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Which of the mane six would make the worst mom?


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 Fluttershy - She's good at nurturing but she's way too much of a softie to lay down the law.


Ummm... seen The Stare Master?


Twilight.  She has basically raised Spike


Lauren Faust says that Twilight hatched Spike, but Celestia raised him. Later, she appointed him to be her assistant.

Edited by Vital Spark

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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i would say rainbow dash would be the worst mom. while i feel she would be more compatant in a teacher/menture role but as a car taker i feel like she wouldnt be the best for that role. i mean rainbow dash  is best pony and all but shes more of that fun crazy uncle or in this case aunt.



sig by @Tao avi by me @bambiki

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Pinkie Pie.  She couldn't even handle babysitting without breaking down.  She's just way too emotionally unstable, and a kid would ruin her fun, which is pretty much what her entire life is about.


Rarity has an annoying sister.  How you act to your siblings isn't really a reflection of what you'd act like around your own kids.  I think Rarity would be a great mom.  I think she doesn't want kids, but she would do well at it if it did happen.


Fluttershy is very kind and patient, so she'd make a good mom.


Twilight already is practically Spike's mom.


Applejack takes pretty good care of Applebloom, so she'd probably be good.


Rainbow Dash... you know what, I take back Pinkie Pie.  Rainbow Dash would be the worst.  She's way too centered on herself.  She'd easily neglect a kid.  Or be that pushy parent that wants 110% no matter what.

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I am just going to review all of them from worst to best. :-P


1. Rarity - She is not a good parental figure despite her taking care of her younger sister, she often ignores Sweetie Bell and is too focused on everything non-family related. She would most likely leave her offspring with the father or someone else to take care of it while she got things done / went out, and she hardly ever has free time. Currently she is getting better at it, but she still has a ways to go, I would rate her the worst mother.


2. Pinkie Pie - She cannot sit still for 2 minutes unless her life depended on it (yes, it actually happened). She would go nuts having to stay home all day with a new born for many weeks in succession. She will most likely have her attention everywhere except where it needs to be and can potentially cause many problems. She probably shouldn't be left alone to babysit for too long to avoid such things.


3. Fluttershy - Babysitting might be easy for her, but raising her own foal after a certain age may be impossible. She is far too sheltered and shy and will most likely be walked over by her offspring. Other ponies are one thing, but your own blood is another. She will most likely need serious help from the father to raise the child, she wouldn't be able to do it herself.


4. Rainbow Dash - A lot of you say she would be the worst, but I am inclined to disagree. What Rainbow Dash needs to change her attitude, is to find that special somepony. If she actually does, this would change her way of thinking about a lot of things. And it will also steer her in the right direction to become more of a role model for her offspring. She has the necessary attitude and personality to easily raise a foal.


5. Twilight Sparkle - Now that she is an Alicorn, it may never ever happen that she will get an offspring, let alone a special somepony. However, if she did manage this, she would be able to take care of a foal no problem. All of her studying will pay off as she will know exactly what to do when raising her offspring.


6. Applejack - The difference between Applejack and Twilight, is that Applejack and the rest of her family have plenty of real life experience to share, Twilight does not. A large friendly family in good settlement areas are the ideal thing to have to raise a foal. Since Applejack is the eldest of the Mane 6, she has the most real life experience plus taking care of Applebloom; she would be the best mother of the Mane 6.    

  • Brohoof 1

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Rarity wouldn't like getting her hooves dirty or the lack of beauty sleep but then her relationship with Sweetie Belle hints that she could be a good mother i guess but I feel like she wouldn't have enough time for foals! she's a working mare!

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Ha! Probably Rarity or Rainbow Dash.


Rarity: Moi? Babysit? Oh. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. [Mr. and Mrs. Cake walk away]. I am flattered that you would think about me though.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think any of them would actually make for bad parents.


Twilight would be the best mother, since she has a motherly tone and has taken care of a baby dragon for most of her life.


Applejack would also be pretty good since she seems responsible with the young ins, specifically Apple Bloom.


Fluttershy would be decent. She took care of the CMC one time. The only issue would be if the filly/foal over powers her.


Rarity is kind of a wild card. She can either have a good relationship with fillies as shown in Sisterhooves Social, or a terrible one as shown in Sleepless in Ponyville.


