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Humans could live to 500 years old, according to new research.

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It's sometimes amusing to see people act so superior that they don't need or even want to live a long life. I could never be satisfied with the amount of knowledge I have now. I always want to learn and know more. To go to different and new places and if I could live for thousands of years and travel the stars then I would. Who needs death? No one. Age and dying is a technical problem which can be solved one day.


We live limited lives for a reason....

I'll be on the #! forums if you want me.

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I think there's some factors to address here: What would the quality of that life be? If we lived longer, but aged the same way I can't imagine how hellish my life would be by even 125, let alone 500. Would this be a thing were everyone lived longer, or just some of us? Go watch Highlander for why that's a important question. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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We live limited lives for a reason....

Aging is a disease and there's no reason to it...at least none that is rational. I would like to live 100,000 years. My body would be replaced every century or so. I would explore this solar system for about 10,000 years then I would go further into the galaxy. It would be an amazing existence.

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Dude, sign me up for this! I'll totally be the test patient.


People who say that life gets boring need to go out more. It boggles my mind how much there is to do and see and experience in my home state (Oregon) alone. And there is fifty other states, in a world of seven big-as-get-out seas and, what, 200+ countries? With all that history and politics and sports and writing and religion and people and food?


500 years wouldn't be enough for me!

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Aging is a disease and there's no reason to it...at least none that is rational. I would like to live 100,000 years. My body would be replaced every century or so. I would explore this solar system for about 10,000 years then I would go further into the galaxy. It would be an amazing existence.


Good for you. Learn Linux in that lifetime of yours since you'll have the time!

  • Brohoof 1

I'll be on the #! forums if you want me.

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It sounds like it would get extremely boring if we lived that long, don't you think? I'm 18 and bored constantly, sooo...

  • Brohoof 2


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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If I could live to be 500, I'd go on and say I was The Doctor or something.

I can see it now...

*Somewhere in the year 2413...*

"I'm the Doctor! I'm 413 years old! I'm from the planet Gallifrey!"

"Shut up and take your medicine, grandpa!"

"God damn it."


  • Brohoof 1
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Heh, well this thread got rather depressing.

Things can get real dark real fast.


I would probably commit suicide if we had to live that long :derp:

Ive got things to do the the suspected afterlife, after all.

And now that I think about it, we could live forever if we super boosted out immune systems and never let the deteriorate

Edited by TheYoungestBrony

Religion nor science can explain the start of the universe, because it is infinite, and nothing can explain infinity.

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The way I see it, is that it gives you more time to die in some other potentially painful way than to just die peaceful at some milder age. I would like to ask you a question: would you want to be 500 years old, or do you want to live for 500 years? Meaning, does this mean that I would remain a strong man when I'm in my 300s, or would I still retire at age 60 and do nothing for the rest of my life? Though assuming this is anti-aging technology, we would definitely remain strong and be able to see, walk, hear, etc. for quite some time, but they might have to change the standards for retirement and other benefits when reaching an old age.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I'd rather Die than live to be 101 years old.

For me, it would kind of depend on a few things. If I could live to be 500 years old and still be in decent shape and not be sick all the time then sure, why not. However if I was a sickly old man that had to wear diapers and was wheelchair bound, then no thanks. Also, what if your friends all lived a long lives, but still died 100 years or so before you did? That could make for a very depressing and lonely life, living without any friends or anyone you really know. You also havet o remeber back about, heck less that 500 years ago if you lived to be 50 you was considered anicent, and now with all our modern technolgy we all or at least most of us know someone that is at least 80 years old or older!

The way I see it, is that it gives you more time to die in some other potentially painful way than to just die peaceful at some milder age. I would like to ask you a question: would you want to be 500 years old, or do you want to live for 500 years? Meaning, does this mean that I would remain a strong man when I'm in my 300s, or would I still retire at age 60 and do nothing for the rest of my life? Though assuming this is anti-aging technology, we would definitely remain strong and be able to see, walk, hear, etc. for quite some time, but they might have to change the standards for retirement and other benefits when reaching an old age.

