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mega thread Your favourite pony and why?

Twilight Sparkle ✨

Who is the Best pony  

217 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Main Pony

    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Big Macintosh
    • Cheerilee
    • Braeburn
    • Granny Smith
    • Hoity Toity
    • Mayor
    • Photo Finish
    • Sapphire Shores
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin'
    • Pegasus Royal Guard
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Trixie
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Other
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Maud Pie
    • Marble Pie
    • Limestone Pie
    • Cranky Doodle
    • Matilda
    • Discord (as a non-villain)
    • Flurry Hearts
    • Sunburst
    • Prince Rutherford
    • Coco Pommel
    • Pear Butter
    • Bright Mac
    • Grand Pear
    • Autumn Blaze
  3. 3. Favorite Tertiary Background Character

    • Derpy Hooves
    • DJ P0N3
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Twist
    • Pipsqueak
    • Bon Bon
    • Lyra
    • Doctor Whooves
    • Octavia
    • Hayseed
    • Lotus
    • Aloe
    • Berry Punch
    • Seafoam
    • Ace
    • CHUNKY!!!
    • Other
  4. 4. Favorite Student Six Character

    • Smolder
    • Sandbar
    • Yona
    • Ocellus
    • Gallus
    • Silver Stream

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my favorite pony is Trixie, i can connect with her. In my hometown, which shall remain unnamed, i was the greatest trapeze artist. That was until some American swine came and usurped me, he stole my place as the best, he stole my job, he stole my praise, my fame, my life. so i can understand what she went through, and nothing hurts quite like when people who once called you friend and adored you forget you even exist, only for you to try and take back your spotlight and wind up the bad guy. You come back a while later and try to make amends only to see you are unforgiven yet trying to anyway. I strive to be more like Trixie after she met Starlight.

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I don't have a favourite in the M6, i freakin' love 'em all.

But my overall favourite is actually Starlight Glimmer. I love her rational thinking and her obsessive personality. I kind of just can relate to her.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/2/2018 at 5:45 PM, The_Dank_Brony said:

Luna. Because she's better than CELESTIA.

Ah, ha, that is were you are wrong my friend! *laughs*

Celestia is best pony!! Everyone loves Luna because she was the "victim" she was the saaad one, she was the misunderstood one, she is the dark one... and I feel more people want to relate to her because the majority of people, do in fact feel misunderstood in some way at some point or another. But no one went through the depth of it like she did. But people still relate---therefore you will have people who gravitate towards her. Not saying you're actually wrong to feel what you feel, but Luna is...just...too popular... and it's for those very reasons. She's almost everyone's favourite. Everyone loves the dark character. 

And it's the same with Rainbow Dash, she's practically the second mascot of the show besides Twilight. She's the rainbow, she's the go getter, she's the "b*tch" of the group the one with "the 'tude" that everyone wishes they could have. The brash and in your face character------I do like RD for certain specific qualities, but otherwise, characters like her are a dime-a-dozen.



He is very much underappreciated, he's calm in the majority of situations, and is very much the voice of reason... even to Twilight. He's helpful, kind, overall patient, and a very hard worker. He doesn't complain much, gets his work done, and is one of the most loyal characters of the show.  Even if Twilight says or does something he doesn't agree with, he'll tell her so, and honestly without being cruel---it gives her time to think, but he never stops caring about her, and with an open heart always accepts, but takes no guff. Even in the movie after her friends have an argument and the screaming, and the pain---he could have walked away with the rest---but he didn't. Even if he disagreed with Twilight's behaviour he stuck by her without enabling her bad behaviour. He gives comfort, but never sugar coats a thing. His quick, and quite smarty-pants remarks make for a light-hearted individual who gets to the root of problems and snaps people back to reality where they need to be, but padding the landing just enough to where he doesn't come off as a complete arse.

After all him and Twilight and even the rest of the Mane 6 have been through, Spike has been the constant. The friend that is friends with everyone, and who always has a smile, a kind word to offer and a scaley shoulder to cry on. He has one of the most "get along" personalities without blending into the background. Spike is very much peaceful, understanding, witty, determined, brave, heroic and sweet. While he's still young and emotions can get the better of him, he's at heart, very humble and just wants everyone to love each other. In my opinion... Spike is the heart of the show.



Sorry, I think that went into a tangent!

