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About three years ago, I was a latchkey kid and had to use my own key to get into the house when I got back from school. There are two times I recall forgetting the key and having to get in via other means: One day I was forced to wait outside until my mum got home, the other time I ended up managing to get in by climbing the side fence and going through the back door.

  • Brohoof 1
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At least 3 times. XD

  1. The first time I climbed over my fence and broke through the back door. 
  2. The second time I had to clime up the backside of my house and break in the through the window.
  3. The last therd I had to find a way to lift up my gurage door with a log of wood.

Boy, my house is really easy to brake into.... :wacko:

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Twice, maybe three times. All during my Middle and High School years (the past eight or so). Since I would come home on the bus and often find that my step mom and dad wouldn't get home till almost 8 PM, I'd often come home and have the run of the place for five hours or so. Problem was, if I happened to forget my house key on any given day, I'd have to walk around the back and use the secret key we keep on the back porch. The problem here is, once or twice I had to use the secret key, then leave it inside, forgetting to put it back outside after I've gotten in. This leads to me being 100% screwed should I forget my normal house key the following day.


Which is what happened about twice.


Got the assistance from my neighbor Sabrina on both occasions. We had fun breaking into the ground floor windows that lead into the basement. Don't think I ever let my dad know of these times, either xD

  • Brohoof 1


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I've been locked out a few times. I can still recall that sinking feeling when you realize you don't have your keys on you when you're at the door. Those times were probably due to me leaving home in a rush and forgetting my keys on the table. To remedy the situation, I would call my mom and apologize to her about forgetting my keys, and she was always nice enough to head home and open the door for me. Other times when I didn't want to burden her so much I'd call a friend or walk around for a few hours until she came home.

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Oh, man. I'm more of a "locked my keys in my car" kind of guy. I did that three separate times, in the space of about a year, in uniquely stupid ways each time.  :lol:


But I did get locked out of my house once, and... buckle up folks, this one's a doozy.


So about six years ago, it was homecoming Saturday at UW-Eau Claire (where I was a freshman), and I went to the football game that afternoon. Eau Claire won an incredibly exciting game on a last-minute field goal, and all seemed well. The game ended at about 3pm. The plan was for me to head home, while my sister (who played in the band) was going to be clothes-shopping with friends and said she'd be home at about 6. So there's the setup.


On the way home, my car kills. Found out it was a fuel line leading to the pump that gave out. And so started the avalanche.


An old middle school teacher of mine just so happened to drive by a few minutes later and offered me a ride. He took me to the service center I always call in these situations. Told them where the car was, gave them my keys, and then the teacher was driving me back to my house. At which point, I realized... I didn't take my house key off my key ring when I gave my car keys to the person who was gonna tow/fix my car. So I couldn't get back in my house until my sister got home. So I had the guy drop me off at the neighbor's house. I explained the situation to them and told them I'd go back to my house at 6-ish when my sister arrived. So they let me stay there, even though they were going to leave for a dinner event. It was roughly 4:30 when I got there, and I'd just watch some football until 6 and everything would be fine.


Well, about three and a half hours later...


The neighbors came back and I WAS STILL THERE. My sister was running HOURS late. So, after being nice enough to make me a couple of sandwiches, they decided to help me break back into my house. So they took a flashlight and a screwdriver and opened one of the small windows that could be used to access the basement.


I distinctly remember standing next to the window, one guy prying a window open, his son holding a flashlight for him, and me standing by watching, and thinking "I REALLY hope no one drives by right now and sees this."


But all turned out well in the end, I guess,  ^_^

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Lol. It happened to me once... A few years ago. It was late March, and it started hailing outside, not anything big... But for some strange reason (perhaps my fascination with weather), it made me go outside (not directly in the hail). I closed the back door behind me so my dog would not come out with me (it was hailing and I didn't want him to get hurt). That was a mistake... The door can be opened up from the inside while being locked, but still be locked on the outside, and that's what happened.


It was a series of bad luck for me, as I was in my house clothes and bare feet. So I didn't have my phone or my keys on me. I also was going to go get my hair done later that afternoon, and my hair was now soaked and I didn't know if I was going to be able to get back in the house with enough time to take a shower and feel better before going...


Fortunately for me, my aunt and uncle lived around the block, and my mom worked nearby so if I could get to them I would be able to get back in with enough time. But getting there would be tough it would require climbing over the front fence, which me, no longer being a kid, and being somewhat fragile nowadays freaked out about (and the thought of splinters!! Omg. >.<) . Nevertheless, I somehow managed to do it. I can't even recall how.


So it all worked out... After an embarrassing walk to my aunt and uncle's house in clothes I would never go out in public in, bare feet, and being soaked.


Later I would find out that the hair appointment was canceled, but still...