Pinkie could probably actually pull of being a mother. It's just that most of her screen time was seen taking care of annoying babies. Outside of that, she has been shown to be liked among fillies, as shown in the Smile Song. Though I can see her more as an entertainment kind of mom than a rules kind of mom.


Rainbow Dash would be an... interesting mom. She is competent with foals. She motivates Sooctaloo. But it would be the same case as Pinkie, where she would be more of an entertainment mom than a rules mom.

  • Brohoof 6



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Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.


Fluttershy would raise brats, due to being unable to be assertive or strong unless she's using The Stare or some kind of life-or-death situation is going on. The kids would likely make it into a game, where they see how far they can push her before she uses The Stare, forcing them through mind-control to obey.


Rainbow Dash? I could see her being cool, playing with her kids, taking them around with her, showing them awesome games/contests, that kind of thing. She might be kinda insistent that her kids become awesome athletes like her. Worst case scenario, she treats it the way she treats cloudbucking: Do it quickly, then it's done, so go nap.


Alright, I guess, but compared to generic traditional "Kindness and love and faaaym'ley t'getherness!" Applejack, the all-knowing "The many books and textbooks said to do this to be a good parent." Twilight, the "Fun and parties and love!" Pinkie(Possibly asking Twilight for advice whenever something new and unexpected pops up), and the "My daughter is either the new Sweetie Belle or the new me, so just go fabulous and hope for the best before a mental breakdown claims me at the first sight of stress." Rarity.


Actually... Rarity would be bad, and so would Fluttershy, but the others might be okay.

Rarity wouldn't like getting her hooves dirty or the lack of beauty sleep but then her relationship with Sweetie Belle hints that she could be a good mother i guess but I feel like she wouldn't have enough time for foals! she's a working mare!

{Applejack scoffs amusedly in the distan-}

{Applejack HAH!s amusedly in the distance.}

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While Pinkie may not be the most health conscious mother, she certainly has the energy and drive to not only keep up with but keep kids going for a long amount of time. While I don't see her making mom of the year, I don't think she'd be the worst. I truly think that'd be RD, mostly because, right now, she just doesn't act motherly enough. Now that's not to say she can't be, it's just that at this moment in time she is the least likely to even settle down, let alone have foals


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Rarity IMO just because of her prissy attitude she will make her daighter/son do all the work for her

Pinkie pie would make a great mom.. she will show how great life it and how great friends are... you don't want to make your daughter/sons sad now would you? And since she's a full time extrovert they will enjoy spending time with pinkie

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Rainbow Dash - The worst option I would think. She would probably be too immature to be a parent and very disciplinary as well. With also being in the Wonderbolts she would also be the parent that is never actually there for their kid. The "military" parent that is always away.


Fluttershy - Wonderful, Amazing but would have problems with issuing obedience.  


Pinkie Pie - As long as she DOESN"T marry someone who is like Cheese Sandwhich, she would be just fine. Someone to keep her from giving the babies and children cake etc. She is getting experience with babysitting pound and pumpkin cake, she isn't an idiot and pretty much knows they need to eat healthy. So I imagine she would be just fine and would just need someone to help her be stern with them as they get older.


Twilight Sparkle - I don't imagine there would be any problems other then she would have to get over the "text book" learning style of her personality. Anyone remember that episode of Rug Rats where LipShits baby sat tommy and the gang? She would go also psychotic as nothing she would do turned out right and everything every baby book she ever reads just goes wrong and and blows up in her face or makes things go worst. So she would have to learn to NOT rely on a book to tell her what to do and just do what comes natural and be herself around the kids. 


Fluttershy - I uhh...cannot think of a single thing that would ever go wrong other than she would be too nice and lenient.


Rarity - The classic don't piss her off mom.


Applejack - Probably the best choice for a parent out of the mane six. I mean. Unless anypony here can think of something that could go wrong?

I am just going to review all of them from worst to best. :-P




2. Pinkie Pie - She cannot sit still for 2 minutes unless her life depended on it (yes, it actually happened). She would go nuts having to stay home all day with a new born for many weeks in succession. She will most likely have her attention everywhere except where it needs to be and can potentially cause many problems. She probably shouldn't be left alone to babysit for too long to avoid such things.





except we have seen her at the spa a lot and relaxing with friends. She is not an ADHD case where she cant sit still. She just has tons of energy and uses it. 

