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Name: Storm Song

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Age: Mare

Appearance: Dark Grey coat, Green Eyes, Fire Red Mane and Tail styled like Rainbow Dash

Cutie Mark: Treble Clef made of Lightning

Origin/Residence: Originally from Cloudsdale, currently living in Ponyville

Occupation: Weather Pony In Charge of Thunder Storms

Personality: Very timid at first, but opens up more as she gets to know others. She can be a bit scatter-brained and klutzy, but she is always ready to help others.

Hobbies: Creating music with thunder storms, and reading. She also plays fiddle.

History: I am still working on creating her backstory.

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Name: ShutterBug


Talent: Animal Photographer 


Personality: Introverted,Can be talkative,Easily distracted unless when working,A bit stubborn,loyal, Can be sassy or sarcastic at times,Has a slight temper,Hyper,


Cutie Mark: A Camera


Pet: A  Ferret.


Bio: When she was a filly she loved to take pictures of her family's pets and one day she found out it was her special talent and got her cutie mark.





                                                Sig by: Wheatley
 Come ask me stuff!:Ask The Outlaw .  The Quantum Leap Fans Thread  CheesePie FanClub The Baymax Fan Club

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Yes, this is my username and stuff, but he's also a character that I'm using in a story that I plan to finish sometime soon.


Name: Alban Solstice
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light tan coat, with a bright cyan and green mane and tail. He sometimes uses that have the same design as Vinyl's, but they are a bright blue. His wings are rather large for a pegasus, allowing him to fly faster. 
Cutie Mark: A blue feather (I may change this)
Hobbies: Since he is kind of a mirror image of myself, he enjoys the things I like: Music, drawing, and video games.
Additional Details: My brother thinks that Alban looks like a cross between Vinyl Scratch and Woodentoaster. I like them both, but I'm not trying to copy them. He may or may not have a mild crush on another one of my OC's, Silver Stone


Look at my profile pic for image. 


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Name: Dual Leaf
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Female




Cutie Mark: A leaf of two shades of green.
Hobbies: Exploring forests and world in general.

Additional Details: Nothing much to say at this point in time, still in development.


  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by

Blue Moon

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Name: Alpha
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Appearance: Green coat of fur, red and blue mane and tail
Cutie Mark: An Attorney's badge with "A" and "H" on it
Hobbies: Eating, Making Software, Eating, Eating, Eating, Playing Video Games, Eating, Eating, Sleeping
Additional Details: Has a brother named "Delta" (a reference to a nickname for my non-brony friend), obsessed with Kagamine Rin and Len

Job: Lawyer

Pet: Hedgehog (named Quill)

(picture below drawn by @SFyr



Edited by Alpha Hedge


Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe.

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I need to work on personality and backstory details, but I am proud to introduce to my stable of characters (thanks to the artistic talents of @deerkittens) Zaru and Gideon!





  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Name: Stardust
Species: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Cutie Mark: Swirl connecting silver stars.

Age: early 20's 

Personality/history: She is shy and quiet, she usually just watches other ponies and learns who they are, she studies their body language and how they interact with everypony. Once she gets a sense of who everypony is she starts to be a bit less shy and comes out of her shell. She loves history and the stars, she loves to study mythology, astronomy, astrology, and really anything that relates to the stars. 

Special Talent: Finds, and maps new stars/constellations and helps Pegasus ponies navigate at night. 







Edited by Stardust*
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I have a few, with different degrees of ponyhood and development.
There's Quinch, originally from Paragon City, shot to Equestria with no way or desire to return. Having been forced into a rather violent lifestyle, his character arc, so to speak, was focused on adapting to the peaceful life in Equestria.







In the more MLPish ballpark, there's Drakontipa {mangled greek for Snake-footed}

While she's not a canon MLP species, she mainly draws on Gorgons of Greek mythology, though I tried to de-anthromoprphise  her as much as possible. She was kind of a challenge for myself, though I didn't get to play her much. At the core of her concept is, I wanted a character that would be genuinely and unfixably difficult to get along with, though not for her, or anyone else's fault. As to why, well, that's a different topic.





