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What's your favorite pokemon and starter from each generation?


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Considering the new pokemon that were reveaked, i felt it was appropriate to make this post.Here's mine:

Gen 1
Starter: Squirtle
Pokemon: Growlithe
Gen 2
Starter: Cyndaquil (obvious choice)
Pokemon: Lugia
Gen 3
Starter: Treeko
Pokemon: Jirachi
Gen 4
Starter: Piplup
Pokemon: Luxray
Gen 5
Starter: Oshawott
Pokemon: Melloetta

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Gen 1

Starter: Charmander

Pokemon: Alakazam (due to high special attack stat)


Gen 2

Starter: Cyndaquil (who doesn't?)

Pokemon: Steelix


Gen 3

Starter: Treecko

Pokemon: Metagross


Gen 4

Starter: Piplup

Pokemon: Electivire


Gen 5

Starter: Tepig

Pokemon: Haxorus


Gen 6

Starter: Gonna have to be Fennekin


Rarity: Generous, Classy, and Sophisticated...

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/torque-subject-to-change-r4587

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Gen 1

Starter: Squirtle

Pokemon: Pikachu


Gen 2

Starter: Cyndaquil

Pokemon: Umbreon


Gen 3

Starter: Treecko

Pokemon: Grovyle


Gen 4

Starter: Chimchar

Pokemon: Lucario


Gen 5

Starter: Snivy

Pokemon: Zoroark


(As for Gen 6, I'm going with Fennekin.)

  • Brohoof 1


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Gen 1


Pokemon: Eevee

Gen 2

Starter: Chikarita


Gen 3

Starter: Mudkip


Gen 4



Gen 5



Edited by Scootadress




LUNA=Best Princess


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Gen 1
Starter: Charizard
Pokemon: Onix
Gen 2
Starter: Chicrita
Pokemon: Steelix
Gen 3
Starter: Treeko
Pokemon: Aron
Gen 4
Starter: Piplup
Pokemon: Heatran
Gen 5
Starter: Oshawott
Pokemon: Genosect

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Gen 1



Gen 2



Gen 3



Gen 4



Gen 5




Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Gen 1:

Starter: Charmander

Pokemon: Aerodactyl, best pokemon EVER! :derp:


Gen 2:

Starter: Totodyle

Pokemon: Skarmory, original design, useful and really cool looking


Gen 3:

Starter: Treecko

Pokemon: Latios / Latias, second only to aerodactyl




Gen 4: (memory starts going foggy from here out)

Starter: Piplup

Pokemon: Togekiss, because togetic REALLY needed an evo.


Gen 5:

Starter: Can't remember the other two, so Oshawott

Pokemon: Joltik (it's just so adorable!)

Edited by Celtore
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Gen 1
Starter: Squirtle
Pokemon: Hypno
Gen 2
Starter: Chickorita
Pokemon: Banette (I think he was in that generation)
Gen 3
Starter: Mudkip
Pokemon: Cradily
Gen 4
Starter: Piplup
Pokemon: Mothim
Gen 5
Starter: Snivy
Pokemon: Gigigear

And as for the Pokemon we know of so far in Gen 6...

Starter: Froakkie (I think that is how you spell it)

Pokemon: Clauncher


The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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Gen 1


Starter: squirtle

Pokemon: gengar


Gen 2


Starter: Cyndaquil

Pokemon: Ampharos :P


Gen 3


Starter: mudkip

Pokemon: Linoone (Don't hate :derp:)


Gen 4


Starter: chimchar

Pokemon: staraptor


Gen 5


Starter: oshawott

Pokemon: beartic (epic ice beard)

Edited by Ampharos
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Gen. 1

Favourite Starter: Bulbasaur

Favourite Pokemon: Ninetales


Gen. 2

Favourite Starter: Cyndaquil

Favourite Pokemon: Politoed/Aipom


Gen. 3
Favourite Starter: Torchic

Favourite Pokemon: Gardevoir/Absol


Gen. 4

Favourite Starter: Piplup

Favourite Pokemon: Leafeon/Ambipom/Gallade


Gen 5. 

Favourite Starter: They all suck, but Tepig.

Favourite Pokemon: Whimsicott/Bisharp.


Bah. How can I pick just one?

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Gen 1
Starter: Charmander
Pokemon: Scyther
Gen 2
Starter: Totodile
Pokemon: Ho-oh
Gen 3
Starter: Treeko
Pokemon: er... Salamence was pretty cool
Gen 4
Starter: Piplup
Pokemon: not a huge fan of this gen, but I like the lore surrounding Arceus so I'll go with that (not the anime, because that movie was awful in my opinion)
Gen 5
Starter: Snivy
Pokemon: Mienshao

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Gen 1

Starter: Charmander

Pokemon: Dragonite


Gen 2

Starter: Cyndaquil

Pokemon: Skarmory


Gen 3

Starter: Treeko

Pokemon: Ninjask


Gen 4

Starter: Turtwig

Pokemon: Garchomp


Gen 5

Starter: Snivy

Pokemon: Haxorus



IF is best girl.

