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Everything posted by Kamil

  1. Sturdy Wing is basically working on taking the entire 3.5e DnD ruleset and adjusting it with lore from MLP and some balance alterations to account for the main races' being significantly more differentiated than those in standard DnD. Alex-Kennedy meanwhile is running a more "Ignore parts that don't make sense" campaign where we just take the rules as-is and evade questions on how a pony would be using a Greatsword or longbow.
  2. ThatIsNotOneWord Oh man, I didn't even get past the first one that time. Artichoke
  3. I don't know of the show, don't really think the concept sounds incredibly interesting, and probably won't support something just due to the name "Titmouse"... But shows which were aired out-of-order were NEVER GIVEN A LEGITIMATE CHANCE. I cannot even fathom what kind of reasoning would lead to such a decision, but it hurts ANY series which didn't plan for it (and there's not much that can be done to plan for it either).
  4. Mane6 doesn't accept donations anyway, and none of the other games that could be voted for get any of the voting donation money either. I personally doubt that the game could beat out the big name competitors they have for that last slot, but I also would have personally doubted that they would even make it to the voting stage, personally doubted that the game would ever reach a polished state at all, and heck, personally would have doubted that My Little Pony would become a global phenomenon among a wide variety of ages and both genders in the first place, so compared to what's already been accomplished maybe the chances aren't so slim.
  5. I know I've seen sites that allow the creation of custom card games, but I can't remember what any are called. I'll try to do some digging, though quick google searches haven't turned up much. EDIT: Well, I'm too lazy to spend a rediculous amount of time scouring the web just in case the perfect software already exists, but I'm (hopefully) not too lazy to pad my resume. So here's what I say: If somebody else creates the basics of a MLP card game, and no suitable software for making it actually playable is found, I promise to TRY (failure is always a possibility) to use the super-awesome (a.k.a. free) Unity game engine to make a decent video game version with online multiplayer. I've never made a game before, but as a Computer Science major I really should get some project that I can point to and say "I did that," and I would also like to see this exist just in general. But my skills in deciding which features from dozens of different card games I've played should be included, not so existant as my ability to figure out a game engine, so I'll need someone else to make the basic rules before I can even start.
  6. @@Antismurf9001, I think some of what you're mentioning is planned to be in earlier sections of the book, for example the dice notation would need to be almost the first thing explained while combat mechanics shouldn't come up in detail until well after character creation is complete. @, While I wouldn't personally use caravan to describe anything aggressive, it's not actually an inaccurate description so that's fine. As for the flying combat mechanics, I recognize the need to balance out a very significant tactical advantage provided by flying but I think you overdid it as-is. Being able to use ranged weapons combined with effectively infinite flight time would basically make melee opponents worthless. I have a counter-proposal though: Leave the inability to use ranged weapons; hovering is a very unstable platform and wings create a lot of turbulence, so penalties would have to be pretty incredibly severe to make sense, and flat-out forbidding it is better for balance. Remove the constant concentration checks to remain active while flying (they're annoying to deal with and don't make sense) but add a concentration check after the pegasus takes damage with DC = 10 + damage, and failing that check makes the pegasus fall. If there is enough time, on their turn they can attempt to right themselves, but after failing that check they may not take any action except move actions until they land, and cannot start flying again for some number of turns after they land. Also add a penalty to combat while flying, say Dex and Str bonuses (but not penalties) cannot be applied to attack or damage rolls, or AC while flying due to having a less sturdy position for attacking and dodging. Remove Flyby attack as a standard move entirely, it's extremely OP considering the long movement range of Pegasi when flying. After you do all that, you can add feats to remove some of those weaknesses. For example, I would put something like "fast flying" (my naming sucks) which allows movement through (but not out of) threatened squares without provoking an attack of opportunity, and have it as a prerequisite for Flyby attack. I think that this method is more likely to discourage abusive use of flight (i.e. flyby attack every turn) and turn it instead into an alternative combat style, which offers advantages and disadvantages but can be specialized just like other styles. Of course, all ideas can use refining, but a full alternative interpretation can improve the final iteration even if the original plan remains the base.
  7. If anybody was wondering, despite this being announced less than a day ago, rule 34 still has no exceptions. You're free to check for yourself though.
  8. I don't think there should be a counter, since adding someone as a friend by default FORCES them to be your friend until/unless they remove you. The number would have no real meaning.
