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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by DND

  1. MLP was originally and obviously aimed at young girls. Although the team behind MLP:FiM has long since recognized the demographic for the show is in vastly different than the initial target audience, I wouldn't change the representation. The media is still severely lacking interest in female-centric protagonists- even rarer in the case where the females almost entirely get the noticeable development. In most cases personally, regardless of my biological sex, I have related to male characters. It's certainly not required that biological factors need to be involved for realistic characterization, or just to relate to character at all. There is definitely a prominent bias with representation in the industry. Is it safe to say MLP doesn't need a male character to take the spotlight and is perfectly fine the way it is? We certainly don't have a show akin to it.
  2. dude yo is that a mlp avatar i see ?

    1. Clarity


      Dude yes! I've gotten back into lots of old fandoms lately o:

    2. DND


      ! welcome back girlie o:

    3. Clarity
  3. Ugh your art is sublime~ Totally professional looking and just eyecandy in general.
  4. I wouldn't mind if it did end up on Nick eventually. Discovery Family is considerably less viewed. Nick used to be my favorite cartoon channel and honestly it could use all the successful additions it can muster at this point. My Little Pony is traditionally very Nick-esque; shows featured on Nickolodeon often have an array of outrageous, comedic fantasy themes with anthropomorphic animals.
  5. Nice, 60 degree sunshine today. Could go for a walk

    1. Bright Honor

      Bright Honor

      same weather over here

    2. Hyper Tumble

      Hyper Tumble

      its fucking hot here

  6. I spent most of my life without video games, T.V, and the internet so it wouldn't be new to me. Only about 6 1/2 years ago I got a fully functioning computer, haha. I'd probably go back to spending time outside and reading/drawing. Unfortunately, living Arizona now does not have it's outdoor perks.
  7. nice avatar yeh

    1. Inactive_Now


      thank u nice celty avatar <3

    2. DND


      she's a badass bae <3

  8. Can we have a Luna and Celestia filly episode please? Also, can we in general have a Celestia-centric episode? It seems all too overdue.
  9. I love furry stuff, and It's one of my oldest fandoms I've been apart of. *shrug
  10. DND

    critique wanted Finaly done

    Hey, @Guirdann I've decided to help you out here regarding your pony fanart piece you seek advice on: 'Creative Resources' is a perfect place for those who seek constructive criticism on original artworks and thus I've relocated it to the 'Pony Artwork' section here. I've also set your prefix to 'Critique Wanted' to perhaps aid you a bit more, it's easy to change if you feel otherwise opposed to that specific prefix. 'Fan Art' is moreso a place we have artworks posted that just want to receive friendly feedback without constructive criticism involved in any context.
  11. DND

    omg is this you

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Yamato


      Usually pretty dead. Everybody's busy or could care less. Occasionally something will start up, but it usually doesn't last long.

    3. DND


      ah, okay. it's nice to talk to you again though c:

    4. Yamato
  12. Oh noo they're all too cute~ <3
  13. - MCU & Marvel comics fandom - DC Comics fandom & DCAU - Some ongoing series of Dark Horse - Anime/Manga - Homestuck (a little bit) - LPS & MLP - SuperWhoLock - Once Upon a Time - Undertale - Disney/Pixar - Creepypasta - Gravity Falls - Rick & Morty - South Park - Family Guy - Avatar: ATLA/Korra - Adventure Time - Regular Show - Over the Garden Wall - Steven Universe - Star VS the Forces of Evil - Danny Phantom - We Bare Bears (A little less American Dragon and Code Lyoko but I also really enjoyed those series and was a little involved in the fanon) - Nintendo (favorite franchises being Legend of Zelda but also Gamefreak's partnership with Pokemon) (Not sure if I should count Sonic? I like the series but I'm not involved with 90% of the fandom) - I'm a pretty big fan of Bethesda's games. Sure, I suppose I'm apart of that one too - Another minor one but I've been recently getting into Star Wars (also giving Star Trek a try in turn) - Whoops I forgot to mention being a furry
  14. i'm back woo nice banner

  15. DND

    making christmas merrier Choose who will sing True True Friend

    Troblems, you've got an amazing voice.
  16. Blue Moon is a talent ladies and gentleman ! No but honestly I just love everything about this. It looks so nice and extremely well done. <3
  17. Duuude I totally love this style! Really amazing job ~
  18. so mlg bro 11/8 m8 !top rate In all seriousness, I think I enjoyed it a lot and my rating stays true.
  19. clarity senpai chan fam its you

  20. Nope, no signs of autism here. I've retaken an Asperger's and High Functioning Autism quiz just now actually because I had forgotten my exact results. (We've all been awkward and innapropriate socially It's good to make sure) I've met quite a few with severe Asperger's, and I have a handful of friends with minor cases. They're all pretty down for conversations if you spark the right kind of subjects and are actually really kind, genuine friends even if social queues and behaviors can be harder grasp. It's nothing really be ashamed about. We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
  21. Celestial or Heavenly Body Magic seems pretty cool and up my alley.
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