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Apple      Bloom

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Name: Nocturne Blue

Sex: Male

Race: Pegasus

Age: 24

Job: Stunt Flyer/Messenger

Cutie Mark Meaning:  Shows his talent for shooting across the sky in a blink of a eye with style. 

Family Bloodline:  Great Great Grand-Son of Rainbow Dash and Soren 

Mother: Skylight (Rainbow Dashes Granddaughter)

Father:  TailSweep

Siblings: None

Bestfriend: Golden Sparkle (Apple Jack and Fluttershy's great grandson)

Mythic Charm (Tia's adopted daughter)

Crush: Moonglass




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  • 5 months later...

I actually have four OC's, There names are KeyBreak, Shadow Bull, Sweet Heart and Hydro Fuse


Keybreak is the light gray pony, Shadow Bull is the dark gray pony, Sweet Heart is the pink pony and Hydro Fuse is the green pony



  • Brohoof 1

Signature coming soon... or not

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Name: Rosy Moonlight

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Species: Earth pony

Appearance: She has pink fur, blue mane with a green streak (and tiny green piece of hair) tied in a yellow hair tie.

Also, she has a blue tail with a green streak with a yellow hair tie, and medium blue eyes.

Cutie mark: Her cutie mark is a pink rose with a light blue stem and medium blue crescent moons for petals.

Outfit; She usually wears a red violet top with a rather long pleated collar with star patterns. 

The neckline, sleeve hems and bottom hems are yellow, and the sleeves have green stripes.

Personality: She is rather preachy, obsessive, and spacy. She is also very resilient, adventurous, and kind.

She was born to traveling parents, and when she was 7 years old, she and her parents got attacked by bandits.

Her parents got murdered by the bandits, and she was able to escape into the wilderness.

After a few ways, she accidentally fell into an alien spaceship, and lost consciousness after she hit her head.

The spaceship accidentally crashed into the planet, and the aliens inside were able to fix it shortly after Rosy lost unconsciousness.

The aliens then traveled back into space and to their home planet.

Rosy was discovered sometime after the aliens returned home, and bunch of things happened.

Soon enough, Rosy got adopted by alien parents.

And no, her adoptive parents weren't occupants of the spaceship Rosy fell into.


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I've got a couple! These are my main MLP ocs that I draw/get art drawn of the most

First up is Render, my ponysona, who I just updated the design for so they don't have any up-to-date art, and have the least amount of art, despite being my ponysona :sealed: I originally made them wayyyyyyy back in 2012, and they've had a LOT of different design updates. They've always been brown and a unicorn though haha


Next up is Bubble Tea, who I draw and order art of the most, cause I absolutely love her! I made her in 2015 and her design really hasn't changed at all since then. She has gotten a dragon form though, just for fun when I don't feel like drawing her as a pony


Lastly, this is Marshal Mellow! I actually got him by change back in 2015- I commissioned an artist to make me some random pony designs, cause I saw Marshal under the examples and absolutely loved him. As luck would have it, I actually ended up receiving his design in the commission, and was overjoyed! He's been one of my favorite OCs every since, and also has not had any significant design updates lptmm.thumb.png.8e8f248398e86e7b4f35ac336381c3ce.pngtinyroars.png.2a678919d56e36d0234e8e0c765e6eef.png

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banner by me!

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Like I said a few times before, I've recently had midnightfire1222 made these of my Sea Monster Persona as if right out of Pixar's Luca. He goes by William Red Herring in English


They're so good that I can hardly wait for Summer to dive in!


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  • 3 weeks later...


Just got around to seeing this thread! Say hello to Scila Bell I love her very much.