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I honestly think none of them would be half bad. After all, who says they won't chance their usual ways for the sake of their offspring? The best ones would definently be Twilight Sparkle and Applejack.

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Something I should add to Pinkie and RD as moms. They would need a husband to balance them out as parents. Pinkie, if left unchecked, could overload her filly with sweets. RD, if left unchecked, could get her foal killed in teaching him/her how to due extreme flying tricks.



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Rarity strikes me as the least "motherly" of the Mane 6.  She has what seems to be a fairly strained relationship with her parents.  It's suggested that, while they aren't bad parents, their family isn't exactly the happiest.  In the one episode where they appeared, her parents seemed pretty aloof and more interested in their own activities than in Rarity's well-being.  This seems to have transferred to some extent to Rarity herself, where she is usually more interested in her own career than in making her sister happy.  I get the feeling that, were she to have a kid, she would often be much more frustrated with both having to take care of the kid and the constant distractions from her chosen profession, than she would get joy out of being a mother.  With some guidance and support from her friends, she COULD still be a good mother, but it would come harder to her than to pretty much anyone else in the Mane 6.  (And frankly, I know EXACTLY how that feels - my wife and I made a deliberate decision to not have kids largely because of those factors.)


I would actually put Rainbow Dash fairly high on the "motherly" list, and here's why: Despite being self-centered sometimes to the point of recklessness and massive egoism, Rainbow has shown a remarkable propensity for inspiring others, supporting them when they need her most (Fluttershy, Scootaloo and Tank), and taking responsibility for things when she needs to.  I think that, were she to have a foal, she would be confused and a little exasperated at first, but she would rise to the challenge and work to inspire her kid to be just as awesome as she is.  I'm afraid I just can't see the same thing happening with Rarity.


This is essentially my opinion. RD has a strong nurturing streak as one of her positive traits; Fluttershy and Applejack do too, but both of them can be too controlling (AJ has other qualities and demonstrated aptitude, however). Twilight has a more subtle one that is occasionally sidelined by her "oh look a book well there went my day" attitude.


Pinkie Pie and Rarity, though? They have a harder time of it. The Pies and the Belles aren't very warm families and that shows. Both ponies are very nice on a face-to-face level, but aren't all that great with kids. Pinkie Pie has troubles with the responsibility/having to settle down, Rarity wants to focus on society and business. They'd be more likely to treat their children as just another friend rather than as someone who demands more time than that.

  • Brohoof 2

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Ooh, fun topic. Coming at this with a little knowledge of child psychology and behaviour management here, from best to worst I'd have to go...







Pinkie Pie

Rainbow Dash



Fluttershy: People will probably think this one is a strange choice, but I know how well this approach with children and young people works. Fluttershy may not have much experience with kids, but her gentle, nurturing nature, patience and kindness would all contribute to being a fantastic mother. She is capable of putting her hoof down when need be, we've seen that. She'd be democratic, fair, and while she would have boundaries, those boundaries would allow her children plenty of space in which to grow into their own people.


Applejack: She has a lot of experience with Apple Bloom and is very family focused. She'd put her all into raising her kids. She's patient, honest, and very loving. She may have a few problems being a tad overbearing and not letting her children have enough independence, but as we saw with Apple Bloom, she forces herself to step back once she realises how much frustration she's causing. I also see her as a democratic parent who values her children's input, though her boundaries would be narrower than Fluttershy's.


Twilight: Twilight would absolutely want what's best for her children. She'd be very 'by the book' and would probably raise them well in a loving and nurturing manner. She'd give them plenty of attention and guidance. Where I think Twilight would struggle is when her idea of what's 'best' conflict with her children's view of themselves, their future and what they want to grow to be. I think she'd have a tendency to project herself onto her children. They'd lack the same freedom as their peers and may feel constricted. Her focus on achievement may also cause a bit of resentment.


Rarity: While I think Rarity would prove to be a capable parent if she chose to, I don't see Rarity as wanting kids. That may just be me projecting myself onto her character; we're very similar. But from what I've observed, Rarity is so focused on her own life, her art and her career that I can't see having children as ever being something she'd prioritise. If she did decide to, I think she'd demonstrate good parenting skills, though she would struggle with juggling her work and providing time for her children. You can see this with Sweetie Belle. It's obvious Rarity loves Sweetie Belle very much, but she doesn't spend as much time with her as she ought to.