There was a large snowstorm the next day (relative to where I live, and especially relative to the pathetic winters since), so it's a good thing it happened the day before. lol


There have been countless other times where I'd come home from school with no key, because I forgot to grab it before I left. but they were never even remotely as bad as the above story.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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yeah when my sister was here some times i "ninja" to the roof from a hill and jump around. IT IS DANGEROUS AS HOOF, but that is how i can be here with you guys. :catface:   (I got dem skills in being an idiot and acrobatics or what the hoof it is called) :D

Edited by a crazy pony
  • Brohoof 1

(Really cool signature)

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It used to happen all the time In middle and High school but it was never that bad. I just climbed in through the window on the back porch which we often left unlocked and then turned off the alarm. It was a little annoying to do when the dishes piled up since that made it hard to get in without breaking anything (the window was right in front of the sink), but I still managed. If the back window was locked, I would just burn time at my friend's house.

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When I had gotten locked out, I used a crowbar to smash off the garage door's handle. It worked quite well, ignoring the damage to the door proper. :P Couldn't help but feel like Gordon Freeman!


When I finally got through, my poor dog was standing at the end of the hall poking her head out from 'round a corner looking all freaked out, haha.

Edited by K.K. Slider
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I was locked out once.


I merely went round the back and unlocked each door one by one by reaching through the dog flaps.


The final door was the most difficult due to not being able to reach, so I just removed the entire lock from my side of the door with a screwdriver I found to get in.

Edited by Tommy9151
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I hate it when this happens, i live in an appartement with another person, and we have a door that automatically closes and locks itself, you don't even need to turn the key to lock it.


So i went to get the mailbox, and the wind slammed the door shut. And ofcourse the other person was on holiday.


I went to an appartement linked to my one, they let me in, i climbed onto the roof of that one, and just climbed my way up to the bathroom window, which is just above a roof (i just had a jump and grab the ledge, no fancy magic there). I smashed my way in...


The window was EXPENSIVE to repair, and the costs were on me, because i was so stupid to admit i broke it...

  • Brohoof 1

The Trixieism thread !(made by Firebolt): http://mlpforums.com/topic/49269-trixieism/




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  • 2 months later...

First time I got locked out, it was me and my sister. so we worked together and got her in a little window in the bath room...



The other time was here in Kingman AZ back when I was still living with my old man and step Mother. Anyway I got home from school... didn't have my key.... and I had to find a way in... thankfully one of the windows was kind of open... sadly it was the one like 5feet off the ground xD


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Today as a matter of fact. The house that I'm living in at college has a keypad lock with a code that changes every so often. The problem is that there's no advance warning so far as I know, and the new code is only posted on Facebook after the fact. I'm really terrible at remembering to check my Facebook page, so this was going to be a problem eventually :unsure:

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I locked myself out of my parents' house back when I was a kid. They went out somewhere and I was home alone. Then I left to hang out with some of my neighborhood friends. What I didn't realize is I left the house key inside the house. I found that out when I went back to the house to get something.


Lucky for me, it was a one-story house and my bedroom window was unlocked. I was able to slide the window open and climb back inside. This was in broad daylight, so I don't know if anybody saw me. If my neighbors did, they must've known it was me because no police showed up. I was actually worried if that was going to happen, thinking someone was breaking in.


After doing that, and even locking myself out of my car once, I am now very very careful about making sure I have my keys on me, both before I lock the door to my home and the door to my car.


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  • 6 years later...

I have been locked out of a car once. In the freezing cold. We called a friend which had a funny tool he placed near the windshield, and whoosh!


That friend is now in jail, but our car is great!


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Usually when I get locked out of my house I pick my door with a bobby pin from my garage(which isn't connected to the rest of my house)

  • Brohoof 1

What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark? and what is a cutie mark but a constant reminder that we're all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion? And what of the poor hooman? Flank forever blank, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to...

an unknowable destiny?

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no, but many times I had to go to my grandmother's house to help her, because she had forgotten the key inside and I
I had to enter through a very small window.

  • Brohoof 1


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This happened weeks ago, I got myself locked out of my car. Fortunately, I called a roadside service to unlock it. It's a relief to see that it's free as long as your insurance company pays for it.


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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I wasn’t locked out of my own house, but I was looking at properties with my brother and a house we were looking at (which was supposed to be open) was locked, and even the realtor with us didn’t have a key. Lucky for me I had a handy dandy set of jeweler’s tools on me and I used them to gain access. I'm not going to say how it was done or how I learned the technique...or for that matter what I was doing with jeweler's tools in my purse (because I honestly don't remember the latter). 

(Don't call the cops!) 

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That happened to me once. I had no way of getting in, or calling for help. Since nobody else was home, I had to jump the fence and try to let myself in from the back. Problem is, the back door was also locked. So, I had to sit in my back yard for about half an hour until someone came home and let me in. Fun experience.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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I have never been locked out of the house, mostly because I take extra precautions when it comes to that sorta thing. I ALWAYS make sure the doors are unlocked when stepping outside, or when leaving I always be sure the house key is outside the door after locking it. :ButtercupLaugh: I have been locked out of my truck once before (I shut the engine off and left the keys in the ignition like an idiot). Thankfully I had a spare on hand. 

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