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Is anyone else getting burnout


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Burnout? As in the racing game series? Yep, I have all of them... :P


Just kidding. The only time I get burnouts from the show is the between season breaks. Though, I'd often rewatch the past few episodes while impatiently waiting for the next season.

Edited by GeometryMath Algebra
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 Coming into the fandom late I have been lucky. I watched Season 1, then nothing for a couple of months, then did 2, waited a month etc etc. I haven't even caught up yet because I just finally finished season 3 and have decided I will wait till the summer to watch Season 4. 


 For those that are suffering burnout remember you can take a break for a couple of weeks or months and then catch up. Not being up to date isn't the end of the world.

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I am to some degree, but in hindsight that's all my fault. Last couple of weeks I pretty much forced myself to get up to watch the episodes live when I should of just waited for them to be uploaded, making it feel more like a chore than something I enjoyed. The random break prior to Trade Ya was actually a welcome surprise. 

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Nope. Can't say that I am. Enjoying the show just as much today as I was when I first got into it. Same goes for the fandom. Sure, some bronies can get really obnoxious at times, but I have plenty of brony friends who aren't. As for the show, I'm very easy to please. My reason for getting into ponies was the simple joy and peace they brought, so even if the quality of the episodes from a scripting perspective was getting worse (which I don't believe they are), I'd still love it.


Still going strong here.

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I never get burned out but that could be because of the way I go about watching the show. I don't typically watch the show or do much with the fan stuff when the series isn't actively running so I take loooong breaks between seasons.


Now I get to watch season 4...then wait all summer for Ponies Anthology 4. If they even make one. Anthology 3 was kinda iffy so I'm thinking it probably ran it's course unless a fourth entry can really spice things up.

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I had "burnout" about a year ago. I had watched the show non-stop and was on the forums more than I should have been. So, I took a long break.


As of now, I'm not feeling "burnout".

Rather, I'm just disappointed with the recent episodes.

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Nope, never. In fact I was disappointed that one week, when there wasn't an episode. I was looking forward to it, came to the forums, and soon found out there wasn't actually an episode that weekend. :(

Edited by :Flutterdash:
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My recommendation? If the show doesn't give you the same thrill it used to (and that's kind of the case for me) look to alternatives. I find the comics are often on par and above (especially Andy Price material) and fimfics are becoming something that i go to with great regularity.  After all the fandom makes content that's a lot more for a mature and for an older audience and if you're not tapping into that then you're missing out on the entire experience.

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I'm getting a bit worn out

in truth of the MLP a bit

but not like I'm running away

from it but I find its better

to be part of other well fandoms

so you don't just live on one.


This season had some good eps

which I loved like the Bats!  and first

two eps of the season.

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I've never gotten a sense of burnout with the show, but I am getting a little burnt out with the fandom at large, mainly due to its propensity for dramatics and knee-jerk reactions to literally everything. Honestly, the only reason I still associate "with the fandom" is for the art and all the awesome people I've gotten to know.


Yea, college and this are burning me out, but not the show itself.

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Fandom burnout happens. For me there are times of the year that I have to naturally scale back hobbies and interests, so that helps to keep me from feeling like I need to take a break to deal with over saturation.


MLP may actually be different down the line for several reasons. Right now it's is a new interest for me and I have years of content to absorb. It's also one that my kids enjoy and actively lobbied for me to take a look at the show and fan content, so being something I share with my daughters may stave off any doldrums.

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I just wanted to know because honestly, watching new episodes seems like a chore. I come across some good ones, but overall, I think I need a break from ponies.

Well, I don't see the point of taking a break within two days for the season finale, just watch it, and take the break you need

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Is anyone like me who's been on the ride since the first season and has only had their interest stay level or go up?

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Yea, college and this are burning me out, but not the show itself.


Forgot to mention it, but yeah, that too. School's been a bitch lately, and I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to juggle all these assignments (coming from ONE class, mind you). I'm three episodes behind as a result, so...you can be damn skippy that once the finale airs, I'm not going to log back in here until I get the chance to catch up.

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I almost got excited, as I thought there was a new "Burnout" game arriving, that I'd never heard of. Way to crush my dreams, jerk. :P

I'm not really getting show burnout. I watch it more casually than I used to, but I'm not tiring of it.

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I get burnout from anything approximately every few weeks or so of being immersed in it. Right now, I am going through a burnout stage due to the amount of ponies I'm forced to draw 'cause that's really all people will commission from me. But I'll get out of that when I actually start posting more non-pony related art and people see examples of things that I can actually do besides them.


Also, I don't really like Seasons 3 or 4 as much as the previous ones, so I guess I've been also going through a long-term pony burnout where I'm just trying to distance myself from the series more in general.

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I actually sort of agree, there haven't been that many episodes this season that I really enjoyed a lot, and some of them were just plain boring.


You know, I felt kind of the same way at first, but about two days ago I started rewatching the entirity of Season Four since I finally have some free time, and...


It's better than I remember it being! Watching each of these episodes a second or third time really helped me like them more, I found myself laughing and smiling more than my first viewing. I think a second viewing without distractions really helps, especially since my first viewing of every episode was on a livestream where I'm half paying attention to a chat and half watching the episode.


Dunno if that'll help anyone else like it more, but it sure helped me.

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