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But for a limited time only, as I am BUSY with other artistic pursuits at the moment.
I'm only able to do traditional pencil work at the moment, because I lack the proper tools and means to do colouring.

Let's lay down a few ground rules, shall we:

Rule #1: I will *not* draw a shipping pic of your OC with Derpy Hooves, so don't ask me about it. Okay?

Rule #2:  I will *not* draw a shipping pic of Derpy Hooves with any stallion characters, canon, OC, or otherwise, so don't ask me about it. Okay?

Rule #3: I'm open for pretty much anything else than the stuff mentioned in Rules #1 and 2, even non-pony stuff.

Rule #4: I work on my own accord and pace. If you can't live with that, I'm not the guy you're looking for.

Rule #5: No über detailed and complex illustrations as requests. Ever. 
People, I have a life outside the pony fandom and the internet. I make music, write, and work out, so there is no way in hell that I can dedicate all of my time for requests. Be reasonable, will ya?

Rule#6: The requests will not necessarily be completed in the order they come in. You may have to wait for yours for a bit, but it will get done.

Rule#7: I reserve the right to decline any request I wish.


Here are some examples of my work:











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Incredible! I would just love it if you drew up my Serpony here. Her name is Sypreth. tongue.png










Would it be possible for you to draw her giving this pony a hug?










He's been rather down lately and I think it would be a good thing to show him. smile.png


If you cant do it, that's fine too, but thanks in advance with whatever you decide~

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Could you try my OCs Terra Lionmane and Selune Darkeye? They are in the signature. Lots of reference pics especially for Selune... They are friends... so if you're feeling uncomfortable with shipping don't worry.

Terra is a knight-type Earth Pony (maybe with some lion style armor?) Lion style mane/tail scar on the left eye.

If you can could make the cutie mark like the symbol on the shoulder pad of the lion following with flames inside the ruby?

Selune is the playfull wizard type that fights in a dirtyly fun way.

EDIT:The Fact that you drew Atlas the Greek God/Titan or something that looks like him at least appeals to my greekness... i DIG your design.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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I saw some of your work before and it looked really great. Could you please draw my OC too and flourish away, i'd be interested to see what you come up with. my only real request is for him not to have the yoke on and to look abit aged. He's not old but stress as not been kind to him. smile.png


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REALLY dig your style.

You would be able to make a drawn version of my oc?



Can do.


Incredible! I would just love it if you drew up my Serpony here. Her name is Sypreth. img-1999307-1-tongue.png

He's been rather down lately and I think it would be a good thing to show him. img-1999307-2-smile.png


If you cant do it, that's fine too, but thanks in advance with whatever you decide~


Will do.


Can you draw dragons? It would be an honor if you could draw my dragon OC Aura.


Here's a ref of her.




Shit. It's been YEARS since I last drew a dragon, but I guess it'll come back to me. Ima give it a shot.


If you wouldn't mind, could you please quite possibly do a request of my OC - Lightning Blade?

Here are the two references that I could drudge up:











He doesn't appear to have a cutie mark.

If you don't want a blank flank OC, you need to give me details on the cutie mark.


I sually don't like asking for pics, but I'd love to see your take on

Joan (details would be completely up to you).

Would you be up for an art trade?

Big yes can do to both.

PM me about the art trade, and we'll talk more about it.


I saw some of your work before and it looked really great. Could you please draw my OC too and flourish away, i'd be interested to see what you come up with. my only real request is for him not to have the yoke on and to look abit aged. He's not old but stress as not been kind to him. img-1999403-1-smile.png


Sure thing.


Could you try my OCs Terra Lionmane and Selune Darkeye? They are in the signature. Lots of reference pics especially for Selune... They are friends... so if you're feeling uncomfortable with shipping don't worry.


Terra is a knight-type Earth Pony (maybe with some lion style armor?) Lion style mane/tail scar on the left eye.

If you can could make the cutie mark like the symbol on the shoulder pad of the lion following with flames inside the ruby?



Selune is the playfull wizard type that fights in a dirtyly fun way.


EDIT:The Fact that you drew Atlas the Greek God/Titan or something that looks like him at least appeals to my greekness... i DIG your design.

This is a bit complex for a request, but I'll do it anyway.

I'm gonna need some time with the design.

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This is great! Hope you still have a spot left for me. :P


Here's a link to my OC. More pictures can be found lower down on that page.




I'd be really greatful if you could sketch something up. :) You are basically free to play around with him as I won't be asking for anything specific. Eagar to see what you'll come up with. wink.png

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This is great! Hope you still have a spot left for me. tongue.png


Here's a link to my OC. More pictures can be found lower down on that page.




I'd be really greatful if you could sketch something up. smile.png You are basically free to play around with him as I won't be asking for anything specific. Eagar to see what you'll come up with. wink.png


I absolutely can doodle something up.

I like his design. Simple, yet effective. The colour scheme is very pleasing to the eye.

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*whistles* Wow... you have a really nice art style! :D If possible, do you think you could make a drawing of my OC Arcanel?










I'd like him just having a very confused face and expression. Other than that, I don't really have anything else I'd ask, so do whatever you'd like :) If you'd like more info on him, his OC sheet is on my signature. Thank you and I hope it's not much of a hassle!

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Amazing artworks<3

If you have some extra time, woule you please do one of my oc's, Sylex?

Her eyes are barely visible. And those are scars, not a cutie mark. ^^;

Please, and thank you.