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Pokemon: Gigigear[/color]

Going non american on us mate? :P

It took me a second to realize that was a Japanese name.



Well, I can't give a favorite from the gens cause I've one gigantic ass list, but I can give my favorite starters.



Gen 1: Squirtle


Gen 2: Totodile


Gen 3: Mudkip


Gen 4: Turtwig


Gen 5: Oshawott


I'm totally not a water whore or anything. X3


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Oh man... So many Pokemon to choose from...


Gen 1 -

Starter: Squirtle 

Pokemon: Eevee


Gen 2 -

Starter: Cyndaquil.

Pokemon: Sudowoodo


Gen 3 -

Starter: Torchic 

Pokemon: Gardevoir 


Gen 4 - 

Starter: Piplup

Pokemon: Gallade 


Gen 5 -

Starter: Snivy

Pokemon: Scrafty 



It's honestly hard to choose from 600+ Pokemon...


Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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Gen 1:


Snorlax (I called mine Cuddles! XD)


Gen 2:


Probably Natu


Gen 3:




Gen 4:


Darkrai (My favourite pokemon of them all)


Gen 5:




Gen 6:


Yveltal (at the moment)


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Gen 1: 


Eevee or Abra


Gen 2:




I haven't played any of the games since gen 2 - maybe I should give them a go sometime sometime. 

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Going non american on us mate?

You know what, I genuinely thought that was the English way of saying that Pokemon's name until you just reminded me. I do prefer the name "Gigigear" over "Klinklang," anyway.

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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You know what, I genuinely thought that was the English way of saying that Pokemon's name until you just reminded me. I do prefer the name "Gigigear" over "Klinklang," anyway. Bossgodora cause it sounds so much more bad ass.


Got so used to calling it by that name you forgot its real English one I see. :lol:

I can see why, I quite like that name myself and might actually start calling it by that. Kinda like how started to call Aggron "Bossgodora" cause it sounds so much more bad ass.


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Making people decide on their favorite Pokémon, eh?... How evil, how evil! Well, um... Let me see...


Gen 1

Starter: Squirtle/Charmander

Favorite: Slowbro


Gen 2

Starter: Totodile

Favorite: Unown


Gen 3

Starter: Mudkip

Favorite: Breloom


Gen 4

Starter: Turtwig

Favorite: Drifloon


Gen 5

Starter: Snivy

Favorite: Darmanitan


And I haven't decided on the starter of Gen 6 yet...

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Uhhhgh I went through a lot to narrow it down to 1 per generation, meaning that what I have now will not necessarily be true forever, at least for favorite pokemon, starter is pretty much set in stone for me though


All choices are listed Region: Starter,Favorite


Kanto: Charmander, Poliwhirl


Johto: Cyndaquil, Houndoom


Hoenn: Mudkip, Flygon


Sinnoh: Chimchar, Magnezone


Unova: Oshawott, Lilligant

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Gen 1:


Pokemon: Vulpix/Mew/Lapras/Eevee

Starter: Squirtle


Gen 2:

Pokemon: Flaaffy

Starter: Chikorita


Gen 3:

Pokemon: Altaria

Starter: Torchic


Gen 4:

Pokemon: Shaymin

Starter: Piplup


Gen 5:

Pokemon: Lilligant/Deerling

Starter: Oshawott


Gen 6:

Pokemon: Sylveon

Starter: Fennekin





I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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Gen 1:

Bulbasaur and Dragonite.


Gen 2:

Chikorita and Lugia.


Gen 3:

Treeko and Altaria.


Gen 4:

Turtwig and the rest of generation 4 can go screw itself.


Gen 5:

Snivy and Ferrothorn.


Gen  6 (From what's been revelaed so far):

Chespin and Chespin and Chespin.



Edited by Twiliscael



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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Whew, well this is gonna be difficult.


Gen 1


Starter: Bulbasaur

Favorite: Scyther

Gen 2


Starter: Cyndaquil

Favorite: Umbreon(Also like my favorite overall pokemon.)


Gen 3

Starter: Treeko

Favorite: Deoxys


Gen 4

Starter: Turtwig

Favorite: Gallade


Gen 5

Starter: Snivy

Favorite:Bisharp(I guess :P. I've not totally had this one sink in very well yet. To many choices still :P)


Gen 6

Starter: Fennekin



I'm not totally sure on alot of these, I love to many pokemon really xD.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Gen 1 starter Squirtle  Pokemon jolteon 

Gen 2 starter: totodile Pokemon: tyranitar 

Gen 3 starter: MudkipPokemon: Metagross 

Gent 4 Starter: Turtwig  Pokemon: Dusknoir 

Gen 5 Starter: Snivy Pokemon: Bisharp 

Gen 6 Starter: Don't like any of them Pokemon: fire bird


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