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Thoughts on Spike x Rarity (Sparity)


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  • 1 month later...

So yeah what is ya'll's opinion on the two? Not only the future of them and the possibility of an in-show relationship, but also your general opinion on the the two when they are together and your reactions and responses to their interactions such as "A Dog and Pony Show", and "Secret of My Excess".


Personally, they are sooo cute together when I see them and when Spike gave Rarity his jewel and got a kiss in return, that cemented my love for the show into unbreakable stone. Seriously, DAAAAAW!!!

Spreading friendship since 01-30-2012!

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I don't like the shipping that much, too be honest. It just seems that Rarity likes to use Spike and all.

Plus, dragon-pony relationship? Doesn't seem like it'd work.

  • Brohoof 1


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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well look at it this way, spike is a dragon and rairity is a pony, at some point things are not going to work out ya know?


Well you do have a point there. But what if they're just friends. Wait nevermind. Same results anyways. :mellow:


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Anyone seen the MLP 2012 Comic Con panel with the VAs? There's this part where Cathy and Tabitha improved with their characters Spike and Rarity in a marriage proposal situation. Sparity seems to be pretty accepted by the fans and even the VAs.


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well look at it this way, spike is a dragon and rairity is a pony, at some point things are not going to work out ya know?


Looks like spike is forever in the friendzone xD
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None of the fans or the VAs found it creepy during SDCC 2012. In fact, most casual fans think its cute. No one ever questions Kermit and Ms Piggy or Roger and Jessica Rabbit. They're just fictional characters living in a magical world.

Edited by hironakamura
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In a show that tries to avert romance/intimate relationships being a common topic and plot point, I find the Spike-Rarity crush to be a satisfyingly absurd skewering of it to the point that it's both believable and unbelievable at the same time (though admittedly, more on the unbelievable end). Both age difference and inter-species problems? It's just oddly funny to me.


The best part of it though, is on Rarity's end-- she sends enough signals to Spike for him to believe his crush is accepted, but she somehow knows he's just a kid and might grow out of it.

Edited by JustFairness

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Rarity some times calls Spike "Spikey Wikey". Spikey Wikey= Ultimate Friendzone. Sparity just has so many problems and Since Rarity is my least favorite character and spike is my second favorite character, it just doesn't apeal to me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you think Spike may be too young for Rarity?


I'm remaining kinda neutral on this, since I don't want grief from either side of this debate, but if Rarity (or any other shipping) was to openly return her affections to Spike there may be the equivalent of a Chris Hansen like pony saying "Take a seat." Yet, I highly doubt Spike would just let Rarity be arrested and may argue "It's different when it comes to Dragon's ages! Sure, I'm still a baby, but I'm almost 20 (I guess, not sure, may be older than 20.) years old."


I think in the show itself (not shipping fan fiction), Spike and Rarity's love is gonna remain innocent, one thing it's a kid's show and Spikity may rub some people the wrong way so they'll get their pitchforks and torches out over what they think is a moral outrage.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that is the way it works as far as dragons maturing at a very slow rate. Plus as we’ve seen before in Secrets of My Excess dragons grow with their greed so it’s kind of hard to tell. Also when Spike hatched Twilight was just a filly. That said I don’t think Rarity is so much older than Spike that if they were to hook it up it would be weird. I think Spike’s crush on Rarity is really cute, but I mentioned before in another thread while I’d love to see this happen I feel like if it were cannon it would somehow ruin the integrity of the show.

Edited by Flying Whales
  • Brohoof 4


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I don't think theres to much of an age difference. I don't think dragons actually grow in size unless their greed grows. So i'm pretty sure spike just looks small. Even if he may be alot older then he looks.

And I think his whole crush thing is cute and adds to his charactor depth and everything so I certainly have no trouble with it. I wouldn't have any problems if he actually confessed his love or anything, but it is a show with kids as the targeted demographic so I dunno if they would let that pass.

Then again I guess there was a whole marriage so....

Still i don't want him to reveal it to soon or it would take away from the things they can do with it while its still like this.


Still I wouldn't mind seeing it in the future.


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Ponysona, Bella

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I don't think that Spike is too young for Rarity. Sure, he is only a baby dragon, but still he is quite close to Rarity's age in "pony years". And he sure is very mature. I think that people don't think it will work just because they say that he is a baby dragon. And they just hear the word "baby". But people must understand that this is by dragon definitions, if we count the ponies ages by dragon definitions they also are babies. Sure, when Rarity is old and grey Spike will probably still be in his teens, but I don't think that would ruin the relationship. If you love each others really much you don't care about such things. And as said, it's not like Rarity could be taken by the police for "child molesting". He is just about as old as her in pony years.


But I am realistic and don't think that they ever will be pared up in the show. It's just a children show after all. But I like to think about them being together and I think that they would be a very good matching couple.

  • Brohoof 3


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Sure, when Rarity is old and grey Spike will probably still be in his teens,


Good points there, overall about Dragon definitions.


Spike would have to deal with the death of his "loved" ones, which would slowly tear him apart seeing his friends die off one by one over the years, only immortal Princess Luna and Princess Celestia may be his only comfort in the future, until he himself dies. Also Spike may need to use magic (Twilight use it or Princess Celestia.) to reduce his size to stop him from growing too big or be able to shape shift from being big to small if his lover could live as long as (through magic) him.

Edited by Rush

Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on Fimfiction.net under the same username here: Rush.

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I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that is the way it works as far as dragons maturing at a very slow rate. Plus as we’ve seen before in Secrets of My Excess dragons grow with their greed so it’s kind of hard to tell. Also when Spike hatched Twilight was just a filly. That said I don’t think Rarity is so much older than Spike that if they were to hook it up it would be weird. I think Spike’s crush on Rarity is really cute, but I mentioned before in another thread while I’d love to see this happen I feel like if it were cannon it would somehow ruin the integrity of the show.


Someone made a chart on all the different way's that dragons can grow somewhere, in the episode where twilight get's her cutie mark she makes him grow with magic as well so they really are quite confusing creatures :P.


I think it's cute, and where i live people don't really have an issue when it's an older girl and a younger boy. But the moment it's the other way around people have real issues with it (especially at younger ages). He also feel kinda old despite only being a baby! So im not sure how it would go down if they did hook up. at the moment Rarity doesn't really show load's back to him so it's seen as a silly crush by a young boy :P


I personally prefer the Rarity and Fancy pant's idea that's been eluded too a few time's then Rarity Spike :)


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I don't think he's too young for Rarity or that Rarity's too old for him. They all act like teens and Spike is one of the more mature behaving characters on the show especially compared to RD or Pinkie.


As a dragon he really is a baby because his species lives for thousands of years but as a pony he's very much a teen like the rest of them.

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It would make for an interesting episode if Spike seeked out discord or some other powerful being and asked to be turned into a pony so he could be with rarity -- and then how that change would affect things (Rarity might not initially have any interest in a spike-pony). Spike would no longer be immune to fire or be able to send messages or write even. Etc.

Edited by silvadel

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Spike lives much much longer then the ponies will, (That is if the elements' magic somehow made them all immortal) So judging by that Spike is technicly just a little younger then Twilight. Twilight's age is somewhere around 20 so that makes spike 14. So I think relitive age Spike in pony years would be like 25. Lets say Rarity is 21, so spike is a little older then Rarity, so no.


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