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Since Trixie returned Should Gilda and Prince Blueblood return in S4?


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Well It seems that Trixe has been appearing alot lately since her return in Magic Duel. She appeared in Equestria girls, the comics, and others. However what about Blueblood and Gilda? Sure Flim and Flam, Iron Will, Teenage  dragons and diamond dogs have no reason to return since they aren't really that important to the storyline. And Since The trading Cards say Lightning is still in the Wonderbolt academy she is almost confirmed to return later on. But What about Gilda and Prince Blueblood? Sure they both have semi returned as in Blueboods Background appearance in Sweet and Elite and Gilda teaming up with Trixie in the Crystal Heart book. But neither of them got an Important role in an episode i the show like Trixie had(And neither of them were in Equestria Girls.)


Gilda has been Dashes friend since their childhood and they both were on good terms untill Pinkie Pie driven Gilda mad and started a fight between the two friends, Her returning might bring great character devolopment for Rainbow Dash. If she tries to apologize or something it might be a great episode as long as it has something new and intrestig in it so it won't be Magic Duel or kcafo no.2.


And As for Prince Blueblood Even If he isn't as devoloped as the other antagonist (His trading card din't even say hes an antagonist) He Is still a prince, and the only Mortal pony to be blood related to the princesses( Cadence was adopted). So why wasn't he at the royal wedding or at Twilights princess coronation? Unless he was killed by a changeling or was given a vacation it doesn't make sense. Personaly I find him to be a Mix between Frollo and Gaston who Because he got his arrogant and show off attitude from Gaston and his "I am better than commoners" Attitude from Frollo. I hope he returns as a politicians villain in S4.


Should these two Antagonists from Season 1 return or should hey never be mentioned again?

Whyy isn't anyone replying to my thread? I held some intresting points and was looking forward to see other bronies opinions on this topic. It makes me sad. :(
  • Brohoof 1

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I think Blueblood was to minor of a character to comeback honestly he wasn't to memorable. If it wasn't for this forum and my love for the show I probably would have forgotten about him all togeather. I wouldn't care one way or another if he were to return. You are right he is blood related to Celestia so theirs not telling how strong he is so it might be interesting to see him again.


I really don't like Gilda I do think that she didn't get a fair chance to defend herself at the end of the episode, but she was still mean to everyone that wasn't Dash. If she were to return I think it should be in a flashback to see if maybe she was nice when she was younger or something. I find if hard to believe that Dash would become friends with someone that was that mean. But hey made she was just in a really bad mood that day or something and she's actually nice.

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I think Gilda and Blueblood would add a good plot to the story. Although Gilda in the episode, sounded like she never wanted to see ponies again, I suppose. But Blueblood, in his first appearance, ate one of the apple foods that AJ was selling at the stand at the gala, claiming "his royal lips touched common carnival fare." So no doubt that Blueblood would ever be in Ponyville. I don't recall ever seeing him in Canterlot other than the gala, and I don't know if much ponies in the fandom like him anyway, so he may or may not appear at the gala again. But it would make a good plot.


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I really think they were plot device characters, honest to say. Though Prince Blueblood did make a cameo in another episode! ("Sweet and Elite") It'd be wonderful to see one of them come back as an antagonist again, or even just as another cameo appearance.


Though I wouldn't bet on it- Trixie is a largely popularized character by the fandom, and I think that has a huge part in her reappearing in show and such.


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Prince Blueblood wasn't really one of the ponies I'd like to see come back, but maybe if he turns evil and comes back saying Rarity cheated on him or something. It would be a great Rarity-focused episode.


Gilda, maybe, but nopony would pay any attention to her. Maybe if she comes back pretending to be changed and nice, and secretly sets up dangerous traps and making it look like RD or Pinkie Pie did it.


I personally think Flim and Flam could come back, again, claiming to be changed, or having cleaner/faster technology, and then secretly cheating to win the Apple Farm, before AJ and her friends miraculously gain it back. Besides, AJ is nice enough that she would give them a second chance, and RD would jump into another contest since they technically won the first time.

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I dunno about Blueblood, honestly. I suppose one could potentially shoehorn a good story into him, but I reckon his whole reason for existing was just to piss off Rarity for a few gag scenes at the Gala.


Gilda could maybe be interesting, though if she did come back I'd like some more facets of her character to show instead of her just coming back to be a bitch some more. Maybe a reform?


Flim and Flam I definitely want to see return. I don't know why, maybe it's their old-timey Vaudeville charm, but I LOVE those two. Maybe instead of trying to sell cider they can sell some other thing. Maybe conning the ponies into buying some ridiculously useless machine they just "gotta have", or they can be like snake oil salesmen and sell them fake medicines. The sky's the limit with these two.

Edited by Gigapony


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I see a bigger chance of Blueblood returning in Season 4 more than Gilda since she can't stand ponies so it wouldn't really make any sense to bring her back. Gilda sort of had a purpose but, having Prince Blueblood return would be pretty good even though he acts like an asshole to Rarity for all of the wrong reasons. Maybe Celestia will punish him for it.

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. Maybe Celestia will punish him for it. [/i]

Why would she punish him for that, If she does then shouldnt she also Punish those Nobles for Not allowing Pinkie Pie to Party? Punishing him Would be a Tyrant move by celestia

  • Brohoof 2

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I don't think Prince Blueblood should return because, firstly, he was a complete git, but he was also not a major character. Rarity's definitely completely done with him so there's no point in him coming back, is there? XD

I'd like to see Gilda again though, because maybe she could make amends with Rainbow, and treat Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy more nicely. I'd also like to see Lightning Dust reappear. 

