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Your a Villain in Equestria, how would you Take over the World?


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If you got the chance to be a villain in the pony world, how would you take over Equestria?


This is how I would:


I clone myself millions of times.......


Millions and millions of SkyStorms throw pies in the faces of ponies all over equestria. With every pony shocked and blinded for a couple of seconds, the sky storm lifts them up and puts them in a giant hole in the ground with a net over the stop to stop Pegasus. sky storms guard at the top with guns to stop unicorns from using magic (hole was previously made using explosive)

A small army takes over the alicorns and locks them in the room where the elements of harmony are kept (since only an alicorns magic from the outside can open it, they are trapped) the elements are taken and used against the ponies.

The whole world has successfully been taken over.

Every single Skystorm sits down and eats pizza laughing at the helpless ponies trapped in holes.

Edited by SkyStorm
  • Brohoof 10


/) free hugs included (\

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Can't imagine what would you and Pinkie Pie would do together...
Ok, let's do this...

1.attack by earth with taco machineguns
2. attack by air with tamales missiles

3. burrito snipers, nuff said

4. guacamole rain on Canterlot


Mexican food is immune to magic


After several days of fighting we've taken Canterlot castle

I'd get the codes for the nacho nukes Luna has...

The nacho nukes strike to make Equestria a land made of corn and seas made of cheese... now I melt Celestia's crown and shape it into a little sombrero... awwww yea

  • Brohoof 5


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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  1. I would go to equestria.

go all mortal kombat on the guards.

invent guns

shoot the crap out of the princesses

get allied with crysalis

shot the crap out of more ponies

kill the mane 6

make bacon

mass produce bacon

get a life

become a kiwi

Edited by a crazy pony
  • Brohoof 8

(Really cool signature)

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Make them watch Battleship, some Sixth Doctor episodes and all the Twilight films

I would do it like Discord. By tricking everypony.


I am this random 12 year old Pegasister Trekkie Whovian Potterhead.

Yeah, I'm sorta a nerd.

And I am also trying to find a decent signature.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. And I'm proud of it.

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become a kiwi


Now that's what I call insaness, I like the way you think



Make them watch Battleship, some Sixth Doctor episodes and all the Twilight films

Mad minds, mad minds everywhere! Guess Celestia's head would explode in the first seconds of Twilight movie

  • Brohoof 2


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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Now that's what I call insaness, I like the way you think



Mad minds, mad minds everywhere! Guess Celestia's head would explode in the first seconds of Twilight movie

 Cadence would die after the episodes wherein the Doctor tries to kill his companions. And Luna...o dran that won't work she'll lobe Battleship. Should rechange my plan tongue.png

  • Brohoof 2


I am this random 12 year old Pegasister Trekkie Whovian Potterhead.

Yeah, I'm sorta a nerd.

And I am also trying to find a decent signature.

Oh, yeah, I'm a Christian. And I'm proud of it.

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Ok so without the Mane 6 equestria is pretty much defenseless. It's pretty much Canon Celestia is useless at protecting it after Discord and Chrissi shrugged her off.


Elimination of the Mane 6:


First would be Eliminating Fluttershy


Pay off a Raccoon or something to pretend it's injured and whilest she takes it home to care for it knock on her door with a copy of the watchtower and distract her because she'd be too polite to fob you off. The Raccoon will steal her element of harmony (they keep them in their homes now because buck you) and stash it outside the window. Leave her to her business sneak around and retrieve the dead drop and leave the Raccoon to a nice life being pampered by Fluttershy.



Next Applejack.


Go to sweet apple acres as a private investor who wants to see her farm prosper. Assure her that you simply want to fund the farm and all executive decisions of employment and the like are hers. Insist that you stay and work the night to scope out working conditions. While she sleeps go Solid Snake mode and crawl around in a box till you reach the Sleeping southerner's room. Sneak in retrieve the target and leave.



