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My Little Pony confessions and secrets


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When I first started reading fanfics I read them for at least two hours straight every night for a week and a half 0.0 my favorite ship is oddly spike and twilight even though I don't think that's a popular ship.

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- I don't give a shit about AJ's parents. Not only does her family already get a ton of screen time already, she also has the biggest family both shown and in general; not seeing her parents isn't a big deal for me


- I don't care much for MA Larson episodes as much as everyone else. The only episodes I've ever put in high regard wer Secret of My Excess, It's About Time, Ponyville Confidential and Sonic Rainboom(and even then I still think SR is one of the show's most overrated episodes)


- Charlotte Fullerton episodes are horribly underrated, especially her Season 2 episodes, all of which I consider some of the best episodes of that season

Edited by Megas75
  • Brohoof 1
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- I prefer the community to the show itself

-I honestly liked Boast Busters

-I think I watched a G1 episode as a kid

-I also really liked the pilot - it was actually what got me into it

-I either don't like or am apathetic towards most of the songs

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I secretly love gore-fics if they're good.

Most of the inshow songs are meh for me.

I love the fan music with a passion.

That is all  :lol:



"Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?"
— Discord

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When Rarity is on-screen, I have trouble paying attention to the other ponies, even though I love them too.


I have a ton of trouble understanding this fandom's music and how any of it is pony-related.


I love shipping, but I cannot ship Pinkie X anyone and I have trouble shipping Twilight with another mane 6 member.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Well, I clooooooooo, Oh dear Celestia look at the time, ugh see ya guys....*Runs away*

The only reason Rarity is one of my favorite ponies is because I think she's hot. Is that bad? ._.

Not at all! She is a VERY sexy pony! ;)

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm enjoying Season 4 a lot less than the previous ones so far, on average. I'm sure it's part me and part the show.


I wish Twilight had never become an alicorn, and one of my least favorite parts of the show is when it holds her up as more important or special than the other characters.


If they made a show about Sunset Shimmer and the EQG Five I'd watch the heck out of it.


I'm tired of the fandom overreacting to absolutely everything, both positive and negative.


I'll never understand liking a background pony over a main character or even a secondary one.


I didn't really care for Flutterhulk and I thought Flutterbat was the worst part of an otherwise good episode. She was also wrong about the bats in my opinion.


(Hides in pillow fort)

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I may or may not own a Dashie plushie.


That occasionally gets hardcore cuddled with when I have insomnia.


When I bought it, I totally told the lady at the register that it was for my sister. I wish I hadn't, as now I'm proud of who I am and what I like. Hell, last time I took flak for loving MLP, I searched my entire house, top to bottom, and couldn't did a single fuck to give. I didn't have the bare-knuckle, cares-to-the-wind confidence I have now before I started watching the show. Sounds cheesy, but hey, I ain't even mad.

  • Brohoof 1


MLPforums resident marksman. Mathlete/Badass MC

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I may or may not have a hidden Twilight Plushie in my closet...

I greatly dislike Rule 34 and Shipping both with a passion.

I may or may not be a huge fan of MandoPony...

I sort of dislike Applejack. I hope no more episodes come up where Applejack shows the miserable side of herself like in "Bats!".

Diamond Tiara is the only pony who would ever deserve the word "hate".

I'm sorry, but Big Mac is just hotter than Braeburn... :3

Edited by Twilight Sniper
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I hate the fandoms perceptions of Pinkamena being a psycho and Celestia being a troll or sexual deviant, i wish it would just die out already  >_>

Rarity used to be my least favourite...Untill i bought the Equestria Girls doll, she is now my 3rd favourite pony :)

I actually like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara (Silver a bit more, though) 

  • Brohoof 1

2 kawaii to live, 2 sugoi to die. 

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I really like Queen Chrysalis. To the point she is my favorite pony/changeling. I loved her even before i was a brony officially. I used to put my fist upon my chest and say "For the Dark Queen!". I do believe in her being good tho...

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- I like to cuddle the Twilight plushie my sister has when I get the chance.

- I have some degree of crush on every single member of the Mane Six, and many of the side ponies as well.

- While I do love Fluttershy is an unbelievably adorable pony, I think she's just a tad overrated.

- The only pony pairing I can find it in me to actively ship is Flutterdash. Weird, since I'm an avid shipper, but that's just how it is.

- I absolutely HATED Cutie Mark Confidential, and to this day it stands as my last favorite episode of all time.

- Not only do I hate Cupcakes, I hate all of the fanart and fanons to come out of it. Even the jokes infuriate me.


That's all I have to say at the moment. More to come if they ever-

Eh? This thread's for secrets? Oh, I thought it was controversial opinions.


In that case, I have none. Sorry 'bout that.

  • Brohoof 2

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pitch-light-r4599


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1-I clop.

2-I love Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight & Lyra.(If I could be with them forever I would)

3-I like alicorns(If spelled right) 

4-I like fanfictions

5-I love reading shipping of Lyra and Bon Bon or Octavia and Viny.

6-I didn't like My Little Dashy I tried reading it but got boring.

7-I don't like Pinkie Pie(She seems to hypo for me)

8-I know has to always listen to some brony music during the day.

9-I think that's it will update if I figure more out.

Edited by 'Fluttershy'


Whoever made this = Awesome!

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I don't think MLP cures your dog's cancer. It's not that influential and strong.

I like Diamond Tiara a lot, and better than Silver Spoon.

I don't give a rat's fart about Flutterbat and Flutterhulk, and I don't get the hype surrounding them at all.

In my opinion, brony music and remixes are horrible.

I like it when the ponies are being rude or angry. It makes MLP seem a lot less happy-happy and more real.



I'll never understand liking a background pony over a main character or even a secondary one.

Dis. ^  

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I have hugged my Pinkie Pie plushie for the heck of it before

I sometimes think i get too obsessed with the show

I'm not a fan of cupcakes

I think I have a crush on Pinkie Pie. I know she's a horse but I like her for personality more than appearence

Oh and don't worry the crush is non sexual not a clopper



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I think Diamond Tiara is awesome.


I think Doctor Whooves should be a thing.


I think that if Luna and Loki met, Loki would probably set her back on the track of evil / kill her instead of getting in a romantic shipping story.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I've shipped F/F pairings in MLP more than.

I have a plush dragon i named spike in my head.

I daydream story lines of mlp and such.

If i could keep a changling as a pet i soooo would.


(Sig made by Me)

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