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I don't think Prince Blueblood should return because, firstly, he was a complete git, but he was also not a major character. Rarity's definitely completely done with him so there's no point in him coming back, is there? XD

I'd like to see Gilda again though, because maybe she could make amends with Rainbow, and treat Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy more nicely. I'd also like to see Lightning Dust reappear. 

Okay so I agree with you on Gilda and Lighning Dust reurning because it would make a great  episode. but Why not have Blueblood return? Hes a Prince and Has the same attitude as popular Characters such as Johnny Bravo and Gaston

Edited by What

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Yeah but he was a very minor character. He didn't have a major part to play in the Gala episode; there were six different stories in that episode and he was only part of one of them. Gilda, on the other hand, was a big focus in her episode, seeing as she was Dash's friend and treated Pinkie and Fluttershy badly. Lightning Dust also had a big part in Wonderbolt Academy because she was Rainbow's only friend there and it was tense to see what would happen to her in the end.

Blueblood I think, is an irrelevant character compared to those two, so I don't think they'll be thinking of bringing him back. I don't know how they'd fit him in an episode. 

British Pegasister, aspiring writer, and dedicated Rainbow Dash fan.


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Yeah but he was a very minor character. He didn't have a major part to play in the Gala episode; there were six different stories in that episode and he was only part of one of them. Gilda, on the other hand, was a big focus in her episode, seeing as she was Dash's friend and treated Pinkie and Fluttershy badly. Lightning Dust also had a big part in Wonderbolt Academy because she was Rainbow's only friend there and it was tense to see what would happen to her in the end.

Blueblood I think, is an irrelevant character compared to those two, so I don't think they'll be thinking of bringing him back. I don't know how they'd fit him in an episode. 

Yes he is a irrelevant character compared to those Two, But that doesn't mean he should never return. Its not Like they wouldnt be able to find a way to use him. seeing how we might get more episodes in canterlot now that twilights a princess he has a better chance to return than the other two.

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Yes he is a irrelevant character compared to those Two, But that doesn't mean he should never return. Its not Like they wouldnt be able to find a way to use him. seeing how we might get more episodes in canterlot now that twilights a princess he has a better chance to return than the other two.


Yeah, but he's not a particularly interesting character or one that was shown to be loaded with potential.  He was just a snobby, upper class fop, and there isn't much you could do with him that you couldn't do with another, similar character.  What value would using him specifically bring to the show?  Frollo and Gaston, who you compare him to, are much darker and more complex characters than he is, and thus have stronger presence and command more time. 


It's not like fans have been clamoring for him to come back like they were with Trixie. 

Edited by hawkflame


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Gilda is my least favorite character in the entire series, I don't care if I never see her again, as for Prince Blueblood meh he wasn't that good either

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I don't think Gilda or Blueblood have big enough fanbases to have them return honestly.


Trixie had and still has, quite a fanbase, so she came back due to that partly.


Gilda and Blueblood don't really.


I personally found Trixie a more interesting charactor anyways, but eh.


I can maybe see Gilda returning, but I don't think Blueblood will except for minor appearances maybe, that whole thing that happened in the end of S1 would not bode well for him around the mane 6 or Rarity.


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I'd love to see Lightning Dust come back. Frankly, short of having her say "I'll be back", I thought they really left it open as a possibility we'd see her again. Maybe she could start a group rivaling the Wonderbolts, and it'd be up to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire to fix things...

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I can live without Blueblood, while i must say we do need more male characters...that are NOT Flash Sentry..ugh.







Are you kidding me about her fanbase being small? Tsk! And for all your slash/ship/mare-mare haters, I am sorry but she is a greatly flawed character and would do GREAT in a relationship with one of the gals. Maybe im the only one who got lesbian vibs from her, i dont know. :shrug: 


Lets get some more non-ponies as ACTIVE chars, moar Gilda!!

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I don't want to see Prince Blueblood ever again. He was extremely shallow in more ways than one and only served a comedic purpose.


Gilda on the hand, I wouldn't mind seeing again simply because she was halfway interesting. One-dimensional, but I think there's a tad bit more potential for her return. Perhaps her attitude has changed for the better, or maybe it's gotten even worse.


The real topic question should be "Since Trixie returned, should Lightning Dust return in S4?" Just as Trixie was a good foil for Twilight, Lightning Dust is the same way for Rainbow Dash, so I would say yes to that in a heartbeat.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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I don't think we'll see either of those characters come back. As Sugar Cube said, Blueblood is too shallow and he's not even that interesting of a pony to deal with. His purpose in acting as Rarity's "crush" is complete, so he has no reason to come back. Gilda probably won't come back either unless there's an episode that clearly welcomes the Mane 6 to the Griffon Kingdom AND GIlda tries to cause a lot of grief and mischief against them.

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I don't think Blueblood should come back. I'm not really interested in seeing him again anyway.


I think that Gilda would be a maybe about coming back. I think they could work with her for an episode, but I also feel like anything they do is just gonna end in a similar way to Magic Duel.


One character I am interested in seeing again is Lightning Dust. Just today I watched a video were the person described a possible episode involving Lightning, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. The hypothetical episode sounded really interesting and also seemed entirely appropriate for the show.


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I didn't particularly favor either character, to be honest. I guess if they made a reapperance, then fine. I will likely watch the episode because it's the new season but probably wouldn't be rewatched after that.


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To all of you saying these two aren't popular enough like Trixie ws. sure they might not be as popular as her but they are popular. on sites like FIMfiction and deviantart they are as popular as Zecora,Braeburn, soarin, cheerliee etc. And They have their own groups on those sites.

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