Third Miss Rarity


(If you are female convince an attractive stallion to do this for you or use a temp rule 63 spell)
Put on a thick accent and enter looking for an outfit for the Princesses upcoming Gala ball (time this near the Grand Gala) and you are an out of town prince. Being the superficial harlot (yet best mane 6 X3 wuv you Rarity) she is she will instantly swoon over royalty. Invite her to the Gala and pay off the guards to let you in saying you're trying to impress you're girlfriend. Insist she wears something complimenting to her beauty (element of harmony) and when she retrieves it to put it on when getting dressed switch it out for a fake.....but still go cuz it'd be a lovely evening X3



Next Rainbow Dash


A little less involved but still would work quite well. Goad her into a race around Equestria and in her pride when she doesn't see you tailing her during the race she will believe she is just that good that you aren't even close to her skill level. While she foolishly bounces from town to town search her home and take the Element.



Next Pinkie Pie


Pinkie will be difficult due to her erratic behaviour it will be hard to predict whether she will stealth glomp you or sneak up on you, Tell her you want a cake of a necklace. Given she doesn't seem to be a Jewellery girl she will use the element of harmony as a reference. Put up fliers of a "Massive Cupcake Sale" at sugar cube corner and when the influx of ponies looking for cheap sugary goodness has her attention take the Element from the baking room and disappear.



Finally Twilight Sparkle


Claim you are a scholar and long descendant of Starswirl the bearded looking to study in her library on his/her way through town. She would be initially sceptical but would not deny another lover of books the use of her library (so long as it's kept clean and orderly) after a nice study session ask her to recommend you a few books. This will cause Twilight to go on a Pinkiesque tangent and while she is rambling about her adoration for said books take her element



You know have all 6 elements of harmony bury them in a volcano imprison the now weakened mane 6 and Celestia make Luna your queen and rule Equestria without fear of being dethroned.

Edited by QuirkyUsername
  • Brohoof 3


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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The first thing I'd do?


Look into getting some magical artifacts that would allow me to fight anime-style, if need be.


And then avoid using them, and conquer equestria through trickery and mind-screwing. If that all goes to buck, then begin the DBZ Freeza-style attack.

  • Brohoof 2

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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-Cut off ears

-Buy MP3 Player

-PLay song


-Everyone besides me died

-MFW I am the knig of Equestria

-MFW I have no ears

-MFW I am Voldemort

  • Brohoof 1

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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I would reveal the secret of the Rainbow Factory to the general public, causing mass chaos and distrust in the central monarchy government. Nopony would trust Celestia, and there would be riots in the streets. I would then launch a false flag onto Canterlot and blame it on the wretched narwhales. As the narwhales are locked in war with the ponies, I would help the narwhales gain the upper hand. As Canterlot falls to the damned narwhales, I would bring in my frozen dinner catapaults and save the city. I would then procede to exterminate the narwhales dalek-style, with no mercy.


I would then blame the attack on the lack of a democracy, and I would have Celestia and Luna kicked out with the support of the general public. I would then declare myself dictator of the land. I would then impose insane laws, as I'm a Bananana!


Oh! I'd also declare Mutton Bash the fresh prince of the land! He could pull on anyponies hair, and...well you know. wink.png

  • Brohoof 2


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I would break out of my demonic prison to get my revenge. Claw my way out of the ground and make a home fort to plan and create my evil plans. soon I'll create the Elements of Dissonance and find ponies to are able to wield them. The four elements will be Greed, Deception, Despair, Cruelness and treachery. The sixth element will be mine, Madness. 