Edited by Momento Mori
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, been a couple years since I last posted here. A bit has definitely changed in my rankings, but apparently I never listed a top five on this thread. With a bit more explanation now:

  1. Twilight Sparkle. In general, I find her the easiest pony to identify with, and especially in the earlier seasons I found her high expectations of herself especially relatable. I also adore her dorky enthusiasm for learning, and as pretentious as it might sound, I just like her as the intellectual of the group. I like learning too, so that resonates with me. 
  2. Rainbow Dash. She's frustrating, but I like how her ego is usually laced with insecurity - very rarely does she actually appear to buy her own hype. Plus, at her best, she's very protective of her friends, and watching her slowly let down her "cool" persona was one of the best parts of the earlier seasons. Also, she's one of the more high-energy characters, which means she's never boring. 
  3. Maud Pie. Gets better every season. Maybe because we rarely see her more than once a season, she always offers a degree of emotional complexity, and as she gets better at conveying emotion, she reveals a genuine warmth to her personality. I never feel like her concerns are overly simplistic. Also, aside from her debut episode, I just find her really funny. I'd attend her comedy shows!
  4. Rarity. I tended to find her slightly self-centered in the first two seasons, but from season 4 forward she's been one of the most consistently appealing characters in the entire show, and a lot of that is down to the increased emphasis on her generosity. Like Rainbow Dash, I enjoy that she tends to deal in extreme emotions. Most of all, I just think she's one of the most consistently charming characters, in large part because her personality is just so active. 
  5. Princess Cadance. This gets harder to justify as time goes on, and she's dropped a lot from the time I would have called her my second favourite character, but I still just enjoy her as the most approachable and down-to-earth of the princesses. The baby has diminished her roles significantly, but she's just so nice. A lot of my fondness for her still comes from that one comic about her in high school, but I still find her personality in the show very charming, and she has one of my favourite visual designs of the ponies. Sure hope we get a good Cadance episode soon, though...
Edited by AlexanderThrond
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Where’s Luna/nightmare moon?

oh wait never mind everypony!

Rarity,the expressions are hilarious,and the accent!

Luna,the Ye Olde English talk! It bringeth me back to the era when King James was King! HUZZAH!!!

Dr.Whooves,This was one of the references that made me a brony! Plus the Big Lebowski reference!

Edited by Nightmare Terror
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  • 3 weeks later...

  Primary Character was a hard choice, I am stuck really between two, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, with Starlight or Spike and Sunset coming up close behind those two.   I love AJ and Dashie.  AJ reminds me of back home and all the Cow Girls that used to take care of me.  I like her because how much family is important to her and when she is happy she is very adorable.   I can the same for Dashie in the last point, but I like her because she reminds me of myself, and how talented I am with flying, mostly in sims, we are both just as competitive and the best at what we do, she is also very loyal and brave no matter what faces her, like Applejack.  


  Secondary Character I chose is my fav character in MLP and tied for my most fav character out of everything.  Thats Princess Luna.  She is my favorite because she is an embodiment of every single thing I could possibly like.  Her Magic Lasers are Purple, she uses Lightning, she is Night time themed, she is a Dreammancer / Walker, she is every single one of my fav colors, Purples, Blues, Silvers, and more and she is very cute,  she is extremely brave and loves fighting, she won't even back down too an army of Mountain Dragons, like in her novel.

  However what really makes me like her is her heart and soul, she has made some mistakes, and she genially wants to make up for them, that is a sign of a caring heart, she is shown being very protective and caring especially towards children.  I love her because she is very wise and sweet, she doesn't come off as an abrasive know it all, really none do except very slightly maybe sometimes Twilight, but definitely Moon Dancer, off the top my head.  Luna is much more relatable, to me, because of my life.  She has been through much, and she is a stranger from another time, making her more awkward than normal, I can relate to that because I have social anxiety because of my Dad, he was extremely physically and mentally abusive.  I don't need to go over everything, but in short, my self worth was extremely low, so I can understand why Luna felt the way she did and even did what she did, not that I think she should have become Nightmare Moon.   It's because her personality and her disposition that I love her, she is also a romantic character because of her post Nightmare moon demeanor and element, that being Dreams and the night, mysterious as well, and she has a lot of potential for very exciting and entertaining stories that are romantic and or mysterious.  Her strugles, being a stranger from another time and former villian feel very genuine, and in taking into consideration her other traits you, or I should say 'I' can't help but root for her when she overcomes her issues because she is so lovable.