And going full pony, there's Sweet Comfort, a pegasus from Port Seabiscuit. She is what she calls a "Professional Attitude Adjuster". While not a full-fledged psychiatrist, she specializes in making others feel better - if it's through encouragement, listening, compliments or physical contact and gentleness, and does quite a good job of it. I like her concept, but I didn't really come up with much by way of backstory or personality, other than a cheerful and optimistic disposition. Also, she's a natural green, she just spends a lot on personal grooming and mane dye.




Edited by Quinch

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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I have a few pony character :'3 There all in an AU which I think is explained in Whitecaps Info.
Theres Whitecap my Alicorn 


His info is here Click me

Lance Orin
Lance is an inventor pony but she is really paranoid and offten doesnt trust others (shocking that shes married) She really doesnt trust the royal guards or any royalty. it got so bad that she made her self a fake eye. She made her self wings to work on her larger inventions easier.

Toxic Midnight
Toxic is a mute pony who tries to see the best in everyone. even thoughs who really dont seem all that nice. her favorite princess is Princess Luna and loves red chalk. sadly she doesnt know what her speical tallent is and due to mutations she may not beable to get her cutiemark. [This doesnt mean im not working on what her special tallet will be. It just means she probably wouldnt get a mark on her flank for it.]

Wild watcher
Wild well. likes to study animals with behavior, eating habits, and stuff like that. He also likes to take care of animals and volenteers his time at zoos when he can.

Queen Jyne
Sadly I havnt full devolped this character as much as i would like. What I have is that she is really nice and cares for the well being of her drones both psychically and mentally. Her hive lives by the sea and feeds off love and when needed fish.

This character is still pertty new an her deisign may change. since im not to happy with her hair style and cutiemark. Her cutiemark is a cup of hearts. She is kind of sad story. Death brought her back form the dead with a part of his Chairtiy. So now she like to go around giving what she can summon as the spirit of Chairity.

and my Ponysona
Uhhh Kenaz Pony? :'D his cutiemark is an unfinished pony bust. This was to try to show a talent in designing characters but erg. how to make an artist cutiemark with out using the normal artist things.

Im sorry that I dont have the full back stories typed out for pretty much all of them (my Ponysona probably wont have one I may just add him to my master Kenaz Reference.) Only reason I have Whitecaps typed out is because I submitted him to Your OC Sucks  :muffins:

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D&D is awesome! *roleplaying brohoof* /)*


Well if he would have the same DMing abilities as I have that probably wouldn't be a great idea, I make a better player than DM. ^_^


You don't happen to do PBP (play by post) do you?

I'm going to be playing some d&d this week myself! Just recently started playing 5e. My friend is a great DM! We're going to experiment with Legos. Edited by ART3MIS


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Since I have it all typed out on Steam I'll just copy-pasta and take out the non-backround stuff.


Name: Snow Berry 

Age: 26 

Looks: Look at my picture! 

Cutie Mark: Three berries a bit bigger then plump blueberries, that are purple with spots of white 

Family: Her mother is Apple Dazzle and her father is Caramel Apple. She's related to the Apple family so she has many, many cousins. 

Job: Owning a wine estate that's very popular, but has a few.. Problems. 

Personality: Sweet, kind, generous, easily irritated 


Snow Berry is a famous wine owner, owning a brand known all over Equestria. She's part of the Apple Family but to the disappointment of the family, found her cutie mark in something else. Now, living on an estate on the outskirts of Baltimare Snow Berry grows the special berry that everyone desires, though with how hard it is to grow and harvest, demands aren't always met. One can come to her estate for a tour, apply for work, buy special wine or to spend the night on the way somewhere in the hotels n nearby, or sleep with the workers if they would desire so much. Snowberries are also sold normally for all ponies to eat. She's a very generous mare, not keeping much of the fortune she makes. There is a town a few miles away that was built with her help, now a popular stopping spot on the way to Baltimare or Fillydelphia. Usually she's out and about in Baltimare or taking trips around Equestria, planting Snow Berries, watching rodeo's, enjoying a good concert of simply whatever she feels like! The Earth Pony has a love for the Wonderbolts, though sadly flying will never be open to her, being an Earth Pony. 