After creating the elements and locating the ponies. I'll expand my home fort to accommodate slaves under the influence of the elements of madness, using them to build and train my army. I'll use the ponies of Dissonance to slowly cripple the land with their elements. Deception will create rumours an lies that will undermine any pony. Despair will spread about sorrow. Cruelness will show what true intimidation looks like. Treachery will join the Canterlot ranks and leak information to me, as well as demoralizing the canterlot army causing soldiers to abandon. As they do that, I'll stir up madness at my location, Slowly building an army that doesn't fear death, and thirst for screams and terror.


i'll wait a good year or so, when Equreastia is somewhat unstable due to my elements. when Equestria is in that state, I'll begin my invasion. I'll first attack Manehatten, taking in prisons to convert into my army. after taking over manehatten, I'll send half of my army to ponyville and the other half to hoffington, again taking in PoW to convert. After taking over those three places, i'll attack Canterlot and take on the elements of harmony. As my elements verse theirs, I've sent a few specially selected ponies to place magical explosives around the supports of the castle. Soon after I get a signal that the explosives are in place, my element fakes defeat and escape the castle. that is when the explosive go off with the Elements of harmony inside. With the weakened Elemonet of harmony with the castle, I'll finish them off with my element of Dissonance and face with Celastia. After we take her out. Chaos shall reign supreme!!!

  • Brohoof 1
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I would take over Equestria with a plan made up of other plans:


1. Throw a huge party in order to make friends with everypony, including Celestia and Luna. (Pinkie)


2. When friends enough with the princesses where they trust me completely, cause infighting among them. (Discord/Sunset Simmer)


3. When friends enough with the mane 6 where they trust me completely, cause infighting among them. (Discord/Sunset Simmer)


4. The chaos of all said fighting will make it easy for Discord and Nightmare Moon to take over.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would use mind control to brainwash all the ponies to do my evil bidding. First, start off with normal ponies, then move on to the main six. When I have the entire town of ponyville taken care of, I'd move on to Canterlot. From there, I brainwash the princesses and I win. After I win, I'd just leave and turn them back to normal. I'm finished being evil here, let's move to a different spot. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  • Brohoof 2



IF is best girl.

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Whilst taking over by force would be my favoured way of taking over, I'd end up coming up against Fluttershy, and that would end my plans. I couldn't hurt her.


​So, I'd integrate myself into society, and make friends with everypony, and acquire power slowly, toppling the existing regime in one swoop, making sure that nopony knows it was me, and also having ensured I am the most logical choice for replacement. Subtle mental manipulation may be required.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I would arrive dramatically to Equesteria within the seats of my majestic and noble but old Chevy whom which I had painted purple and aded fuzzy dice onto my inside mirror in order to keep up appearances with the young folk these days; upon seeing such splendor combined with such fuzzy die I will inform the ponies that I, a human is here to play a game of chance for your world for I am the alternate dimensional god of chance....and hugability.



After all the typical spiel that said characters go through I convinced them that I shall pick the game and it shall only be with the rightful ruler of the land; celestia.



Then I challenge her to a thumb war, win, eat all their food, walk about under dressed in the mornings of the castle, leech off the two sisters as if they where my own parents and I an over entitled dependent teenager and then finally just teleport ten humans to equesteria and go home. The humans will dominate equesteria with their tech and brain power after a few generations anyway so jobs done without having to lift....a finger...BA DUM TISH.




oh and I grabe a bundle diamonds to take home and live out a hedonistic life style surrounded by women with butts so big they can be mistaken as late stage tumors and cover all my things in opulent amounts of gold.

  • Brohoof 1

A Head Butt is just a more confrontational meeting of the minds.

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All of the chocolate milk rain.




Okay, I would befriend the Mane 6, then slowly manipulate them into distrusting each other. Then, when the next major villain comes, he or she would defeat them easily because of their division. img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png  After they had been defeated, I would come in like a hero and save the day. I would then take over easily since everyone thinks I'm good. Ultimate manipulation. vsTALhM.png

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Ohhh, this might be a tough choice- for a colt that enjoy's eating mexican & chinese pony food. And, guns are just Sugarcane...


Just for fun.


