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Everything posted by n1029

  1. The big thing I've learned is reserving judgment whenever anyone tells me they like something I perceive to be "girly" or "childish". I know I've also sometimes used Twilight's stress relief exercise at work, and I'm pretty sure some of the morals have influenced some decisions I've made though I can't think of any off the top of my head right now. In general I think I try to be more open minded and less judgmental in general
  2. Best - Fame and Misfortune - The episode that answered all my prayers. Was nice to know I was not alone in my frustrations with the fandom but at the same time the moral reassured me that they know not to take it too personally. Plus it has one of the best songs of the entire series. Campfire Tales - Mainly for how adorable Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were. The stories were good, but just witnessing how much RD had fully embraced the role of a supportive, comforting big sister absolutely made it for me. Parental Glideance - When I first watched it I had mixed feelings on how the episode addressed RD's issues with her parents, but ultimately I believe everyone came to an understanding at the end about where the line was between support and embarrassment. RD may have had good reason to snap at her parents, but she still needed a moderating influence like Scootaloo to prevent the issue from getting out of hand and preventing chronic feelings of bitterness. Ultimately I just love how much their unique relationship plays into the story here, in addition to having all the laughs and feels I expect from MLP. A Royal Problem - A surprisingly believable Celestia/Luna conflict helped by solid pacing and some great jokes. Secrets and Pies - Just one of those really fun episodes that doesn't try to do too much but reminds me of how just deliriously entertaining the show can be sometimes. The Perfect Pear - I think pretty much everyone else will have this covered.
  3. We're not going to see eye to eye on this if you think the show would be better off with a full focus on adventure narratives. The slice of life stuff keeps it grounded and helps us to get to know the characters more. There are plenty of TV series out there that just have characters moving on from one big monster to the next and My Little Pony doesn't need to be one of them.
  4. ^I have no idea what you're talking about and frankly would like to keep it that way. Killing off Spike or any of the established characters would be an absolutely idiotic thing to do.
  5. It's a decent episode. If anything I think RD got off a little easy with the teasing as opposed to having been initially punished for her failure to follow clearly established safety rules, and if I were one of the Wonderbolts teasing her I doubt I would've expressed any sympathy if she'd said I was hurting her feelings. The ending of course is different because at that point she was coming from a place of deep humility. I don't have any issues with the impersonation scene; it's amusing and silly in the spirit of the show.
  6. I'm not sure if I'm fully on board with how Fluttershy and especially RD so rapidly shifted their tones from irritation to full-blown encouragement toward such an obnoxious personality like Zephyr's, but I guess that really is what you have to do if someone needs help. They really are much better people than me.
  7. Not a real big fan of this episode, but RD's scenes elevate it like they always do.
  8. I'm curious what you all will think of The Shape of Water. It's a movie coming out in a couple months that delves into this issue. Consensuality is the big key, imo.
  9. RD and Scoots not being actual sisters makes their relationship all the more meaningful. They truly care for each other because they want to, not because they have to. They also have an ideal kind of bond where they both help to make each other better ponies; Rainbow gives Scootaloo the encouragement and support she needs, and Scootaloo helps to bring out Rainbow Dash's more caring and sensitive side. Their two episodes together in Season 7 did a lot to build on this dynamic. It's just wonderful to witness, imo.
  10. She's never been my favorite pony, but I think the writers have done a pretty good job keeping her from getting too obnoxious post-Sonic Rainboom. Her melodramatic streaks are always good for a few laughs and sometimes her relatively mature presence is welcomed in a narrative.
  11. Yeah, honestly, she has a lot of qualities I'd want in a girlfriend. Self-confident and independent, but also extremely supportive of the people she cares about and a strong desire to love and be loved. The mild irritation brought on by her brief lapses into ego and judgment would be a small price to pay, and she is willing to dial it back when called out on it.
  12. I never cared for it and was always astonished that Rarity was the pony Spike crushed on. Of all the Mane 6, she's probably the one with the least in common with him. Literally anyone else in the show would be a more believable marefriend for him than Rarity.
  13. Someone with more artistic skill than I needs to do a Stranger Things parody with them
  14. Selfishly I hope they don't integrate the movie into the canon that much because I want to be able to completely forget about it. I wouldn't mind Sunset Shimmer making an appearance though because I do like her character even if I don't really care much for EQG.
  15. I kinda get the criticisms about the worldbuilding, but the character moments made up for it in this episode, imo. And I felt Starlight worked as being the one to set things right since she probably saw herself in Stygian. Even if the Mane 6 do have plenty of history in forgiving others they still didn't have the deeply personal experience of receiving it that Starlight did (though if you didn't like Cutie Re-Mark either I guess you would be inclined to disliking this episode too). I imagine Star Swirl's authoritative presence probably made them more inclined to just doing what he said, too.
  16. Surely it's not that taxing to slightly modify the character models every few seasons; considering how many completely new ones they've introduced recently. Character progression tends to drag in real life too. That's not something I'm too concerned about.
  17. Spike does seem more genuinely supportive of Starlight as opposed to Twilight just generally getting nervous about what she does. But I think Starlight actually needs that good cop / bad cop dynamic to keep herself in check.
  18. It could be used as a jumping off point for an internal conflict where Spike feels guilt for not really paying as much attention to his other friends as he has to Twilight and Rarity, with the moral being that it's never too late to try to reconnect with someone you love.
  19. Watching the characters' natural progression is part of the thrill of the series, imo. I want to actually see what happens in those years you want to skip.
  20. I wouldn't mind if they develop his rapport with Shy or Pinkie too, but I don't think there's as much to go on there as there could be with RD.
  21. First and foremost I want him to let go of his Rarity crush. We all know it's not going anywhere and the comic potential in having a crush out of his league has long run its course. I'd like him to pair up more with Rainbow Dash, who with what brief time she has interacted with him has treated him with a less condescending attitude than the other mane 5 (and their little adventure together in Shadow Play Part 1 was a pretty good setup for more stories from that angle). And of course I think he should interact with the CMCs more often. There are a few potentially interesting routes they could go there, especially depending on what they decide to do with Scootaloo's wing situation.
  22. Sorry, I still can't buy her lashing out. Everything that happened still had gotten them to where they wanted to be and she was the one who ultimately screwed everything up. With how disappointingly cliched the scene was I'm not particularly interested in thinking real hard to try to justify it.
  23. Her friends had been engineered to turn on her in that episode. And even then, it was more just losing hope in bringing them back to their normal state than any real contempt flaring up towards them. If the intent of the movie was to have their journey to that point breaking Twilight's faith in friendship, it didn't do a particularly convincing job at it. Nothing they experienced was all that demoralizing compared to any of the adversities they've faced in the series.
  24. I don't know why you keep trying to push such a pessimistic outlook about this. The show will end when they decide to end it and I don't think there's a point worrying right now.
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