In a few more years it may actually be possible for someone to live virtually forever, as long as they are not killed in some accident of some sort...All we really have to master is making it so the cells don't start making mistakes the older you get, in other words, perfect cellular regineration, which btw unless we discovered a new planet a good portion of the planet could move to it would be a horrible idea due to massive over population. And in all reality it would probably be reserved for the global elite to stay in power for long periods of time...

I would love to live to be 500 years, I would have a lot more time to get my bucket list finished. But, lots of people living this long would make the earth overpopulate really quickly; we're already nearing overpopulation and all of us living for 500 years won't help...

Actually the world is not NEARLY as overpopulated as the main stream media would have you believe! Their is plunty of room for many many more people to live on this planet!


Ahhhh bullshit. Who cares about some scientists speculations, the only way to fix lifespan would be by fighting diseases.

The problem is though, is that age itself is pratically a diease! As well al know when you get older your cells start to degrade in the quality that they regernate, from the moment we are borned we are dying in a sense! So after you get so old your body more or less just gives out, your heart is tired from so many cycles and, it can just randomly quite beating from exhaustion after so many years.So like I already said the only way to make use live WAY passed or normal age is to perfect cell regineration, so our cells don't get old and more or less break down over time!


If I could live to be 500, I'd go on and say I was The Doctor or something.

I can see it now...

*Somewhere in the year 2413...*

"I'm the Doctor! I'm 413 years old! I'm from the planet Gallifrey!"

"Shut up and take your medicine, grandpa!"

"God damn it."


Oh damn it, your post just made my day, lol nice!

  • Brohoof 1


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If humans lived for a huge amount of time, that would mean we could explore our galaxy or just our solar system much easier.. i hope


but ofcourse, some people would need to die first >.>

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If this was offered to me, I'd say no. All the reasons for turning it down that have been mentioned so far are valid, plus I don't even particularly want to hit 80.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Space is not really why earth could be over populated, it's the resources. Things like Clothing, Food, Water (Which will be solved when scientists figure out how to mass produce graphene, and even if they do, we will have to hope we don't pollute the ocean) and other resources like that. Of course, we won't be experiencing any problems of overpopulation in this generation or the next. But in at least 2000 years, we might start having some problems. 2000 years sounds like a long time, but compared to how long the human species has been on this planet, it's barley anything.

This is even an underexaggeration. Population Growth is so much of an issue, it may be only... Wait. We already have problems. Starving kids in third world countries. Desertification. A lot of shit. All caused by the overabundance of humans. We are already halfway to the limit that can even fit on the Earth. With our current curve, it may be only 2 HUNDRED years before we run into huge problems. Or even 20, with the droughts in certain areas (the reason given is faked by mainstream media) That occurs because of an alteration in Earths tilt. That more explains the melting ice caps.

Still, though. Because of overpopulation, we may kill off a quarter of Mexico, well Americans. That is at worst. At best it would be about 2000 maybe, if the curve changes.

  • Brohoof 1


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It's really bad idea. First - it's tested on worms. Simple organism. Much more simple than human one. Another thing. Aging. Will we be aging at same speed as now? Because then when reaching even 150 our life will be miserable lying with life support connected. No point in living that long when You can't even function properly and have to ultimately rely on others and on technology. Another thing. Population. It's already too big. With extended life span this problem will be even bigger, earth will be literally crowded and there will be no good solution for that problem. So my answer is - no. Nature made our life span much shorter than 500 years and it should stay like that. There are things that should not be changed. At least not now when we are obviously not ready for it. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Take it any way you'd like but I'd never agree to live for that long. I already have a really long lifespan, I'm supposed to be able to live until I'm 100 years old or older thanks to good genetics. I'm actually serious, it's expected that I might even live longer then 100 years.


There are more problems that come with it, so it's not a good idea.

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