1- Change name to Count ToFive

2- Have a creepy laugh

3- Make all citizen and guards have to count, before saying any words

4- Give the Mane 6 annoying tasks to complete

5- Have Twilight, read 5 dictionaries

6- Have Celestia, give Twilight Five scrolls with each with the letters 1 through 5- everytime she trys to Eternal Sun Blast Magic

7- Spike has stomache problems

8- Make Luna, have to say a sentence without using the Canterlot Royal Voice

9- Make all Mares wear Saddles

10- Make all Colts and Stallions build Hotrod Carriages, to do Down Hill Races

11- Tell Discord, to make me goggles to reflect FlutterShy's Stare

12- Tell Sunset Shimmer, she is a Bratty Villianess

  • Brohoof 1
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Its all so easy. I would:

1) Get chaos emeralds and transform super (Chaos emeralds grant imunity to magic)

2) Dethrone Celestia.

3) Stay in my super form for infinite time not being troubled by elements of harmony becuase of my imunity!


Everything when better than expected!


Edited by Guest
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Quite simple!... You have a strong army at your disposal right near ponyville.


My plan would involve uniting the Everfree Forest under one banner. I would begin by building my own kingdom in the forest, nopony the wiser. When the right time approached, I would order an all-out offensive assault on the closest town and begin to expand the forest across the land. The forest provides cloaking for allies, a sort of border and its growth can act an intimidation tactic to show that my kingdom is gaining strength.


Parasprites could be released to destroy food supplies, perhaps modified to eat lumber, timberwolves can serve as the basic infantry, the ursa minor and major would be an incredible help if they could be recruited and the cockatrice would be a great asset to strike fear in our enemies. If I remember correctly, I think there was also a dragon in the forest that could help defend against air strikes. Also, we could generate unlimited troops of any species by abusing the crap out of the mirror pond.


The biggest problem would be the changelings... Fighting the changelings would be a freaking massacre, but if two actual timberwolves take each other out, they could either fuse together to become stronger or just rebuild themselves. Changelings can imitate appearance, but not actual powers. A changeling would just die.


As for how I would be involved, I would be shielded in a heavily guarded area in the middle of the forest to prevent the mane 6 from finding and eliminating me before I obtain at least one of their elements of harmony. With one missing, the entire system fails. I think this plan is pretty good, myself.


Equestria will be mine! BWAHAHAHAHA-*coughing fit* 

Edited by Celtore
  • Brohoof 2
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1. Kill Celestia, making it so the sun never rises again.

2. All the ponies think Luna was behind it, and revolt against her

3. watch the madness unfold.

  • Brohoof 1


                                                   You'se a b*tch. - Riley Freeman

Signature made by Kyoshi

MLP Forums 2nd Most Random Member


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Oh man, if i was a villain in equestria it wouldn't be pretty.

I would just conquer them trough massive military might.

 And as Army i would take those guys here:



Yeah, the ponies would be pretty much doomed.

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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I don't quite yet know the specifics of how I would manage this Equestrian domination, but I am absolutely certain that it would involve penguins.  Thousands upon thousands of penguins.




  • Brohoof 2

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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I would make it subtle. I would gain the trust of everypony, and slowly work my way to the top, to where the princess' are, and clear the room. Then, BOOM! Kill them quietly and take the throne, since I was so trusted, than corrupt the world.

Or I could break the timeline. That works too. Or the Weeping Angels. No one sees them coming.

Edited by super2379
  • Brohoof 1
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Easy, huge army under your command.


I would have the most advanced weaponry, vehicles and gadgets.


First, transmit a broadcast on all of Equestria's TV Stations stating that we are coming to take over your world and that there is nothing that you can do about.


Then, send in my entire army with their guns, vehicles and gadgets into Equestria. I will also use the Parasprites to eat all of the food in the land. Then, imprison the Mane 6 in a magic-proof prison. After that, establish a Parliament in control of my army in Canterlot Castle.


After all of that, send in a missile strike on all of the towns in Equestria when there is no Mane 6 to protect them.


Then, destroy the dam to flood all of Equestria.


Use the mirror pond to generate an infinite amount of soldiers and weaponry.


As for me, I will be hiding in my bunker in the Everfree Forest with my Generals, because all of Equestria would want us dead.

  • Brohoof 1
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