  9. Unless I am mistaken, Age of Equestria is a tabletop RPG in the vein of Dungeons and Dragons, not a video game. (Excessively) specific responses to the document: Technically, this sentence is not grammatically correct. The singular "pony" is later refered to by the plural pronouns "themselves" and "their". The use of these pronouns is sometimes accepted as an alternative to using a single gender or no-gender pronoun in english, since no-gender pronouns are almost exclusively used for objects and almost never people. Gramatically speaking, masculine pronouns are correct to use in cases where the gender is unknown or unspecified, though it is also allowed to use the pollitically correct "him/her", or default to whichever gender is more common in that situation even if it could theoretically be either. Comma after the word "explain". Alternatively the entire phrase could be rewritten, but that is the easiest change. It is also not entirely apparent what "adventure and encounter" means. Are there adventures without encounters? Are there encounters without adventures? I think this may be a typo or it might make more sense in the larger context of the complete rulebook, but stand-alone it is at best awkward phrasing. Not technically an error, but what the heck are (multiple!) caravans doing in rough-hewn underground tunnels? Or did you mean Caverns? That would make more sense, though I don't think that line is necessary or well-selected in that case. Simply removing it would be fine, but if necessary you can replace it with a more complete sentence or phrase immediately after the characters are introduced. Group's. Slightly more importantly, having the word "light" at these two locations in the sentence is slightly awkward, and doesn't convey much of a meaning; in fact it kind of implies that the light is dim and sparse BECAUSE Ivory is providing it. I would recommend "there is little light beyond what Ivory can provide." Unnecessary repetition after the previous line, unless it were rephrased to indicate that she can only provide dim light because she is also maintaining the psychic link. Now that I see it here again, it's possible you just don't know what the word "caravan" means. While not grammatically incorrect, unless the party was ambushed by a bunch of Diamond Dogs that were hauling carts full of gems at the time, it wasn't a caravan. Technically, "off-guard". Sturdy's player. Sturdy Wing's player. They already determined the roll or else they couldn't add things to it. I would say "roll a d20 (no comma) and add their initiative modifiers to determine their initiative scores" instead. "Tallying up" something is usually a phrase for adding everything together. I can't really think of an alternative right now, beyond just saying "The results are etc." That semicolon should be replaced by a comma, and that period should be replaced by a colon. There are only 3 Diamond Dogs rolling for initiative, so this should probably be a 3 not a 5. You know, I'm just going to stop pointing out every case of missed apostrophes. If you have trouble with them feel free to ask again specifically for that, but for now it's just getting in the way of more valuable criticism. I think you can tell what's wrong with this phrasing. Simply adding a comma after "through" would work, but using blander descriptions in the example text may make for a more understandable read. Comma after "made". Dramatic turn of events, this time the comma must be removed! (Sorry if this sounds snarky, proofreading carefully is incredibly boring if I don't add something to my responses sometimes.) In normal DnD terms, each round is the amount of time it takes for everybody to act, not a separate round for each participant. As long as this change is used consistantly (e.g. spell durations are measured by some time unit other than rounds, or specified as the caster's or target's rounds) it's not a problem. (From this point on I've decided to stop pointing out basic typos. If you want help with that I'll fix them and upload a new document, but typing all of them out would take a lot more time.) This should be two sentences, with the first ending after "AC". I haven't checked the official nomenclature, but if what you are trying to say is "1d8 per 2 levels" or "2d8 per level" then it's much more understandable than 1d8(2/levels) and would much better explain why 2d8 were actually rolled. One does not simply shout sighs. Sturdy should shout a cry or excamation instead. Official confirmation that calling the example "a few rounds" is false. It is a few turns by this definition. Official confirmation that Dog #5 doesn't exist. In multiple places, if there is no official distinction of "light ranged" weapons, then you don't need to continuously write "light melee" weapons instead of just "light" weapons. After reaching the section on charging, it dawns on me that in the example the charging bonus was only +1 and the penalty wasn't applied when Sturdy was attacked afterward. "If you take a full attack action, no other action may be taken in the same round." Adding your base attack bonus to Reflex saves is... interesting. If intentional that's fine, but it seems like an overall poor balance choice to me. You should note that you cannot also attack if you make a double move. Not sure about sprinting, I don't recall that in regular DnD. Just from this paragraph it seems like you can sprint wherever you want in combat. The Critical Hits description you list is different from the DnD method, which requires making a second attack roll when your first is in the critical hit range, and it only actually is a critical if the second attack roll exceeds the target's AC. Your method would result in a much higher rate of criticals, which could be balanced for. It also doesn't mention whether critical hits are still successful attacks even if that roll would normally not exceed the target's AC. Another difference is in the damage calculation, as I believe the DnD method of critical damage is to roll for damage twice (or thrice for some weapons) and add the results together. Your method would vastly increase the chance of both extremely high damage and relatively low damage. The choice is yours, but if that was not your intent then it is something to review. Also in the critical hits section, you mention a masterwork weapon getting +1 to damage, not just attack rolls. The entire section on flight combat mechanics seems to just be "Pegasi can fly, but for the most part probably shouldn't in combat." Having to take an action to get airborne is reasonable enough, though I would say using a move action is more reasonable than a standard action, but provoking attacks of opportunity for doing a regular attack in the air? Concentration checks with rapidly increasing difficulty in order to perform any action at all? Complete absence of ranged attacks? Balance is one thing, but at this point flying during combat is pretty useless for anything but the flyby attack and running away. This sentence is somewhat ambiguous, I recommend "A player may use their standard action as a second move action if they wish." The whole free/swift/immediate actions thing is not very clear and quite different from what is in DnD, where free actions are unlimited since they don't take up any time (of particular note, drawing weapons is normally NOT a free action) and the other two aren't specified. This may need to be cleared up, but some examples of what may cause swift or immediate actions may be enough.