  Tertiary this one is a very hard one, the reason being because two of them are Spoof characters of characters I like a lot.  

  Sky Stinger is a spoof of Maverick from "TopGun" thats the character Tom Cruse plays as, he is an ace F-14 A Tomcat Fighter Pilot, but in MLP, in the end, he and his lover, who is a spoof of Marvericks love interest in TopGun in the episode "Top Bolt" they are noted by the head Wonderbolt that not only are the super talented, they may very well be better than Rainbow Dash, thats something intresting to take note off because she has the potential to be the best out of all full-blown Wonder Bolts at the time. 

  Indiana Jones Pony aka "Bold Archeologist"  is of course, a spoof of Indiana Jones, and they do the same things in universe, even his bio in the MLP gameloft game confirms he is doing similar things to the actual Indiana Jones.

  Bat Pony Luna Night Guards Echo and Parellex, I might have gotten the last ones name wrong, but in the Luna novel, they serves Luna willingly for life in debt to Luna because she saved their lives from a Mountain Dragon.  Despite this, Bat Ponies are depicted being super fierce brave ponies that will wage a war with Mountain Dragons, though that's probably not smart, Luna had to do away with that war.  They come off not just being loyal but cute to.  Apparently Bat Ponies eyes are sensitive during the day, so they must wear sunglasses if they want to go out during the day.  It's how they interact with Luna that makes me like them a lot, and they can be light hearten.


  Though not to-much is known about them, I really like the Blue Brothers Ponies XD  Just see the movie and you will see why XD

   Lastly, Star Hunter is just awesome, I don't think he is a spoof Pony, but his colors are fantastic, and when I hear his name, I think of Samus Aran from Metroid XD

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My favourite characters are Spike, Discord and DJ Pon-3.

My my favourite Mane 6, I'm not quite sure. I feel like the characters personalities change each episode.

For instance I like Fluttershy when she's kind, cute and funny; I dislike her when she's ignorant, babyish and simply stupid. The same goes for Rainbow Dash. I usually dislike her because she's selfish, cocky, ungrateful and ironically disloyal; however, there are episodes where she's motivating and somewhat very caring, that makes me really like her.

If the show had cohesion, I could decide better. The side characters seem to stay the same though. :sunshower:

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me its fairly easy to decide.

Main Character

Twilight Sparkle I share her love of books and learning but at the same time she's got a lot of qualities like kindness and willingness to sacrifice I'd like to have more of.


Secondary Character

Applebloom I just really like her depiction as a little kid trying to stand up and show people that she's capable of more than they think.


Tertiary Character

Diamon Tiara won me over with her song about wishing to be somepony elese but not knowing how to get there. Which is kind of me in that I know I have flaws I'm working on but I'm really not very good at it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

out of all favorite:
The Great and Powerful Trixie,i love her and her incredible over the top presentations of herself and how cocky she is in general even though she's not all that powerful(don't tell her i said that),she is exactly what a showpony should be like

mane6 fav:
it has to be Rarity as she is the artist in the bunch,i love how she stays elegant at all times(even when she faints on that coutch)
plus,she is also very focused on achieving her dreams

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My favorite: Rainbow Dash. Why? She's a lot in common with a blue hedgehog (y'all know who I'm referencing to) in terms of these fields: being the fastest thing alive, attitude, lifestyle, etc. I also like her for taste in adventure and a will to kick ass whenever someone crosses her. 

Second favorite: Fluttershy. She's just like me at times: pretty hesitant when meeting new folks or coming across completely new things. 

Thrid favorite: Discord. My favorite villian behind Bowser and Eggman, I could go on about Discord. His personality and the way he was able to integrate into pony society thanks to Fluttershy is what truly took me away. 

Fourth favorite: Twilight Sparkle/Applejack/Rarity. Twilight for her nerdiness along with a strong interest in many fields (especially history in one of the recent episodes of season 8, which I am into). Applejack for having a tomboyish lifestyle and she's fun to voice too. Rarity just cuz as a New Yorker myself I know she'll love NYC. Her background as a fashionista would certain help out the Equestrian fashion industry. 

Fifth favorite: Zephyr Breeze. I just like him for being a good brother whenever Fluttershy needs him the most. 