I don't have much information on them outside of what's on the reference. I'd like her to sort of be able to exist in any continuity because I Think That's Fun. I think they probably have a simple backstory. Something along the lines of:

She was born and raised in a small town in the countryside. Their parents were simple folk with ordinary livelihoods and raised them lovingly. She figured out at a young age that she had a natural talent in cultivating flowering plants, and could even communicate with them in a way. On the flip side, they struggled to socialize with other ponies their age, and wound up keeping to themself for a long while. This wasn't all so bad, in her opinion, because it gave her more time to spend with her garden. Eventually, they left their home town and moved to a much larger city. While adjusting to the new environment, she wound up befriending two other ponies, a pegasus and a unicorn, her first true friends.

Bonus doodles + hypothetical alicorn mode



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  • 2 weeks later...

Time to introduce my evil horsey...

Name: Shadowmoth
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark green fur, darker green, unkempt mane. Green eyes. Pretty big wings for her size.
Cutie mark: A dark grey, menacing looking moth symbol.
Hobbies: Attacking and bullying others, committing crimes, and just being a horrible, horrible pony.
Theme Song: "Welcome to the Family" by Avenged Sevenfold
Additional Details: Shadowmoth is one of the most wanted criminals in the Equestrian lands, constantly causing trouble wherever she goes. She's a controlling wannabe tyrant, who has terrorized countless towns. She's a sociopath through and through, manipulating others to get what she wants and doing whatever she can to make others miserable. Basically, Shadowmoth is a great big jerk :P

Another thing I should say: Shadowmoth isn't JUST a MLP OC (though regardless of the media she's in, she's still a MLP-style pegasus). I have her for other things too - mainly 6teen. She came from a dream I once had, where she was attempting to hurt the main teens and Caitlin was standing up to her. As a result, Shadowmoth is kind of like Caitlin's arch-nemesis in my 6teen ideas. Maybe I might write a 6teen/MLP crossover at some point, where Shadowmoth just causes pain for ponies and mallrats alike, I dunno. But either way, I'm pretty fond of Shadowmoth, and she's been one of the few OCs I've really kept around, hence why I have her as my forum namesake.

(I miss 2D Pony Creator...)

IT HER.png

Edited by Shadowmoth2011

It takes all sorts to make a world
Short and tall sorts, large and small sorts
To fill this pretty planet with love and laughter
To make it great to live in tomorrow and the day after!

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I finally have a family for Rainbowshine! And a good backstory! Her family isn't inspired by my family though, except the fact that she struggles to get her parents to accept her. 

Rainbowshine's on the top as always.

From left to right: Mint Heart (her dad), Petal Sunsmile (her big sis) and Cloudy Star (her mom).


If you wanna read her backstory, open this-


Those who have been to Saddle Arabia would've heard of the town beside it. The town of Ashvanagar. (btw Ashva means horse in Sanskrit.) The ponies there are very magical. They can turn into .exe ponies. The town of Ashvanagar is run by an even magical family. Now you'd say, all ponies are magical. What's so special about this family? Well, it's a family of alicorns!

Mint Heart's unicorn great-great-grandfather founded the town, which earned him the ponies' light and love, thus transforming him into an alicorn. Since then, the magic has been passed on to each new generation. The ponies, who were joined to the family by marriage, also became alicorns.

Mint Heart married Cloudy Star when he had just become the mayor. Cloudy star gained shiny glowing wings after she married Mint. Two years later, they welcomed a little filly. She was named Petal Sunsmile. Petal was born an alicorn, like her father. The couple looked after the town and their dear daughter. Eight years later, they had another foal but....

....she was not born an alicorn, but a pegasus!

Mint and Cloudy tried to be happy for their different daughter, though deep down, they wanted her to be just like her. Petal was disappointed because she was expecting a colt, not a filly. The filly, who was named Rainbowshine, had a difficult foalhood. She wasn't liked by the townsponies, or her parents. She found solace only in her older sister, who was supportive of her. It was only later when she made more friends, who love and support her very much.

Being a normal pony, she had .exe powers, which her alicorn relatives lacked. Her .exe powers were what lead her to explore creepy games, and after learning programming, she made one such, and earned her cutie mark when she was nine.

