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mega thread Do you have any headcanons/theories?


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For starters alicorns are created rather than being born. Such as Twilight's transformation in MMC and Cadence originally being a pegasus as stated in Twilight and the Crystal Heart Spell.  Alicorns are created when ever a pony comes to a full realization and mastering of a specific type of major equestrian magic such as the sun, the moon, or love.  Twilight became an alicorn through being able to master the literal magic of friendship and completely understand it through completing a powerful and difficult magical task.

Cadence went from a pegasus to an alicorn through mastering the magic of love and being able to use it to purify the heart of an evil queen/sorceres.  Now for Celestia and Luna because of Heart's Warming Eve I believe that they became alicorns around the time of Star Swirl the Bearded through becoming talented with using the magic of raising the moon and sun and eventually further than that and eventually being the best and most talented at it and helped prevent some sort of magical catastrophe and ended up becoming the first alicorns and eventually leaving the magic to raise the sun and moon to be forgotten except by them.

Lastly the type of powerful magic a pony completely masters determines how long he or she lives, such as Celestia and Luna being near immortal due to controlling celestial bodies with incredibly long life spans, but Twilight and Cadence age and aren't immortal due to the fact that both friendships and love can die/ much more fragile, thus allowing the two to remain mortals and not have to outlive their loved ones.

I say that Celestia and Luna are actually magical constructs, created wholecloth from the fabric of magic itself. A forbidden ritual by Satrswirl created two saviors out of their most powerful spells, those to raise the sun and moon, forever losing the power to cast those spells but in turn creating immensely wise and magical guardians to combat Discord's rule. Being created from magic, they have great knowledge of magic, are large and godlike in relation to ponies, ageless, and have manes flowing with magic.



Another idea I had is that there are different types of alicorns. The royal sisters are part unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony. Twilight now has both unicorn and pegasus characteristics, but because she doesn't have earth pony characteristics to fill the trinity, she doesn't have the size, mane, or agelessness the others have. Cadence has unicorn, pegasus, and crystal pony characteristics, making her different from the sisters.

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- Since something like Cadance and Twilight's ascendancy was implied to be a completely new feat, I believe it was Celestia and Luna's destiny already to be born as alicorns whether they were the first or not.


- Since all of main six's fashion sense and distinct archetypes seem kinda vague to me, Rainbow gives me a grunge/punk vibe, or those edgy rocker girls. Twilight looks like she'd be that over the top uniform wearing girl at an academy. Flutters gives me a slighty hippie-ish vibe, or that kinda quirky and softspoken personality like Luna Lovegood. Pinkie would be that smallish, risk-taking over the top jokester that has an affinity for older or traditional styles. Something cute like a 50's dress or skirt. Applejack would be that rough and tumble southern girl for sure, I have no problem seeing her as a real person at all, or what kind of style she has. Rarity has a rich New England upper class girl written all over her. Since it's never really stated what kind of archetypes they fall under other than their nature and interests mainly in activities, I like to add a little more to some of their background.


- I like to think Celestia was the serious and teacher's pet kinda sister with a love of classical music, informing literature, and the pass-time of playing piano while Luna loved the more daring activities, had a mischievous streak, was very interested learning dark magic and loved to express herself more wildly and outside the box opposite of her sister. Luna was often met with unapproval from those she cared about growing up.


- The unicorn culture gives me a vibe of caves and mountains, were gems are found and where they are protected and hidden as opposed to the open lands pegasi and earth ponies roam. Maybe that's why they were such a mystery to the other races at least from my observation of Hearth's Warming Eve.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Well, my main headcanon largely involved Sombra and Grogar. Remember how in Tolkien lore that while Sauron was the main villain in LotR, but that he wasn't the true representation of evil in Arda? That honor belonged to Melkor; aka Morgoth. Sauron was merely his top lieutenant.


Likewise, I envision Sombra as being one of, if not THE big, forces of evil in the world, and Sombra was his main understudy. Grogar ruled from Tambelon (Mordor) which was a ruined city that was originally a happy place home to ponies (similar to Minas Morgul).


In the end, Grogar send Sombra out to conquer the Crystal Empire, while at the same time Celestia and Luna combat Grogar and Tambelon with the Elements of Harmony before he can strike at Canterlot. As a result, Sombra now rules the Empire while Grogar and Tambelon are both banished.

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Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Few more. 


-Fluttershy had an evil imaginary friend only she can see. She has been on more than one occasion, been possessed by him. Her stare was also an ability given to her by him.

