's groundbreaking 1964 report that smoking "may be hazardous to your health."




Hard to believe, but back then there were Flintstones commercials for Winston cigarettes:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFogTD0t5kM


"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should!"  :P


But for the record, smoking has never appealed to me.  My mom smoked and I lost her to cancer.  I haven't smoked a single cigarette in my life nor do I intend to.  :)

Edited by Wingnut
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So I have quit smoking. I vape now, I went from 2 packs a day ($12) to just vaping. I spend like $13 every two weeks on vaping so I am saving a LOT of money. I feel a lot healthier too. Maybe once a month I will get a tin of chew and drop a few plugs when I am at work but that's it.

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No, I don't smoke.  I never wanted to and I never will.  Now that we know how it affects our health (and the health of people you smoke around), there really is no reason start smoking.  I have seen that the people who say only young people start smoking are pretty much right. Those who aren't in their teens or early 20s and have never smoked mostly don't see a need to, because peer pressure to do so is gone.  The peer pressure to stop smoking, however, is pretty darn big.  


Also, no, it doesn't look cool.  It only does for the teens that are hanging out with smokers, the same ones who later beg to be ridden of this addiction.

  • Brohoof 2


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