  10. DoomPony... Y U NO READ THREAD? Diamond Tiara and/or Silver Spoon (not sure which of you is still here)... If your parents were never rich, or for some other reason you stop being rich now, do you think you would act differently?
  11. I would absolutely LOVE for Hasbro to actively search for the best fanmade games and (pardon my language) sponsor the SHIT out of them. I firmly believe that they could make a ton of profit on something like that, and show the rest of the world an amazing new business strategy that ends up with GOOD LICENSED GAMES for the first time ever, lots of money in support of your favorite series, and hardworking fans getting recognition for their efforts. Of course, such a thing would require Hasbro going beyond just tolerant and branching out into the revolutionary category, but one can dream...
  12. Developing for a game console requires either paying a ton of money directly to the console manufacturer to get a non-conditional license, or more commonly a detailed profit-sharing contract with the console owner which by definition requires the game having PROFIT. Oftentimes both are required, i.e. purchase of specific software required to make a game compatible with the console's hardware as well as having the manufacturer demand profit. Tablets and smartphones are slightly different, but their app stores have specific portions of their ToS that forbid copyrighted materials from upload, and do not allow installation through any other means. They may also require some kind of monetary compensation, but I have seen completely free apps without microtransactions or advertisements so it's possible there's a way to publish without making profit or having a very large budget. Beyond that, like you mentioned, putting a game on platforms other than Windows requires a ton of extra work even beyond the money issue.
  13. I tried to do this, but apparently the internet knows my address better than I do and it keeps yelling at me about it. Sorry Mane 6, you'll have to go without my vote until a certain organization accepts donations through PayPal or figures out my address right.
  14. Well it is a laptop, and I did change that setting. I actually think it's hibernating instead of just sleeping based on how long it takes to start up again afterwards, so it might be something other than just the standard time-based sleep.
  15. Is this like a card game, or just collectibles? I'm not big on collecting for the sake of it.
  16. I decided to improve my initial response to this thread, so I have changed my avatar accordingly and will now provide the following:
  17. 1. December 2012 2. Rarity 3. 8 (Derpy is great, but not a complete enough character to be the mascot of the community or the show.) 4. 8 also, I actually know enough bronies that I heard about the whole thing long before I actually started watching.
  18. I haven't even played any of Gen 5, becuase I didn't want to. I do want to play at least one of these games though, the full 3D stuff looks better than I expected.
  19. Actually, it turns out I can't do this. I have the options set as much as I can figure out, but my computer refuses to not go to sleep. I could only contribute a little by running it while I'm actually on the computer, but It's just not going to be worthwhile for me to keep trying. Sorry, it's just not for me.
  20. Where am I going, and for how long? I need my electronics, but if it's just a few days I can make due with just my phone instead of also having my iPod Touch, PS Vita, 3DS, Surface, Laptop, noise-cancelling headphones, regular headphones, external keyboard, external mouse, and maybe a regular old radio that I might need if I'll be practically moving somewhere. As for location, if I have to go on a trip to the middle of nowhere I'd like to pack a car so I can turn around and come back right away. I don't like nasty places with no outlets. If it's a different country then I would just need some adapters to plug my things into whatever's available. I'll always bring money and ID with me though, and if I had advance warning I'd make sure to update my Passport before leaving just in case.
  21. No, I do not read the entire thread before posting a reply; at least not for things like this where the OP just has a question and I already have an answer. Also, First! (to the extent of my knowledge).
  22. I prefer my gratitude to be personal and specific, as well as unprompted. Anything else feels less than sincere. That said, I do appreciate the hard work that goes into taking a barebones forum software and turning it into an immersive and capable full-site experience.
  23. I don't actually have friends. I treat everybody the same, and that treatment is basically "I will talk to you when one of us has a question." I have never sought to select certain people I know and involve them with more aspects of my life than existing circumstances demand.
  24. I used an adblocker once, when a site I visited frequently was overrun by some quantity of ads that constantly tried to give me viruses (Nothing my antivirus couldn't handle, but there were annoying popups about the viruses I was getting) so I had a blocker while I waited for that to get fixed. Something similar happened again recently, but after the site (a different site) basically said "We don't know what that is or how to fix it" I found a way to just block that specific ad and continue without issue. Also, this may seem strange to a lot of people, I like having a small number of non-intrusive and safe ads. They help me discover new things to try. On the other hand, popups only get my clicks by accident, and anything that defaults to making noise has me frantically searching through potentially dozens of tabs after desperately jabbing at the mute button to cut off the sudden horrible sounds. I would like to see more sites or more likely ad services include an obvious way to "Report this ad" without having to go to the site owner and say "one out of the many ads on the site is doing something it's not supposed to." and then they go to the ad company and say "one out of the thousands of ads you may have in circulation is breaking the rules of our agreement" and then the company has to track it down and remove it from rotation, and potentially find a way to blacklist the company that promoted the ad... It's a long and unreliable process right now.
  25. Ahupua'a Ahupua'a Ahupua'aA Well it looks like there's this spacebar thing, and that I have to press it. Unfortunately, it doesn't simultaneously tell me what Ahupua'a is. Are we allowed words in other languages or something? Lout
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