-Fluttershy's social anxiety and dragon phobias root from the death of her biological Mother by a dragon.

-Fluttershy is also an expert at arts and crafts, but is afraid to show her talents fully due to a previous incident.

-Pinkie's Pinkie Sense comes from a magic accident, which gave her the ability to predict sudden events.

Edited by TheMisterManGuy
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I did have a headcanon.  It was that Twilight would eventually become a Princess.  But that already happened.  What I didn't predict was that she would become an Alicorn.  I thought she was just going to be a Unicorn and she was going to be promoted to Princess at some point.


Other than that, my only headcanon that I have is that at some point Twilight becomes the most powerful magic using pony in Equestria.  But I think a lot of people probably think that anyway.

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I think there are other elements of harmony besides the six we've seen.  take a look at this picture from Twilight's book in episode one.




As you can see, the elements are positioned over what appears to be an eight spoked wheel.  Each of the elements appear to be placed over one of the spokes of the wheel with the Element of Magic in the center.  However three of these spokes have nothing on them.  I believe this is meant to represent that there are three elements that are missing.  It's possible that some time long ago, these three other elements somehow became disconected from the other elements and the tree of harmony.  Nopony knows about these elements and most have forgotten them entirely.  However, for generations, these elements have been lying dorment waitng for bearers.  The main thing we need to consider when analysing what these mystery elements could be is that the six we've seen (honesty, genorosity, loyalty, laughter, kindness, and magic) so far are not only virtues, bet are essential to maintaining a long standing and genuin friendship.  What other virtues are there that are important to maintaining a genuin freindship but aren't covered by the six we've seen so far?  I think I know what those elements are and who their bearers would be.


The first element is the element of Forgiveness.  Very few things will end a friendship faster then holding a grudge on others mistakes and wrong doings.  Inevitably, many times in life, you will make mistakes and you will start conflicts you never meant to get into.  It's only human/pony nature.  Therefore, forgiveness is really bucking important.  I've always believed that as long as the person/pony responsible for the wrong doing is willing to seek forgiveness, so too must a true friend be willing to give it.  To me, nopony fits this element better then Sunset Shimmer.  Admitedly, Sunset didn't appear very forgiveing at all to start with.  She deffinately wasn't in EqG and the whole reason she came to the human world in the first place was that she was holding a grudge on Celestia's decisions toward her studies, believing the princess was holding her back.  However, at the end of EqG, we see that Sunset's whole perspective changed.  As she said herself, "I didn't know there was another way".  Since then, she had tried to gain forgiveness for her past mistakes, but everyone were holding grudges toward her and no-one was willing to give her the benifit of the doubt.  Because of this, She's made a complete 180 and turned her life around.  She'd most likely be quicker to forgive others then any member of the mane six because she's experianced first hand what holding a grudge is like on the recieving end.  She didn't like it.  Not to mention that she would be right at home among the main six.  As she said herself, "I'm still so new to this whole friendship thing. I still have a lot to learn."   Sunset Shimmer is the element of forgiveness.


The second element is the element of Humility.  Nobody likes a bragger or someone who shows off for no other reason than to get attention.  While the intent might be to gain attention and get others to like you, showing off will, nine times out of ten, have the opposite effect.  It pushes people away,  Those who always go on and on about how great they are and how they're better then everyone else are insufferable because it's extreamly self-rightious.  By playing up your own achievements. you only degrade those around you and nobody wants that.  Therefore, humility is very important.  Be proud of your achievements, but don't shove it in everypony's faces.  IMHO, the character who represents this element the best is none other then Trixie.  In many ways, Trixie's story similar to that of sunset shimmer.  In her first appearance, Trixy did nothig but brag.  Heck, the first episode she was in was called "BOAST busters"  However, after was revealed for the self-rightious fraud that she was, she learned the hard way how important it is to be humble.  she was shunned by everypony and even had to get a job on a Bucking rock farm for Celestia's sake.  Also, we really can't take most of the events in "magic dual" into account, Because Trixie was influaced by an evil cursed amulet and wasn't responsible for her actions.  However, at the end of that episode, after the amulet was gone, We saw Trixie show regret for what she had done and learn from her mistakes.  Also much like Sunset, She would be able to integate very well into Twilights circle of friends and definately has a lot to learn about friendship.  Trixie is the element of humility.