Pinkie Pie: Two words: NO BOUNDARIES. Pinkie would love her children, but she lacks an appropriate sense of responsibility, and would be terrible at discipline. She'd be way too laissez-faire, expecting her children to just magically behave on their own, and when they don't, I expect she'd get angry and punish, or simply give up and let them carry on being naughty. (You see this ALL THE TIME with teachers.) Hot/cold discipline like that is not only useless, it confuses children. They don't learn how to self-manage their behaviour, which becomes a liability later in life. (Also, Pinkie has been shown to be absolutely terrible at self-managing her own behaviour. Not a great example to be setting.) She would spend a lot of time with her children though, which is why she's not last...


Rainbow Dash: Rainbow Dash is way too independent and self-absorbed to be a good parent. Like Pinkie, she lacks responsibility, but while Pinkie may compensate for that a little by spending time and effort on her children, Rainbow just wouldn't. She's not a nurturing personality, at all. Her kids would probably feel resentful, like Rainbow doesn't care enough to make time for them. Like others have said, she'd be the 'hands off' parent who pops them in front of the TV and is subsequently surprised when they grow up and don't show her affection or respect her authority. She'd also suffer from the same laissez-faire discipline problem as Pinkie.


Rainbow would be an awesome aunt, or Godmother. Her personality would come across as 'totally cool' to a child, and they'd look up to her as a big-sister-type role model. But you wouldn't want her raising kids.


By the way, I'm theorising here based on the idea of them raising kids alone. Particularly in Rainbow's case, her 'hands off' lack of parenting skills could be well compensated for by her partner being the one to spend a lot of nurturing time with them, and setting their boundaries. That leaves Rainbow to be the 'cool parent' who's into sports and playing kick-around and spending fun time. It'd also lessen the possibility of her becoming resentful at her kids cutting too much into her personal freedoms. Same with Pinkie. She'd be the 'fun' parent while her partner is the 'responsible' one.

What she (he?) said.  Spot on, and good explication.

Edited by Foliha
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Had they lived on earth, I think Fluttershy and Rarity would probably be the "not so good" mothers.

Rarity doesn't seem to be focused enough in the matter, while Fluttershy most probably would end up being over protective with her family. Can't imagine those poor, baby lizards.

On the other hand, I think Applejack might be the best mother. Responsible and caring.

Twilight might be a little bit paranoid, but she's very wise in most aspects, and would probably rise her fillies just fine, if it wasn't because she's a princess now. Can't imagine Celestia having a family either.

And last, but not least. Rainbow Dash, which would be pretty encouraging in such rol. A cool mom might be the best thing ever.


I feel like I'm missing somepony... don't know why though. Probably because she's a little bit too much childish still.

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I'll rank the ponies from best to worst.

  1. Applejack - This is for obvious reasons. AJ sure knows how to lead a family, and how to cook for one, too! She'll be a loving and caring mother with lots of great stories to tell.
  2. Fluttershy - The only reason she is below AJ is because she is sort of a pushover, and might not handle the teenage years so well. But her assertiveness will pull her through, and her kindness will make her one of the best mothers ever!
  3. Pinkie Pie - While Pinkie might seem childish, she would probably make a fun mother with lots of treats and laughs to spare. Lots of ponies call her foolish, but she actually has enough common sense to raise a good child.
  4. Rainbow Dash - She's pretty ambitious but also really cool. Her kids would look up to her, and while she knows how to discipline, she sometimes might lose sight of what's important.
  5. Rarity - As amazing as she is, Rarity wouldn't be the best choice to raise a child. She would not like the messes very much. But with her outstanding singing voice and superior eye for design, she would raise a beautiful daughter and make sure they marry the right stallion.
  6. Twilight Sparkle - The princess is very organized, but she doesn't always keep a level head and would depend too much on her books to really raise a child correctly. She might also be too busy to keep an eye on the foal all the time.
  • Brohoof 1
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I think Rarity. I believe the others would adapt, like most moms do before they become moms. However, there's a hint that Rarity can't stand children in Baby Cakes, where she was the only person who didn't have an excuse for not helping, she just said "no no no" or something of the sort.

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