She knew her sister wanted a colt, so she behaves like one. At first, she did it for her sister, but she started feeling truer to herself this way as she grew up. She experienced a growth spurt when she was six, and now when she's 13, she looks like a mare already.

Rainbowshine really wants to earn the love of her parents. Will she be able to do it?


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How have I not noticed this thread for years? Here’s the OC of mine I’ve developed the most. She actually has several incarnations depending on what time period I place her in. My usual one places her in Equestria’s early modern past as a Goethe-like polymath with great impact on Equestrian culture and magic, but I also have a more contemporary G4 version where she’s an advisor to Princess Twilight, and a G5 one where she’s a reclusive Argyle-like unicorn who’s trying to figure out “what went wrong.” There’s still a lot of character continuity between these though. 

Name: Guiding Light

Species: Unicorn Pony

Gender: Female

Appearance: Near-white (with a tinge of purple) coat, cobalt-blue eyes, and a curly goldenrod mane and tail with a metallic gold streak that parts to the left. She often wears a white shirt, a sky-blue blazer with Prussian blue lapels, and a black necklace with a pendant of a golden ankh with a ruby-magenta jewel in the middle. She will sometimes carry a red phoenix quill in her left blazer pocket.

Cutie Mark: Prism bending a light into a spectrum; this represents her ability to take ideas and give them vibrancy, color, and complexity.

Personality: Both very intelligent and very empathic, she often conveys a sagely demeanor even at her loosest. She is strongly principled, values integrity above all, and will vigorously advocate her beliefs, although she prefers to criticize via writing fiction or developing thought experiments rather than directly pointing out flaws in logic. As such, she can be quite long-winded and opaque, particularly in writing. She also tends to be quite jealous and protective of her work, yet at the same time not inclined to give others due credit for their own ideas. Nonetheless she strives to maintain good relationships with everypony and is (usually) not afraid to be called out on her flaws if it endangers a relationship. 

Likes: Deep conversation, writing, theorizing, phoenixes, reminiscing about her father (particularly in encouraging her philosophical inclinations), playing the organ, wood paneling, strawberries  

Dislikes: Injustice, corruption, willful ignorance, numbers (not necessarily mathematics; she just thinks that actually crunching them is a waste of time and doesn’t say much), changelings (this ranges from virulent prejudice in her early modern incarnation, to grudging acceptance as Princess Twilight’s advisor, to deep suspicion in G5), reminiscing about her father (it’s complicated), chocolate

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made yet another new OC!! Her name is Twisted Cyclone, named after one of my favorite roller coasters!!

Her Cutie Mark is a dark cloud with a blue swirl (Hence her name "Twisted Cyclone"

She might be my ponysona idk yet.

I can't wait to get art featuring her!!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Pardon me for performing necromancy on this thread. :lie:

Autumn Ink is studying the art of Equestria. Her studies take her around the land, so she packs lightly. She likes to make her own inks and paints from natural ingredients. She's even made her own ink out of coffee and tea. She prefers to make art during the autumn months when she feels more inspired by the changing colors and do her research and supplies gathering during the other seasons.


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My Instagram: @autumninkarts

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  • 3 weeks later...

The newest addition to my squad; Gothic Symphony. She is the #2 archivist at the Nation Archives of Saddle Arabia under Zu'hra; another zebra. She also dabbles in classical music; even writing her own symphonies. She also tend to dress up in a sort of Goth style.


  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I'm gonna put all of my OCs names here (but only the pony ones) 

Rainbow Kaboom

Ivy Petals 


Spazzy Jerks 

Sienna Cinnamon 


Apple Springs

Arrow Heart



Honey Bumble 

Sugar Blossom

Stellar Heights 

Galaxy Explosion 

Cloud Crash 


Fritz Tarkin


Patch the pirate pony

Razzle Dazzle Rock'em




I think that's all of them, thanks for reading!

Edited by Stellar Heights
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