The third and most important element is Trust.  this one is relatively self explainatory.  How can anyone maintain a friendship if they don't trust each other.  Simple, they can't.  friendship simply doesn't work that way.  In order for any friendship to stand, those involved have to trust that their friends will be there for them in a time of need.  You also need to be willing to return the favor, re-enforcing that same trust.  It's difficult to explain the exact reasons why but trust is really bucking important.  I believe that no-one represents trust better then Spike the dragon.  Much like the element itself, this is relatively self explainatory.  Spike is the most trustworthy character I've seen in the show and also seems very trusting of his friends as well (more so then most other characters I've seen).  Spike really deserves an element of his own and trust just seems the most fitting.  He's been there litterally since the start.  And I don't just mean from the perspective us veiwers.  Not only has he been there since the first episode, but he was raised by Twilight since he hatched.  He's already just as important of a character as any of the mane six and was even the main reason the Chystal Empire didn't get taken over.  He's done just as much as the mane six have but gets none of the recognition.  For crying out loud, he even has his own throne in Twilight's castle now.  If that doesn't illustrate his importance I don't know what will.  Ok, this has started to get long winded.  bassically what I'm saying is that spike deserves his own element and the most fitting element seems to be trust.


To sum it all up, the elements of harmony are incomplete as it is.  Honest, loyalty, kindness, genorosity, laughter and magic(an alternate name of magic is the element of leadership) are all important to maintaining a friendship.  But without humility, trust and forgiveness, the other elements can easily be lost.  If (by some odd chance) any of the show's writters ever happen to read this comment, please do us all a favor and find a way to work this into the show.  I doubt I'm the only one who'd aprecieate it.   


Twilight's life span,  I've heard that Lauren has said that she will not out live her friends.  Then again, the Forces of Evil have driven her from her rightful place, so maybe that no longer applies


I've always thought that twilight's life span doesn't really have anything to do with her being an alicorn.  Instead, I think that all of the mane six are immortal due to their connection to the Elements of Harmony.  This appears to be even more likely now that they've traded the physicle magical artifacts of the elements for the Rainbow Powers.  No longer are they simply connected to their elements but now, they and their elements are one in the same.  Not to mention that they definately appeared to gain some kind of extreme magical boost from the Rainbow Powers and If that doesn't extend their life span I don't know what will. 

Here Goes:


My Little Pony was created by Hasbro to sell merchandise!


reeeeeaaaallly???????????????  never would have guessed!!!!!!!!!!   ;)

Edited by Serenade
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The Thoughtful Brony

As to the idea that there are more Elements of Harmony.  There are some threads that deal w this idea.  + in Princess Twilight, when they give the Elements back, the tree lights up & briefly implies there are some missing Elements

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IMO, Fancy Pants is the head of the EQ secret service.  (Or, at least the Canterlot branch) He is "M" & keeps an eye on the nobility.  This is why he helped the Mane 6 in "Sweet & Elite" -he knew who & what they were.  (Well, + he seems a fairly decent sort of person)

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Derpy's real name is Ditzy Doo.  Everypony calls her Derpy Hooves as a nickname because 1: she's derpy looking and 2: she's a total clutz. 

-Pinkie's Pinkie Sense comes from a magic accident, which gave her the ability to predict sudden events.

and that magical accident was the RD's sonic rainboom.  Go rewatch The Cutie Mark Chronicles.  You'll see that Pinkie Pie was the only pony to be physically effected by the rainboom (her mane poofed up).  I think that was because the rainboom infused her with a bunch of magic and this somehow gave her her reality bending (and fourth wall breaking) abilities.  including the Pinkie Sense.

- Since all of main six's fashion sense and distinct archetypes seem kinda vague to me, Rainbow gives me a grunge/punk vibe, or those edgy rocker girls. Twilight looks like she'd be that over the top uniform wearing girl at an academy. Flutters gives me a slighty hippie-ish vibe, or that kinda quirky and softspoken personality like Luna Lovegood. Pinkie would be that smallish, risk-taking over the top jokester that has an affinity for older or traditional styles. Something cute like a 50's dress or skirt. Applejack would be that rough and tumble southern girl for sure, I have no problem seeing her as a real person at all, or what kind of style she has. Rarity has a rich New England upper class girl written all over her. 

you're pretty much spot on with most of those.  Go watch Rainbow Rocks.

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In episode 2, Pinkie mentions her "Grammy Pie" who taught her to laugh her fears away, and in Too Many Pinkie Pies she mentions a "Nanna Pinkie" who told her stories about (probably among other things) the mirror pool. But from what we see of Pinkie's family, none of them are likely to do those things.


