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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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Well, the dominant species is humans, like me. There are wars, but those are few and far between. Some humans can be creeps, but the rest(which watch the show MLP FiM, and are therefore called "Bronies") are only looking for peace. So, if you'd ever want to stay at my house, that's perfectly fine with me. I swear the government will ignore you, because they'll think they're just seeing things. Even if they wanted to experiment on you(highly unlikely), I wouldn't let them. Overall, Earth is quite peaceful. Only a handful are jerks and creeps, so you'll be just fine.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, the dominant species is humans, like me. There are wars, but those are few and far between. Some humans can be creeps, but the rest(which watch the show MLP FiM, and are therefore called "Bronies") are only looking for peace. So, if you'd ever want to stay at my house, that's perfectly fine with me. I swear the government will ignore you, because they'll think they're just seeing things. Even if they wanted to experiment on you(highly unlikely), I wouldn't let them. Overall, Earth is quite peaceful. Only a handful are jerks and creeps, so you'll be just fine.


Okay... I shall come with you to... Earth... I know! I'm sure these "humans" would love my vegetables!
  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks, Chilly. Of course they would. They even have their own vegetable farms.


Side note: Twilight, if you want to go with Chilly, that'd be good. At least to keep an eye on him. Heh, no more veggie problems in Equestria.

Edited by rainbowdash4ever
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oh, um, hi Twilight. um, how old were you when you got your cutie mark, and how many times did you jump around princess celestia saying "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES (etc.)!" when you got your cutie mark?

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So, how would you react if someone came up to you and shouted this:


Fuck. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck! Fuck, fuck and bugger! Bugger, bugger, buggerty buggerty buggerty, fuck, fuck, arse!


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As most should know I haven't been active on here for quite a while and I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm kinda bored so I decided I'd go on a post spree. I figured I'd start in the Ask a Pony thread since I think I was most active in these in Cloudsdale and I'm asking everyone the same generic question. How have you been doing?

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How does one make friends? It's harder than it looks... Especially when everypony around you is a jerk, and you are a little strange.


Sigh. That's highschool for you, I guess...

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Ohmygosh! I get to talk to Twilight Sparkle!?


Twilight! I uh... uh... hmm...

*shyly backs away*...



So you like space?...


Yeah, the telescope, the report about comets after the meteor shower, and the calculus all prove you're awesome! :D


How does one make friends? It's harder than it looks... Especially when everypony around you is a jerk, and you are a little strange.


Sigh. That's highschool for you, I guess...


Posted Image


Thank gosh I graduated. Just make sure to get into a good college, and find some good groups to join there...

Edited by EASA - Matt
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