Edited by TransitPony
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Princess Twilight Sparkle (Love her when just a Unicorn, too!)

It sounds silly, but she shares many traits with me (I can't fly or use magic though!)

I adore books, and I tend to obsess on little things. I too, have a BBBFF.

If I may be so bold...It's no wonder she's THE STAR of the show!



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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorite was actually Rarity for the longest time, but my current favorite (since season 7) has been Pinkie Pie. I love comic relief characters, and she's (usually) pretty funny. Of course, I can't forget to mention that she's adorable.

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Applejack all the way. I think she's really underrated and needs to be paid attention outside the family theme. She's rational, hard working, honest and has an adorable accent)

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3 minutes ago, Lazy Crazy said:

Applejack all the way. I think she's really underrated and needs to be paid attention outside the family theme. She's rational, hard working, honest and has an adorable accent)

Leap of Faith is an extremely underrated episode, that should sell anyone on AJ.

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I don't know if I have posted here before though I will post again. Of the mane 6 my favorite is probably Applejack. I like her simple life style. I like Nightmare Moon and she probably takes the spot, aswell as Daybreaker aswell as a few others.

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Okay. I've had several different characters as favorites. Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rainbow.

The problem is that I somehow cannot identify with any of the Mane 6.


Pinkie Pie: I'm autistic, not ADHD

Rainbow: Brings out my competitiveness- in a bad way

Rarity: Drama queen!

Twilight: Not a book person, and I don't have a problem with quesadillas.

Fluttershy: Too wimpy. Not me!

Applejack: I guess she's the only PONY I can identify with (bc I live in Kentucky, y'know, SOUTHERN PEOPLE). But even SHE has an ability I don't: she NEVER lies (I do WAY too often), and our personalities contrast drastically.


I wish Spike was a pony. But if I had to go with any of the main ponies, it would be Starlight... or someone else....


I'm screwed.

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My favorite main pony is definitively Rainbow Dash, I've liked her when I saw her for the first time in the serie, especially for her rainbow color :wub: And I love her personality, I don't identify myselft with her, on the contrary I am the opposite of her and that's why I love her so much !

Fluttershy and Applejack are more like me !

My favorite secondary pony is Starlight Glimmer, she's a really interesting character in my mind, especially because she has a hard past, I love seeing her evolve through seasons  :3

As non-pony characters, Zekora and Discord are my faaaaaavoriiites because they're both sooo cool !

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Rainbow Dash. She just caught my attention the most in that first episode. 

I picked Luna among the secondary characters. I’m a night person myself.

I don’t know most of the tertiary characters. I picked Derpy because, well, she was one of the few I recognized. I would not really call myself a fan. I just like her over the others. I also picked Silver Spoon. I’m behind in the show, but Silver has some great potential. I think she’s very insecure of herself. I hope to see her become more than a sidekick bully.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Starlight is the coolest cartoon horse imo, that scene from current season's episode 12 (where she tries her best as school's counselor) is straight fire (especially the meme face). The way she visibly seems awkward in some situaions is quite relatable if you ask me

I can't even exactly explain why, but Trixie has grown on me lately. That episode where she's such a jerk to Starlight is just awesome, I bet lots if people hated that one though (not gonna lie, knowing such a person irl wouldn't necessarily be that cool) 

Luna's hands down the best princess, for The New Lunar Republic! 

Vinyl and Octavia have been my fav background horses since forever and I can't possibly imagine it could change 

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Favorite main pony: Fluttershy! :wub:

What's not to love about her? My waifu is sweet, kind, beautiful, adorable and so many great things besides! I could go on for so long about why I love Fluttershy so much!


Favorite secondary character: Sweetie Belle

Adorable, funny and just awesome. Favorite CMC and favorite side character!


Favorite background character: Lyra

I love her design and voice so much! Also, her human obsession is really funny, and she was adorable in Slice of Life!

Edited by shyabetes3939
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  • 2 weeks later...

Applejack is my favorite main pony. It's almost a razor thin margin with Twilight Sparkle tho. When I 1st watched the show a year ago, I immediately found AJ to be relatable to me. Similar to her, I live out in the country, spend a lot of time outdoors, and speak with a southern accent.

As far as secondary and tertiary characters go, Sweetie Belle and Derpy are simply adorable.

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