If we assume these are the same pony, it becomes apparent that her nanna's name was in fact Pinkie Pie! Sometime in the future, Pinkie goes back in time and finds her young filly self, still learning about who she is, and she becomes a surrogate grandmother in order to teach her young self about laughter, and stories, and friendship, and her Pinkie Sense, none of which she was getting from her family.

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Twilight is the Princess of the Stars, and carries within her the ability to unite all ponies in Equestria in friendship. There is one sun, one moon, but countless stars, just as there are countless ponies. Twilight will be the one to unite them all through the magic of her friendship.

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Ponies may choose a new name upon receiving their cutiemark, though very few do.

Out of the Mane Six, only Rarity has done so, her original name was Lapis Lazuli.


The Sirens have been in the EQ for several thousand years, which they mostly spend tagging along armies (Alexander the Great , Caesar etc.), feeding of the chaos and contributing to it.

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Tomorrow will take us away, far from home

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The Elements of Harmony (artifacts) / the Tree of Harmony are evil.


Celestia and Luna are natural born Alicorns.


The mane 6 are in their early 20's.


Twilight is potentially the most powerful Alicorn.


Ponyville, Equestria is a reflection of Humansville, MO. 

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Rewatching the episode Baby Cakes


Those crib & playpen designs are only practical for Earth Ponies.  Pegasi need a top to keep premature flyers from escaping.  Unicorns also need some kind of mesh or screen to keep babies from levitating stuff into their crib


Also, Cloud Homes (like Dash has) have to be like Campers or Mobile Homes. No way they can be hooked up to town facilities.  They have to have a sewage storage facility & a reservoir for water. 

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Well, my main headcanon largely involved Sombra and Grogar. Remember how in Tolkien lore that while Sauron was the main villain in LotR, but that he wasn't the true representation of evil in Arda? That honor belonged to Melkor; aka Morgoth. Sauron was merely his top lieutenant.


Likewise, I envision Sombra as being one of, if not THE big, forces of evil in the world, and Sombra was his main understudy. Grogar ruled from Tambelon (Mordor) which was a ruined city that was originally a happy place home to ponies (similar to Minas Morgul).


In the end, Grogar send Sombra out to conquer the Crystal Empire, while at the same time Celestia and Luna combat Grogar and Tambelon with the Elements of Harmony before he can strike at Canterlot. As a result, Sombra now rules the Empire while Grogar and Tambelon are both banished.




Grogar & Morgoth = Devils.


Sombra & Sauron = Vice-Devils.


^That's... actually not half-bad.

Edited by A.V.
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Head-cannons are my pass-time. Here are some:


-- Twilight is Clover the Clever.


-- Discord is Star Swirl (or his Frankenstein?)


-- Celestia caused Luna to become resentful. (Some how.)


-- Sombra was once a normal pers- pony.


-- Discord was part of Celestia's family. Celestia was the oldest, Discord in the middle, then Luna.


-- Rainbow Dash used to be as flightless as Scootaloo.


-- Gilda was/is an orphan.

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Some of my headcanons 


Fluttershy is the most observational of the Mane 6


Daring Do is Rainbow Dash's mother


Ponyville's population is only around 250 (give or take) 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I have one with Spike where he will grow older and leave for the Crystal Kingdom where he becomes it's guardian and becomes a legendary dragon who has an entire kingdom for a horde.


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I have a long one:


King Sombra was the benevolent ruler of the Crystal Empire, until he was corrupted by the evil spirit Umbra. When Celestia and Luna banished Sombra, Umbra left him and passed onto to Luna, turning her to Nightmare Moon. However, when Nightmare Moon was banished, the spirit couldn't corrupt Celestia, and so moved onto the Tree of Harmony. (The tree was defenseless without the elements of harmony, which the princesses had taken from it.)


For 1,000 years, Umbra lingered, slowly seeping into the everfree forest. Without the Tree's protection, monsters began to swarm into the once peaceful forest.(This explains why the forest became so dangerous, and why so many dangers seem to come out of it throughout the series)


However, when the elements were returned to the tree of Harmony, it was able to banish Umbra, and began to cleanse the forest of its presense. (This explains why the Mane Six made several uneventful trips to the Castle of the Two Sisters without incident, even though the everfree forest is apparently so dangerous)


I use this to rationalize why the Castle of the Two Sisters was built in the heart of Everfree Forest. After all, I don't think the princess would want their castle in such a dangerous area.

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