Don't be a dweeb


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Name: Nova Wings
Type: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Orange coat, yellow mane, purple eyes. 

Outfit: Flyer googles (normally around neck), dagger strapped to left foreleg.
Cutie Mark: Single burning pegasus wing
Backstory in a nutshell: Born in Detrot, as most colts do Nova got into a lot of "mischief" trying to find his cutie mark. One day while exploring one of the larger spell archives, Nova came across an old spell (from before discord), thinking "What could possibly go wrong?" he cast the spell. It was a master level spell meant to give a unicorn wings fueled by magic, and it somehow worked. Needless to say this became his special talent.



---Image: coming soon---


Signature by: Princess_Moonlight

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Name: Emerald Wave (or Emmy)
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Appearance: green coat with lighter green hair and blue eyes
Cutie Mark: an ocean wave with an emerald in it
Hobbies: Swimming, surfing... anything that has to do with the beach or water!
Additional Details: Emerald has had a bit of a hard childhood. She was stalked by a stallion by the name of Inferno and she had to protect her young sister, Symphony. After he was arrested, everything went back to normal. She loves to have fun, except not as much as Pinkie Pie does, obviously!



Name: Symphony Notes
Type: Earth Pony
Gender: Female
Appearance: light purple coat with pink eyes and a yellow curly mane
Cutie Mark: two red music notes
Hobbies: writing songs and poetry, playing the keyboard
Additional Details: Symphony's idol is Octavia. She loves how she makes music and aspires to someday meet her. Her older sister Emerald Wave had to rescue her after she was kidnapped by a stallion by the name of Inferno. After Inferno went to prison, Symphony had become less outgoing. Her sister Emerald bounced right back to her normal self, but not Symphony. Inferno still haunts her dreams, and she is scared easily.


Name: Tropical Storm
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: gray coat with a dark green and brown mane
Cutie Mark: a dull brown hurricane
Hobbies: cooking, taking care of her children
Additional Details: Tropical Storm passed while in the hospital for a disease. She was quite aggressive to people she didn't like but she was always caring to her two daughters, her oldest daughter Emerald Wave and younger daughter Symphony Notes. She always made sure they were safe. 
Edited by Emerald Wave

Remember to smile! 

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Type: Earth Pony


Gender: Male


Cutie Mark: Maple leaf


Hobbies/Interests: Learning new languages, listening to music and finding new friends



Edited by MAIKUN
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NAME: hetaliapony




CUTIEMARK: "keep calm and watch hetalia" she is a hetalia fan and a mager one and she can change her voice to the charicter/chuntery (cant spell uhg)


PERSANLITY: she is nice yet scary if you make her mad and she can use magic yet she is an tigerpony

BACKSTORY: she as a little filly was a mager lonler tell she met some more ponys like her yet she was a serprised they where in the everfree foriss to be contined

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Name: Sketch

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Stallion

Appearance: White coat with "dirty blonde" mane

Cutie Mark: Pencil

Hobbies: Drawing



Artwork by Emerald Star



Sig by Sparklefan1234

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Name: Volcanic Diamond

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: Early 20's

Cutie Mark: Blue Diamond with a ring of fire around it (I know it's not on him in this image, sorry)


Edited by Little Riolu


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My Ponysona Gamma Ray.



Name: Gamma Ray

Species: Bat Pony

Job: Astronomer

Gender: Male

Likes: Metal, Trance, relaxing, natural science, hoofball

Dislike: hot temperatures, wearing clothes, discrimination


His CM is a quasar and this shows his interest for astronomy. His name is also a term from the astronomy and comes from gamma-ray burst






Picture is created by myself. 

Edited by IronM17
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