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Pinkamena's Problem

Silver Dust

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Pinkamena is not crazy. She's hurt.


When she thought everypony abandoned her, she fell into a brutal despair that resulted in her trying to "make new friends". Rather than an insane inspiration, it was morose desperation in an attempt to ignore her own depression. Her memorable eye-twitch was from stress; she had no desire to harm anypony or fly into a rage. Like many of us, she just wanted to not be alone.


Final note: "Cupcakes" is just a single fanfic that made a mountain out of dust. It has no bearing on Pinkie's actual personality.

  • Brohoof 6
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Exactly. Cupcakes was a very bad fan fiction, you hit the nail on the head when it comes to why Pinkamena acted the way she did.


I'd say that she has psychological problems which mostly prevents her from seeing what was real or not, when you wonder what's going on inside of her head.

Edited by Scootalove
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I agree with some of what you say, but disagree with others.

I don't think she's actually insane per se, but there is something going on psychologically with her.

Seeing as something completely different was going on in real life than what was happening inside her head.

By that I mean the scene where she's talking to the inanimate objects about how awful her friends are.

In her head they were talking and moving on their own, but then it shows the reality of the situation which is her speaking for and moving them.

That's just my two cents, though.

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I meant she's not insane in the sense everyone tries to see her as: vicious and bloodthirsty. Madness has many forms, and, more importantly, many sizes. One small slice is enough to make things seem "different".


Depression is actually worse; the void of the mind is more terrifying than any gorefest.

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Eevee eevee eevee eevee eevee eevee eevee eevee.



*sorry forgot the translation*

((Translation: I believe that Pinkamena's Problem is that she is mentally disturbed))

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Being bubbly and adorable is likely how she deals with depression. Short of her actually explaining her problems, the best we can do is observe the circumstances, make assessments, and ultimately speculate.


I just hate seeing her upset.

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When she thought everypony abandoned her, she fell into a brutal despair that resulted in her trying to "make new friends". Rather than an insane inspiration, it was morose desperation in an attempt to ignore her own depression. Her memorable eye-twitch was from stress; she had no desire to harm anypony or fly into a rage. Like many of us, she just wanted to not be alone.




Maybe she just needs a party, but there's no pony near her. ^^"

  • Brohoof 1
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I think Pinkamena is a character separate from Pinkie Pie. In Party of one, I agree with the point that Pinkie Pie was hurt and stressed, not completely insane, but that was still Pinkie Pie. Pinkamena seems to be more of a fandom creation, a projection of insanity inspired by Pinkie's randomness and her mental break down in Party of One onto that image of her. Pinkamena is insane for the same reason Derpy is a mailmare who loves muffins, the fans "created" the character based on something in the show

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Pinkenema  was when she was young, before she saw the rainbow that taught her to smile, you see how everything lightened up when pinkie saw the rainbow? That was her realization of the light in the world. Pinkie only acted the way she did because she had noone to make smile, she became depressed, she thought she lost her friends forever. She didn't want to hurt anybody, She was trying to make herself feel better by organizing a party, by herself. she would be downright sobbing if her friends didn't come after her fiasco. There's a difference between depression and insanity people, she didn't make any insane remarks, she only was trying to make fun at the fact that she had noone to party with.

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In order for Pinkie Pie to be the way she is, she does have to be crazy. Be obsessive. Be intrusive. Be creepy. Be weird. Be oblivious. She has to take things in an abnormal way even to the extreme point.

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That "Pinkamena" is a separate personality from Pinkie has to be near the top of the list of pet peeves for dumb fanon.


FFS, it's just the long version of her name!

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The source of the problem doesn't really matter.

She still had a mental break. Rocks and a bucket of turnips were talking to her.


But I agree with Andaasonsan, I don't think Pinkie and "Pinkamena" are two different personalities.

When Pinkie gets depressed her hair deflates like when she was a filly. That's it.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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Well I do like your thinking, and do agree with it. However, that can't say she might not be crazy.

Insanity is not something you are born with. True others might be more susceptible to it than others, but it still is something that is only created. Insanity, and being crazy is all due to having to much/to little of a chemical in your brain, and that is caused by having to much trauma in the past of your life. You are right when you say she would be depressed. Most insane people have been depressed, which is what comes with trauma. School shootings are usually cause of the student being bullied to much, and having nobody there to stand up for them. That person will feel that there is nobody there who cares about them, and everyone is against them, putting them thru so much pain that they will get to the point where they feel the only way to get rid of it, is to kill everyone. Most people who commit crimes are looking for that attention that they were never given. Usually people who fought in a war, had an uncaring family, or lost a lot are as well in chance of becoming insane, due to the trauma.

Pinkie lived on a rock farm. I think even if she makes it seem like it was great, she's hiding in the true fact that she was totally miserable there. Until she actually threw a party, her family didn't seem like they ever smiled. Perhaps they didn't show her enough love. She needed love, and for someone to be around her when her family wasn't so she freaked out when her friends didn't show up to gummies party. I personally believe that pinkie had to have had a harmful past, therefore creating the monster of pinkamena. Almost as if someone who has DID.

This isn't just stuff I make up. I have been studding the brain almost all my life, and I actually do have DID due to my past, so it really is something that can ruin a happy fun pony, and turn them into a killing monster. You have to be careful with how you treat those around you, because even if you don't notice, every thing you do, they take note of it.

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Pinkamena is not crazy. She's hurt.


When she thought everypony abandoned her, she fell into a brutal despair that resulted in her trying to "make new friends". Rather than an insane inspiration, it was morose desperation in an attempt to ignore her own depression. Her memorable eye-twitch was from stress; she had no desire to harm anypony or fly into a rage. Like many of us, she just wanted to not be alone.


Final note: "Cupcakes" is just a single fanfic that made a mountain out of dust. It has no bearing on Pinkie's actual personality.

Way to nail it down dude! I don't know what caused the fan to write "cupcakes", one of the most disgusting fanfics ever written. It's just to show how even though she's a ball full of fun, she can easily be torn by the actions of her friends. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Pinkie Pie even has some elements of criminality in her behavior. Trespassing, harassment, stealing, breaking and entering, stalking, vandalism, and duress.

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Most people who are depressed don't go on killing sprees.


Headcanon doesn't have logic either.

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