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*whistles* Wow... you have a really nice art style! biggrin.png If possible, do you think you could make a drawing of my OC Arcanel?










I'd like him just having a very confused face and expression. Other than that, I don't really have anything else I'd ask, so do whatever you'd like smile.png If you'd like more info on him, his OC sheet is on my signature. Thank you and I hope it's not much of a hassle!


Amazing artworks<3

If you have some extra time, woule you please do one of my oc's, Sylex?

Her eyes are barely visible. And those are scars, not a cutie mark. ^^;

Please, and thank you.






I'll do each one as I get around to them.

As I said, I work on my own accord and pace. That's why I rarely take commissions/requests that require me to adhere to a strict deadline.

I don't take kindly to bossing around.

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Moments when I see artists with art such as yours doing requests (even for limited times) rather than commissions makes me happy. 

But then comes my greatest challenge: figuring out who to request a picture of.


Ever draw a Crystal Pony? If not, fancy giving it a shot? Of course, if the Crystal effect is too difficult to replicate with pencil, feel free to just make her look like a normal Earth pony. Up to you.


The pony in question is a mare named Dodger Sky, or just Dodger as she prefers.  (has nothing to do with the YouTuber of the same name) I do not have a character page for her, or reference pics, unfortunately.

And as a note: she is a character I created for a Fallout Equestria roleplay. 



In terms of Dodger's appearance: She is of the average height and build of Crystal pony mares, if only a little more physically fit, considering she has spent years living in a post apocalyptic environment. Her mane and tail style, if I was to give them reference, would be reminiscent of Lyra's, just the green bit would be a dark blue, and the white bit would be a crimson red. Her coat color is a dark dodger blue - and his the reason she was named Dodger. Of course, as you stated these will not be colored, but that will at least give some reference for shade, I suppose. 


She does wear a trench coat, and that is partially a strategic maneuver on my part to cover her cutie mark, since I haven't quite thought of what it would be. The coat is leather, and has some armor plating, and is emblazoned with a large '50' - signifying the Stable she was born in. If you do not want to draw the coat, that is fine. Also, considering the universe she lives in, she carries firearms (an assault rifle, traditional sniper rifle and a laser sniper rifle) but those are not necessary to the picture, and can be omitted. 


As for her position and such, if she could be standing profile left, head bowed slightly with tears in her eyes - which can be open or closed - and with a hoof to her chest would be awesome. Her hoof to her chest would be clutching a pair of dog-tags, which may or may not be seen should the coat be worn. The premise behind this is that her lover had just been killed in a battle, and she found out only after the battle that she bore his child. And of course, this has sent her into an emotional state.


With her standing profile left, she would be facing the wind - should she be wearing her trench coat, and thus her mane, what could be seen of her tail, tears and the coat would be blown accordingly. Without the coat, she could still be facing the same way, just now her mark would be revealed. Her cutie mark is that of a octagonal diamond with two outspread wings on either side.


Scenery, should you want to add that, could just be some snow flakes being blown by the wind, and just her standing on a snow covered hill/cliff. Further scenery would be the words: "I wasn't dreaming when they told me you were gone..." above her. And below her, "I was wide awake, and feeling that they had to be wrong", with "How could you leave me when you told me you would stay?" following that, just smaller. If the words are to much, feel free to leave them out. 

These are lyrics taken from 'Red Like Roses Part II', a song from the soundtrack of the webseries 'RWBY'. I felt those lyrics fit Dodger's thoughts upon learning her lover had been killed. 




Anyway, that is the request that I had in mind. If you want to give that a shot, it would be most appreciated. Of course, if you do not want to, that is quite alright, and I can come up with another one, should that be more acceptable.

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Hehe... If you want to and have time you could draw my OC pixie dust being cute. I don't care really what pose or anything. I'll be sure to donate to your tablet find whenever I actually get some money to keep. (Probably after the holiday season.)

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This is a bit complex for a request, but I'll do it anyway.

I'm gonna need some time with the design.

I realise that... But the reason for this is that this pic will truly be the first true pony form pic of him. I really wish i didnt have to put you in that spot... But your pic will help in by becoming a reference to other artists. The first true reference because you see his story has been recently remade thus changing his cutie mark a bit. Again i can wait as long as it takes for a good pic and i thank you for your work beforehand.
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Could I have a request in, please?

I would like a picture of my reborn Light Streak OC holding a blade.

Here's Light Streak's picture and cutie mark:




If possible, have him with this blade in his hoof, and have him staring at it with an angry look.





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Hey, if it isn't too late, can my OC's Cutie Mark be something to do with being a guard? Maybe a shield with two swords that have blades that look like lightning crossed over/under it? (i know, that's cliche but it's all i can think of, thanks again img-2004471-1-smile.png)

I hope you haven't started on it yet, as I've just updated his look.


Here's the new look, use whichever wings you think suit him best and in which ever pose, i only had them folded up so you could see his full tail



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I probably shouldn't be talking about this stuff online, but I feel like I owe people an explanation.
So, a few days ago I received a phonecall concerning my mother.
She's been ill with cancer for the past three years, and last week, her condition suddenly worsened gravely.
I'm currently at her place, taking care of her while my sister and stepfather are away. I'm presently unable to do any artistic work, because I left in such a big hurry that I forgot to pack my art supplies.
I apologize to absolutely anyone who's requested me to draw something, but this is just too important. She's my mother, after all.
Rest assured, however, that as soon as I return home, I'll start working on those requests right away.

Again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

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